The truth about D-day. It was BS. Russia had already annihilated germany


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The stupid press has been all aglow the last couple days over the 70th anniversay of D-day, but many people think it was of no consequence.

The Lies Grow More Audacious -- Paul Craig Roberts -

June 6, 2014

The howlers issuing from these occasions are enough to split your sides. Obama and his lap dog Cameron described the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944, as “the greatest liberation force that the world has ever known” and took all the credit for the US and Britain for the defeat of Hitler. No mention was made of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, which for three years prior to the Normandy landing had been fighting and defeating the Wehrmacht.

The Germans lost World War II at the Battle of Stalingrad, which was fought from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943, when most of the remnants of the powerful German Sixth Army surrendered, including 22 generals.

Nineteen months previously the largest invasion force ever assembled on planet earth invaded Russia across a one thousand mile front. Three million crack German troops; 7,500 artillery units, 19 panzer divisions with 3,000 tanks, and 2,500 aircraft rolled across Russia for 14 months.

By June 1944, three years later, very little of this force was left. The Red Army had chewed it up. When the so-called “allies” (a term which apparently excludes Russia) landed in France, there was little to resist them. The best forces remaining to Hitler were on the Russian front, which collapsed day by day as the Red Army approached Berlin.

The Red Army won the war with Germany. The Americans and the British showed up after the Wehrmacht was exhausted and in tatters and could offer little resistance. Joseph Stalin believed that Washington and London stayed out of the war until the last minute and left Russia with the burden of defeating Germany.

Hollywood and popular writers have, of course, buried the facts. Americans have all sorts of movies, such as “A Bridge Too Far,” that portray insignificant events, however heroic, as turning points in the war. Nevertheless, the facts are clear. The war was won on the Eastern front by Russia. Hollywood’s movies are fun, but they are nonsense.
I've heard this many times. In russia it's taken for granted that THEY won WW2 and the brits and yanks simply grabbed the glory.
On a related note, you can now get season one of the FX drama "The Americans" at your local Target and Costco stores.
America and england actually committed a holocaust and focused on urban bombing and killing millions of german civilians while the rooskies killed the german soldiers. That's what wins wars.
Mods...please send this to the Conspiracy Theory forum....Thanks

Not a Conspiracy Theory , the soviets broke the back of the German army in the battle of Stalingrad it's not some Conspiracy Theory but history. D-day was the finish of Germany. Learn some history.

Stalingrad involved more than two million troops and lasted 200 days, and was virtually unprecedented in intensity and ferocity.

The Soviet army also suffered huge losses – 478,741 men dead. Even though many of these lives could have been saved, their tremendous sacrifice was not in vain. The Wehrmacht’s losses at Stalingrad – not just in men, but in supplies of arms and materiel – brought Germany to the brink of a military, political and economic crisis.
The debacle on the banks of the Volga River also left a deep imprint on the Wehrmacht’s morale. The rate of desertion and executions of German servicemen increased markedly after their defeat at Stalingrad.
While German soldiers became less determined and came to fear being outflanked or encircled, some politicians and leading army officers even began plotting against Hitler.
The Red Army’s victory in Stalingrad shook not just Hitler, but his Axis satellites. The pro-Nazi Italian, Romanian, Hungarian and Finnish leaders started looking for a pretext to pull out of the war and ignored Hitler’s orders to send troops to the Eastern Front. From 1943, whole Romanian, Hungarian and Italian units began to surrender to the Red Army, while Japan and Turkey also abandoned plans to declare war on the Soviet Union.
Thus, it was Stalingrad that broke the back of the Wehrmacht and marked the key turning point in favor of the Allies.
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American INDUSTRY won the war. Without it, the Soviets would have collapsed.

Yes there was lend lease to the soviets, But they built up their our war machine and it was intact and fed their army with food and weapons. Making moronic claims doesn't make them real

Learn some basic history

Some pesky facts

Military production during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Soviet combat vehicle production during World War II
Soviet combat vehicle production during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American INDUSTRY won the war. Without it, the Soviets would have collapsed.

Yes there was lend lease to the soviets, But they built up their our war machine and it was intact and fed their army with food and weapons. Making moronic claims doesn't make them real

Learn some basic history

Some pesky facts

Military production during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Soviet combat vehicle production during World War II
Soviet combat vehicle production during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Soviet Formula for Success in World War II: Deep Operations to Defense in Depth
Military History Online - The Soviet Formula for Success in World War II: Deep Operations to Defense in Depth
The Ruskies were absolutely no help at Okinawa tho.

At Okinawa, no?

At getting Japan to Surrender?


Japan surrendered within a week of Russia entering the Pacific War.

Probably because they rolled up Manchuria in a week and were breathing down their necks in Korea.
American INDUSTRY won the war. Without it, the Soviets would have collapsed.

Yes there was lend lease to the soviets, But they built up their our war machine and it was intact and fed their army with food and weapons. Making moronic claims doesn't make them real

Learn some basic history

Some pesky facts

Military production during World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Soviets could build an army...but they could not feed, clothe, or transport it! By 1944, HALF the trucks in the Red Army were American. (Most were 2.5-ton Studebakers, along with Dodge M-37's an Willys Jeeps.) It was common for a Soviet soldier to be wearing American clothing, eating American rations, ride to the front on a train pulled by an American locomotive (the Soviets built <100 from 1941-45; by 1945, 70% of their rolling stock was American), and go into combat on a T-34 built with American machine tools, supported by Katyushas on American trucks and filled with american explosives, covered by Il-2's burning American avgas. (The Soviets couldn't make 100-octane fuel.)
The Soviets could build an army...but they could not feed, clothe, or transport it! By 1944, HALF the trucks in the Red Army were American. (Most were 2.5-ton Studebakers, along with Dodge M-37's an Willys Jeeps.) It was common for a Soviet soldier to be wearing American clothing, eating American rations, ride to the front on a train pulled by an American locomotive (the Soviets built <100 from 1941-45; by 1945, 70% of their rolling stock was American), and go into combat on a T-34 built with American machine tools, supported by Katyushas on American trucks and filled with american explosives, covered by Il-2's burning American avgas. (The Soviets couldn't make 100-octane fuel.)

HAHAHA. That's what american textbooks say and it's all crap you fool. Nobody in russia believes any of it. Stalin was furious at his "allies" because of how little they helped him.
America and england actually committed a holocaust and focused on urban bombing and killing millions of german civilians while the rooskies killed the german soldiers. That's what wins wars.

Guess that explains why Russian civilians were treated so nicely by the invading German forces.
Sure a lot of bull shit flying today.
Wars are won by breaking the will of the citizenry. By destroying the 'means of production'.
Without America's military industrial complex feeding the Soviet military they would have lost the war on the Eastern Front.
I agree that Stalin had every right to be very pissed off with Churchill and Roosevelt. However, it is a historical fact that prior to the war Stalin and Hitler were allied. Hitler double-crossed Stalin. Stalin then went cap in hand to Churchill who was NOT going to be 'rolled' by Stalin.
I maintain that had Hitler not invaded Russia Stalin would have told Hitler he could do/have whatever he wanted in Western Europe as long as Russia was left alone to take over all of Asia.
All you semi-educated 'experts' need to read a few hundred books on world history, as I have and still am, before you make grand pronouncements on what was as VERY complicated world back them.
You may as well start back during the 1500's if you really want to understand the currents that brought the world to two wars.
shootspeeder's evidence explodes his OP "The truth about D-day. It was BS. Russia had already annihilated Germany". But if it is true, that means the Russians would have won the war without US help.

Which is what the Russians said they did and would have done whether we helped or not.

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