The truth about D-day. It was BS. Russia had already annihilated germany

The Ruskies were absolutely no help at Okinawa tho.

At Okinawa, no?

At getting Japan to Surrender?


Japan surrendered within a week of Russia entering the Pacific War.

Probably because they rolled up Manchuria in a week and were breathing down their necks in Korea.

Pure speculation. They had atomic bombs landing on their cities and many still did not want to surrender.
The stupid press has been all aglow the last couple days over the 70th anniversay of D-day, but many people think it was of no consequence.

The Lies Grow More Audacious -- Paul Craig Roberts -

June 6, 2014

The howlers issuing from these occasions are enough to split your sides. Obama and his lap dog Cameron described the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944, as “the greatest liberation force that the world has ever known” and took all the credit for the US and Britain for the defeat of Hitler. No mention was made of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, which for three years prior to the Normandy landing had been fighting and defeating the Wehrmacht.

The Germans lost World War II at the Battle of Stalingrad, which was fought from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943, when most of the remnants of the powerful German Sixth Army surrendered, including 22 generals.

Nineteen months previously the largest invasion force ever assembled on planet earth invaded Russia across a one thousand mile front. Three million crack German troops; 7,500 artillery units, 19 panzer divisions with 3,000 tanks, and 2,500 aircraft rolled across Russia for 14 months.

By June 1944, three years later, very little of this force was left. The Red Army had chewed it up. When the so-called “allies” (a term which apparently excludes Russia) landed in France, there was little to resist them. The best forces remaining to Hitler were on the Russian front, which collapsed day by day as the Red Army approached Berlin.

The Red Army won the war with Germany. The Americans and the British showed up after the Wehrmacht was exhausted and in tatters and could offer little resistance. Joseph Stalin believed that Washington and London stayed out of the war until the last minute and left Russia with the burden of defeating Germany.

Hollywood and popular writers have, of course, buried the facts. Americans have all sorts of movies, such as “A Bridge Too Far,” that portray insignificant events, however heroic, as turning points in the war. Nevertheless, the facts are clear. The war was won on the Eastern front by Russia. Hollywood’s movies are fun, but they are nonsense.

Those "many people" are wrong.

You anti-Americans are hilarious.
The stupid press has been all aglow the last couple days over the 70th anniversay of D-day, but many people think it was of no consequence.

The Lies Grow More Audacious -- Paul Craig Roberts -

June 6, 2014

The howlers issuing from these occasions are enough to split your sides. Obama and his lap dog Cameron described the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944, as “the greatest liberation force that the world has ever known” and took all the credit for the US and Britain for the defeat of Hitler. No mention was made of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, which for three years prior to the Normandy landing had been fighting and defeating the Wehrmacht.

The Germans lost World War II at the Battle of Stalingrad, which was fought from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943, when most of the remnants of the powerful German Sixth Army surrendered, including 22 generals.

Nineteen months previously the largest invasion force ever assembled on planet earth invaded Russia across a one thousand mile front. Three million crack German troops; 7,500 artillery units, 19 panzer divisions with 3,000 tanks, and 2,500 aircraft rolled across Russia for 14 months.

By June 1944, three years later, very little of this force was left. The Red Army had chewed it up. When the so-called “allies” (a term which apparently excludes Russia) landed in France, there was little to resist them. The best forces remaining to Hitler were on the Russian front, which collapsed day by day as the Red Army approached Berlin.

The Red Army won the war with Germany. The Americans and the British showed up after the Wehrmacht was exhausted and in tatters and could offer little resistance. Joseph Stalin believed that Washington and London stayed out of the war until the last minute and left Russia with the burden of defeating Germany.

Hollywood and popular writers have, of course, buried the facts. Americans have all sorts of movies, such as “A Bridge Too Far,” that portray insignificant events, however heroic, as turning points in the war. Nevertheless, the facts are clear. The war was won on the Eastern front by Russia. Hollywood’s movies are fun, but they are nonsense.

it is true that the Soviets bore the brunt of Nazi aggression, but it is disingenuous to suggest they single handedly won the European part of the war. Especially given that the Germans came within striking distance of Moscow. The Germans probably lost their spirit against the Soviets, but it was really a two-front war that did them in. I'll give the Soviets huge props for carrying the water, but they came damn close to losing the war as well.
The stupid press has been all aglow the last couple days over the 70th anniversay of D-day, but many people think it was of no consequence.

The Lies Grow More Audacious -- Paul Craig Roberts -

June 6, 2014

The howlers issuing from these occasions are enough to split your sides. Obama and his lap dog Cameron described the Normandy landing on June 6, 1944, as “the greatest liberation force that the world has ever known” and took all the credit for the US and Britain for the defeat of Hitler. No mention was made of the Soviet Union and the Red Army, which for three years prior to the Normandy landing had been fighting and defeating the Wehrmacht.

The Germans lost World War II at the Battle of Stalingrad, which was fought from August 23, 1942 until February 2, 1943, when most of the remnants of the powerful German Sixth Army surrendered, including 22 generals.

Nineteen months previously the largest invasion force ever assembled on planet earth invaded Russia across a one thousand mile front. Three million crack German troops; 7,500 artillery units, 19 panzer divisions with 3,000 tanks, and 2,500 aircraft rolled across Russia for 14 months.

By June 1944, three years later, very little of this force was left. The Red Army had chewed it up. When the so-called “allies” (a term which apparently excludes Russia) landed in France, there was little to resist them. The best forces remaining to Hitler were on the Russian front, which collapsed day by day as the Red Army approached Berlin.

The Red Army won the war with Germany. The Americans and the British showed up after the Wehrmacht was exhausted and in tatters and could offer little resistance. Joseph Stalin believed that Washington and London stayed out of the war until the last minute and left Russia with the burden of defeating Germany.

Hollywood and popular writers have, of course, buried the facts. Americans have all sorts of movies, such as “A Bridge Too Far,” that portray insignificant events, however heroic, as turning points in the war. Nevertheless, the facts are clear. The war was won on the Eastern front by Russia. Hollywood’s movies are fun, but they are nonsense.

it is true that the Soviets bore the brunt of Nazi aggression, but it is disingenuous to suggest they single handedly won the European part of the war. Especially given that the Germans came within striking distance of Moscow. The Germans probably lost their spirit against the Soviets, but it was really a two-front war that did them in. I'll give the Soviets huge props for carrying the water, but they came damn close to losing the war as well.

On this, we agree. Without the rest of the Allies, the Soviets may would most likely have fallen. They suffered starvation, and an incredible loss of the population. Guess who German soldiers wanted to surrender to, at the end? US soldiers. The Soviets were brutal to surviving German soldiers......and civilians.
The Soviets could build an army...but they could not feed, clothe, or transport it! By 1944, HALF the trucks in the Red Army were American. (Most were 2.5-ton Studebakers, along with Dodge M-37's an Willys Jeeps.) It was common for a Soviet soldier to be wearing American clothing, eating American rations, ride to the front on a train pulled by an American locomotive (the Soviets built <100 from 1941-45; by 1945, 70% of their rolling stock was American), and go into combat on a T-34 built with American machine tools, supported by Katyushas on American trucks and filled with american explosives, covered by Il-2's burning American avgas. (The Soviets couldn't make 100-octane fuel.)

HAHAHA. That's what american textbooks say and it's all crap you fool. Nobody in russia believes any of it. Stalin was furious at his "allies" because of how little they helped him.

Once more for the slow kid: the Soviets could build an army. But they could not FEED or TRANSPORT it! (Also note: the Germans overran most of their farmland in 1941.) In late 1941, the supplies arriving via Lend-Lease EXCEEDED what the Soviets could provide for themselves! Offhand: in late-November, 1941, there were <700 tanks for the defense of Moscow, and about 500 were obsolete. By December, western (mostly British) tanks were about a third of the armor strength! By July, 1942, there were about 2000 western tanks in the Red Army.

They also supplied hundreds of fighters...Hurricanes and Tomahawks, head and shoulders superior to the outdated I-16 and I-153 fighters the Soviets still fielded. In early 1942, non-Soviet planes were 15% of those defending Moscow. Most of the Northern Fleet's fighter strength was Hurricanes, defending Murmansk and the critical Lake Ladoga ice road to Leningrad. Also note: the second-leading Soviet ace flew a P-39!

Another less-known thing delivered was a huge quantity of machine tools...many of which the Soviets could not make, and all of which were head and shoulders superior to anything they had!

And again: they could not TRANSPORT their troops. They received ~2000 locomotives and thousands of railcars. By the end of the war, most Soviet rolling stock was US-built!

Not to mention the 2,000,000 TONS of food they received. Or the half-million trucks & jeeps. (Note: that's more than TWICE what they built from 1941-45!)

Stalin was furious because nobody had ever told him "no" and lived.
jarlaxle messes it up and refuses to properly analyze the evidence.

The Russians were able to feed and move their forces.

American aid helped them to end the war about three years earlier than it otherwise most likely would have ended.

Unless the Nazis got the bomb.

And this is what SS, jarlaxle, and PC refuse to admit.
jarlaxle messes it up and refuses to properly analyze the evidence.

The Russians were able to feed and move their forces.

American aid helped them to end the war about three years earlier than it otherwise most likely would have ended.

Unless the Nazis got the bomb.

And this is what SS, jarlaxle, and PC refuse to admit.

The war had several fronts; the Russians were aided by an early rainy season, which bogged down Axis vehicles also. D-Day undoubtedly saved millions of lives, in Europe, Africa and Asia.
The Ruskies were absolutely no help at Okinawa tho.

At Okinawa, no?

At getting Japan to Surrender?


Japan surrendered within a week of Russia entering the Pacific War.

Probably because they rolled up Manchuria in a week and were breathing down their necks in Korea.

Pure speculation. They had atomic bombs landing on their cities and many still did not want to surrender.

The thing was about Atom Bombs.

They weren't that big of a deal at the time. The Hiroshima bomb has nowhere near the yield of today's devices. We were going far more damage to Japan with conventional bombing. The Japanese STILL thought they could get a negotiated peace that would leave them with some of their gains in Asia.

When the USSR entered the war, that was it. They knew that they either faced surrender to the Americans or being partitioned like Germany.

Obviously, after the war, everyone started to realize what had been let out of the bottle with nukes, but at the time, not so much. It was just another weapon.
At Okinawa, no?

At getting Japan to Surrender?


Japan surrendered within a week of Russia entering the Pacific War.

Probably because they rolled up Manchuria in a week and were breathing down their necks in Korea.

Pure speculation. They had atomic bombs landing on their cities and many still did not want to surrender.

The thing was about Atom Bombs.

They weren't that big of a deal at the time. The Hiroshima bomb has nowhere near the yield of today's devices. We were going far more damage to Japan with conventional bombing. The Japanese STILL thought they could get a negotiated peace that would leave them with some of their gains in Asia.

When the USSR entered the war, that was it. They knew that they either faced surrender to the Americans or being partitioned like Germany.

Obviously, after the war, everyone started to realize what had been let out of the bottle with nukes, but at the time, not so much. It was just another weapon.

You're still speculating. Show me where Russia's advances influenced the decision by Japan's emperor to surrender.
I give Stalin credit for running the us war effort almost to his total advantage. He also managed to get Japan to attack the USA instead of their more obvious enemy the USSR

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Pure speculation. They had atomic bombs landing on their cities and many still did not want to surrender.

The thing was about Atom Bombs.

They weren't that big of a deal at the time. The Hiroshima bomb has nowhere near the yield of today's devices. We were going far more damage to Japan with conventional bombing. The Japanese STILL thought they could get a negotiated peace that would leave them with some of their gains in Asia.

When the USSR entered the war, that was it. They knew that they either faced surrender to the Americans or being partitioned like Germany.

Obviously, after the war, everyone started to realize what had been let out of the bottle with nukes, but at the time, not so much. It was just another weapon.

You're still speculating. Show me where Russia's advances influenced the decision by Japan's emperor to surrender.

You mean other than the records of the Japanese High Command?

Stalin ? not the Bomb ? made Japan surrender, ending WW2

The impact of the Soviet declaration of war and invasion of Manchuria and Sakhalin Island was quite different, however. Once the Soviet Union had declared war, Stalin could no longer act as a mediator — he was now a belligerent. So the diplomatic option was wiped out by the Soviet move. The effect on the military situation was equally dramatic. Most of Japan’s best troops had been shifted to the southern part of the home islands. Japan’s military had correctly guessed that the likely first target of an American invasion would be the southernmost island of Kyushu. The once proud Kwangtung army in Manchuria, for example, was a shell of its former self because its best units had been shifted away to defend Japan itself. When the Russians invaded Manchuria, they sliced through what had once been an elite army and many Russian units only stopped when they ran out of gas. The Soviet 16th Army — 100,000 strong — launched an invasion of the southern half of Sakhalin Island. Their orders were to mop up Japanese resistance there, and then — within 10 to 14 days — be prepared to invade Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan’s home islands. The Japanese force tasked with defending Hokkaido, the 5th Area Army, was under strength at two divisions and two brigades, and was in fortified positions on the east side of the island. The Soviet plan of attack called for an invasion of Hokkaido from the west.
I give Stalin credit for running the us war effort almost to his total advantage. He also managed to get Japan to attack the USA instead of their more obvious enemy the USSR

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Did he do this using his Evil Commie Mind Control Powers?
his spy network. the majority of senior staff at the FDR white house reported directly to Stalin

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
I give Stalin credit for running the us war effort almost to his total advantage. He also managed to get Japan to attack the USA instead of their more obvious enemy the USSR

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Did he do this using his Evil Commie Mind Control Powers?
his spy network. the majority of senior staff at the FDR white house reported directly to Stalin

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Sooo, ummmm, okay. Exactly how did that influence what Japan did?

Japan attacked us because they wanted to take Southeast Asia after all the European powers were preoccupied fighting Germany. The US was the only power that had a large enough fleet to stop them. Pearl Harbor was supposed to fix that.
The Ruskies were absolutely no help at Okinawa tho.

At Okinawa, no?

At getting Japan to Surrender?


Japan surrendered within a week of Russia entering the Pacific War.

Probably because they rolled up Manchuria in a week and were breathing down their necks in Korea.

^ :cuckoo:



Those A-bombs had nothing to do with it.

QUOTE[QUOShootSpeeders;9226910]I've heard this many times. In russia it's taken for granted that THEY won WW2 and the brits and yanks simply grabbed the glory.[/QUOTE]

Um, yeah, about the Russians, that wise man Uncle joe stalin was fast friends even signed a non agression pact with Hitler ...took parts of Poland. The price the Russias paid was high, maybe it was hubris.
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Mods...please send this to the Conspiracy Theory forum....Thanks

You idiot. Now every time someone questions an american history book, it's a conspiracy theory???. THINK

No one is questioning history books. They are questioning the loony theory that Germany not having to divert 40% of their forces to fight a second front. Anyone with any comprehension of how war works knows that. It wasn't until after the invasion when the German Army Group Centre was gutted for the western front that they were finally able (with our help) to break through at Lviv.

So if you want to argue WWII have at it. But expect to lose.
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Mods...please send this to the Conspiracy Theory forum....Thanks

You idiot. Now every time someone questions an american history book, it's a conspiracy theory???. THINK

No one is questioning history books. They are questioning the loony theory that Germany not having to divert 40% of their forces to fight a second front. Anyone with any comprehension of how war works knows that. It wasn't until after the invasion when the German Army Group Centre was gutted for the western front that they were finally able (with our help) to break through at Lviv.

So if you want to argue WWII have at it. But expect to lose.

How many german soldiers did the rooskies kill or capture and how many did the americans kill or capture. That's all you need to know.

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