The truth about inequality

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
9 Out Of 10 Americans Are Completely Wrong About This Mind-Blowing Fact | The Mind Unleashed

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Divided we fall and that's what they want.
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Geez, didn't Stalin illustrate all the good things about wealth equality in the dreamland of the socialist mind? If everybody makes the same salary it means everybody is poor except the powerful government who has the power over life and death. When the Russian village Kulaks seemed to be making too many ruples by engaging in petty capitalism and the village seemed too well off the Stalinists swooped in and equalized the pay scale and the villages starved to death. There were stories of trains loaded with food and wine traveling in one direction to government dachas passing trains loaded with frozen starved corpses headed in the other direction. The question is whether smart Americans trust the freaking government loaded with appointed drone fools to dictate economic fairness
Geez, didn't Stalin illustrate all the good things about wealth equality in the dreamland of the socialist mind? If everybody makes the same salary it means everybody is poor except the powerful government who has the power over life and death. When the Russian village Kulaks seemed to be making too many ruples by engaging in petty capitalism and the village seemed too well off the Stalinists swooped in and equalized the pay scale and the villages starved to death. There were stories of trains loaded with food and wine traveling in one direction to government dachas passing trains loaded with frozen starved corpses headed in the other direction. The question is whether smart Americans trust the freaking government loaded with appointed drone fools to dictate economic fairness

Progressives are fucking stupid
"In the United States, wealth is highly concentrated in a relatively few hands.

"As of 2010, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 35.4% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 53.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 89%, leaving only 11% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers).

"In terms of financial wealth (total net worth minus the value of one's home), the top 1% of households had an even greater share: 42.1%.

"Table 2 and Figure 1 present further details, drawn from the careful work of economist Edward N. Wolff at New York University (2012)."

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power

If it's true from '92 to 2007 the top 400 "earners" in America saw their incomes rise by 392% and their average tax rate drop 37%, the trend toward greater economic inequality will accelerate.

Should that happen, we were warned:

"Greek-Roman historian Plutarch: 'An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.'"

Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is no income equality if you get the skills and education to make your self worth more then you deserve more money.
Here's the truth about inequality:

Not all things are equal.

1) Some folks are tall while others are short.
2) Some folks are fat while others are skinny.
3) Some folks love to work while others are lazy.
4) Some dogs are nice while others bite.
5) Some areas of the country are cold and some are hot.
6) Some cars are big and fast while others are small and slow.
7) Mexican food tastes great while Irish food ... not so much.
8) Some folks are men while others are women.
9) Some Olympians win Gold Medals while others go home empty handed.
10) Cougars eat rabbits.
11) The earth has breathable air -- Mars doesn't.
12) Some folks are rich while other folks are poor.

Since when has it become imperative that ALL things need to be equal? The world isn't fair. Live with it. Animals survive happily every day without earning a single dollar.
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There is no income equality if you get the skills and education to make your self worth more then you deserve more money.
How do you explain why US productivity has soared over the past two decades, yet real average hourly wages today are at about the same level they were in the 1970s?

Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Supply and demand.
Technological progress has decreased labor demand over the past thirty years around the developed world, yet Europe didn't see the rise of wage inequality seen in the US.
How do you explain why US productivity has soared over the past two decades, yet real average hourly wages today are at about the same level they were in the 1970s?

Income inequality in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Supply and demand.
Technological progress has decreased labor demand over the past thirty years around the developed world, yet Europe didn't see the rise of wage inequality seen in the US.

Technical progress does not always equate to higher wages for the worker. It has to be something they learn to set them apart from others. What I was referring to was the increase of workers in the workforce. Women became more educated at that time and entered the workforce in greater numbers. The supply of qualified workers went up. That stagnated the wages.
Supply and demand.
Technological progress has decreased labor demand over the past thirty years around the developed world, yet Europe didn't see the rise of wage inequality seen in the US.

Technical progress does not always equate to higher wages for the worker. It has to be something they learn to set them apart from others. What I was referring to was the increase of workers in the workforce. Women became more educated at that time and entered the workforce in greater numbers. The supply of qualified workers went up. That stagnated the wages.
I remember it a little differently.
As I recall more women entered the workforce in the '70s because a single earner was no longer capable of supporting many American families. No doubt the influx of women into the labor market had the effect you describe regardless of motives.
People who complain about income equality fall into the two categories: A. Bitter losers seething with envy, jealousy and greed and B. Politicians who exploit those feelings.
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Technological progress has decreased labor demand over the past thirty years around the developed world, yet Europe didn't see the rise of wage inequality seen in the US.

Technical progress does not always equate to higher wages for the worker. It has to be something they learn to set them apart from others. What I was referring to was the increase of workers in the workforce. Women became more educated at that time and entered the workforce in greater numbers. The supply of qualified workers went up. That stagnated the wages.
I remember it a little differently.
As I recall more women entered the workforce in the '70s because a single earner was no longer capable of supporting many American families. No doubt the influx of women into the labor market had the effect you describe regardless of motives.

I never mentioned motives.
People who complain about income equality fall into the two categories: A. Bitter losers seething with envy, jealousy and greed and B. Politicians who exploit those feelings.
"An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of all republics.”
ancient Greek biographer (c. 46 – 120 CE)"

Quotes by %%category%% |
Promoting an economic system that comes with a 100% Fail Guarantee, Progressive always need a scapegoat. Stalin had the Kulaks, Hitler the Jews, Mao the Capitalists and American Progs have "the 1%"
We need to pick people off the bottom. First thing: Stay in school and stop voting Democrat, it's fucked you up for generations. They don't give a fuck about you, they WANT and NEED you to STAY POOR and Dependent. Tell them to Fuck Off

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