The Truth About Republicans by George Carlin


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Looks like George Carlin had the Republicans absolutely pegged back then.

I've always liked that guy, I watched him perform on HBO numerous times as a kid. Always cracked me up, but watching him now he's darn near prophetic.

Check him out...

Some bonuses...

Is he still alive?

Carlin was a caustic commedian (as they should be!), and he stuck it to liberals at least as much as conservatives. All good, and very insightful.
Sadly missed.
Ever wonder why there aren't any very popular Right-Wing entertainers who bash the Left day in and day out on Mainstream Television when the Left has tons of them dissing the Right constantly on Late Night, The View and on and on and on?

Because the media and entertainment industry is controlled by those who use the Alt-Left to advance it's agenda. The Right is not so easily manipulated.

Radio is about the only place remaining where views against the Left can still be voiced and receive an audience.

George Carlin did say things we can all agree with, dissing both Republicans AND Democrats.
It wasn't so much that George Carlin "spoke the truth" as it was that the Left was given the microphone, stage and access to the mass media. And the rewards for talk that supported the agenda was greatest.

To say that Democrats aren't JUST AS GUILTY is to be in denial.
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In his last years he went off the deep end, especially about religion. I watched one of his last specials, and during his routine he just went off on Christianity. There were no jokes for a few minutes - it was just him attacking it and Christians. The audience became really quiet and seemed uncomfortable. After a few minutes Carlan 'came back from lala land', took a few seconds to collect himself, and then started in with his comedy routine. It was a little disturbing....

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