The truth about the propaganda line that the market is great under Biden.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
It is interesting that some Biden supporters continue to tout an “incredible market.”

“oh did you see what the S&P 500 did!!!”

“Record highs!!”

See here is the big problem. We had a great market in the past coupled with a affordable cost-of-living. We simply don’t have it today. There’s no way around it. In the American past you could get a job at a steel plant that set you for life right out of high school. Making $35-$60 an hour adjusted for inflation. A man could afford to take care of his wife and four kids and even send the kids to college while the wife stayed at home. We don’t have that anymore. In fact we actually have quite a few “stay at home men” doing nothing but smoking dope and playing games all day. What a disgrace. We must be optimistic for a better future.
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Sure the index funds have been doing well the past couple of years but they are also carried by a few companies. The S&P 500 for example is usually carried by about five or 10 companies.

50% of the American people don’t own stocks. And those who own stocks even in today’s market often lose. The cost of living is still astronomical for most working class American . We have record homelessness in this country. Nobody in the working class really can afford a new home. Grocery and gas prices are very high. It’s harder than ever to get a good middle-class job in America today.

Sure, it’s a great market for people who own specific index funds like the S&P 500 or the NASDAQ ….but even they also have to have considerable money invested into it to return any kind of a noticeable profit.

1-20 years down the road there could be a catastrophic event which greatly affects their portfolio anyway. WW3 being a possibility certainly doesn’t help. Under Trump there was no escalation going on in Palestine or in Ukraine.
Sure the index funds have been doing well the past couple of years but they are also carried by a few companies.

50% of the American people don’t own stocks. And those who own stocks even in today’s market often lose. The cost of living is still astronomical for most working class American . We have record homelessness in this country. Nobody in the working class really can afford a new home.

Sure, it’s a great market for people who own specific index funds like the S&P 500 or the NASDAQ ….but even they also have to have considerable money invested into it to return any kind of a noticeable profit. 1-20 years down the road there could be a catastrophic event which greatly affects their portfolio anyway. WW3 being a possibility certainly doesn’t help. Under Trump there was no escalation going on in Palestine or in Ukraine.
Another good way to invest in the stock market is to be Leader of the House like Nancy Pelosi. Funny how her and hubby bagged a load of cash from ATT legislation.
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Meanwhile back in reality, we had to wait for a table at Maggiano's for 45 minutes on a Tuesday the other night. The economy is doing well, people are eating out; spending money.

The market's all time highs--much higher than Trump's by the way--are an indicator of the strong economy.

It could always be doing better though.
Simply put under Biden you have a good year for the market in other words basically a good year for index funds. But a brutal cost-of-living. The middle class is getting crushed in this country.

Under Trump, we had a good market and a affordable cost-of-living. Nobody can get around this point. No Biden or Harris supporter can honestly say life is better for a middle-class American today than it was under Trump. I mean that again when we’re talking about her supporters, many of them are radical feminists and beta males , who will say anything even if it’s an outright lie in order to criticize Trump and support Harris.
Let’s see here so the S&P 500 is up 20% this year. That is great. So what’s that 20% so let’s say you have $100,000 invested into the S&P 500 ok a nice 20k return in the year right... Oh wait who the hell in this country has $100,000 to pump into the S&P 500. Most Americans can’t afford a $1000 emergency.

I mean sure there’s plenty of wealthy people in America. The undeniable fact is that under Trump we had a strong market and an affordable cost-of-living. Under Biden the market has been strong, but the cost of living is very high especially for the middle class.
Simply put under Biden you have a good year for the market in other words basically a good year for index funds. But a brutal cost-of-living. The middle class is getting crushed in this country.

Under Trump, we had a good market and a affordable cost-of-living. Nobody can get around this point. No Biden or Harris supporter can honestly say life is better for a middle-class American today than it was under Trump. I mean that again when we’re talking about her supporters, many of them are radical feminists and beta males , who will say anything even if it’s an outright lie in order to criticize Trump and support Harris.
Democrats are doing everything they can to pivot away when Trump's experience and his good economy as well as foreign policies prove his bona fides to be the next POTUS. Especially when we are living in a Biden/Harris nightmare.
Democrats are doing everything they can to pivot away when Trump's experience and his good economy as well as foreign policies prove his bona fides to be the next POTUS. Especially when we are living in a Biden/Harris nightmare.
Trump proved all the Dems and Washington swamp 'experts' wrong, delivering what they all said was impossible. Exposed them for f'ing stupid shit hacks that they are. That's why the swamp squealed like stuck pigs and have been trying to destroy the man.
Another good way to invest in the stock market is to be Leader of the House like Nancy Pelosi. Funny how her and hubby bagged a load of cash from ATT legislation.
Nothing like a little inside trading as a politician.
No Biden or Harris supporter can honestly say life is better for a middle-class American today than it was under Trump.
Sometimes I really wonder, just where are you people? Damn skippy life is better, much better. Inflation? That might have worked a couple of years ago but that dog ain't going to hunt today. Wages have grown faster than inflation.

It is comical really. Focusing on prices, claiming times were good under Trump when the reality is, prices were low because no one was buying anything. They were holed up in their house afraid to come out because of Covid. The country was living off of borrowed money that Trump was all but dropping from helicopters. In the midst of unemployment levels not seen since the Great Depression incomes WENT UP, from government payments.

I have said it before, the only thing that makes sense is all you complaining yahoos are drawing Social Security, probably through disability. You ain't out here in the real world with the rest of us.

Take that whole inflation number. Completely ignore that incomes have increased more than inflation, what about substitution? Strawberries are cheaper now than when Trump was president. Ground beef, much cheaper than during the Covid crisis. Chicken, it hqs been up and down, supply chain issues here and there, but honestly, a modest increase on the average. Pork--hell, it has stayed level. Seafood, get out of here, it is all cheaper. Fresh Atlantic Salmon, from the Pacific, farm-raised 300 miles off the coast of Chile. Want to talk supply chain? Five days out of the water, and that salmon is sitting on my kitchen counter reeking of watermelon. Seven bucks a pound. WTF? Snow crab, same damn price. Sure, close the season in Alaska, Norway ain't closing. Same for King Crab. Twenty bucks a pound. Under Trump, fifty. But then there is catfish.

I am a good old Southern boy, but not a seafood fan, and damn sure not catfish. I grew up not far from the lake, and we had a boat, a story in itself. But the lake was just nasty. i wouldn't eat anything that came out of there. But farm raised catfish, out of Mississippi, five bucks a pound. And the cost, yep, buyer told me,. two bucks a pound.

If anything, this is Darwinism. I actually kind of like where we are going. And I have resources, I can tap into the community better than anyone. I mean I do have the Brady bunch, three and three. And, along with myself, to the person, all of us are in a much better position today.
Sometimes I really wonder, just where are you people? Damn skippy life is better, much better. Inflation? That might have worked a couple of years ago but that dog ain't going to hunt today. Wages have grown faster than inflation.

It is comical really. Focusing on prices, claiming times were good under Trump when the reality is, prices were low because no one was buying anything. They were holed up in their house afraid to come out because of Covid. The country was living off of borrowed money that Trump was all but dropping from helicopters. In the midst of unemployment levels not seen since the Great Depression incomes WENT UP, from government payments.

I have said it before, the only thing that makes sense is all you complaining yahoos are drawing Social Security, probably through disability. You ain't out here in the real world with the rest of us.

Take that whole inflation number. Completely ignore that incomes have increased more than inflation, what about substitution? Strawberries are cheaper now than when Trump was president. Ground beef, much cheaper than during the Covid crisis. Chicken, it hqs been up and down, supply chain issues here and there, but honestly, a modest increase on the average. Pork--hell, it has stayed level. Seafood, get out of here, it is all cheaper. Fresh Atlantic Salmon, from the Pacific, farm-raised 300 miles off the coast of Chile. Want to talk supply chain? Five days out of the water, and that salmon is sitting on my kitchen counter reeking of watermelon. Seven bucks a pound. WTF? Snow crab, same damn price. Sure, close the season in Alaska, Norway ain't closing. Same for King Crab. Twenty bucks a pound. Under Trump, fifty. But then there is catfish.

I am a good old Southern boy, but not a seafood fan, and damn sure not catfish. I grew up not far from the lake, and we had a boat, a story in itself. But the lake was just nasty. i wouldn't eat anything that came out of there. But farm raised catfish, out of Mississippi, five bucks a pound. And the cost, yep, buyer told me,. two bucks a pound.

If anything, this is Darwinism. I actually kind of like where we are going. And I have resources, I can tap into the community better than anyone. I mean I do have the Brady bunch, three and three. And, along with myself, to the person, all of us are in a much better position today.

Before the coronavirus prices were much lower. Right now in America in 2024 the top concern for the American people is the economy ie the high cost of living.

And forget about Covid, the global wars occurring in Ukraine and in Palestine have negatively affected the global economy. Under a strong Trump leadership those wars would’ve never happened.

It’s very important to look at the cost of homes where you would have a house that was 175,000& and now that same house is anywhere from 300 to 400,000$ for example.

Also rent is up places that were perhaps $1000 a month in 2019 are now anywhere from $1500-$2000 or more per month.

You’ll find a rare item that has come down in price sure. But check this out in 2024 here in Buffalo the cost of a single order of chicken wings is usually $17-$20 or more. Back in 2019 it was 10 bucks. I’ve noticed at the cost of hamburgers at grocery markets are still considerably higher. Combo deals at grocery markets are considerably higher.

When Trump was president, the cost of a gallon of gas in my area was under 2$ a gallon in 2019. Now in 2024 here on October 2nd it’s about $3.25 a gallon.

Both Democrats and Republicans dropped the ball when it came to reacting to the coronavirus. But there’s also the DEI. And Democrats long after Trump was gone pumping more stimulus money out and continuing bad policies in response to the coronavirus that affected the economy negatively.
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Sometimes I really wonder, just where are you people? Damn skippy life is better, much better. Inflation? That might have worked a couple of years ago but that dog ain't going to hunt today. Wages have grown faster than inflation.

It is comical really. Focusing on prices, claiming times were good under Trump when the reality is, prices were low because no one was buying anything. They were holed up in their house afraid to come out because of Covid. The country was living off of borrowed money that Trump was all but dropping from helicopters. In the midst of unemployment levels not seen since the Great Depression incomes WENT UP, from government payments.

I have said it before, the only thing that makes sense is all you complaining yahoos are drawing Social Security, probably through disability. You ain't out here in the real world with the rest of us.

Take that whole inflation number. Completely ignore that incomes have increased more than inflation, what about substitution? Strawberries are cheaper now than when Trump was president. Ground beef, much cheaper than during the Covid crisis. Chicken, it hqs been up and down, supply chain issues here and there, but honestly, a modest increase on the average. Pork--hell, it has stayed level. Seafood, get out of here, it is all cheaper. Fresh Atlantic Salmon, from the Pacific, farm-raised 300 miles off the coast of Chile. Want to talk supply chain? Five days out of the water, and that salmon is sitting on my kitchen counter reeking of watermelon. Seven bucks a pound. WTF? Snow crab, same damn price. Sure, close the season in Alaska, Norway ain't closing. Same for King Crab. Twenty bucks a pound. Under Trump, fifty. But then there is catfish.

I am a good old Southern boy, but not a seafood fan, and damn sure not catfish. I grew up not far from the lake, and we had a boat, a story in itself. But the lake was just nasty. i wouldn't eat anything that came out of there. But farm raised catfish, out of Mississippi, five bucks a pound. And the cost, yep, buyer told me,. two bucks a pound.

If anything, this is Darwinism. I actually kind of like where we are going. And I have resources, I can tap into the community better than anyone. I mean I do have the Brady bunch, three and three. And, along with myself, to the person, all of us are in a much better position today.
Aux contraire....
Before the coronavirus prices were much lower. Right now in America in 2024 the top concern for the American people is the economy ie the high cost of living.

And forget about Covid, the global wars occurring in Ukraine and in Palestine have negatively affected the global economy. Under a strong Trump leadership those wars would’ve never happened.

It’s very important to look at the cost of homes where you would have a house that was 175,000& and now that same house is anywhere from 300 to 400,000$ for example.

Also rent is up places that were perhaps $1000 a month in 2019 are now anywhere from $1500-$2000 or more per month.

You’ll find a rare item that has come down in price sure. But check this out in 2024 here in Buffalo the cost of a single order of chicken wings is usually $17-$20 or more. Back in 2019 it was 10 bucks.

Both Democrats and Republicans drop the ball would’ve came to reacting to the coronavirus. But there’s also the DEI. And Democrats long after Trump was gone pumping more stimulus money out and continuing bad policies in response to the coronavirus that affected the economy negatively.
Food prices a substantially higher than they were before 2021. Even taxes have risen in some areas of the U.S.
You cannot cut off the production of fuel, raise the cost gasoline, diesel fuel by nearly double and expect prices to remain low.
Then there's hose supply side shortages created by Buttigieg and the shortages of food stuffs transported from Mexico and other countries.

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