The truth about the propaganda line that the market is great under Biden.

Why would you gripe about market if you are not in it? If you are in it, why did you choose poorly? The market has been and is fine. As for future and your WWIII scenario, take appropriate market moves when necessary, like the rest of us.
I’m in the market I’ve done ok…

Fact is many Americans are doing worse under Biden compared to Trump …that’s the point of the OP
I’m in the market I’ve done ok…

Fact is many Americans are doing worse under Biden compared to Trump …that’s the point of the OP
I have noticed that whenever lefties are confronted with Trump's great economic history they always pivot to lawfare and lies. OR, like Biden, just tell all out lies like inflation was 9% when Biden took office. What a liar. Biden owns every percentage of that rise to 9%.
I have noticed that whenever lefties are confronted with Trump's great economic history they always pivot to lawfare and lies. OR, like Biden, just tell all out lies like inflation was 9% when Biden took office. What a liar. Biden owns every percentage of that rise to 9%.
Trump doesn’t have a great economic history.

Trump doesn’t have a great economic history.


The argument always goes that the economy was great. A great economy does not require the constant pumping of billions of dollars into it.

Those billions gave the illusion of a good economy but those actions have to be paid for and they are paid for with inflation. It's simple econ 101.

Is that all on Trump? Absolutely not. We pumped and pumped and pumped through Obama's eight years. Did actions pre-Obama cause the reason the Fed pumped? Absolutely.

Is Biden continual run up of debt an added issue? Absolutely.
Sometimes I really wonder, just where are you people? Damn skippy life is better, much better. Inflation? That might have worked a couple of years ago but that dog ain't going to hunt today. Wages have grown faster than inflation.

It is comical really. Focusing on prices, claiming times were good under Trump when the reality is, prices were low because no one was buying anything. They were holed up in their house afraid to come out because of Covid. The country was living off of borrowed money that Trump was all but dropping from helicopters. In the midst of unemployment levels not seen since the Great Depression incomes WENT UP, from government payments.

I have said it before, the only thing that makes sense is all you complaining yahoos are drawing Social Security, probably through disability. You ain't out here in the real world with the rest of us.

Take that whole inflation number. Completely ignore that incomes have increased more than inflation, what about substitution? Strawberries are cheaper now than when Trump was president. Ground beef, much cheaper than during the Covid crisis. Chicken, it hqs been up and down, supply chain issues here and there, but honestly, a modest increase on the average. Pork--hell, it has stayed level. Seafood, get out of here, it is all cheaper. Fresh Atlantic Salmon, from the Pacific, farm-raised 300 miles off the coast of Chile. Want to talk supply chain? Five days out of the water, and that salmon is sitting on my kitchen counter reeking of watermelon. Seven bucks a pound. WTF? Snow crab, same damn price. Sure, close the season in Alaska, Norway ain't closing. Same for King Crab. Twenty bucks a pound. Under Trump, fifty. But then there is catfish.

I am a good old Southern boy, but not a seafood fan, and damn sure not catfish. I grew up not far from the lake, and we had a boat, a story in itself. But the lake was just nasty. i wouldn't eat anything that came out of there. But farm raised catfish, out of Mississippi, five bucks a pound. And the cost, yep, buyer told me,. two bucks a pound.

If anything, this is Darwinism. I actually kind of like where we are going. And I have resources, I can tap into the community better than anyone. I mean I do have the Brady bunch, three and three. And, along with myself, to the person, all of us are in a much better position today.
/---/ "prices were low because no one was buying anything. They were holed up in their house afraid to come out because of Covid."
Hey nimrod, The Trump economy was strong for 2 years before Covid hit.

"borrowed money that Trump was all but dropping from helicopters."
Why didn't the democRAT Congress stop him? They control the money, after all. Just like Nancy Piglosi stopped Trump from building the wall.

"Take that whole inflation number. Completely ignore that incomes have increased more than inflation, what about substitution?"
Inflation may have slowed last year, but it continued to deal heavy blows — some devastating — on Americans’ livelihoods: Nearly two-thirds of US adults were worse off because of it, and roughly 1 in 6 couldn’t pay all their monthly bills, new Federal Reserve data shows.
Inflation made the financial lives “worse” for 65% of US households, according to the report. Among those, 19% said it was “much worse.”

As far as seafood prices, I live on Long Island, so fresh seafood is less expensive and plentiful right off the boat—cheaper than people inland pay.
Higher prices drove consumers away from seafood last year, with 37 percent of those surveyed by FMI saying inflation and seafood’s cost relative to other proteins, led them to cut back on seafood purchases, according to the report.

FMI’s report also found that 40 percent of frequent seafood purchasers believe seafood is expensive, while 52 percent of non-seafood purchases believe it is expensive.

Fifty-four percent of Americans say price influences their seafood-purchasing decisions, beating out other criteria such as quality and freshness, store location, high-quality service, variety, seafood origin, and sustainability certifications.

Why do you have to twist and distort everything?
/---/ "prices were low because no one was buying anything. They were holed up in their house afraid to come out because of Covid."
Hey nimrod, The Trump economy was strong for 2 years before Covid hit.

A strong economy does not require the pumping of billions of dollars to keep it above water.

"borrowed money that Trump was all but dropping from helicopters."
Why didn't the democRAT Congress stop him? They control the money, after all. Just like Nancy Piglosi stopped Trump from building the wall.

The Democrats aren't concerned with debt. Why do you blame them for what Trump wouldn't do? Also, the money for the wall was passed before Trump ever came into office. And they passed billions more when he was president.

Congress approves almost $1.4 billion for border wall
Meanwhile back in reality, we had to wait for a table at Maggiano's for 45 minutes on a Tuesday the other night. The economy is doing well, people are eating out; spending money.

The market's all time highs--much higher than Trump's by the way--are an indicator of the strong economy.

It could always be doing better though.
The Market numbers have been climbing for 20 years....they don't have Presidential names attached to them anymore than solar eclipse do.

Your Trip to Maggiano's the other day only highlights the "let them eat cake" philosophy of the investor class. The so called booming economy is a very narrow experience as November 5th is likely to show.
The Market numbers have been climbing for 20 years....they don't have Presidential names attached to them anymore than solar eclipse do.

Your Trip to Maggiano's the other day only highlights the "let them eat cake" philosophy of the investor class. The so called booming economy is a very narrow experience as November 5th is likely to show.
Yet there’s enough money to destroy guitars! :rolleyes-41:

The Market numbers have been climbing for 20 years....they don't have Presidential names attached to them anymore than solar eclipse do.
When the blob was in office, it was a sign of a robust economy according to the blob and his cult members here.
Your Trip to Maggiano's the other day only highlights the "let them eat cake" philosophy of the investor class. The so called booming economy is a very narrow experience as November 5th is likely to show.

Its Maggianos. Hooters, Chilis, Cheesecake Factory, Olive Garden, etc... were all well patronized too. If this is the "end times" as you guys keep insisting, everyone is pretty well fed on their way to the abyss.
When the blob was in office, it was a sign of a robust economy according to the blob and his cult members here.


Its Maggianos. Hooters, Chilis, Cheesecake Factory, Olive Garden, etc... were all well patronized too. If this is the "end times" as you guys keep insisting, everyone is pretty well fed on their way to the abyss.
The blob you constantly see IS IN YOUR MIRROR.
A strong economy does not require the pumping of billions of dollars to keep it above water.

The Democrats aren't concerned with debt. Why do you blame them for what Trump wouldn't do? Also, the money for the wall was passed before Trump ever came into office. And they passed billions more when he was president.

Congress approves almost $1.4 billion for border wall
/—-/ Stop lying to protect Piglosi.
Schumer said Thursday that a bipartisan Senate plan for $1.6 billion in border security funding does not include money for the 30-foot-high (9-meter-high) concrete wall Trump has envisioned. The money “can only be used for fencing” and technology that experts say is appropriate and makes sense as a security feature, Schumer said.
Hey nimrod, The Trump economy was strong for 2 years before Covid hit.
It was okay. Not that much different than the economy under Obama which all the conservatives said was a total disaster. GDP growth never went past 3% annually. There were plenty of signs of impending recession as well, which is why the Fed had to lower interest rates 0.75 in the latter half of the year.

Trump promised this amazing economy and failed to deliver.

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