The truth about the propaganda line that the market is great under Biden.

I am a good old Southern boy, but not a seafood fan, and damn sure not catfish. I grew up not far from the lake, and we had a boat, a story in itself. But the lake was just nasty. i wouldn't eat anything that came out of there. But farm raised catfish, out of Mississippi, five bucks a pound. And the cost, yep, buyer told me,. two bucks a pound.
LMAO! Farm raised catfish! If you actually were a "good old southern boy," then you would never say that.

Tell another whopper. Either a fish story or your background! :laughing0301:
Take that whole inflation number. Completely ignore that incomes have increased more than inflation, what about substitution? Strawberries are cheaper now than when Trump was president. Ground beef, much cheaper than during the Covid crisis. Chicken, it hqs been up and down, supply chain issues here and there, but honestly, a modest increase on the average. Pork--hell, it has stayed level. Seafood, get out of here, it is all cheaper. Fresh Atlantic Salmon, from the Pacific, farm-raised 300 miles off the coast of Chile. Want to talk supply chain? Five days out of the water, and that salmon is sitting on my kitchen counter reeking of watermelon. Seven bucks a pound. WTF? Snow crab, same damn price. Sure, close the season in Alaska, Norway ain't closing. Same for King Crab. Twenty bucks a pound. Under Trump, fifty. But then there is catfish.
No, strawberries are more expensive. I just got them on sale for $2.00. They were $1.50 five years ago. I just bought natural chicken drumsticks for $2.29/lb. They are $1.49 under Trump. So over 50% increase is modest to you?

You better check your "salmon" from Chile. Ya know, with the heads cut off. And your king crab when down $30? Yeah, right! You made the whole thing up, "good old southern boy." Dude, it's obvious you don't even shop! :laughing0301:
I thought they were supposed to pull themselves up by their own boot straps! That’s what ai hear from MAGA any time a brown person complains.

Hard to pull yourself up by your bootstraps when gov't uses usury taxing on the masses while catering to the rich.
A small handful of people seem to understand the correlation between massive debt and fed pumping and inflation.

The rest must have slept through econ 101.
We only get a pass because we are "top dog". For now. It took Great Britain near a century to lose its status as "top dog". The Nineteenth Century was of decline. A vacuum was developing by the end of that century as they got poorer in real terms to police the world. And the benefits that came with it. The United States was the economic champion as the 20th century approached. We did not want to be the military policeman at that time. The fiat currency in 1913 opened that up. As we are learning now as England learn is that the currency gets hollowed out if overused abused. Coins still had some silver or gold in them to degree.
The Trump tax cuts?!

Funny isn't it, As a retiree under Trump I was able to afford totake my wife out to dinner once or twice a month..
Since Biden has been president we haven't been able to afford the same or even a special occassion to go out for dinner.
Thanks to Biden, I haven't seen a steak on my plate in months, especially when chuck steak is running nearly $16.00/ pound.
Funny isn't it, As a retiree under Trump I was able to afford totake my wife out to dinner once or twice a month..
Since Biden has been president we haven't been able to afford the same or even a special occassion to go out for dinner.
Thanks to Biden, I haven't seen a steak on my plate in months, especially when chuck steak is running nearly $16.00/ pound.
That’s due to Trump’s failure as president and “genius” businessman, I.e. not knowing what a supply chain is, during a pandemic! He did nothing to aid commerce; rather he enacted inflationary tariffs!

We only get a pass because we are "top dog". For now. It took Great Britain near a century to lose its status as "top dog". The Nineteenth Century was of decline. A vacuum was developing by the end of that century as they got poorer in real terms to police the world. And the benefits that came with it. The United States was the economic champion as the 20th century approached. We did not want to be the military policeman at that time. The fiat currency in 1913 opened that up. As we are learning now as England learn is that the currency gets hollowed out if overused abused. Coins still had some silver or gold in them to degree.
Indeed. It also took two world wars in Europe to bankrupt England. 
[QUOTE="konradv, post: 35448059, member: 22976"]
That’s due to Trump’s failure as president and “genius” businessman, I.e. not knowing what a supply chain is, during a pandemic!  He did nothing to aid commerce; rather he enacted inflationary tariffs!

So what you're trying to say is that Biden's incompetent and wrong decisions for the past 3 plus years is all Trump's fault.
Is that correct?
Sure the index funds have been doing well the past couple of years but they are also carried by a few companies. The S&P 500 for example is usually carried by about five or 10 companies.

50% of the American people don’t own stocks. And those who own stocks even in today’s market often lose. The cost of living is still astronomical for most working class American . We have record homelessness in this country. Nobody in the working class really can afford a new home. Grocery and gas prices are very high. It’s harder than ever to get a good middle-class job in America today.

Sure, it’s a great market for people who own specific index funds like the S&P 500 or the NASDAQ ….but even they also have to have considerable money invested into it to return any kind of a noticeable profit.

1-20 years down the road there could be a catastrophic event which greatly affects their portfolio anyway. WW3 being a possibility certainly doesn’t help. Under Trump there was no escalation going on in Palestine or in Ukraine.
Why would you gripe about market if you are not in it? If you are in it, why did you choose poorly? The market has been and is fine. As for future and your WWIII scenario, take appropriate market moves when necessary, like the rest of us.

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