The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

This is the opinion of the typical ignorant American. Mass murder hundreds of thousands of defenseless women and children who had no input in the affairs of their government, because their tyrannical government attacked a US MILITARY BASE, killing a fraction of those civilians murdered by US bombing.

You get how war works, right? I mean, you did go to school? You were given a history book? You browsed through the pictures?
I get how many Americans believe mass mudering civilians is fine and dandy, because it’s war. Total war is something Americans have been trained to accept. Sadly.

Japan would have surrendered in 1944, had Stalin’s Stooge not imposed unconstitutional surrender terms.

Is it nice where you live? Do you get out much?
Go away if you are going to be stupid.

You started it with your comic book version of history.
Just goes to show the power the State has in indoctrinating it’s citizens.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

Actually, it was just another weapon in war that had seen so many of them built and used.

Most of this Angst after the war came when both the US and USSR built enough bombs to end civilization, and then we got all worked up about it.
You get how war works, right? I mean, you did go to school? You were given a history book? You browsed through the pictures?
I get how many Americans believe mass mudering civilians is fine and dandy, because it’s war. Total war is something Americans have been trained to accept. Sadly.

Japan would have surrendered in 1944, had Stalin’s Stooge not imposed unconstitutional surrender terms.

Is it nice where you live? Do you get out much?
Go away if you are going to be stupid.

You started it with your comic book version of history.
Just goes to show the power the State has in indoctrinating it’s citizens.

Saying the opposite of what everyone else knows isn't wisdom, it's being a contrarian for its own sake.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.

I knew a lot of WWII vets who served in the Pacific, who were damned happy Truman dropped those bombs, after fighting the Japanese in Islands across the pacific, they could only imagine what invading their home would be like.

Now, I do think dropping the bombs was wrong, that Japan was already on the verge of surrender... but it's easy to second guess people 70 years later.

70 million people had already died in that war. It would have been criminal NOT to try to end the war after you spent billions on a wonder weapon.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

Actually, it was just another weapon in war that had seen so many of them built and used.

Most of this Angst after the war came when both the US and USSR built enough bombs to end civilization, and then we got all worked up about it.
BS. Immediately after Truman committed his war crime, a crime very much like the crimes committed but Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, there was questioning and criticism in the US press.
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
you just fked up big time
Tokyo bombed --100,000 deaths
we bombed the crap out of their cities-we were running out of targets and bombs
they were NOT surrendering
after the Abombs, they still did not want to surrender --the vote was tied 3 -3
....AFTER the Emperor broke the tie, there were many Japanese that did NOT want to surrender...they DIED trying to stop the surrender
you obviously have no knowledge on the subject
he defied die-hard generals who contended that Japan should continue to fight even though that could end only in national destruction.
On July 26, 1945, the United States, Britain and China signed the Potsdam Declaration calling for the ''unconditional surrender of the Japanese armed forces,'' a wording that deliberately left undefined the status of the emperor and the civil government of the defeated country. With a final show of bravado, the Japanese Cabinet rejected the demand
on Aug. 10 to consider Japan's next step.

There were still die-hards in the Cabinet, representing the military, who insisted on continuing the hopeless struggle
etc etc
A Leader Who Took Japan to War, to Surrender, and Finally to Peace
Just goes to show the power the State has in indoctrinating it’s citizens.

Um, no, you see in a totalitarian state, people who question the official version of history usually find themselves in a gulag.

The fact that we can still debate a hard decision someone else had to make demonstrates our freedom.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

Actually, it was just another weapon in war that had seen so many of them built and used.

Most of this Angst after the war came when both the US and USSR built enough bombs to end civilization, and then we got all worked up about it.
BS. Immediately after Truman committed his war crime, a crime very much like the crimes committed but Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, there was questioning and criticism in the US press.
pure crap
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.

I knew a lot of WWII vets who served in the Pacific, who were damned happy Truman dropped those bombs, after fighting the Japanese in Islands across the pacific, they could only imagine what invading their home would be like.

Now, I do think dropping the bombs was wrong, that Japan was already on the verge of surrender... but it's easy to second guess people 70 years later.

70 million people had already died in that war. It would have been criminal NOT to try to end the war after you spent billions on a wonder weapon.
Japan would have surrendered in 1944, thus saving the lives of thousands of Americans and Japanese, but for FDR’s foolish unconditional surrender terms.

We didn’t need to occupy Japan, but that is what they did.
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

Actually, it was just another weapon in war that had seen so many of them built and used.

Most of this Angst after the war came when both the US and USSR built enough bombs to end civilization, and then we got all worked up about it.

I've said this before. The Japanese Empire was the most fanatical enemy the US has ever faced. They make ISIS look like Care Bears. In just over three years, Japan threw 5,000 suicide attacks at Allied forces. They engaged in chemical and biological warfare. They executed Allied prisoners of war and starved thousands more to death.

The application to two, rather small, nuclear devices, killing 170,000 persons, quickly changed Japan from a fanatical, fascist state to pacifist capitalists.

As weapons of war go, this has to be one of the most efficient ever created and quite effective when used on a small scale.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.

I knew a lot of WWII vets who served in the Pacific, who were damned happy Truman dropped those bombs, after fighting the Japanese in Islands across the pacific, they could only imagine what invading their home would be like.

Now, I do think dropping the bombs was wrong, that Japan was already on the verge of surrender... but it's easy to second guess people 70 years later.

70 million people had already died in that war. It would have been criminal NOT to try to end the war after you spent billions on a wonder weapon.
Japan would have surrendered in 1944, thus saving the lives of thousands of Americans and Japanese, but for FDR’s foolish unconditional surrender terms.

We didn’t need to occupy Japan, but that is what they did.
also you have no knowledge of military history
we did not occupy Germany in 1918--then we got WW2
the Arab-Israeli wars went on for decades-there was no total victory
Saddam started 2 wars
if you want to stop countries and change them, you have to TOTALLY defeat them
etc etc etc
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

Actually, it was just another weapon in war that had seen so many of them built and used.

Most of this Angst after the war came when both the US and USSR built enough bombs to end civilization, and then we got all worked up about it.

I've said this before. The Japanese Empire was the most fanatical enemy the US has ever faced. They make ISIS look like Care Bears. In just over three years, Japan threw 5,000 suicide attacks at Allied forces. They engaged in chemical and biological warfare. They executed Allied prisoners of war and starved thousands more to death.

The application to two, rather small, nuclear devices, killing 170,000 persons, quickly changed Japan from a fanatical, fascist state to pacifist capitalists.

As weapons of war go, this has to be one of the most efficient ever created and quite effective when used on a small scale.
Is that a justification for mass murdering thousands of defenseless women and children?

Think before posting.
Japan would have surrendered in 1944, thus saving the lives of thousands of Americans and Japanese, but for FDR’s foolish unconditional surrender terms.

We didn’t need to occupy Japan, but that is what they did.

Okay, let's look at that.

We didn't need to occupy Japan? Did you forget what happened when we didn't occupy Germany after WWI? Almost as soon as they got a full meal in their bellies for the first time in four years, Germans started talking about how the Politicians stabbed the Army in the back, and Hitler rode that lie all the way into Chancellery.

(Again, getting harder to rip on Germans after we "elected" Trump though.)

Anything less than Unconditional Surrender would have been a Japanese victory. They'd have been allowed to keep some of their ill-gotten gains and we'd be dealing with them again a few years later.
This is the opinion of the typical ignorant American. Mass murder hundreds of thousands of defenseless women and children who had no input in the affairs of their government, because their tyrannical government attacked a US MILITARY BASE, killing a fraction of those civilians murdered by US bombing.

You get how war works, right? I mean, you did go to school? You were given a history book? You browsed through the pictures?
I get how many Americans believe mass mudering civilians is fine and dandy, because it’s war. Total war is something Americans have been trained to accept. Sadly.

Japan would have surrendered in 1944, had Stalin’s Stooge not imposed unconstitutional surrender terms.

Is it nice where you live? Do you get out much?
Go away if you are going to be stupid.

You started it with your comic book version of history.
Yeah I’m the only one who thinks as I do. LOL.

Please read....
Harry Truman’s Atomic Bombs

The War Criminal Harry Truman

The Real Reason Truman Dropped the Atom Bomb

The Hiroshima Myth

The 70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Nagasaki

Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder

Hiroshima Was a Military Base

Rethinking Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Whitewashing Hiroshima: The Uncritical Glorification of American Militarism

The Hiroshima Myth

The Hiroshima Bombing

Why It’s Time for Us to Confront Hiroshima

Dropping the Bomb

The Day Hiroshima Died


Lies My History Teacher Told Me

The War Crime Called Hiroshima

The Devil Truman

Worse Than Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Whitewashing Hiroshima

Hoover and the Bomb

War Criminal-in-Chief

Not Everyone Wanted To Bomb Hiroshima

Nuko-Murder at Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The Cannibals of War

MacArthur’s Last Stand

Smart Politicians, Stupid Decisions

What’s Worse?

The REAL Reason America Used Nuclear Weapons Against Japan (It Was Not To End the War or Save Lives)

Truman Haunts Us

America’s Asian Empire

The Satanic Nature of the Atomic Bombings

Slow Boats and Atom Bombs

What Thrives and What Dies During War

The Real Dr. Strangelove

The Merciful Ending

Skeptical About Big Government

Race Hatred and Mass Murder

Another September 11th: Stimson, the Bomb, Bush and Iran

The Shedding of Innocent Blood

Why America Should Apologize

The Atomic Murder of Nagasaki

The Bombing of Nagasaki

World War Two: The Good War?

Why Hiroshima Day Events Matter

When in Doubt

Why the Left Opposes Foreign Intervention

Christians and War

Hiroshima Day: America Has Been Asleep at the Wheel for 64 Years
Japan would have surrendered in 1944, thus saving the lives of thousands of Americans and Japanese, but for FDR’s foolish unconditional surrender terms.

We didn’t need to occupy Japan, but that is what they did.

Okay, let's look at that.

We didn't need to occupy Japan? Did you forget what happened when we didn't occupy Germany after WWI? Almost as soon as they got a full meal in their bellies for the first time in four years, Germans started talking about how the Politicians stabbed the Army in the back, and Hitler rode that lie all the way into Chancellery.

(Again, getting harder to rip on Germans after we "elected" Trump though.)

Anything less than Unconditional Surrender would have been a Japanese victory. They'd have been allowed to keep some of their ill-gotten gains and we'd be dealing with them again a few years later.
Yes empires do like to conquer.
Is that a justification for mass murdering thousands of defenseless women and children?

Ask the people of Nanjing.


Oh, that's right. You can't.
Yes empires do like to conquer.

Yes, they do... Good thing we broke the Japanese of that habit, isn't it.

We beat Germany and Japan, and they've been model world citizens every since.
Yes empires do like to conquer.

Yes, they do... Good thing we broke the Japanese of that habit, isn't it.

We beat Germany and Japan, and they've been model world citizens every since.
Yes our government was no better than theirs, when it came to mass murder of civilians. Empires always do the same things.

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