The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

The Japanese tried several times to surrender. FDR then Truman ignored their requests. The Japanese never thought the US would hold to their tyrannical unconditional surrender requirement, which at the time, was wholly unprecedented.

I don't pretend to be the repository of all human knowledge. I don't doubt that the Japanese tried to arrange a truce that would have entailed no occupation and Japanese leadership remaining in power, something the allies adamantly opposed just like the allies agreed not to make a separate peace with the Nazis in Europe.
The Japanese tried several times to surrender. FDR then Truman ignored their requests. The Japanese never thought the US would hold to their tyrannical unconditional surrender requirement, which at the time, was wholly unprecedented.

I don't pretend to be the repository of all human knowledge. I don't doubt that the Japanese tried to arrange a truce that would have entailed no occupation and Japanese leadership remaining in power, something the allies adamantly opposed just like the allies agreed not to make a separate peace with the Nazis in Europe.
No need to occupy either nation.

The Japanese only asked that their Emperor be protected. They were willing to accept occupation.
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So the millions of Americans working for the war effort are no different than front line soldiers, and it is justified to mass murder them. Think man. Do not emote. Try to overcome your statist indoctrination.

Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you that a nation's war effort is impossible without the support of its civilian infrastructure. In any society that is engaged in total, all-out war, women are very much serving the war effort. What makes you believe that they don't? And boys grow up to be men and then are indoctrinated into the military. Yes, bombing civilian populations into oblivion is a part of total war and I believe it is a necessary in order to defeat horrifically evil nations such as Nazi Germany and imperial Japan.
The Japanese only asked that their Emperor be protected. They were willing to have accept occupation.

Ok, so let's talk about it. But first, do you have a citation that details your statement?
You clearly are not informed.

Coincidentally, I just finished reading this book. I suggest you read it and reconsider your positions.

I will not read it. I too thought like you, thanks to a statist education. Then I started reading extensively on the subject, and know well now.

I ask you to read just these two columns.

Harry Truman’s Atomic Bombs - LewRockwell

The Hiroshima Myth - LewRockwell
So the millions of Americans working for the war effort are no different than front line soldiers, and it is justified to mass murder them. Think man. Do not emote. Try to overcome your statist indoctrination.

Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you that a nation's war effort is impossible without the support of its civilian infrastructure. In any society that is engaged in total, all-out war, women are very much serving the war effort. What makes you believe that they don't? And boys grow up to be men and then are indoctrinated into the military. Yes, bombing civilian populations into oblivion is a part of total war and I believe it is a necessary in order to defeat horrifically evil nations such as Nazi Germany and imperial Japan.
So you think total war is justified. I don’t.
If Truman had not dropped the bombs, Congress would have impeached him as soon as they found out about it. As it was, they blamed Truman for China going communist, which was why he did not run in 1952. Our country was broke, and living on credit in 1945. The population was war weary. The Soviets had every intention of beating us to Tokyo and making Japan another Soviet satellite state. The USA saved Japan from becoming another N. Korea.
If Truman had not dropped the bombs, Congress would have impeached him as soon as they found out about it. As it was, they blamed Truman for China going communist, which was why he did not run in 1952. Our country was broke, and living on credit in 1945. The population was war weary. The Soviets had every intention of beating us to Tokyo and making Japan another Soviet satellite state. The USA saved Japan from becoming another N. Korea.
Yeah they saved Japan by murdering thousands of innocent Japanese women and children. Good job.
If Truman had not dropped the bombs, Congress would have impeached him as soon as they found out about it. As it was, they blamed Truman for China going communist, which was why he did not run in 1952. Our country was broke, and living on credit in 1945. The population was war weary. The Soviets had every intention of beating us to Tokyo and making Japan another Soviet satellite state. The USA saved Japan from becoming another N. Korea.
Yeah they saved Japan by murdering thousands of innocent Japanese women and children. Good job.

Worked for me and my family...., although "murder" is a legal term that does not apply to killing the enemy in a declared war. We did ask them to surrender or face utter destruction, but they did not even bother to answer. I guess that we should have added the word, "Pease".
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

Actually, it was just another weapon in war that had seen so many of them built and used.

Most of this Angst after the war came when both the US and USSR built enough bombs to end civilization, and then we got all worked up about it.

I've said this before. The Japanese Empire was the most fanatical enemy the US has ever faced. They make ISIS look like Care Bears. In just over three years, Japan threw 5,000 suicide attacks at Allied forces. They engaged in chemical and biological warfare. They executed Allied prisoners of war and starved thousands more to death.

The application to two, rather small, nuclear devices, killing 170,000 persons, quickly changed Japan from a fanatical, fascist state to pacifist capitalists.

As weapons of war go, this has to be one of the most efficient ever created and quite effective when used on a small scale.
Is that a justification for mass murdering thousands of defenseless women and children?

Think before posting.
learn some history before making yourself look stupid
Americans need to come to the realization that the bombings of civilians was really mass murder, not unlike what Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were guilty of.

Great column on the subject.

Actually, it was just another weapon in war that had seen so many of them built and used.

Most of this Angst after the war came when both the US and USSR built enough bombs to end civilization, and then we got all worked up about it.

I've said this before. The Japanese Empire was the most fanatical enemy the US has ever faced. They make ISIS look like Care Bears. In just over three years, Japan threw 5,000 suicide attacks at Allied forces. They engaged in chemical and biological warfare. They executed Allied prisoners of war and starved thousands more to death.

The application to two, rather small, nuclear devices, killing 170,000 persons, quickly changed Japan from a fanatical, fascist state to pacifist capitalists.

As weapons of war go, this has to be one of the most efficient ever created and quite effective when used on a small scale.
Is that a justification for mass murdering thousands of defenseless women and children?

Think before posting.
learn some history before making yourself look stupid

And you?
This is the opinion of the typical ignorant American. Mass murder hundreds of thousands of defenseless women and children who had no input in the affairs of their government, because their tyrannical government attacked a US MILITARY BASE, killing a fraction of those civilians murdered by US bombing.

Casualties are the brutal reality of warfare. The number of deaths resulting from the Second World War remains uncertain, but was around 70 million persons. Of these, around 22 million were military deaths while the remainder were civilians killed during military operations, through famine, or in crimes against humanity. This represents about 3% of the total world population at the time. Casualties in the Pacific War numbered around 36 million or 50% of the total casualties of the Second World War.


The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia: Casualties
I get how many Americans believe mass mudering civilians is fine and dandy, because it’s war. Total war is something Americans have been trained to accept. Sadly.

Japan would have surrendered in 1944, had Stalin’s Stooge not imposed unconstitutional surrender terms.

Specifically, what were the "unconstitutional" surrender terms? How too are terms of surrender, "constitutional or unconstitutional"?
Japan knew of & expected serious retaliation for Pearl Harbor and I surely wouldn't call them defenseless.

I just don't think anyone expected such destruction
By 1945, they were a defenseless nation. Please keep up.

Yet, they refused to surrender. Instead, they choose to fight with anything and everything available to their death.
The problem seems to be that Japan misunderstood the art of surrender. Apparently Japan believed the losing side dictated the surrender terms.

You clearly are not informed. The Japanese tried several times to surrender. FDR then Truman ignored their requests. The Japanese never thought the US would hold to their tyrannical unconditional surrender requirement, which at the time, was wholly unprecedented.

That is a lie. A bold one at that.

Germany had unconditionally surrendered May 7, 1945

Japan's conditional surrender was announced August 15 and formally signed on September 2, 1945.

The single condition agreed to by the allies was that Japan could retain their Emperor in name only, a figurehead with no power. Otherwise, it was unconditional.

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