The truth about Truman’s bombing Japan

"Dwight Eisenhower's view on using the Atomic Bomb

"In 1945 ... , Secretary of War Stimson visited my headquarters in Germany, [and] informed me that our government was preparing to drop an atomic bomb on Japan..."

Doesn't seem "long after it had been dropped. Note the "preparing to drop" phrase.

Seems kind of odd that nobody notified McArthur, Supreme Commander in the Pacific, or Curtis LeMay, in charge of the Army Air Corp bombing campaign of Japan....

I can't speak to that. I'm just providing a quote from Eisenhower.

Maybe they just forgot to mention it to McArthur. After all, they didn't mention it to president Truman until April 24, 1945, and even he did not know if it would work until July 16, 1945, which was just 3 weeks before they dropped it..
Maybe a Vice President didn’t need to know
Those leading our military forces needed to know what weapons were available and what was coming

It had major impact on military strategy

You have to keep in mind the mind set of some of our military commanders. Curtis Lemay, for example, was the model for "Jack D Ripper", in Dr. Strangelove, the SAC Commander who went crazy and started a nuclear war. After WW2 was over, the president directed that all nuclear weapons be put directly under his personal control. LeMay tried to hold back a few, "just in case". It didn't work. LeMay went on to run as George Wallace's running mate. MacArthur advocated nuclear war against Korea, and presumable China as well, during the Korean war.

Besides. If word had gotten out to the Japanese that we were putting the invasion on hold, they would have assumed a much stronger negotiating position. In fact, it was recommended to Truman that he blow up an unpopulated Japanese Island instead of a city. Truman rejected the advice, correctly, in my opinion, that the Japanese would have assumed that we were not prepared to actually use it against the people of Japan. He was not afraid to use it, which is one of many reasons that Truman is my personal hero.
Both LeMay and Mac wanted to nuke the hell out of North Korea. 30 -40 bombs

We only had three nukes in WWII but they would have flattened Japan if they could

We could have taken the chance to nuke an unpopulated island with the assurance that the next one would land on Tokyo

Once we had the bomb......there was no real hurry
LOL after 2 cities were destroyed the Japanese Government still refused to surrender, explain in detail what bombing a non military target would have done to convince them when 2 cites were not enough dumb ass. And the cites were war producing cities AND BOTH were Army Headquarters organizing the local areas into fighting the coming Invasion. NOT civilian targets at all.
They surrendered immediately after Nagasaki was bombed

We had the bomb, we were going to win without invading

Bombing a remote target with minimal population would have demonstrated the power we had. Japan could have seen firsthand the destructive power we now had with minimal loss of lives

If after the demonstration and a threat to start bombing major cities, Japan refused surrender, then we were morally entitled to drop an A bomb
They did NOT the Government voted NOT to surrender the Emperor intervened to over rule them then the ruling party ( the Army) staged a Coup to stop the Emperor. At least leanr the facts before you try to lie about them.

Which resulted in surrender

Does not support that the anihilation of Hiroshima AND Nagasaki were the only way to achieve those goals

We had time on our side. Once we had the bomb and nobody else did, we could have selectively upped the anti

Three days between Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not leave much room for negotiation
The Japanese responded and the Government demanded the same thing it already had a ceasefire with return to 41 start lines.
Again, the bomb changed their mind

We did not need to destroy two cities to prove the power of the bomb
Wrong after the first bomb the Government did NOT surrender and the Emperor DID NOT intervene. After the 2nd Bomb the Government DID NOT surrender BUT the Emperor intervened and was met by a Coup attempt.
At NO time before the Emperor ordered the surrender did the Government of Japan offer to surrender. NOT EVER. What they offered was cease fire, a return to Nov 41 start lines and no consequences for their war effort.

2 days before Roosevelt left for Yalta, MacArthur forwarded a 40 page memorandum to the White House outlining 5 separate overtures for surrender he had received.
2 days before Roosevelt left for Yalta, MacArthur forwarded a 40 page memorandum to the White House outlining 5 separate overtures for surrender he had received.
Amazingly few Americans know this, thanks to the power of statist education.
What some willful idiots fail to grasp is that there were obviously different voices in Japan’s wartime government. Some of the more level-headed were looking for ways to negotiate a surrender, but fdr dropped the ball and strengthened the hardliners, while screwing those in the government and among the public who had grown to oppose the war and sought to find a way out.

But at least Truman got to kill hundreds of thousands more civilians.
yes--it was FDR's fault
he made the Japanese attack Pearl--then after we destroyed all their major cities, blockaded them, FDR forced them not to surrender
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.
whoever thinks Japan was ready to surrender obviously has no knowledge of WW2
Get informed. Then you won’t be a dumb fucker anymore. If you refuse to learn, you will be banned.

Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder - LewRockwell
they were so willing to surrender, they surrendered pre-ABombs
isn't that correct?
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.
whoever thinks Japan was ready to surrender obviously has no knowledge of WW2
You are merely a typical uninformed propagandized American. Sadly, there are too many like you.

72nd Anniversary of Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder
By Stephen Lendman

August 8, 2017you are not informed. T
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.

You are not informed. Please cease and desist from posting in my thread.

The Japanese tried to surrender several times. FDR and Truman ignored them. FDR’s tyrannical unjust and terribly deadly dictate of UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, lead to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and Japanese.

For this, FDR and Truman should burn in Hell for eternity.
.....Germany also got POUNDED and POUNDED and they also did NOT surrender till the Russians were in Berlin --and the Germans were not as fanatical as the Japanese
..and you think the Japanese would've surrendered????!!!!
..learn some history
2 days before Roosevelt left for Yalta, MacArthur forwarded a 40 page memorandum to the White House outlining 5 separate overtures for surrender he had received.

There are declassified docs , alluding to some sort of meeting FDR & Japanese representatives that never occured, curious if that's where this came from??

.and you think the Japanese would've surrendered????!!!!

Only if the emperor himself told them to.

Further reading reveals some japanese communication w/ russia , not quite sure of the story , but possiblly they were looking for a liason ?

Seems kind of odd that nobody notified McArthur, Supreme Commander in the Pacific, or Curtis LeMay, in charge of the Army Air Corp bombing campaign of Japan....

I can't speak to that. I'm just providing a quote from Eisenhower.

Maybe they just forgot to mention it to McArthur. After all, they didn't mention it to president Truman until April 24, 1945, and even he did not know if it would work until July 16, 1945, which was just 3 weeks before they dropped it..
Maybe a Vice President didn’t need to know
Those leading our military forces needed to know what weapons were available and what was coming

It had major impact on military strategy

You have to keep in mind the mind set of some of our military commanders. Curtis Lemay, for example, was the model for "Jack D Ripper", in Dr. Strangelove, the SAC Commander who went crazy and started a nuclear war. After WW2 was over, the president directed that all nuclear weapons be put directly under his personal control. LeMay tried to hold back a few, "just in case". It didn't work. LeMay went on to run as George Wallace's running mate. MacArthur advocated nuclear war against Korea, and presumable China as well, during the Korean war.

Besides. If word had gotten out to the Japanese that we were putting the invasion on hold, they would have assumed a much stronger negotiating position. In fact, it was recommended to Truman that he blow up an unpopulated Japanese Island instead of a city. Truman rejected the advice, correctly, in my opinion, that the Japanese would have assumed that we were not prepared to actually use it against the people of Japan. He was not afraid to use it, which is one of many reasons that Truman is my personal hero.
Both LeMay and Mac wanted to nuke the hell out of North Korea. 30 -40 bombs

We only had three nukes in WWII but they would have flattened Japan if they could

We could have taken the chance to nuke an unpopulated island with the assurance that the next one would land on Tokyo

Once we had the bomb......there was no real hurry

The hurry was to win the war before the Soviets had a chance to turn Tokyo into another East Berlin.
What some willful idiots fail to grasp is that there were obviously different voices in Japan’s wartime government. Some of the more level-headed were looking for ways to negotiate a surrender, but fdr dropped the ball and strengthened the hardliners, while screwing those in the government and among the public who had grown to oppose the war and sought to find a way out.

But at least Truman got to kill hundreds of thousands more civilians.
yes--it was FDR's fault
he made the Japanese attack Pearl--...

Really? How?
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.
whoever thinks Japan was ready to surrender obviously has no knowledge of WW2
You are merely a typical uninformed propagandized American. Sadly, there are too many like you.

72nd Anniversary of Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder
By Stephen Lendman

August 8, 2017you are not informed. T
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.

You are not informed. Please cease and desist from posting in my thread.

The Japanese tried to surrender several times. FDR and Truman ignored them. FDR’s tyrannical unjust and terribly deadly dictate of UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, lead to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and Japanese.

For this, FDR and Truman should burn in Hell for eternity.
.....Germany also got POUNDED and POUNDED and they also did NOT surrender till the Russians were in Berlin --and the Germans were not as fanatical as the Japanese
..and you think the Japanese would've surrendered????!!!!
..learn some history

Psst.... Japan DID surrender.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.
whoever thinks Japan was ready to surrender obviously has no knowledge of WW2
You are merely a typical uninformed propagandized American. Sadly, there are too many like you.

72nd Anniversary of Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder
By Stephen Lendman

August 8, 2017you are not informed. T
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.

You are not informed. Please cease and desist from posting in my thread.

The Japanese tried to surrender several times. FDR and Truman ignored them. FDR’s tyrannical unjust and terribly deadly dictate of UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, lead to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and Japanese.

For this, FDR and Truman should burn in Hell for eternity.
.....Germany also got POUNDED and POUNDED and they also did NOT surrender till the Russians were in Berlin --and the Germans were not as fanatical as the Japanese
..and you think the Japanese would've surrendered????!!!!
..learn some history

Psst.... Japan DID surrender.
...AFTER TWO A bombs and AFTER the vote ended in a tie and AFTER Japanese tried to stop the surrender--NOT before
so- OBVIOUSLY they were not willing to surrender didn't know any of that--did you??
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.
whoever thinks Japan was ready to surrender obviously has no knowledge of WW2
You are merely a typical uninformed propagandized American. Sadly, there are too many like you.

72nd Anniversary of Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder
By Stephen Lendman

August 8, 2017you are not informed. T
The best American value is that many Americans didn't die in the invasion of Japan.
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.

You are not informed. Please cease and desist from posting in my thread.

The Japanese tried to surrender several times. FDR and Truman ignored them. FDR’s tyrannical unjust and terribly deadly dictate of UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, lead to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and Japanese.

For this, FDR and Truman should burn in Hell for eternity.
.....Germany also got POUNDED and POUNDED and they also did NOT surrender till the Russians were in Berlin --and the Germans were not as fanatical as the Japanese
..and you think the Japanese would've surrendered????!!!!
..learn some history

Psst.... Japan DID surrender.
very stupid shit--stop wasting yours and our time with stupid post like that
they were NOT surrendering
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.
whoever thinks Japan was ready to surrender obviously has no knowledge of WW2
You are merely a typical uninformed propagandized American. Sadly, there are too many like you.

72nd Anniversary of Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder
By Stephen Lendman

August 8, 2017you are not informed. T
Yeah...mass murder civilians of a defenseless nation ready to surrender, based on inaccurate information.

Ike said don’t drop those bombs. Admiral Leahy said don’t drop those bombs.
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.

You are not informed. Please cease and desist from posting in my thread.

The Japanese tried to surrender several times. FDR and Truman ignored them. FDR’s tyrannical unjust and terribly deadly dictate of UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, lead to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and Japanese.

For this, FDR and Truman should burn in Hell for eternity.
.....Germany also got POUNDED and POUNDED and they also did NOT surrender till the Russians were in Berlin --and the Germans were not as fanatical as the Japanese
..and you think the Japanese would've surrendered????!!!!
..learn some history

Psst.... Japan DID surrender.
... OBVIOUSLY they were not willing to surrender

They DID surrender.
whoever thinks Japan was ready to surrender obviously has no knowledge of WW2
You are merely a typical uninformed propagandized American. Sadly, there are too many like you.

72nd Anniversary of Hiroshima’s Gratuitous Mass Murder
By Stephen Lendman

August 8, 2017you are not informed. T
Japan's Government REFUSED to surrender even after 2 atomic Bombs and then when the Emperor intervened and ordered the surrender the Army tried a Coup to stop that. This bullshit claim that Japan was ready to surrender is simply a LIE, a poorly done lie easily shown to be a lie and yet you RETARDS keep claiming it.

You are not informed. Please cease and desist from posting in my thread.

The Japanese tried to surrender several times. FDR and Truman ignored them. FDR’s tyrannical unjust and terribly deadly dictate of UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER, lead to the unnecessary deaths of thousands of Americans and Japanese.

For this, FDR and Truman should burn in Hell for eternity.
.....Germany also got POUNDED and POUNDED and they also did NOT surrender till the Russians were in Berlin --and the Germans were not as fanatical as the Japanese
..and you think the Japanese would've surrendered????!!!!
..learn some history

Psst.... Japan DID surrender.
... OBVIOUSLY they were not willing to surrender

They DID surrender.

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