The Truth-Afghanistan

Yes youre being a drama queen.

Anyone with a brain knows that if you invade someone's country, the sellouts that helped the invaders are going to get theirs when the US cuts and runs.

Ah, so you support the terrorists.

No worries, that isn't a view social media objects to, no one is going to suspend you for being a Taliban
Out of curiosity, how many people are the Taliban allowed to kill before objecting stops making one a "drama queen?"
Its not the number of people. Its your specific willingness to go fight the Taliban instead of trying to force american soldiers to risk their lives because you are outraged by war.
Its not the number of people. Its your specific willingness to go fight the Taliban instead of trying to force american soldiers to risk their lives because you are outraged by war.

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Sorry dude, you're as shitty a mind reader as you are a human being.

I said the military should be going out and getting people. What the fuck are you talking about?
I'm talking about the military shouldnt have to go get their asses after they had a year to leave.

The military wants to do it and Biden won't authorize it.

So you think the Brits, French and Germans are the suckers for getting their people, huh?

You've made clear your view the Taliban is right in killing them so obviously you don't care about them being left behind
How many years do you need if someone tells you a year in advance they are going to withdraw the troops?
Your dud Biden screwed this all up. We were supposed to have been out of there months ago. All that extra prep time really paid off for the Taliban, instead of the tough fight the intel folks expected they overran the country in weeks. You can thank Biden for that, but nah, you'll find some way to whine about Trump.
You've made clear your view the Taliban is right in killing them so obviously you don't care about them being left behind
Its not a question of right or wrong. Its a question of reality. If you helped the invaders the Taliban is going to kill your ass or imprison you. Everyone that has 2 brain cells to rub together knows that.
You're deflecting.

Why is it the Taliban had extra prep time and the americans that were there still couldn't get out of Afghanistan?
Why would they leave if they were supporting US operations? Why do you seem to never know anything at all about the topics at hand? Since you are obviously super ignorant about everything, you can take my word for it, Biden screwed this up, embarrassed our nation, and should resign.

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