The TRUTH Behind Homosexuality and Mental Illness

Jay, don't worry. We get a lot of people on here who register and do nothing but flame and troll, so we are a little suspect of all new posters for a little while. Make sure, if you haven't done so already, to check out the "Rules" thread at the top of the forums. Otherwise, discuss away!
dilloduck said:
So when people say that homosexuals might be born that way, you fear that it may give them some sort of birthright that permits thier behavior?
OR---if it IS a choice that by organizing they will convince OTHERS to choose to be gay?
JayW said:
Should it be punished by less rights?

Less rights is a fallacy, they are born with every inalienable right you and I are, under the law and the bounds of decency they will not be granted the right to marry someone of the same sex. Its as simple as that.
dilloduck said:
OR---if it IS a choice that by organizing they will convince OTHERS to choose to be gay?

That, frankly, is a legitimate worry, especially when there are books out there like "King and King" and "Heather Has Two Mommies" which seek to exploit innocent children by doing that very thing - convincing them that homosexual behavior is OK.
OCA said:
Less rights is a fallacy, they are born with every inalienable right you and I are, under the law and the bounds of decency they will not be granted the right to marry someone of the same sex. Its as simple as that.

How about the legal right to form a partnership?
dilloduck said:
So when people say that homosexuals might be born that way, you fear that it may give them some sort of birthright that permits thier behavior?

No. I'm born with the urge to maim and kill idiots on a daily basis, don't do it because I know its wrong. Same exact thing with homosexuality.
dilloduck said:
How about the legal right to form a partnership?

Anyone can form a partnership. Any two people can form a partnership that defines power of attorney, rights to estates, life insurance benefits, etc. etc. That right already exists for anyone in America.
dilloduck said:
How about the legal right to form a partnership?

Based solely on the fact that they engage in a demonstrably harmful and dangerous sexual perversion? I can't condone it.
musicman said:
Based solely on the fact that they engage in a demonstrably harmful and dangerous sexual perversion? I can't condone it.

And it all comes back to this, can't get around what Music said.
musicman said:
Based solely on the fact that they engage in a demonstrably harmful and dangerous sexual perversion? I can't condone it.
Then why is other harmful and dangerous behavior sanctioned by society and government---those OK with you too?
OCA said:
No. I'm born with the urge to maim and kill idiots on a daily basis, don't do it because I know its wrong. Same exact thing with homosexuality.

apples and oranges
two people being intimate with eachother vs. two people killing eachother?
legal vs. illegal?
JayW said:
apples and oranges
two people being intimate with eachother vs. two people killing eachother?
legal vs. illegal?

The argument could be made two men being intimate, sexually, ARE killing eachother.
dilloduck said:
start with smoking and drinking

I do both. If it weren't for Joz, I'd probably consume a suicidal diet, as well. But, I do not ask society to legitimize my behaviors, nor do I seek special rights solely because of them.
dilloduck said:
So when people say that homosexuals might be born that way, you fear that it may give them some sort of birthright that permits thier behavior?

That's kind of what the queers would like people to believe, they were born that way and can't help it. That's the point where normal people have asked, "prove you were born that way", and thus far, there's nothing to indicate anyone is born gay.

This whole issue is agenda driven. The queers want their butt banging to be accepted as "normal" just as heterosexual sex is. Thing is, it isn't, and the vast majority of people on earth arent' going to say it is anytime soon.
musicman said:
Based solely on the fact that they engage in a demonstrably harmful and dangerous sexual perversion? I can't condone it.

not saying i agree or disagree just is it harmful and dangerous to you?
musicman said:
I do both. If it weren't for Joz, I'd probably consume a suicidal diet, as well. But, I do not ask society to legitimize my behaviors, nor do I seek special rights solely because of them.

wha? Taking accountability for your actions??? You NEED special rights, Bro...
..b-b-b-because you were BORN with the urge to smoke, right?

I mean - the urge is there, therefore it MUST be a biological issue. After-all, who would CHOOSE to smoke, what with the hardships smokers face...I mean, yeah -

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