The TRUTH Behind Homosexuality and Mental Illness

rtwngAvngr said:
No. It's a wild unsubstantiated grasp at straws.

Not at all. Rather, it is the logical flip side of the legitimization crowd's wild, unsubstantiated grasp at straws. No junk science salesman ever burst onto the scene with the breathtaking new discovery that homosexuality alters the physical structure of the brain. But that explanation is at least as plausible as the speculation homosexual activists are trying to pass off as indisputable scientific fact.
musicman said:
Not at all. Rather, it is the logical flip side of the legitimization crowd's wild, unsubstantiated grasp at straws. No junk science salesman ever burst onto the scene with the breathtaking new discovery that homosexuality alters the physical structure of the brain. But that explanation is at least as plausible as the speculation homosexual activists are trying to pass off as indisputable scientific fact.

No it's not.

Just like the buggy may actually be pushing the horse.
However, I fully believe there is a concerted effort to undermine the family as families compete with the government as a transfer mechanism of ideology. Libs hate that.
rtwngAvngr said:
However, I fully believe there is a concerted effort to undermine the family as families compete with the government as a transfer mechanism of ideology. Libs hate that.

Genetic tendencies or not, gayness can’t simple be justified by lack of social choices. It’s inherited in all mankind (including women) to make social and healthy choices in the way they live. If not for this in society, only the alpha males would get the women, the rest of the men would simply by their time hoping to become alpha males, or compensate somehow for their unfortunate situation.

To prove to me that you guys/gals know something about mental differences, how familiar are you with document mental conditions such as Dyslexia, ADD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, and any other well-documented mental conditions I’m forgetting.

Just to see how smart you really are on this subject of human genetic psychology.
Markainion said:
Genetic tendencies or not, gayness can’t simple be justified by lack of social choices. It’s inherited in all mankind (including women) to make social and healthy choices in the way they live. If not for this in society, only the alpha males would get the women, the rest of the men would simply by their time hoping to become alpha males, or compensate somehow for their unfortunate situation.

To prove to me that you guys/gals know something about mental differences, how familiar are you with document mental conditions such as Dyslexia, ADD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, and any other well-documented mental conditions I’m forgetting.

Just to see how smart you really are on this subject of human genetic psychology.

I don't believe anyone has justified gayness with a lack of social choices. That statement makes no sense, actually.

If not for health choices only alpha males would get the women? That doesn't make sense either.

rtwngAvngr said:
It's just not a logical flipside. It's a reversal of causation.

Right - hence the term "logical flipside".

Regardless, neurological abberations in autopsied male homosexuals fall far short of proving a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality. You'd agree with that, wouldn't you?

rtwngAvngr said:
Getting the cart before the horse, so to speak.

Well, now we're descending into another area of sexual behavior entirely! :tng:
rtwngAvngr said:
I don't believe anyone has justified gayness with a lack of social choices. That statement makes no sense, actually.

If not for health choices only alpha males would get the women? That doesn't make sense either.


I read an article once about why men and women cheat, and the article related it to Alpha Male Apes (the Silverbacks). It's an interesting article about basic human sexual drives. If I can find it on the Internet, then I will post it.

All I meant to say was that humans are more than our genetics. We have a choice to make ourselves better than what God created (not saying that God didn't give us the ability to improve ourselves, because he did). That is why I asked about mental challenges like Dyslexia, to remind people that there are mental conditions that people can overcome.

Homosexuals may be naturally more attracted to the opposite sex than a normal person, I don’t know. That doesn’t mean that Gays didn’t choice to override their natural attraction to the same sex, in an effort to fit into the Gay Community. This is just my opinion, I don’t know what it is like to be attracted to the same sex.

I had a martial arts instructor once tell me “try to make the unnatural, natural.” He was referring to reflexes, but the concept still holds, you can change your natural behaviors, if you give it a try. You can say it is impossible all you want, but I won’t believe you, but I know I may still be wrong.
Markainion said:
I read an article once about why men and women cheat, and the article related it to Alpha Male Apes (the Silverbacks). It's an interesting article about basic human sexual drives. If I can find it on the Internet, then I will post it.

All I meant to say was that humans are more than our genetics. We have a choice to make ourselves better than what God created (not saying that God didn't give us the ability to improve ourselves, because he did). That is why I asked about mental challenges like Dyslexia, to remind people that there are mental conditions that people can overcome.

Homosexuals may be naturally more attracted to the opposite sex than a normal person, I don’t know. That doesn’t mean that Gays didn’t choice to override their natural attraction to the same sex, in an effort to fit into the Gay Community. This is just my opinion, I don’t know what it is like to be attracted to the same sex.

I had a martial arts instructor once tell me “try to make the unnatural, natural.” He was referring to reflexes, but the concept still holds, you can change your natural behaviors, if you give it a try. You can say it is impossible all you want, but I won’t believe you, but I know I may still be wrong.

That does sound like an interesting article. And of course, people can try to overcome natural inclinations.

Take overeating, for instance. Our bodies WANT to put on layers of fat, for tough times when food may run out. In our modern society of plentiful calories unattractive and dangerous obesity is the result without learning to modify our natural inclinations.
rtwngAvngr said:
I also read somewhere that the homosexuality is a natural population control mechanism. this paper said that stress hormones in the mother, possibly indicating a lack of resources to support the propagation of the species, cause homosexuality and thus limit the population.

This is the biggest stretch I've read on what makes a person queer to date. Maaaaaan... :cuckoo:
Pale Rider said:
New studies? Where's the "link" to these new studies pullit?

Wrong shit for brains. There's VOLUMES of proof, much of which has been posted here on this board. You just like to pretend you've never read any of it.

I don't think anyone on this board has accused other people of being queer more than *YOU* pullit. That very much makes me tend to believe *YOU* are the one that has the latent queer tendencies. See how you're stupidity can turn on you asswipe?

Here's the link:,,8122-1606173,00.html

The "proof" you cite is drawn from the demented ravings of far right fringe sights which base their opinion on faith rather than fact.

I didn't accuse you of being "queer", I was merely making an observation based upon your rantings. So, as I said before, get over it or come out of the closet...Either will do.
pullit said:

CHEEEEE ZUZ pullit... now you're going to try and tell us that somebody's queer because the smell of somebody else's armpit? Fuck. I always knew you were of questionable state of mind, and swallowed a lot liberal bunk from your heros like mickey moore and slick willie, but this is a new limit. If I told you that you can tell how much a person weighs by how big their turds were, I suppose you'd believe that too.

pullit said:
The "proof" you cite is drawn from the demented ravings of far right fringe sights which base their opinion on faith rather than fact.

The "proof" I cite is drawn form reputable sources, of which you can not dispute, so you resort to an age old liberal tactic, discrediting the source, instead of disputing the facts. You're all too predictable pullit. Please try harder to sound legitimate in the future.

pullit said:
I didn't accuse you of being "queer", I was merely making an observation based upon your rantings. So, as I said before, get over it or come out of the closet...Either will do.

You were being sarcastic, which is your nature. If it weren't for your smartass incinuations and comments towards people, I'd think you had a dribble of promise. But, as it is, you don't. You're just another pathetic, sassy loud mouthed, two bit liberal that really doesn't have much of value to add to anything.

Get over yourself, and then get a life.
Pale Rider said:
CHEEEEE ZUZ pullit... now you're going to try and tell us that somebody's queer because the smell of somebody else's armpit?

That would give creedence to the "gaydar" theroy.

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