The truth of Floyd’s death

Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Translation: I want to be able to say bullshit and not be called out for it...

I am hip to the whole "blame the victim" BS -- I have seen you dic suckers go on for days about the guy who was killed, trying to dehumanize him based on his past as a way to justify his death -- but you never used that same energy towards the person who actually "KILLED" someone....because you are more upset the person who died than the cop who killed him...because it removes the mask.....

So when you try to claim what the cop did was wrong, I don't believe you.....people like you will ALWAYS cheer for police oppression as long as it is targeted at the people you fuk what you yapping about
Where did you gather that bullshit from? Is there a cow pasture nearby? Absolutely nothing said was incorrect.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
We put terrorists in jail. Chauvin is going to prison. As for Floyd, explain why anyone should care that he is dead. He was a very bad man.

It seems to me that this was a double win. We got one of the few bad cops AND a career violent criminal is dead. Win win!
Oh brother you are a hard hearted fool. Apparently you think the state killing people who have done bad things, is perfectly acceptable.

Amazingly stupid.
The state didnt kill anyone. A man killed someone and he is going to prison. When gangbangers kill each other, i dont care that they are dead. In fact, it makes me happy.
Guess what? A cop is a state employee. He wantonly murdered a man and you find it acceptable, because the man had a criminal past.

Just admit it. You’re an idiot.
Who cares where he works? Youre the idiot who is blaming the actions of 1 man on the state.
Yeah, it is like when Muslims flew jets into buildings killing 3000 plus innocent people, and the left was telling US, that not all rag head camel jockeys are bad. Yet a bad cop kills a felon trying to pass a counter fit 20 dollar bill, then resists arrest twice, and the left puts a hate on all cops. Well i do say, i hope fuckers do defund the police, because when there are no cops left, there is no one who can stop US from going after you Commies. It will be a bad day for you stupid fucks, but hey, we will let Lucifer deal with your dumb ass..
Please learn how to spell "counterfeit" unless you are sitting at a counter while having a fit.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!

Was Floyd a Saint?

By no means but did the Cop do something that he should have never done?

Yes, and to excuse the Officer criminal act because of Floyd criminal life is wrong.

Floyd had his issues and would have died one day because of it but our Police Force across this country should not be the Judge, Jury and Executioner and the Officer was dead wrong in his actions.

Now should society burn itself down over this guy?

No, and let me be clear I am not shedding a tear for this guy but I also hope the Officer in question get sent to Prison and put in GP.

The one incident that America should have been outraged about is when that twelve year old kid was shot in Cleveland, Ohio back when Obama was President and yet no one really went nuts but Floyd is one that upset some segments of society...
So the Police shouldn't be "Judge, Jury and Executioner" but you want the Police officer put in General Population in Prison? Sounds like it's fine for YOU to be Judge, Jury and Executioner, Bruce! I think I'll wait until there is a trial and we get more of the facts before I pass sentence on anyone!
Did those Police officers make a criminal out of George Floyd?
I don't recall saying they did. Law writers made him a criminal. He died in law enFORCEment custody.
Ah so you blame the people that drafted laws that make home invasion and terrorizing a pregnant woman a crime? If only THEY hadn't been so mean...George wouldn't have a record and his life would have been better? Good luck selling that concept, Gdjjr!
Ah so you blame the people that drafted laws that make home invasion and terrorizing a pregnant woman a crime?
No. You're wrong- they made drugs illegal. Harming another doesn't require a law to be recognized.

Do you know why marijuana was made illegal?
Ah so you blame the people that drafted laws that make home invasion and terrorizing a pregnant woman a crime?
No. You're wrong- they made drugs illegal. Harming another doesn't require a law to be recognized.

Do you know why marijuana was made illegal?
Why pot is legal or illegal has ZERO to do with the fact that George Floyd was a lousy human being who forced his way into a pregnant woman's house and threatened to kill her and her baby if she didn't give him money and drugs! Stop deflecting!
Why pot is legal or illegal has ZERO to do with the fact that George Floyd was a lousy human being who forced his way into a pregnant woman's house and threatened to kill her and her baby if she didn't give him money and drugs! Stop deflecting!
I'm not deflecting. You asked a question/made an accusation against me- I replied.
Now, you stop deflecting and answer the question. My money says you can't.
Why pot is legal or illegal has ZERO to do with the fact that George Floyd was a lousy human being who forced his way into a pregnant woman's house and threatened to kill her and her baby if she didn't give him money and drugs! Stop deflecting!
I'm not deflecting. You asked a question/made an accusation against me- I replied.
Now, you stop deflecting and answer the question. My money says you can't.
Do I know why they made pot illegal? Because it's an easily grown product that the government couldn't control and had no way of taxing? Because it was deemed to be a "gate way" drug that supposedly led to the use of harder drugs? None of which changes the fact that George Floyd was a worthless piece of human filth.
The police was created to protect the wealthy and bust the heads of the poor and they are still doing it.
I say then rape all the ladies cause the cops weren’t meant to help them. How about them pedophiles as well, free reign buddy. Right? That’s your logic?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
I disagree they are up against a faction in the black community that promotes single mothers they produces gang bangers that want to hurt cops, I’m in a inner city, if you can’t understand what I’m saying you should listen because it’s real
85 shot 25 dead last weekend in chiraq, thanks to the demofks plantation politics. That’s all
The police was created to protect the wealthy and bust the heads of the poor and they are still doing it.
I say then rape all the ladies cause the cops weren’t meant to help them. How about them pedophiles as well, free reign buddy. Right? That’s your logic?
What does you rape count amount to?
Huh? In English
Sorry I mistook you for another foreigner.
It wasn’t legible for them either
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

The answer is: big chances that NO.

Lets analyze it.

Even the most prestigious psychologists will find an unexplained anomaly when police confront a black person who is a suspect or has committed a crime. No matter how well trained police officers are in order to have the situation under control, we have, as humans, other reactions beyond the obedience to orders learned in the school, academy, etc.

When the allies reached the Nazi concentration camps, and they found the detainees in such deplorable condition, the smell was so bad, their faces looking so sick, their bodies and clothes in miserable status, the first reaction of the rescuers was treating them like disposable animals rather than mercy. It was a natural reaction of rejection, even when they knew their duty was to help those people, it is something that can't be explained but is a uncontrollable reaction to what is not wanted at all.

Look at Floyd intoxicated as hell, practically a human waste, an example of how low a person can reach destroying himself. Police are very familiar watching blacks, whites, hispanics, in such a condition. They don't want to deal with people in such condition, but that is their job. The rules are to treat people with dignity at the moment of arrest. But it happens as a common denominator, that blacks are experts in resisting arrest, no matter how many times they are told to stand still and don't move, when people is drunk, drugged or just with evil soul all their life, they won't obey a simple order.

Here is when the scenario changes from an arrest procedure leaded by dignity to an arrest where force must need to be applied. And here is when the unwanted reaction takes place, the rejection against the individual in front of him.

When you have a huge argument with your wife, she will have two big strategies, one is becoming historical and the second is becoming hysterical. No matter the order, both will come into the scenario. The historical strategy is remind you all the arguments since you knew each other, the hysterical is crying, trying to hurt you physically or emotionally.

Same scenario here. Inside the police officer mind, in that moment of confrontation with the detainee presenting resistance, the historical scenario fills up his brain. In that moment, the black person in front of him is the whole blacks who have presented resistance in the past. The police is not looking at one individual anymore but at lots of criminals. You wrongly call it "discrimination" but such is not true. In that moment is generalization.

Do you want proof?

Right now, the protests are against police in general, no matter if good or bad police.

Right now, the eyes of people see the whole police department as racists. Some authorities are working to defund police in their jurisdictions, no matter if only one police is the bad apple, the reaction is against the whole police department.

And look, this "defund" is the sudden and immediate reaction by people and authorities, like the allies in Nazi concentration camps, like police when confronting a black person resisting arrest.

This is the reason why police will kill more blacks than other races when crimes have been committed, is not because a single case in front of them but the whole record of cases invading their minds, and no one can wash that information from their brains.

After the historical scenario takes place, then the hysterical comes as the supplement.

In several cases when police have killed a black suspect or criminal, if you notice it, police KNEW they were on camera, they knew someone is recording what they are doing, and even so they continued with their action.

Put yourself in the following scenario. You want to steal supplies from the office storage room at your work place. You notice that there are surveillance cameras outside and inside that room, but even so, you went inside and took what you want to steal. Then you must be desperate, out of your mind, you want to be caught, etc.

This police officer knew he was on camera, it should be stupid from his part trying to kill someone in front of everybody. However, after the historical records of blacks resisting arrest in his mind, including other memories reminding him he knows the man under his knee, the hysterical step came to place, to hurt the other person.

This is not pre meditated, this is a reaction right in that moment. He won't care about the phones recording his abuse, and if you ask me if he is himself I can tell that he is not. He is at that moment lots of frustrations. From outside he wants to demonstrate he is in control, but in his inside all his frustrations have took all dominion.

Why frustrated? Simple. And you won't like my answer at all to this question.

The authorities who want to defund their police departments want to use those funds "to help" black communities in their jurisdictions.

In other words, blacks who live thanks to welfare, food stamps, and cheap housing, and because they usually don't work but deal with drugs, those are the cause of most criminality, those are the problem, not police but the ones living as parasites at the cost of the government. This is the frustrated part, these blacks don't want to progress but try to make easy money with drugs, and they HATE police.

I have neighbors who are blacks and who don't play the character of being "victims of history". They own nice houses, they do work and have cars, take vacations, etc. Then this is not "race" or "minorities" but just about bad apples.

And there are lots of authorities who wrongly support these "bad apples" because they are "minorities", because they deserve opportunities, because there is a history record of slavery in the past that is a stain in their lives and they need to heal from those memories. 70 years since Luther King and these guys can't recover... what a bunch of bumps!

In the field, where police are the ones who must confront the criminals, there are no blacks who need opportunities, no blacks who are slaves, but blacks who are criminals because such was their choice. And while police is arresting criminals,on the other hand at a higher level authorities and politicians are defending them.

Defunding police to "help" black communities, how? Are authorities to offer them jobs or to giving them additional social services?

I did work in a government agency for two decades, and most of blacks just collected paychecks without working, plus they were drunk everyday and stealing a lot. Only a reduced number of them were really hard workers, and those were the ones I chose to hang with. And yes, from the "bad apples" side, I was considered a "racist". lol

No, if Floyd was white he won't be under the knee of that white police officer, but not because the police officer was a racist but because there is a frustration from all sides of society.

Liberals are making society to reach the most chaotic status ever, The more that minorities are given green light to obtain more preferences without deserving them, the more decay will be in society.

Demand an audit on all police departments, check police officers with 5 complaints or more of abuse of power, fire the ones with the worst records and that will show police cooperation to solve this abuse of force issue.

On the other hand, Stop using the street cleaning truck and provide brooms to food stamps collectors to people who is not handicap or having medical conditions that force them to stay in bed, and teach them that working reveals dignity, and that dirty designated streets means no right to collect welfare. The funds taken from police departments must go to brooms so poor people can have a basic work task.

Do you feel offended with my suggestion of making people producible and earn what they eat?

Do you have a better suggestion to be put over the table?
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

The answer is: big chances that NO.

Lets analyze it.

Even the most prestigious psychologists will find an unexplained anomaly when police confront a black person who is a suspect or has committed a crime. No matter how well trained police officers are in order to have the situation under control, we have, as humans, other reactions beyond the obedience to orders learned in the school, academy, etc.

When the allies reached the Nazi concentration camps, and they found the detainees in such deplorable condition, the smell was so bad, their faces looking so sick, their bodies and clothes in miserable status, the first reaction of the rescuers was treating them like disposable animals rather than mercy. It was a natural reaction of rejection, even when they knew their duty was to help those people, it is something that can't be explained but is a uncontrollable reaction to what is not wanted at all.

Look at Floyd intoxicated as hell, practically a human waste, an example of how low a person can reach destroying himself. Police are very familiar watching blacks, whites, hispanics, in such a condition. They don't want to deal with people in such condition, but that is their job. The rules are to treat people with dignity at the moment of arrest. But it happens as a common denominator, that blacks are experts in resisting arrest, no matter how many times they are told to stand still and don't move, when people is drunk, drugged or just with evil soul all their life, they won't obey a simple order.

Here is when the scenario changes from an arrest procedure leaded by dignity to an arrest where force must need to be applied. And here is when the unwanted reaction takes place, the rejection against the individual in front of him.

When you have a huge argument with your wife, she will have two big strategies, one is becoming historical and the second is becoming hysterical. No matter the order, both will come into the scenario. The historical strategy is remind you all the arguments since you knew each other, the hysterical is crying, trying to hurt you physically or emotionally.

Same scenario here. Inside the police officer mind, in that moment of confrontation with the detainee presenting resistance, the historical scenario fills up his brain. In that moment, the black person in front of him is the whole blacks who have presented resistance in the past. The police is not looking at one individual anymore but at lots of criminals. You wrongly call it "discrimination" but such is not true. In that moment is generalization.

Do you want proof?

Right now, the protests are against police in general, no matter if good or bad police.

Right now, the eyes of people see the whole police department as racists. Some authorities are working to defund police in their jurisdictions, no matter if only one police is the bad apple, the reaction is against the whole police department.

And look, this "defund" is the sudden and immediate reaction by people and authorities, like the allies in Nazi concentration camps, like police when confronting a black person resisting arrest.

This is the reason why police will kill more blacks than other races when crimes have been committed, is not because a single case in front of them but the whole record of cases invading their minds, and no one can wash that information from their brains.

After the historical scenario takes place, then the hysterical comes as the supplement.

In several cases when police have killed a black suspect or criminal, if you notice it, police KNEW they were on camera, they knew someone is recording what they are doing, and even so they continued with their action.

Put yourself in the following scenario. You want to steal supplies from the office storage room at your work place. You notice that there are surveillance cameras outside and inside that room, but even so, you went inside and took what you want to steal. Then you must be desperate, out of your mind, you want to be caught, etc.

This police officer knew he was on camera, it should be stupid from his part trying to kill someone in front of everybody. However, after the historical records of blacks resisting arrest in his mind, including other memories reminding him he knows the man under his knee, the hysterical step came to place, to hurt the other person.

This is not pre meditated, this is a reaction right in that moment. He won't care about the phones recording his abuse, and if you ask me if he is himself I can tell that he is not. He is at that moment lots of frustrations. From outside he wants to demonstrate he is in control, but in his inside all his frustrations have took all dominion.

Why frustrated? Simple. And you won't like my answer at all to this question.

The authorities who want to defund their police departments want to use those funds "to help" black communities in their jurisdictions.

In other words, blacks who live thanks to welfare, food stamps, and cheap housing, and because they usually don't work but deal with drugs, those are the cause of most criminality, those are the problem, not police but the ones living as parasites at the cost of the government. This is the frustrated part, these blacks don't want to progress but try to make easy money with drugs, and they HATE police.

I have neighbors who are blacks and who don't play the character of being "victims of history". They own nice houses, they do work and have cars, take vacations, etc. Then this is not "race" or "minorities" but just about bad apples.

And there are lots of authorities who wrongly support these "bad apples" because they are "minorities", because they deserve opportunities, because there is a history record of slavery in the past that is a stain in their lives and they need to heal from those memories. 70 years since Luther King and these guys can't recover... what a bunch of bumps!

In the field, where police are the ones who must confront the criminals, there are no blacks who need opportunities, no blacks who are slaves, but blacks who are criminals because such was their choice. And while police is arresting criminals,on the other hand at a higher level authorities and politicians are defending them.

Defunding police to "help" black communities, how? Are authorities to offer them jobs or to giving them additional social services?

I did work in a government agency for two decades, and most of blacks just collected paychecks without working, plus they were drunk everyday and stealing a lot. Only a reduced number of them were really hard workers, and those were the ones I chose to hang with. And yes, from the "bad apples" side, I was considered a "racist". lol

No, if Floyd was white he won't be under the knee of that white police officer, but not because the police officer was a racist but because there is a frustration from all sides of society.

Liberals are making society to reach the most chaotic status ever, The more that minorities are given green light to obtain more preferences without deserving them, the more decay will be in society.

Demand an audit on all police departments, check police officers with 5 complaints or more of abuse of power, fire the ones with the worst records and that will show police cooperation to solve this abuse of force issue.

On the other hand, Stop using the street cleaning truck and provide brooms to food stamps collectors to people who is not handicap or having medical conditions that force them to stay in bed, and teach them that working reveals dignity, and that dirty designated streets means no right to collect welfare. The funds taken from police departments must go to brooms so poor people can have a basic work task.

Do you feel offended with my suggestion of making people producible and earn what they eat?

Do you have a better suggestion to be put over the table?
Respect begets respect. Nothing more.

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