The truth of Floyd’s death

Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell

Floyd died because he was a criminal. I think thats it.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago who didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
No, I would have been the "type" who would have tried to stop what happened to Emmet Till! Is that the best you've got? Trying to paint anyone who points out the sordid truth about George Floyd as a racist?
Thank you police for beating these fatherless children’s ass like they should have beaten if the mother wasn’t a whore
Please leave the thread.


Gipper is a prime example of the cultureless mob that makes America ungovernable. He is what passes for political philosophy these days...born and bred on foreign marxism.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Translation: I want to be able to say bullshit and not be called out for it...

I am hip to the whole "blame the victim" BS -- I have seen you dic suckers go on for days about the guy who was killed, trying to dehumanize him based on his past as a way to justify his death -- but you never used that same energy towards the person who actually "KILLED" someone....because you are more upset the person who died than the cop who killed him...because it removes the mask.....

So when you try to claim what the cop did was wrong, I don't believe you.....people like you will ALWAYS cheer for police oppression as long as it is targeted at the people you fuk what you yapping about
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Translation: I want to be able to say bullshit and not be called out for it...

I am hip to the whole "blame the victim" BS -- I have seen you dic suckers go on for days about the guy who was killed, trying to dehumanize him based on his past as a way to justify his death -- but you never used that same energy towards the person who actually "KILLED" someone....because you are more upset the person who died than the cop who killed him...because it removes the mask.....

So when you try to claim what the cop did was wrong, I don't believe you.....people like you will ALWAYS cheer for police oppression as long as it is targeted at the people you fuk what you yapping about
Haha.... and here we have yet another example of the diaper filling mentality of the left.
You should stay in your safe place
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Translation: I want to be able to say bullshit and not be called out for it...

I am hip to the whole "blame the victim" BS -- I have seen you dic suckers go on for days about the guy who was killed, trying to dehumanize him based on his past as a way to justify his death -- but you never used that same energy towards the person who actually "KILLED" someone....because you are more upset the person who died than the cop who killed him...because it removes the mask.....

So when you try to claim what the cop did was wrong, I don't believe you.....people like you will ALWAYS cheer for police oppression as long as it is targeted at the people you fuk what you yapping about
This is no different than what took place when Trayvon Martin was killed...or when Michael Brown was killed. The media make them out to be perfect angels attacked and killed by racist whites! Then slowly but surely the real story emerges about the victim...and it turns out they're really not very nice people at all! So why are we going down that same road again?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Translation: I want to be able to say bullshit and not be called out for it...

I am hip to the whole "blame the victim" BS -- I have seen you dic suckers go on for days about the guy who was killed, trying to dehumanize him based on his past as a way to justify his death -- but you never used that same energy towards the person who actually "KILLED" someone....because you are more upset the person who died than the cop who killed him...because it removes the mask.....

So when you try to claim what the cop did was wrong, I don't believe you.....people like you will ALWAYS cheer for police oppression as long as it is targeted at the people you fuk what you yapping about
This is no different than what took place when Trayvon Martin was killed...or when Michael Brown was killed. The media make them out to be perfect angels attacked and killed by racist whites! Then slowly but surely the real story emerges about the victim...and it turns out they're really not very nice people at all! So why are we going down that same road again?
Because they cannot let go of the narrative. One thing to keep in mind about this generation is they have been taught narrative based thinking since grade school. Critical thinking is a talent they simply know nothing about. Group think mentality where everyone quietly agrees to ignore reality so they can suspend the narrative is what they know.
It simply doesn't occur to him/her that someone can agree that Chauvin is guilty for killing Floyd, but also say that Floyd is a piece of garbage.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Translation: I want to be able to say bullshit and not be called out for it...

I am hip to the whole "blame the victim" BS -- I have seen you dic suckers go on for days about the guy who was killed, trying to dehumanize him based on his past as a way to justify his death -- but you never used that same energy towards the person who actually "KILLED" someone....because you are more upset the person who died than the cop who killed him...because it removes the mask.....

So when you try to claim what the cop did was wrong, I don't believe you.....people like you will ALWAYS cheer for police oppression as long as it is targeted at the people you fuk what you yapping about
This is no different than what took place when Trayvon Martin was killed...or when Michael Brown was killed. The media make them out to be perfect angels attacked and killed by racist whites! Then slowly but surely the real story emerges about the victim...and it turns out they're really not very nice people at all! So why are we going down that same road again?

To me it was very different. Mike Brown attacked the police officer. Trayvon Martin was not a police incident and he and Zimmerman was a bad situation where Zimmerman should have backed down and Martin should never have confronted Zimmerman. Floyd was completely different, he had a conviction, served his time. His previous arrest had nothing to do with this incident. So to me it was irrelevant.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
Because it’s dumb dummy. I keep telling you, but apparently you’re slow. Claiming over and over Floyd is a terrible person is meaningless, unless you think his cold blooded murder was acceptable because he was a bad person

See? Racist.

We can’t all be perfect like you.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell

Floyd died because he was a criminal. I think thats it.
You’re an idiot and a Facist.
They can make another Barbershop Movie.....With a new character....."Floyd the Barber"!
They can make another Barbershop Movie.....With a new character....."Floyd the Barber"!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....
View attachment 348874
You are a fine example of why people cannot communicate anymore.
Someone disagrees, or says something you don't like - and you immediately put that person in the same category as the very worst they could possibly be.
I see Oldstyle pointing out an accurate point that the narrative based media simply ignores any facts or point of interest that does not support the narrative they are putting out.
Showing how much of a rotten person George Floyd was and how ridiculous it is for the media to repeat the nonsense that he was a "gentle giant" - by no means makes Oldstyle a racist or he believes "he had it coming".
Translation: I want to be able to say bullshit and not be called out for it...

I am hip to the whole "blame the victim" BS -- I have seen you dic suckers go on for days about the guy who was killed, trying to dehumanize him based on his past as a way to justify his death -- but you never used that same energy towards the person who actually "KILLED" someone....because you are more upset the person who died than the cop who killed him...because it removes the mask.....

So when you try to claim what the cop did was wrong, I don't believe you.....people like you will ALWAYS cheer for police oppression as long as it is targeted at the people you fuk what you yapping about
This is no different than what took place when Trayvon Martin was killed...or when Michael Brown was killed. The media make them out to be perfect angels attacked and killed by racist whites! Then slowly but surely the real story emerges about the victim...and it turns out they're really not very nice people at all! So why are we going down that same road again?
If you were the biggest asshole ever and committed numerous crimes, I wouldn’t agree with the state’s brown shirts murdering you. Would you?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell

Floyd died because he was a criminal. I think thats it.
You’re an idiot and a Facist.

You left out American. And non-felon.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
We put terrorists in jail. Chauvin is going to prison. As for Floyd, explain why anyone should care that he is dead. He was a very bad man.

It seems to me that this was a double win. We got one of the few bad cops AND a career violent criminal is dead. Win win!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
We put terrorists in jail. Chauvin is going to prison. As for Floyd, explain why anyone should care that he is dead. He was a very bad man.

It seems to me that this was a double win. We got one of the few bad cops AND a career violent criminal is dead. Win win!
Oh brother you are a hard hearted fool. Apparently you think the state killing people who have done bad things, is perfectly acceptable.

Amazingly stupid.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
We put terrorists in jail. Chauvin is going to prison. As for Floyd, explain why anyone should care that he is dead. He was a very bad man.

It seems to me that this was a double win. We got one of the few bad cops AND a career violent criminal is dead. Win win!
Oh brother you are a hard hearted fool. Apparently you think the state killing people who have done bad things, is perfectly acceptable.

Amazingly stupid.
And i guess that black people killing black people is just another day in the hood for you and perfectly acceptable?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
We put terrorists in jail. Chauvin is going to prison. As for Floyd, explain why anyone should care that he is dead. He was a very bad man.

It seems to me that this was a double win. We got one of the few bad cops AND a career violent criminal is dead. Win win!
Oh brother you are a hard hearted fool. Apparently you think the state killing people who have done bad things, is perfectly acceptable.

Amazingly stupid.
The state didnt kill anyone. A man killed someone and he is going to prison.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
We put terrorists in jail. Chauvin is going to prison. As for Floyd, explain why anyone should care that he is dead. He was a very bad man.

It seems to me that this was a double win. We got one of the few bad cops AND a career violent criminal is dead. Win win!
Oh brother you are a hard hearted fool. Apparently you think the state killing people who have done bad things, is perfectly acceptable.

Amazingly stupid.
The state didnt kill anyone. A man killed someone and he is going to prison. When gangbangers kill each other, i dont care that they are dead. In fact, it makes me happy.
Guess what? A cop is a state employee. He wantonly murdered a man and you find it acceptable, because the man had a criminal past.

Just admit it. You’re an idiot.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
Georgie Porgie died because George was a degenerate criminal that was created by the liberal policies that destroys black families. All the time during his funeral the lame stream media was telling US he was going to be buried next to his mother. Where was the father of George? Oh yeah, the liberal politicians made it that black fathers could skip town, and the mothers rely on the government. No father, creates degenerate sons. Thank a lib for George's death, the police tried twice to put George into the police car, but George resisted(as liberal tell all blacks to do) both times, thus creating his untimely death. When the body cams of the police confirm this, the uneducated folks will burn whole cities...That is their savage nature. Thanks to liberals...
You two just self identified yourselves as idiots. WTF is wrong with you?

Have you considered for one moment the consequences of your idiocy? Allowing the State to wantonly and unjustly murder it’s citizens, has consequences.

I don’t know how any thinking American could think as you do. WTF!
What "State" is allowing wanton and unjust murders to take place? Other than Illinois of course where almost as many black men were killed in ONE DAY as were killed by Police in the entire nation for a calendar YEAR!
I don't know how any "thinking" American could buy the line of crap you liberals are peddling that the Police murdering citizens is what's holding back the black community! It's sixty years of liberal policy in Democratically controlled cities that is killing blacks...NOT the Police!
You are clearly blind. You need an optometrist.
Why? Because I don't believe the MYTH that the left is pushing about who George Floyd was? That I don't believe the total BULLSHIT that the left is also pushing that Police killing blacks in this country is the big problem in the black community? My eyesight is laser focused...and it's seeing right through the fog of lies that you on the left and your flunkies in the Main Stream Media are using!
You fucking idiot. It doesn’t matter who or what Floyd was. He was wantonly and viciously murdered by one of your beloved state terrorists.

wake up!
We put terrorists in jail. Chauvin is going to prison. As for Floyd, explain why anyone should care that he is dead. He was a very bad man.

It seems to me that this was a double win. We got one of the few bad cops AND a career violent criminal is dead. Win win!
Oh brother you are a hard hearted fool. Apparently you think the state killing people who have done bad things, is perfectly acceptable.

Amazingly stupid.
The state didnt kill anyone. A man killed someone and he is going to prison. When gangbangers kill each other, i dont care that they are dead. In fact, it makes me happy.
Guess what? A cop is a state employee. He wantonly murdered a man and you find it acceptable, because the man had a criminal past.

Just admit it. You’re an idiot.
Who cares where he works? Youre the idiot who is blaming the actions of 1 man on the state.

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