The truth of Floyd’s death

Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....

That I can agree with, Floyd went to jail and served his sentence, he paid his dues. He should never had died that way and their is absolutely no excuse for what the cop did. The cop had 18 complaints and his superiors never disciplined him and his union protected him. We need to know why and fix a bad system. I am ashamed of the racism that has been displayed by many white people.

I don’t understand many views held by minorities, mainly because I haven’t lived it, yet if I ask or comment, in ignorance I get ripped up onside and down the other. I don’t believe any race is superior to any other race, so I am not racist, it’s that I don’t have an understanding. Tough to understand when the dialogue is one way, which is what I see today and inhibiting the understanding and healing.

BTW, I haven’t seen many posts from you lately, and though we can be harsh to each other, hope all is well.
Here is my view on people speaking on a subject that they don't understand -- if you speak on it from a place where you admit you don't really understand it -- that is one thing.....

However, if you speak on a subject you have little understanding, full of errors and falsehoods --and do it in a way as if you are the authority on the subject, that is when you can run into problems..

I don't know anything about nuclear engineering -- so if I speak on that subject, I will be doing more asking and listening than anything else...
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....

That I can agree with, Floyd went to jail and served his sentence, he paid his dues. He should never had died that way and their is absolutely no excuse for what the cop did. The cop had 18 complaints and his superiors never disciplined him and his union protected him. We need to know why and fix a bad system. I am ashamed of the racism that has been displayed by many white people.

I don’t understand many views held by minorities, mainly because I haven’t lived it, yet if I ask or comment, in ignorance I get ripped up onside and down the other. I don’t believe any race is superior to any other race, so I am not racist, it’s that I don’t have an understanding. Tough to understand when the dialogue is one way, which is what I see today and inhibiting the understanding and healing.

BTW, I haven’t seen many posts from you lately, and though we can be harsh to each other, hope all is well.
Yep.....and everything about Georgie Boy is out in the open.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
If he was white you wouldn't have known about him.
He would have been a statistic.
Not true...

We knew about her....
0_a0d99d0 (23).jpg

Thanks to groups like Black Lives Matter bringing attention to it.....which they did....
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
If he was white you wouldn't have known about him.
He would have been a statistic.
Not true...

We knew about her....
View attachment 348847

Thanks to groups like Black Lives Matter bringing attention to it.....which they did....
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
Of course you are right. We don’t know the cop’s intent, but the media and many Americans naturally assume he was a racist. This is the MO whenever a white cop kills a black man.

The fact they worked together and knew each other, likely means something.

Additionally, the fact that the MSM is not reporting that they knew each other, proves they are purposely dividing Americans.
It was reported in the media that the Club owner said they both worked for her, one as an inside bouncer, the other as outside door security, and she said they didn't know each other, from what she saw with them....

Nothing else on it though.... which is mostly conspiracy theories, or, so far, unproven.

I would hope the detectives investigating, would try to find out if there was a connection.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
If he was white you wouldn't have known about him.
He would have been a statistic.
Not true...

We knew about her....
View attachment 348847

Thanks to groups like Black Lives Matter bringing attention to it.....which they did....
I didn't expect your dumb ass to understand......

So I will type in crayon for you...

If the guy was would still be wrong...and there will ZERO instances of dic suckers like you going on and on about that white guy's past to justify fuk what you yapping about
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
If he was white you wouldn't have known about him.
He would have been a statistic.
Oh bull crud Mud, the video of it would have enraged the audience...
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Because of the narrative based media you probably don't know that the two had history.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin didn't know it was Floyd as he was arresting him. It is simply not possible to work for the same small company for many years and not know each other.
It at least invites the possibility that this was personal. There is a rumor that there was a love triangle some years back. That rumor is not substantiated. If it was personal, then it had nothing to do with him being black. But the narrative based media isn't talking about this because - it doesn't fit the pre-existing narrative.
I did read yesterday that Floyd had spats with Chauvin at the primarily black night club, for being overly aggressive, spraying mace in to the crowd instead of just the two fighting, kind of thing.... but that's unconfirmed.

But then my question would be, WHAT about the other 3 cops.... ?
And did you know Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him?
Yes, did you know that the only reason he was still a cop is due to Democrat backed Police unions that make it nearly impossible to fire them? Police unions are absolutely why bad cops stay cops. Notice how that has also been left out of the narrative?
Chauvin was an asshole as described by those that knew him - and his other employer stated he was a hothead and had a flash temper. (however she didn't fire him either)
He will and should go to prison for what he did. No argument. But the fact that there is a solid possibility that this was personal - pokes a big hole in the narrative that it was about race. So... the narrative based media simply ignores that part of the story. - You OK with that?
I don't think you can rule race out because they knew each other and didn't like each still could be a racist issue....

And, the liberal media is discussing the police union, and how they protect the bad apples.

It's the ENTIRE Defund the Police issue....

The reason to defund, is to abolish the union contract, then rehire only the good cops, and not rehire the bad cops with bad records, in the NEW policing organization.
Who will form a new union in no time and it is all reset.
You are not going to solve an issue by simply hitting a reset button.
The real problem here is the unions. So I believe it is WAAAAAY past time to abolish ALL public unions - including teachers unions that also keep bad teachers on the payroll.
Get rid of the unions - and the bad cops will lose their jobs very-very quickly.
- NOTE - not to forget that the "defund the police" folks are already wanting to have all kinds of say and set up arbitrary hiring policies based on race and sex rather than past service and qualifications. - HUGE problem with that. That would mean a lot of good cops would be replaced by unqualified people hired for the color of their skin and whether or not they have a penis.
You do realize the ability to unionize is written in law in the National Labor Relations Act..
yeah...and? You do realize that Congress writes laws, and can undo any law they choose as long as it is not unconstitutional.
Try getting that change through Congress. During 2018, more teachers were elected to office than lawyers.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Because of the narrative based media you probably don't know that the two had history.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin didn't know it was Floyd as he was arresting him. It is simply not possible to work for the same small company for many years and not know each other.
It at least invites the possibility that this was personal. There is a rumor that there was a love triangle some years back. That rumor is not substantiated. If it was personal, then it had nothing to do with him being black. But the narrative based media isn't talking about this because - it doesn't fit the pre-existing narrative.
I did read yesterday that Floyd had spats with Chauvin at the primarily black night club, for being overly aggressive, spraying mace in to the crowd instead of just the two fighting, kind of thing.... but that's unconfirmed.

But then my question would be, WHAT about the other 3 cops.... ?
And did you know Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him?

How does one have 18 complaints against them, yet face no disciplinary action or termination. In my career, though not in law enforcement or for any government entity, I doubt very much I’d keep a job after a handful of complaints.

Something is systematically wrong with our police departments. Will anything be done to correct it?

Police unions are very powerful, we need to look at what they are doing to contribute to the problem and protection. Even now, the union is working to reinstate him.

That is their job!
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Because of the narrative based media you probably don't know that the two had history.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin didn't know it was Floyd as he was arresting him. It is simply not possible to work for the same small company for many years and not know each other.
It at least invites the possibility that this was personal. There is a rumor that there was a love triangle some years back. That rumor is not substantiated. If it was personal, then it had nothing to do with him being black. But the narrative based media isn't talking about this because - it doesn't fit the pre-existing narrative.
I did read yesterday that Floyd had spats with Chauvin at the primarily black night club, for being overly aggressive, spraying mace in to the crowd instead of just the two fighting, kind of thing.... but that's unconfirmed.

But then my question would be, WHAT about the other 3 cops.... ?
And did you know Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him?

How does one have 18 complaints against them, yet face no disciplinary action or termination. In my career, though not in law enforcement or for any government entity, I doubt very much I’d keep a job after a handful of complaints.

Something is systematically wrong with our police departments. Will anything be done to correct it?

Police unions are very powerful, we need to look at what they are doing to contribute to the problem and protection. Even now, the union is working to reinstate him.

That is their job!

I know, that’s why public sector unions, such as the police unions need to reform or go away. Keeping bad cops on is not productive for the citizens they are supposed to “serve and protect”.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Because of the narrative based media you probably don't know that the two had history.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin didn't know it was Floyd as he was arresting him. It is simply not possible to work for the same small company for many years and not know each other.
It at least invites the possibility that this was personal. There is a rumor that there was a love triangle some years back. That rumor is not substantiated. If it was personal, then it had nothing to do with him being black. But the narrative based media isn't talking about this because - it doesn't fit the pre-existing narrative.
I did read yesterday that Floyd had spats with Chauvin at the primarily black night club, for being overly aggressive, spraying mace in to the crowd instead of just the two fighting, kind of thing.... but that's unconfirmed.

But then my question would be, WHAT about the other 3 cops.... ?
And did you know Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him?

How does one have 18 complaints against them, yet face no disciplinary action or termination. In my career, though not in law enforcement or for any government entity, I doubt very much I’d keep a job after a handful of complaints.

Something is systematically wrong with our police departments. Will anything be done to correct it?
I mean really... how many times does this have to be repeated - the problem is POLICE UNIONS.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Because of the narrative based media you probably don't know that the two had history.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin didn't know it was Floyd as he was arresting him. It is simply not possible to work for the same small company for many years and not know each other.
It at least invites the possibility that this was personal. There is a rumor that there was a love triangle some years back. That rumor is not substantiated. If it was personal, then it had nothing to do with him being black. But the narrative based media isn't talking about this because - it doesn't fit the pre-existing narrative.
I did read yesterday that Floyd had spats with Chauvin at the primarily black night club, for being overly aggressive, spraying mace in to the crowd instead of just the two fighting, kind of thing.... but that's unconfirmed.

But then my question would be, WHAT about the other 3 cops.... ?
And did you know Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him?

How does one have 18 complaints against them, yet face no disciplinary action or termination. In my career, though not in law enforcement or for any government entity, I doubt very much I’d keep a job after a handful of complaints.

Something is systematically wrong with our police departments. Will anything be done to correct it?

Police unions are very powerful, we need to look at what they are doing to contribute to the problem and protection. Even now, the union is working to reinstate him.

That is their job!

I know, that’s why public sector unions, such as the police unions need to reform or go away. Keeping bad cops on is not productive for the citizens they are supposed to “serve and protect”.
It depends on whose opinion makes them a bad cop.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Because of the narrative based media you probably don't know that the two had history.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin didn't know it was Floyd as he was arresting him. It is simply not possible to work for the same small company for many years and not know each other.
It at least invites the possibility that this was personal. There is a rumor that there was a love triangle some years back. That rumor is not substantiated. If it was personal, then it had nothing to do with him being black. But the narrative based media isn't talking about this because - it doesn't fit the pre-existing narrative.
I did read yesterday that Floyd had spats with Chauvin at the primarily black night club, for being overly aggressive, spraying mace in to the crowd instead of just the two fighting, kind of thing.... but that's unconfirmed.

But then my question would be, WHAT about the other 3 cops.... ?
And did you know Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him?

How does one have 18 complaints against them, yet face no disciplinary action or termination. In my career, though not in law enforcement or for any government entity, I doubt very much I’d keep a job after a handful of complaints.

Something is systematically wrong with our police departments. Will anything be done to correct it?
I mean really... how many times does this have to be repeated - the problem is POLICE UNIONS.
No, it is lousy supervisors that do not hold people accountable.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
If he was white you wouldn't have known about him.
He would have been a statistic.
Not true...

We knew about her....
View attachment 348847

Thanks to groups like Black Lives Matter bringing attention to it.....which they did....
I didn't expect your dumb ass to understand......

So I will type in crayon for you...

If the guy was would still be wrong...and there will ZERO instances of dic suckers like you going on and on about that white guy's past to justify fuk what you yapping about
No.....if he was white you motherfuckers never would have used his death to stage a revolution.

White Lives Don't Matter.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?
Because of the narrative based media you probably don't know that the two had history.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin didn't know it was Floyd as he was arresting him. It is simply not possible to work for the same small company for many years and not know each other.
It at least invites the possibility that this was personal. There is a rumor that there was a love triangle some years back. That rumor is not substantiated. If it was personal, then it had nothing to do with him being black. But the narrative based media isn't talking about this because - it doesn't fit the pre-existing narrative.
I did read yesterday that Floyd had spats with Chauvin at the primarily black night club, for being overly aggressive, spraying mace in to the crowd instead of just the two fighting, kind of thing.... but that's unconfirmed.

But then my question would be, WHAT about the other 3 cops.... ?
And did you know Chauvin had 18 complaints filed against him?

How does one have 18 complaints against them, yet face no disciplinary action or termination. In my career, though not in law enforcement or for any government entity, I doubt very much I’d keep a job after a handful of complaints.

Something is systematically wrong with our police departments. Will anything be done to correct it?
I mean really... how many times does this have to be repeated - the problem is POLICE UNIONS.
No, it is lousy supervisors that do not hold people accountable.
Not it is not. Their supervisors are powerless to an extent. You obviously are going by assumptions and not facts.
It is not that hard. There are now numerous articles out there with real-life examples of how union contracts protect bad cops.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
You are defending Chauvin...….

But you do it in a way that is bitch like because you know on this issue, cowards like you know you can't defend it...

So instead, you tacitly say in passing "yea, what the cop did was wrong....but" ---- and then spend the next 9285 hours going on and on about how the dead guy deserved it...

So spare me the bullshit......

You are the same type of people who would say...."hey, Im not defending Hitler...…….but"

When have I ever defended Chauvin? He used excessive force to restrain someone.

That doesn't make George Floyd any less of a shit head. He's not coming back from the home invasion as far as that score sits with me! Anyone who threatens to murder a pregnant woman's baby is as big a scum bag as there is as far as I'm concerned.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
Yeah - not a lot of gentle giants out there holding a gun on pregnant women while they are being robbed.
Listen, people should be outraged over what happened to George Floyd, but let’s get one thing straight: Floyd didn’t die merely because he was black and the cop who killed him is white. Floyd died because America is being overrun with warrior cops—vigilantes with a badge—who are part of a government-run standing army that is waging war on the American people in the so-called name of law and order.

There it is, but will our elected leaders understand? Trump and his minions clearly aren’t getting it. Sniffy Joe isn’t either.

This terrible event could be yet another example of the power elite using tragedy to divide the people.

Engineering a Race War: Will This Be the American Police State’s Reichstag Fire? - LewRockwell
George Floyd died because he was a drug addled piece of shit who got up that day...did meth and then went out with his buddy to rip off a business with counterfeit money! George Floyd died because when the Police were called he resisted arrest and refused to get into the squad car! George Floyd died because George Floyd was a worthless piece of garbage whose actions put him on the ground with Police holding him down!

I'm sick and tired of hearing about "Saint George"! Peddle that baloney some where else! Anyone that would hold a gun to a pregnant woman's belly for money to buy drugs is such a worthless excuse for a human being someone should have killed him before he left Texas!
are you saying that .....
If he were white, the cop still would have murdered him?

Do we really know for sure? Did you know the cop’s intent?
I'm not certain of anything.... it's all a bunch of best guessing, with the info we have in hand.

We have absolutely no info on the cops intent, none. So to say it was racially motivated, we don’t know. I have posted several studies that race has little to do with how police handle a person. So, unless the intent is known, we can’t say either way unless the former cop tells us so.
I don't think it was racially motivated...….as in, I don't think this cop set out to kill Floyd because he was black...

but what is racially motivated is the level of utter cowardice people are willing to steep down to in order to defend the cop who did it......what is racially motivated is the how these folks are willing to attack the man who was killed with more passion than the person who killed him.....
Who's defending Chauvin? We're simply pointing out that George Floyd was a worthless piece of shit that was NEVER worth burning up our nation over!
Again dummy, that is meaningless and merely proves you to be a racist.
Pointing out that George Floyd was a terrible person proves that I'm a racist? How so? Because I shine an exposing light on the main stream media's white washing of Floyd's history? Because I think calling someone with his record a "Gentle Giant" is a poor job of objective reporting?
You would be the type back in the 50's -- telling us about how this kid had it coming because he was from Chicago and he didn't know his place.....

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