The Truth Shall Set you Free....San Francisco, is being brought to its knees by decades of liberal policies that destroyed it from within.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
PETER ROFF: Want To Know What The Left Has In Store For America’s Towns? Just Look At This Blue City
If current trends continue, the place Tony Bennett affectionately called “the city by the bay” will soon be no more. San Francisco, which a massive earthquake could not destroy in 1906 is being brought to its knees by decades of liberal policies that destroyed it from within.
It’s been a long, slow, painful death most people have watched from afar. Mostly because in the last few years it hasn’t been a safe place to go — if one could afford to make the trip.

It is a shame that "Liberal"(Marxist) policies always end up destroying cities, states and countries. Detroit back in the 1950s was the richest city in the US. Today not even close because the Marxists give out more free stuff to those who dont deserve it, than the city takes in, in taxes. The crime against the citizens drive many of the richest people out of the city and state leaving behind desolation and drugs. Only when crime hits close to the Marxists/Democrats themselves do they start to realize how F'ed up they allowed things to happen.

Too little too late...

I am proud to say that I have always thought Hippies were scum.

I started college in 1970 after serving in the military. In college I mostly hung out with fellow veterans. We would spend considerable time ridiculing the shithead Hippy types around campus.

Detroit now

At least those Americans who are in their 80s or 90s perhaps and who lived during the American past can always remember the good times. Hopefully the future will be similar to the American past.

Back in the 1950s USA there was no far left extremism. There was no anti-Americanism, there were no Mass school shootings, there was not violence like we have today.

Across-the-board things are worse off for the American middle class today compared to the middle of the 20th century.
I am proud to say that I have always thought Hippies were scum.

I started college in 1970 after serving in the military. In college I mostly hung out with fellow veterans. We would spend considerable time ridiculing the shithead Hippy types around campus.
Yeah, i joined the military so i could fight against Socialist who wanted to murder people by the thousands. Today, the Marxists?Democrats do that in the inner cities every weekend...
PETER ROFF: Want To Know What The Left Has In Store For America’s Towns? Just Look At This Blue City

It is a shame that "Liberal"(Marxist) policies always end up destroying cities, states and countries. Detroit back in the 1950s was the richest city in the US. Today not even close because the Marxists give out more free stuff to those who dont deserve it, than the city takes in, in taxes. The crime against the citizens drive many of the richest people out of the city and state leaving behind desolation and drugs. Only when crime hits close to the Marxists/Democrats themselves do they start to realize how F'ed up they allowed things to happen.

Too little too late...

What happened to defund the police?
Who cares? It's what they asked for.
PETER ROFF: Want To Know What The Left Has In Store For America’s Towns? Just Look At This Blue City

It is a shame that "Liberal"(Marxist) policies always end up destroying cities, states and countries. Detroit back in the 1950s was the richest city in the US. Today not even close because the Marxists give out more free stuff to those who dont deserve it, than the city takes in, in taxes. The crime against the citizens drive many of the richest people out of the city and state leaving behind desolation and drugs. Only when crime hits close to the Marxists/Democrats themselves do they start to realize how F'ed up they allowed things to happen.

Too little too late...

No longer on my Bucket list! Always wanted to see the Golden Gate and tour Alcatraz, no more I probably won't ever set foot in California
I live in a state that was gutted by 8 years of conservative policies. California was messed up by republican policies because of Arnold. So...
A recent ad is designed to placate people into believing that San Francisco is still a great tourist attraction. I wonder if can you sue the ad agency and the city for false advertising if you get attacked or injured by modern zombies who run rampant in the city?
I am proud to say that I have always thought Hippies were scum.

I started college in 1970 after serving in the military. In college I mostly hung out with fellow veterans. We would spend considerable time ridiculing the shithead Hippy types around campus.

The generation that destroyed America, and in the process proved themselves to be the ultimate hypocrites.

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