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The truth will out...

I am only a proud American who is incensed with the partisan idiocy that has put love of power and love of Bush OVER love of country. In another time, these people would be tried for treason, but because it is their party that controls the executive and judicial branches of government, they are not only not incarcerated as traitors, they hold themselves out to be, inexplicably, patriots. The time is coming when that will change. I only hope we have enough jail cells, or walls in lonely prison courtyards, to hold them all.
I am only a proud American who is incensed with the partisan idiocy that has put love of power and love of Bush OVER love of country. In another time, these people would be tried for treason, but because it is their party that controls the executive and judicial branches of government, they are not only not incarcerated as traitors, they hold themselves out to be, inexplicably, patriots. The time is coming when that will change. I only hope we have enough jail cells, or walls in lonely prison courtyards, to hold them all.

I favor Tar and Feathers.....along with the Guillotine.

no...pieces of shit like YOU ARE the ones who side with party and president over country. It would be altogether fitting and proper for you and your ilk to be executed by firing squad for treason.
Well, the first thing I'd like to point out is that I never actually did vote for Bush (2000 - Nader, 2004 - Hanoi John... No lie, this can be verified by a few members of this very board). I know that my facts and my logic and my intellect shatter your fearful, narrow-minded view of the world, but that's no reason to lump me in with the far-right Republican boogeyman you've concocted in your head :sniff: LOL :rofl:

Second, if you ever get the urge, for once in your life, to quit being a fucking coward posting thinly veiled threats on a message board along with your little butt buddy "Paul Revere"... Oh nevermind, that'll never happen.
Well, the first thing I'd like to point out is that I never actually did vote for Bush (2000 - Nader, 2004 - Hanoi John... No lie, this can be verified by a few members of this very board). I know that my facts and my logic and my intellect shatter your fearful, narrow-minded view of the world, but that's no reason to lump me in with the far-right Republican boogeyman you've concoted in your head :sniff: LOL :rofl:

Second, if you ever get the urge, for once in your life, to quit being a fucking coward posting thinly veiled threats on a message board along with your little butt buddy "Paul Revere"... Oh nevermind, that'll never happen.

what will never happen? I am nearing retirement and have plenty of time on my hands for "adventures". what are you suggesting? and why would you indicate that I am not fully willing and capable of acting on an urge? Give me womething concrete to go on....an address... a time and a place to meet...something.

and you are saying that you voted against Bush both times but still, somehow, support his stupid counterproductive war in Iraq? You really are dumber than a box of rocks, aren't you?
Ooops, there we go - the war card.

Just a friendly suggestion - if you're going to accuse people of supporting the "counterproductive war in Iraq" - make sure they actually do! Dumbass.

I challenge you to find one post - ONE FUCKING POST - where I express support for the war.

Good luck :rofl:
Ooops, there we go - the war card.

Just a friendly suggestion - if you're going to accuse people of supporting the "counterproductive war in Iraq" - make sure they actually do! Dumbass.

I challenge you to find one post - ONE FUCKING POST - where I express support for the war.

Good luck :rofl:

well...considering the fact that there really is only one issue about which I am passionate about, what is you major beef with me, then?:eusa_naughty:
well...considering the fact that there really is only one issue about which I am passionate about, what is you major beef with me, then?:eusa_naughty:

My major beef with you is that apparently you think executing half of the citizenry of the United States is A-OK, on the basis of an ideological difference.

I think it's disgusting when Republicans do that, and I think it's disgusting when Democrats do that.
My major beef with you is that apparently you think executing half of the citizenry of the United States is A-OK, on the basis of an ideological difference.

I think it's disgusting when Republicans do that, and I think it's disgusting when Democrats do that.

when those on the right accuse me of treason for voicing my legitimate complainsts about this war and it s terrible consequences, it seems only reasonable that I counter their position.

I really don't give a shit much either way...it seems that you have been ragging my ass from day one so you ought not to be all surprised if I don't greet you with flowers and an invation to my place for old single malt.
that is a good approach for you to take.... tell black americans that they are easily led. you racist motherfucking repoublican bigots ought to be right the fuck out FRONT with that one!

That's it, that's all the white boy from the whitest part of the country has to say? What a joke you are, does your token black friend fall for your Democrat bullshit too?

we are not talking about Clinton here - although I expect, if not fully understand the right's obsession with all things Clintonian - we are talking about Lott. I am quite certain that Trent thought that Strom would have made a great president and that he would have been effective at bringing his unabashedly racist agenda to fruition. That is what Trent meant when he said we'd be a better country today if Strom - the avowed racist - would have been elected. I do not think, nor have I ever suggested that anyone from the south is a racist. My own father was born and raised in Arkansas and was the most racially unprejudiced man I have ever known.

Typical double-standard, weak ass deflection from an idiot Democrat, just what I would expect from a dildo that couldn't think his way out of a bathtub. Clinton was supposedly the first black President and yet he adored a racist, segregationist, communist loving pile of shit from your asswhipe party......why can't you answer to that? You've got nothing but a biased bunch of press and simpletons that follow whatever they are told, blacks should be insulted by your party's coddling.....I have no idea why they haven't figured it out yet, then again you guys offer free money, cigarettes and fried chicken for votes......who are really the racists?

I am sorry your dad got fucked over by the airforce... but that doesn't change the fact that you were chastised once about denigrating my service and you "promised" to never do that again, only to do that again... which, by any perspective, make you a lying sack of shit. If you are any reflection of what a fucking loser your Dad must have been, I have no problem understanding why he got fucked over by the airforce. If your word is as good as your Dad's, then he was a worthless lying sack of shit too...

I have known for years that you don't necessarily have to be that bright to be a cook on a boat but when you can't spell the name of the obviously superior branch of the military(The United States Air Force), that is just pathetic. How many of your fellow boat guys did you poison with your disgusting slop?

I don't WANT your respect. YOu are a fucking loser and a douchebag and someone who would put loyalty to party and president over loyalty to country. As far as I am concerned, you deserve nothing less than being lined up with other traitors to America and summarily shot.

You seem to be losing it a bit popeye, you are accusing me of what you have spent your life doing, sticking up for any asshole the Democrats put into office. Being a Navy cook I would be happy to stand right in front of you as you try to figure out what end the bullet comes out of your gun, I think the chances would be fair that you would do a great job of shooting yourself.

the opinions of a lying sack of shit airforce zoomie loser are worth about as much as a bucket of warm spit. Air force pilots get a concrete landing field longer than necessary. Navy pilots have to put it down onto a pitching deck in the dead of night - no comparison whatsoever....like comparing taxi drivers to race car drivers. I have never used my service to make me feel superior to ANY American... but I will not stand idly by while losers who are the sons of losers denigrate MY service while never having done SHIT for themselves to serve this country and, in fact, willfully chose the best interests of a political party over the best interests of America. Fuck you, shitarro....I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, but if you tell me where your dad is buried, I'll make sure to piss on HIS grave if I'm ever in the area. How's that?

I have to say that there is no doubt that my Father took shits that were better men than you. Navy pilots basically power crash their planes onto decks and you call that good landing skill? I've seen Navy pilots landing F-4s on concrete runwaysNot concrete landing fields):badgrin: at Air Force bases with their silly hooks down. They would crash there planes into the concrete and then bounce down the runway, total lack of skill and hell on the poor plane. My brother has been lucky enough to be in a airline simulator rather than a real plane when an exNavy pilot he was testing paniced and shut off the one good engine when he cut power to the first....weak, no skill level, you always know when you are on an airliner flown by exNavy pilots, abrubt turns and stalling ten feet above the runway to almost collapse the gear and scare the fuck out of the passengers.

The best pilots to ever take off from a carrier were Army Air Corps led by the great Lt. Colonel Jimmy Doolittle, no Navy pilots could have gotten B-25s in the air without a catapult to help them. What a silly joke it is to use a boat for a landing platform, too costly and too dangerous to be effective but the Navy has great lobbiest. The only time the Navy has done anything in the air worthwhile is when the U.S. Air Force allows them the use of their sky.

You will have to go to Veteran's Memorial cemetery to find my Father's grave. Knowing him, he would just laugh at such a cowardly classless act from such a pussyass faggot. Am I suppose to get pissed at you for your childishly jealous comments about a real man that actually went up against some of the best pilots in the world at 25,000 feet rather than hiding in the ocean on a boat......did you forget, I have no respect for you and now all I have is sympathy for you, you are a pathetic little boy playing with rubber boats in your bathtub, who gives a shit? I will promise you this for real this time, I will never respond to your crap again, bye bye loser and later USMB, sorry to see you fall.

By the way, isn't it the Village People that sung so lovingly about the Navy?
Pieces of shit like yourself were the ones who sided with the Brits.

No it was the Torries, people like you that sided with King George and tyranny.

But what would a 27yr old (or there about) punk ass know about history?


Snowjob, I saw your post labeled:

I found maineman on YouTube


Just why were you searching this subject matter???

You are the one who uses terms like “butt buddies” to insult people, when it is apparently a cry of guilt.

Seems that you have a fixation….. I wonder?….Yeah, I bet you enjoy eating a…shall we say “rooster” for your fun.

In your past posts, you mention blow jobs, sissies, cross-dressing and "coming out," your admiration for Andy Coulter, and feel the need to reinforce that you "really like looking at women" to strangers on this forum on the internet. Yes, that seems to be an attempt to hid your shame. You probably have a fantasy of sleeping with Dirt McJerk in in the back seat of a Geo Metro. You seem to be a person with serious orientation/ choice of backseat issues. Get over it. If you are gay, I doubt if anybody here cares. Hell if we don’t like your gay, anti-Semitic ass, (don't give me that "I'm a Jew" B.S.) we can put you on our ignore list.

Personally I won’t, because I really don’t care if you walk on the wild side or not. I just enjoy laughing at your stupid ass posts.

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