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The truth will out...

What racism?

If libs like your ilk cannot find an issue - they create one

Like you did here

I understand that you don't think that believing America would be better today if we had elected a segregationist as president is not a racist belief. YOu have made that clear. But to the vast majority of rational folks, it is. I am certain that it is your own bigotry coupled with your slavish love of party over country that makes you incapable of seeing that.
I understand that you don't think that believing America would be better today if we had elected a segregationist as president is not a racist belief. YOu have made that clear. But to the vast majority of rational folks, it is. I am certain that it is your own bigotry coupled with your slavish love of party over country that makes you incapable of seeing that.

To pee brain MM - still only conservatives are racists

No racism in the Dem party

Tell that to black conservatives who had felt "tolerance" from liberals many times
RSR is normally a loner, except for those special meetings.

How can one ever pick him out in a crowd?



To pee brain MM - still only conservatives are racists

No racism in the Dem party

Tell that to black conservatives who had felt "tolerance" from liberals many times

if you had a brain bigger than a pea, perhaps you could spell it correctly. I have NEVER said that there was not latent racism in my party just as much as it is in your party. YOU are the one who directly and fervently defends the racist comments of republicans. You will not find my defending democrats who make racist remarks.

And the biggest issue regarding the parties and race is: which party do the blacks in America feel more closely represents their better interests and which party do THEY feel makes them feel more at home under their tent? The fact that the percentage of black americans who vote democratic approaches 85% is no coincidence.
if you had a brain bigger than a pea, perhaps you could spell it correctly. I have NEVER said that there was not latent racism in my party just as much as it is in your party. YOU are the one who directly and fervently defends the racist comments of republicans. You will not find my defending democrats who make racist remarks.

And the biggest issue regarding the parties and race is: which party do the blacks in America feel more closely represents their better interests and which party do THEY feel makes them feel more at home under their tent? The fact that the percentage of black americans who vote democratic approaches 85% is no coincidence.

When did you take Hoiew Dean to task for his hotel staff comment?

Of Bryd for his dropping the "n" word three times in an interview?

Or Hoyer calling Mike Steele an Uncle Tom (not one call from the Dems for him to resign)?

Libs will give and continue to give, other libs a pass on what they say
I stated that I have never defended the racist remarks of democrats. I have not.

you, on the other hand have defended the racist remarks of republicans....

not only will you NOT take Lott to task, you won't even admit that what he said was racist...because you clearly believe, right along with Trent, that America would be a better country today if we had elected an avowed racist as president.

you really have no right to criticize ME when you are on record as supporting that statement.
I stated that I have never defended the racist remarks of democrats. I have not.

I should hope not, your party has been involved in the worst type of racism for years, the racism that tells an entire race that they are incapable of being successful without the help of a bunch of guilty minded white folks(at least their money) and the Democrats are more than happy to use that money to buy votes from the poor whether they be Black, white, homeless, illegal, in prison, riddled with AIDS, or in nursing homes, Democrats are whores for the votes

you, on the other hand have defended the racist remarks of republicans....

not only will you NOT take Lott to task, you won't even admit that what he said was racist...because you clearly believe, right along with Trent, that America would be a better country today if we had elected an avowed racist as president.

It is you that interpretted Lott's statement that way because you are the racist, why else would you live in one of the whitest parts of the country and constantly say how beautiful it is, aren't we supposed to believe that what you find beautiful is the lack of black faces? Democrats, being the racists that they are jumped at the chance to get at a Republican that said something they considered racist but the only reason they considered it racist is that they are in fact racist! You have a black friend inn an attempt to prove to yourself that you aren't the racist pig you are, some how I doubt that you are convincing yourself of that, you know what you are. That is why you accusse others, to take the heat off of yourself. Those inner demons must really be eating away at your brain aren't they.

you really have no right to criticize ME when you are on record as supporting that statement.

He has as much right to criticize you as you do to criticize him, you have a problem with it because he is more effective at it.....pathetic.
I should hope not, your party has been involved in the worst type of racism for years, the racism that tells an entire race that they are incapable of being successful without the help of a bunch of guilty minded white folks(at least their money) and the Democrats are more than happy to use that money to buy votes from the poor whether they be Black, white, homeless, illegal, in prison, riddled with AIDS, or in nursing homes, Democrats are whores for the votes

It is you that interpretted Lott's statement that way because you are the racist, why else would you live in one of the whitest parts of the country and constantly say how beautiful it is, aren't we supposed to believe that what you find beautiful is the lack of black faces? Democrats, being the racists that they are jumped at the chance to get at a Republican that said something they considered racist but the only reason they considered it racist is that they are in fact racist! You have a black friend inn an attempt to prove to yourself that you aren't the racist pig you are, some how I doubt that you are convincing yourself of that, you know what you are. That is why you accusse others, to take the heat off of yourself. Those inner demons must really be eating away at your brain aren't they.

He has as much right to criticize you as you do to criticize him, you have a problem with it because he is more effective at it.....pathetic.
funny, isn't it, that the party YOU claim is so filled with racists gets 85+% of the black vote. why do you think that is? what do you think YOU know that black americans must therefore be too stupid to know?

I don't INTERPRET Lott's statement any way. He said that America would be a better place today if we had elected Strom Thurmond as president in'48. I don't need to interpret it at all.... it stands up all by itself.

and why do I not find it hard to believe that you would find RSR an effective debater? Aren't you the one who promised me you would never denigrate my military career again, then denigrated it again and have yet to say boo about your promise since confronted with your clear breaking of it? You have all the morality and ethics of a fucking wolverine.... who the fuck gives a shit what slime like you believes anyway?
and I live in Maine because the Navy sent me here while on active duty and I decided to stay. Only sick racist pigs like you would even consider making a decision where or where not to live based upon the race of your fellow citizens. Maine is beautiful for a host of reasons....none of which have anything to do with what ethnic groups live here.
funny, isn't it, that the party YOU claim is so filled with racists gets 85+% of the black vote. why do you think that is? what do you think YOU know that black americans must therefore be too stupid to know?

As you and your party know all too well, blacks like any group are easily lead with the right type of encouragement. You also know that most people as a whole know little about politics, are not interested and their friends aren't either so......You speak in short sound bites, repeat how you are a party of the people and the Republicans are racist, that America owes all people a better life and that the rich are just taking advantage of them....AND....THE REPUBLIKANS ONLY HELP THE RICH, THEY ARE THE RICH! You are dishonest but it's effective with a population that is basically ignorant about anything having to do with politics.

I work with a lot of black people. Out of the 2500 people on the ramp at least 70% are black, maybe higher. I discuss politics with them(I work with different people every day) and I have found that with black people as with any race, the more informed they are, the more intelligent and educated they are, the more likely they are insulted by the bullshit the Democrats put out and the more conservative they are.

The only time that is incorrect is if they too have political ambitions, then they will be Democrat because they understand that their own people, who are very ignorant about politics, are also more likely to turn against an "uppity" black person trying to act white. That is the bigotry that the Democrat party has bred into all of their supporters, which is exactly the problem intelligent well educated blacks have with politics. They have nowhere to go.....look at Condi Rice, one of the most intelligent people on the planet and yet she is disliked and disrespected by the very people she should be the ultimate role model for, this is what your party has done to blacks in this country, you should be very proud you racist hick. The Sheila Jackson Lee's are held up as role models and Secretary Of State Rice is denigrated......what a joke your party is!

It has nothing to do with stupidity(I'm not going to fall in your bullshit trap you racist clown), it has to do with priorities and interests. If you had any black people in your state I would challenge you to go out and quiz the person on the street, ask them who the Vice President is, hell, ask them the name of the President is........I have done it and you being involved in the Democrat machine know that most and I mean a very high percentage have no clue who the Vice President is and many can't name the President. You guys don't only know it but you use it to feed these easily lead minds the stuff you want them to believe in little short simple bursts.

I don't INTERPRET Lott's statement any way. He said that America would be a better place today if we had elected Strom Thurmond as president in'48. I don't need to interpret it at all.... it stands up all by itself.

So you know for a fact that he was saying that because Thurmond was a segregationist or was it because he actually felt that he would have made an effective President or he was just making a statement that would make a 100 year old politician feel good on his birthday? You are the racist and biggot for thinking that anyone from the south or with a southern accent is racist. You are a liar. Bill Clintons admitted mentor was J. William Fulbright, read about his ass. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/1777/fulbrigt.htm Clinton thought of this pro communist, racist, prosegregationist as his mentor and in 1993, Clinton awarded Fulbright a Presidential Medal of Freedom and gushed: “The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I'm real proud of it."

and why do I not find it hard to believe that you would find RSR an effective debater? Aren't you the one who promised me you would never denigrate my military career again, then denigrated it again and have yet to say boo about your promise since confronted with your clear breaking of it? You have all the morality and ethics of a fucking wolverine.... who the fuck gives a shit what slime like you believes anyway?

So what, I lost respect for your service when you brought it up ala John Kerry for the thousanth time to attempt to prove how much better of an American you are than those that haven't joined the service. You are the type that feel that the only way to serve this country is in the military. You use your time in the military over others which is pathetic, my father served in two wars and in his twentyninth year in the Air Force they wanted him to go to Vietnam and train South Vietnamese pilots. He told them to fuck off and retired short of the thirty years he wanted to serve. He had just returned from Okinawa and Japan 3 years before and was not going to leave his wife and six kids again. The Air Force fucked him over for his service, they even held the fact that he lied to get in at seventeen against him when it came to getting a Colonel's rank......he retired a Lt. Colonel. That was near the end of the Vietnam war and then that idiot Carter came in and made a career in the Military a joke, there was no way I was interested in going in, besides I wouldn't have made it through boot camp without shooting the drill sergeant.

Over the years, with the all volunteer military and memories of my eighteen years serving as a son of a military man, I have grown to respect the ones that join up. I meant what I said originally about your service but your constant denigration of the Commander In Chief of all of the armed forces and your overall bigoted attitude has made me rethink my promise, I don't think you deserve my respect, it's that simple.

By the way, my Father never used his time in the service(which included flying his P-51 on 9 hour missions to Germany and back escorting B-17s and encountering Luftwaffe ME-109s and flak) to make himself feel superior to any other American. It was a job to him, something that enabled him to fly great planes and when he left he rarely brought it up, he had a life after the Air Force and he lived it well. He was the greatest man I have ever known and he taught me well, I may not have listened all of the time but the lessons were there. He also thought Navy pilots sucked.:lol: :lol: :lol:
As you and your party know all too well, blacks like any group are easily lead with the right type of encouragement.

that is a good approach for you to take.... tell black americans that they are easily led. you racist motherfucking repoublican bigots ought to be right the fuck out FRONT with that one!

So you know for a fact that he was saying that because Thurmond was a segregationist or was it because he actually felt that he would have made an effective President or he was just making a statement that would make a 100 year old politician feel good on his birthday? You are the racist and biggot for thinking that anyone from the south or with a southern accent is racist. You are a liar. Bill Clintons admitted mentor was J. William Fulbright, read about his ass. http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/1777/fulbrigt.htm Clinton thought of this pro communist, racist, prosegregationist as his mentor and in 1993, Clinton awarded Fulbright a Presidential Medal of Freedom and gushed: “The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I'm real proud of it."

we are not talking about Clinton here - although I expect, if not fully understand the right's obsession with all things Clintonian - we are talking about Lott. I am quite certain that Trent thought that Strom would have made a great president and that he would have been effective at bringing his unabashedly racist agenda to fruition. That is what Trent meant when he said we'd be a better country today if Strom - the avowed racist - would have been elected. I do not think, nor have I ever suggested that anyone from the south is a racist. My own father was born and raised in Arkansas and was the most racially unprejudiced man I have ever known.

So what, I lost respect for your service when you brought it up ala John Kerry for the thousanth time to attempt to prove how much better of an American you are than those that haven't joined the service. You are the type that feel that the only way to serve this country is in the military. You use your time in the military over others which is pathetic, my father served in two wars and in his twentyninth year in the Air Force they wanted him to go to Vietnam and train South Vietnamese pilots. He told them to fuck off and retired short of the thirty years he wanted to serve. He had just returned from Okinawa and Japan 3 years before and was not going to leave his wife and six kids again. The Air Force fucked him over for his service, they even held the fact that he lied to get in at seventeen against him when it came to getting a Colonel's rank......he retired a Lt. Colonel. That was near the end of the Vietnam war and then that idiot Carter came in and made a career in the Military a joke, there was no way I was interested in going in, besides I wouldn't have made it through boot camp without shooting the drill sergeant.
I am sorry your dad got fucked over by the airforce... but that doesn't change the fact that you were chastised once about denigrating my service and you "promised" to never do that again, only to do that again... which, by any perspective, make you a lying sack of shit. If you are any reflection of what a fucking loser your Dad must have been, I have no problem understanding why he got fucked over by the airforce. If your word is as good as your Dad's, then he was a worthless lying sack of shit too...

Over the years, with the all volunteer military and memories of my eighteen years serving as a son of a military man, I have grown to respect the ones that join up. I meant what I said originally about your service but your constant denigration of the Commander In Chief of all of the armed forces and your overall bigoted attitude has made me rethink my promise, I don't think you deserve my respect, it's that simple.

I don't WANT your respect. YOu are a fucking loser and a douchebag and someone who would put loyalty to party and president over loyalty to country. As far as I am concerned, you deserve nothing less than being lined up with other traitors to America and summarily shot.

By the way, my Father never used his time in the service(which included flying his P-51 on 9 hour missions to Germany and back escorting B-17s and encountering Luftwaffe ME-109s and flak) to make himself feel superior to any other American. It was a job to him, something that enabled him to fly great planes and when he left he rarely brought it up, he had a life after the Air Force and he lived it well. He was the greatest man I have ever known and he taught me well, I may not have listened all of the time but the lessons were there. He also thought Navy pilots sucked.

the opinions of a lying sack of shit airforce zoomie loser are worth about as much as a bucket of warm spit. Air force pilots get a concrete landing field longer than necessary. Navy pilots have to put it down onto a pitching deck in the dead of night - no comparison whatsoever....like comparing taxi drivers to race car drivers. I have never used my service to make me feel superior to ANY American... but I will not stand idly by while losers who are the sons of losers denigrate MY service while never having done SHIT for themselves to serve this country and, in fact, willfully chose the best interests of a political party over the best interests of America. Fuck you, shitarro....I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, but if you tell me where your dad is buried, I'll make sure to piss on HIS grave if I'm ever in the area. How's that?
Well it was cathartic - and that was just for me, heck writing it must have been great. You sure you're not channelling Vince Lombardi? I wanted to run out on the field and start ripping heads from bodies! :D

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