The Truth Will Set You Free


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The tide is gradually turning. More and more people are realizing the absolute Truth contained in the following article. Liberals look more and more ridiculous defending against (mostly dodging) those Truths.

"It is past time to stop the stonewalling, the redacting, the suppression, the leaking to the press, and the media hysteria. The government must turn over all relevant documents to two special counsels and free each to discover who did what in 2016.

Americans need the whole truth to ensure equality under the law and to thereby set us free from this nearly two-year nightmare."

Mueller Probe: Time for Truth | National Review

If the population at large understood the depth of corruption in DC I do believe hordes of people would be descending on the city with pitchforks, torches, hot tar and feathers.

At the very least.

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