Tomorrow marks the 100-year anniversary of The Tulsa Race Massacre


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
Unfortunately, at THAT time, all it would have accomplished is far more carnage. Whites being gunned down by blacks, even if it was justified by our mores today, would have resulted in a TRUE race war that blacks would have no chance of winning.
That was the reality of life at THAT TIME. These flaming race-baiters of today would have everyone believe we STILL live in that world but it's a damned LIE and they know it's a lie.
Where 2A is concerned, I believe all of us have the right to self-defense, especially against a tyrannical government.
Blacks are already well-armed, who do you think is doing all the killing in the hood?

MLK wasn't armed. If he had, he would have never been picked off of a Memphis motel balcony in a bad part of town.

Had Dr. King been ready with an AR 15, James Ray's would have had his ass capped after Martin ducked away from the first volley.

The last words that Mr. Ray would have heard would have been "Say hello to my little friend"
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!

They were armed fact they fired the first shot which got the whole shebang going.

11 white people were killed.

If the armed black gang had not gone down to the court house to try and protect a sex offender none of this would have happened....yet they armed themselves and went down there despite the Sheriff telling them their boy would be protected and he was ----even after the battle started.

Always two sides to every story but in this case most only here the black version.

Their only witness is a woman around a hundred years old.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
"That’s a question that confronts historians who study the story of Denmark Vesey, a black carpenter who bought his freedom after winning the lottery and then secretly plotted a slave rebellion in Charleston, S.C., in 1822. Though the rebellion never actually happened — a slave spilled the beans about it to authorities before it could happen — Vesey and 34 slaves, including some from the household of the state’s governor, were tried and executed for “attempting to raise an insurrection.”

Even the possibility of such a response would have bought out the military and every Black man with a gun in the state would have been executed on the spot.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
MLK believed otherwise

He won with a free press, public opinion and the courts
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
so are you in Brazil yet?....
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
They were armed but apparently grossly outnumbered.

Yes.....and thus very poor judgement for them to show up armed at the Jail....the Sheriff had vowed to protect the accused sex offender and he did....this whole thing was ignited by the poor judgment of a group of blacks who thought their firearms would protect them.

They should have not interfered and have let the law take care of the matter....yet in a time of vigilante justice....particuarly in cases of a black raping a white woman...their concern was understandable but still unwise due to their minority status in the community.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
They were armed and they did fight back, stupid.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
They were armed and they did fight back, stupid.

To be accurate they fired first...killed 11 whites....and then the retribution began.

This is ancient history but is dredged up to further divide the nation and to add to the propaganda constantly promoted by the MSM of black victimhood which has provoked much hatred and violence....just look at the Trayvon Martin case....many innocents were killed which was motivated by media lies.

There is a very important reason for the statute of limitations.....aka to go back in history and try and right wrongs committed long ago is extremely foolish for a number of reasons....but the big one being in this case particuarly just stirs up more racial hatred....which is the last thing we need these days...our nation is being ripped apart by fallacious narratives of black victimhood.

We had a civil war once....most seem to have forgotten about it or do not care.....irregardless of whether or not the media is able to start another one....they can and have fomented much violence by their propaganda....and we undoubtedly will see much more violence, race riots, lootings and burnings....makes for more dramtic news footage and more folks tuning in to see all the violence and bloodshed.
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I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
They were armed and they did fight back, stupid.

To be accurae they fired first...killed 11 whites....and then the retribution began.
Violence is like fire. Be careful about starting one, because it can get out of control quick.

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