Tomorrow marks the 100-year anniversary of The Tulsa Race Massacre

Memorial day weekend in Chicago

2021 Fri-8:00pm so far Peaceful Tally: 0 killed, 3 wounded
2020 Loot-N-Shoot weekend: 30 killed, 64 wounded*
2019 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 35 wounded
2018 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 31 wounded
2017 Memorial Day weekend: 7 killed, 44 wounded
2016 Memorial Day weekend: 10 killed, 67 wounded
2015 Memorial Day weekend: 12 killed, 45 wounded
2014 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 22 wounded
Memorial day weekend in Chicago

2021 Fri-8:00pm so far Peaceful Tally: 0 killed, 3 wounded
2020 Loot-N-Shoot weekend: 30 killed, 64 wounded*
2019 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 35 wounded
2018 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 31 wounded
2017 Memorial Day weekend: 7 killed, 44 wounded
2016 Memorial Day weekend: 10 killed, 67 wounded
2015 Memorial Day weekend: 12 killed, 45 wounded
2014 Memorial Day weekend: 8 killed, 22 wounded

8 years in one of our largest cities does not approach the carnage of two days in Tulsa
It is all about the we see time and again.........

As it should be. You're talking about a devastating criminal event in which the authorities were complicit in the deaths of several hundred people and destruction of an entire community for which they refused to hold anyone accountable.

$100,000 comes out to the equivalent of $1,000 a year for the 100 years since this event occurred. If they are talking about recompense, the interest alone on that amount for 100 years is over a million dollars, so they are right.
It is all about the we see time and again.........

As it should be. You're talking about a devastating criminal event in which the authorities were complicit in the deaths of several hundred people and destruction of an entire community for which they refused to hold anyone accountable.

$100,000 comes out to the equivalent of $1,000 a year for the 100 years since this event occurred. If they are talking about recompense, the interest alone on that amount for 100 years is over a million dollars, so they are right.

How were the authorities complicit?

Also the deaths were not in the hundreds.....that is just propaganda....the official death toll for the blacks was evidence whatsoever that hundreds died.

irregardless --all the participants from both sides are long one should be required to pay for something that happened so long ago and of which they had absolutely nothing to do with......quite ridiculous to think so.

Not to forget 11 white people also died. Not to forget the blacks opened fire first

Not to forget the Sheriff did his job....he protected the accused.

Again.......if the black group had not taken up weapons and gone down to the jail to confront the would be vigilantes.....the story would be very different....the defendant would have been brought to trial and the due process of law would have determined if he was guilty or not.

Not even to mention how the effects of digging up this old case will have on society will further inflame the racial tensions of the present day and serve no useful purpose whatsoever.

In a nutshell best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Blacks should also remember they are still a minority and though the present political climate is tolerant to say the least of all the civil unrest....the riots, the looting and burning...and even deaths of innocent white people....things never remain the same.......the pendulum swings to and fro and if the antics of the militants continues there will come a time when a huge backlash will might not be total race war but it could be very widespread with a break down of law and order aka ....anarchy .........and any minority in such a scenario will suffer the like in Tulsa they will be greatly outnumbered.

Prior to Hitler's rise in Germany....a very civilized nation with law and order for all.... then something happened ---the pendulum swung the other way.....which at that time very few thought would happen....not even the Jews---which is why so many did not escape when they had the chance.
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It is all about the we see time and again.........

As it should be. You're talking about a devastating criminal event in which the authorities were complicit in the deaths of several hundred people and destruction of an entire community for which they refused to hold anyone accountable.

$100,000 comes out to the equivalent of $1,000 a year for the 100 years since this event occurred. If they are talking about recompense, the interest alone on that amount for 100 years is over a million dollars, so they are right.

How were the authorities complicit?

Also the deaths were not in the hundreds.....that is just propaganda....the official death toll for the blacks was evidence whatsoever that hundreds died.

irregardless --all the participants from both sides are long one should be required to pay for something that happened so long ago and of which they had absolutely nothing to do with......quite ridiculous to think so.

Not to forget 11 white people also died. Not to forget the blacks opened fire first

Not to forget the Sheriff did his job....he protected the accused.

Again.......if the black group had not taken up weapons and gone down to the jail to confront the would be vigilantes.....the story would be very different....the defendant would have been brought to trial and the due process of law would have determined if he was guilty or not.

Not even to mention how the effects of digging up this old case will have on society will further inflame the racial tensions of the present day and serve no useful purpose whatsoever.

In a nutshell best to let sleeping dogs lie.

Blacks should also remember they are still a minority and though the present political climate is tolerant to say the least of all the civil unrest....the riots, the looting and burning...and even deaths of innocent white people....things never remain the same.......the pendulum swings to and fro and if the antics of the militants continues there will come a time when a huge backlash will might not be total race war but it could be very widespread with a break down of law and order aka ....anarchy .........and any minority in such a scenario will suffer the like in Tulsa they will be greatly outnumbered.

Prior to Hitler's rise in Germany....a very civilized nation with law and order for all.... then something happened ---the pendulum swung the other way.....which at that time very few thought would happen....not even the Jews---which is why so many did not escape when they had the chance.
Yeah, shit does have a way of coming back around......
How were the authorities complicit?

Also the deaths were not in the hundreds.....that is just propaganda....the official death toll for the blacks was evidence whatsoever that hundreds died.

They were complicit in hiding the actual number of deaths. 36 was the least they could claim. Over 100 “disappeared” that day, never to be seen again by friends and family.
They were complicit in charging taxes to the wealthy black community but refusing to provide police or fire support to that community.
They were complicit in refusing to pay insurance claims for destroyed property
They were complicit in covering up the attack.
Tulsa was more than a rogue act of violence against a minority community.
It happened throughout the US as whites attacked Blacks, Chinese and Mexicans who appeared prosperous
Beyond outright murder and arson, they used taxation, abusive laws and intimidation to drive out minorities and seize their property.

How were the authorities complicit?

Also the deaths were not in the hundreds.....that is just propaganda....the official death toll for the blacks was evidence whatsoever that hundreds died.

They were complicit in hiding the actual number of deaths. 36 was the least they could claim. Over 100 “disappeared” that day, never to be seen again by friends and family.
They were complicit in charging taxes to the wealthy black community but refusing to provide police or fire support to that community.
They were complicit in refusing to pay insurance claims for destroyed property
They were complicit in covering up the attack.

No doubt many out of fear ran away and never went back to bodies were produced to substantiate the fallacious claim of hundreds of deaths....that is just mythical conjecture and propaganda that was manufactured and grew over the years.

Not even to mention the lack of 'infrastructure' aka inadequate fire dept. and police force was typical of most communities back in those days....white and black thus it is completely nonsensical to try and link that to some sort of white conspiracy against the black community.

People black and white always complain about taxes. Nothing new there.

Insurance claims fall under the province of Insurance companies whose headquarters were back east somewhere....any failure to pay claims should have been pursued there.....what happened in Tulsa was race war....provoked by the blacks themselves and as such the Insurance companies may have had legal reasons not to pay claims under such titles as 'act of war' etc. Anyhow certainly not something that the local community was responsible for if it actually happened.
I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!
They were armed. Don't you know the history?
Not to forget 11 white people also died. Not to forget the blacks opened fire first

I thought you supported “Stand your ground” legislation?

Arming themselves and going down to the jail and opening fire on a group of whites does not fall under the province of stand your does fall under the province of interfering with law enforcement....the Sheriff assured the blacks the black suspect in the sexual assault would be protected and he was protected even through all the rioting and chaos.

After the National Guard arrived on the scene the black suspect was allowed to leave town and he was never heard from again....whether or not he was guilty was never determined by law.

What we do know is that up to this day that young black males committ more than half of all rapes in this nation even though they are only 2.5% of the total pop. A problem that has never been dealt with in modern times.....back in those days it was dealt with by vigilantes....and as a result black violence and crime was very well controlled back it is completely out of control.....more blacks will be killed in Chicago during this holiday week-end than were killed in Tulsa....but no one is concerned about it...not even the BLM whose founder recently resigned when it was discovered she had misappropriated donated monies to buy herself several million dollar mansions.
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I don't accept blacks who are for gun control. If Blacks were armed during the Tulsa riots, they could have blasted back at those whites who were shooting at them. I tell all you black people in America, arm yourselves to the hilt.!!

They were armed fact they fired the first shot which got the whole shebang going.

11 white people were killed.

If the armed black gang had not gone down to the court house to try and protect a sex offender none of this would have happened....yet they armed themselves and went down there despite the Sheriff telling them their boy would be protected and he was ----even after the battle started.

Always two sides to every story but in this case most only here the black version.

Their only witness is a woman around a hundred years old. much wrong there.....
The Tulsa race massacre took place May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, many of them deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US. Alternatively known as the Black Wall Street Massacre, the Greenwood Massacre, the Tulsa Massacre, the Tulsa pogrom, or the Tulsa race riot, it marks one of "the single worst incident(s) of racial violence in American history". The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district—at that time the wealthiest Black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

Source: Tulsa race massacre - Wikipedia

This event was one of the single worst incidence of racial violence and terrorism in American history, yet most Americans have no clue that it ever occurred. Again, Americans are woefully ignorant of race in America.

Tonight is an opportunity for Americans to get educated on this epic event. msnbc is featuring a special called "Blood on Black Wall Street" at 10pm EST.

How many of you will take this opportunity to learn about this horrific chapter in American history and work to prevent anything like this from every happening again?
yet most Americans have no clue that it ever occurred.
The lib race hustlers have been crying big wet tears about this for so long who hasnt heard about it by now?
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The Tulsa race massacre took place May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of White residents, many of them deputized and given weapons by city officials, attacked Black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, US. Alternatively known as the Black Wall Street Massacre, the Greenwood Massacre, the Tulsa Massacre, the Tulsa pogrom, or the Tulsa race riot, it marks one of "the single worst incident(s) of racial violence in American history". The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district—at that time the wealthiest Black community in the United States, known as "Black Wall Street".

Source: Tulsa race massacre - Wikipedia

This event was one of the single worst incidence of racial violence and terrorism in American history, yet most Americans have no clue that it ever occurred. Again, Americans are woefully ignorant of race in America.

Tonight is an opportunity for Americans to get educated on this epic event. msnbc is featuring a special called "Blood on Black Wall Street" at 10pm EST.

How many of you will take this opportunity to learn about this horrific chapter in American history and work to prevent anything like this from every happening again?
Are we supposed to celebrate?
Tulsa was more than a rogue act of violence against a minority community.
It happened throughout the US as whites attacked Blacks, Chinese and Mexicans who appeared prosperous
Beyond outright murder and arson, they used taxation, abusive laws and intimidation to drive out minorities and seize their property.

All of that is ancient history and when you go back in history you will discover if you are honest that many groups have been discriminated against.....whites who were extremely mistreated by such programs as indentured the point of actually being classes were very strong in the early days....brought over from England....and the poor whites or blacks had little or no representation or protectors....they were and white at the mercy of their mastahs. That was the reality of society back in the colonial era and up to at least the civil war era but even beyond that also.

The living conditions of wage earners up north were worse than black slaves down south....even poor white dirt farmers down South suffered more than blacks on the plantations who looked down on the poor white trash.

No group has exclusive rights to victimhood....history is replete with it.

What we see now is organized groups of blacks and their confederates backed by foreign money (Soros etc.) attempting to dredge up ancient stories of suffering to use today for political advantage and monetary benefit......whilst ignoring all the crimes and violence that emanates from the black community.....crime and violence not only against whites but also blacks as well...yet no politician has the courage to even mention all that much less to try and deal with it.

In a nutshell white folks are getting very tired of the black so called leaders trying to portray blacks as always being innocent victims....those who pursue the fallacious politics of black victimhood are slowly creating a stage for a huge backlash....which will not be pretty and such civil chaos will further weaken this nation at a time when we have serious....extremely serious foreign threats to deal with.

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