The turtle says Biden impeachment “Not good for the country”

Cn you imagine if a democrat congressperson ever had the balls to say a Trump impeachment was bad for the Country? He would be drummed out of the party, his house would be surrounded by a mob and his family would be threatened.
I've asked every single one of your fellow travelers that has brought up this excuse. Can you provide a government document prior to DEcember 2015 that states it was the policy of the United States to fire Shokin? So far, no one has been able to do so. GOod luck.

During Obama's Term. Not only international support but bipartisan support from old school Republicans.

A newly unearthed letter from 2016 shows that Republican senators pushed for reforms to Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office and judiciary, echoing calls then-Vice President Joe Biden made at the time.

CNN’s KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.”

The letter shows that addressing corruption in Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office had bipartisan support in the US and further undercuts a baseless attack made by President Donald Trump and his allies that Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to stop investigations into a Ukrainian natural gas company that his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board of. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden, nor is it clear whether Hunter was under investigation at all.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.

The letter is a major blow to Trump’s argument that Biden somehow went rogue and tried to get Shokin fired to protect his son. Biden himself has been incredibly consistent on this point, saying he legitimately pushed for the prosecutor’s ouster with international backing and that he never spoke to his son about his Ukraine work.

It just goes to show you, you can't believe anything Faux(aka Neo-GOP) tells you these days.

Hundreds of SARS on Hunter. Eyewitnesses.

No evidence! 😂
If it weren't for Rinos in the GOP the Democrats would be hurting.
They show up over and over. Anyone who thinks slightly different is an extremist conservative hater in all offenses pushed from the Prog Socialists. Come on man, how many of you would save any Prog Tv shill like Behar and Whoopi and others if it came to it. To understand how our nation is near death as a Republic is that a program like that is a point of conversation. Never help those who hate you. Never help those who hate you. Never help those who hate you. All of those progressive socialist communist women deserve no protection if needed. And some are good people. They are destroying the west and your way of living. The aging prog socialist women are not worth phukn. And most are not getting it. They are torture. And they are not the reason to keep a civilization existing. And they think that.
Why was the Trump impeachment good for the country but a Biden impeachment isn't? Somebody should ask Mitch that question.
During Obama's Term. Not only international support but bipartisan support from old school Republicans.

A newly unearthed letter from 2016 shows that Republican senators pushed for reforms to Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office and judiciary, echoing calls then-Vice President Joe Biden made at the time.

CNN’s KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.”

The letter shows that addressing corruption in Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office had bipartisan support in the US and further undercuts a baseless attack made by President Donald Trump and his allies that Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to stop investigations into a Ukrainian natural gas company that his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board of. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden, nor is it clear whether Hunter was under investigation at all.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.

The letter is a major blow to Trump’s argument that Biden somehow went rogue and tried to get Shokin fired to protect his son. Biden himself has been incredibly consistent on this point, saying he legitimately pushed for the prosecutor’s ouster with international backing and that he never spoke to his son about his Ukraine work.

It just goes to show you, you can't believe anything Faux(aka Neo-GOP) tells you these days.
2016 not 2015

Joey got the call from Burisma in December 2015 to get Shokin fired and flew to Ukraine 5 days later demanding Shokin be fired.

Try again (pull your head of CNN's ass)
2016 not 2015

Joey got the call from Burisma in December 2015 to get Shokin fired and flew to Ukraine 5 days later demanding Shokin be fired.

Try again (pull your head of CNN's ass)

Shokin wasn't fired by the Ukrainian Parliament until after that letter was sent, and well after hard ass Joey went and made our demands known to the Ukrainian president.

Stop listening to Faux, it's not really news you know.
Mitch is part of the uniparty.

For him to say Biden should not be impeached for bribery shows me he also takes bribes
the problem you have, is no tangible evidence of Joe receiving foreign money, nor do you have evidence of Joe changing our foreign policy for this foreign nation's interest.

there is no evidence of Joe being bribed.

there is no evidence of any quid pro quo.

(Yes, his son has been a punk)
A punk?

His son is a fucking GRIFTER, and snorts up the profits.

How did the asswipes ever get security clearances?
Yes, timed perfectly for election interference. If they have the secret evidence as you think, why wait till October? Do it now if they truly have something instead of innuendo and speculation and political posturing! Then we can have a primary! :)
“Sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik”. ;)
Trump was impeached twice with much less evidence than they have against Biden right now
You do know the $$$$ does not have to go into account labeled "Joe Biden" for him to have engaged in bribery, don't you?

Swear and deflect all you want, but $20,000,000 is serious evidence.
Have you asked yourself why Joe has lied and lied and lied about his relationship with his son and his business partners? One of his business partners, Eric Schwerin, visited the WHite House and Joe's VP Residence at least 36 times. DO you think he was simply getting weather updates during these 36 visits?

You have serious evidence that someone in Biden's family got paid, gotcha.

The part that you don't seem to get is that you can't convict someone just because their relatives made some money.

So you have to show that 1. payments were illegal and 2. Joe Biden was part of such corrupt scheme. Do you have serious evidence of that? Someone visiting something or being on a call is not serious evidence of a crime.
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During Obama's Term. Not only international support but bipartisan support from old school Republicans.

A newly unearthed letter from 2016 shows that Republican senators pushed for reforms to Ukraine’s prosecutor general’s office and judiciary, echoing calls then-Vice President Joe Biden made at the time.

CNN’s KFile found a February 2016 bipartisan letter signed by several Republican senators that urged then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.”

The letter shows that addressing corruption in Ukraine’s Prosecutor General’s office had bipartisan support in the US and further undercuts a baseless attack made by President Donald Trump and his allies that Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire then Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin to stop investigations into a Ukrainian natural gas company that his son, Hunter Biden, sat on the board of. There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden, nor is it clear whether Hunter was under investigation at all.

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following month when Ukraine’s Parliament voted him out).

In other words, both Republicans and Democrats in the US — and many European nations — wanted Shokin gone for failing to clamp down on graft.

The letter is a major blow to Trump’s argument that Biden somehow went rogue and tried to get Shokin fired to protect his son. Biden himself has been incredibly consistent on this point, saying he legitimately pushed for the prosecutor’s ouster with international backing and that he never spoke to his son about his Ukraine work.

It just goes to show you, you can't believe anything Faux(aka Neo-GOP) tells you these days.
Obama has cost the taxpayer tens of trillions of dollars in lying agendas. Climate change scams withas few oceanfront properties is proof enough.
Four years ago I would have agreed.

At this point, fuck it. Drop it.
Dummy, has it ever occured to you that Mitch simply sees no serious evidence that Joe Biden took any bribe?
Why would pure fiction occur to anyone?

Just because you nutters feed each other half-baked fantasies doesn't mean Republicans can actually prove any of it. They'll get ripped a new asshole during trial if they don't have the goods on Joe.
Your problem is that they can prove it. Even though Dims will not vote to convict, the testimony will be devastating to Biden and the Dims.

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