The turtle says Biden impeachment “Not good for the country”

Well I heard this morning that a recommendation for impeachment will be sent up sometime in October.

You might also bear in mind that the public does not get to see closed door testimony when it deals with national security so you don't know exactly what they have on him.
Yes, timed perfectly for election interference. If they have the secret evidence as you think, why wait till October? Do it now if they truly have something instead of innuendo and speculation and political posturing! Then we can have a primary! :)
Still nothing. As expected.

Comeback when you can make a coherent case why you think Joe Biden definetly commited a crime. So far you have nothing.
You do know the $$$$ does not have to go into account labeled "Joe Biden" for him to have engaged in bribery, don't you?

Swear and deflect all you want, but $20,000,000 is serious evidence.
Have you asked yourself why Joe has lied and lied and lied about his relationship with his son and his business partners? One of his business partners, Eric Schwerin, visited the WHite House and Joe's VP Residence at least 36 times. DO you think he was simply getting weather updates during these 36 visits?
The speaker of House took impeachment off the table over the Russians aid to Trumpybears Campaign. It wasn't until the Ukrainian Shakedown plot was discovered that earned him his first impeachment. Then of course it was his malfeasance on Jan 6th that earned him the other. The GOP has it Faux New Bubble so they're still in circle the wagon mode.......
LOL But Joey shaking down the Ukrainians for a billion dollars is just Hunky Dory. You guys are a hoot.
LOL But Joey shaking down the Ukrainians for a billion dollars is just Hunky Dory. You guys are a hoot.
Faux not News lies to you. You have been inundated with innuendoes based on a false narrative from Russian intelligence. The USA, the EU and the IMF were all willing to withhold 20 billion in loan guaranties to the Ukraine to have an allegedly corrupt prosecutor removed. Joey "the hard ass" led the groups effort.
Faux not News lies to you. You have been inundated with innuendoes based on a false narrative from Russian intelligence. The USA, the EU and the IMF were all willing to withhold 20 billion in loan guaranties to the Ukraine to have an allegedly corrupt prosecutor removed. Joey "the hard ass" led the groups effort.
Nobody mentioned fox you lying bastard.
It is beyond doubt Joe Biden is taking bribes from multiple foreign nations.

The speaker of House took impeachment off the table over the Russians aid to Trumpybears Campaign. It wasn't until the Ukrainian Shakedown plot was discovered that earned him his first impeachment. Then of course it was his malfeasance on Jan 6th that earned him the other. The GOP has it Faux New Bubble so they're still in circle the wagon mode.......
So, after all those years of the DNC saying they had more than enough evidence of Russian collusion, they took impeachment off the table for whatever reason?

That is treasonous.

I'm not sure you even follow the logic of your own propaganda talking points.
Faux not News lies to you. You have been inundated with innuendoes based on a false narrative from Russian intelligence. The USA, the EU and the IMF were all willing to withhold 20 billion in loan guaranties to the Ukraine to have an allegedly corrupt prosecutor removed. Joey "the hard ass" led the groups effort.
I've asked every single one of your fellow travelers that has brought up this excuse. Can you provide a government document prior to DEcember 2015 that states it was the policy of the United States to fire Shokin? So far, no one has been able to do so. GOod luck.
I did you stupid fuck! Regardless of where you get your Rabid Right Not News, the well it springs from is Faux, the ultimate liars club.
Lol, triggered liar sez what? How come you can't stop crying about fox?
So, after all those years of the DNC saying they had more than enough evidence of Russian collusion, they took impeachment off the table for whatever reason?

That is treasonous.

I'm not sure you even follow the logic of your own propaganda talking points.
WashingtonCNN —
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not write off the possibility of moving on impeachment against President Donald Trump as she explained her continued opposition to formally opening the process.

“It’s not off the table,” Pelosi said Tuesday, adding, “I don’t think you should impeach for political reasons, and I don’t think you should not impeach for political reasons.”

Pelosi has continued to oppose beginning the impeachment process against Trump as increasing members of the Democratic Party, both on the campaign trail and in her caucus, have voiced support for opening an impeachment inquiry.
Say, are you going to post some more of your hillarious Howler Monkey buds now?

Faux lies, but we've known that for a very long time now.
All the media lies you idiot. It's a sure sign of a juvenile when you twist names like you do. 6th grade at best.


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