The twisted world of Trump Pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein.

The flight logs, as far as I am aware, don't show Clinton flying to the island.
Riiiiiiiight. They only showed him on the plane headed TO THE ISLAND. He could have parachuted out
Provide a link backing up your assertions.
The flight logs
The flight logs don't show Clinton ever travelling to pedophile isle. Time now for you to make something up.
You sir, are the one making shit up. Leave it to a leftist to lie his ass:

" Visitors to his private Caribbean island, known as “Orgy Island,” have included Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew and Stephen Hawking."

According to that level of evidence, trump is guilty of raping a 13 year old child. Congrats, con.
why is hollywood so liberal, you ask?

acting is based on emotion, liberalism is based on emotion.

that's how they join together!
Here is a recap of Trump's main involvement with Epstein.

When Epstein approached an underage girl at Mar-A-Lago and was accused of sexual assault, Trump banned him.
Total fake news

Trump allowed Epstein to hire young towel girls from his club

He did not bar him until he was convicted
youre still a liar RW, or you would have included a link to back up your statement,,,

You want links?

You get what you ask for
I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
The relationship, whatever it was, appears to have cooled by 2007. Garten said in an interview Monday that although Epstein was never a member of Mar-a-Lago, Trump prohibited him from visiting the club around that time, as a reaction to criminal charges that had been filed against Epstein.
I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

And after Mr. Trump found out what Mr. Epstein was up to, Epstein was barred from Trump's properties for Life plus 20 years.
One of Epstein’s alleged victims, Virginia Giuffre, was a towel girl in the Mar-a-Lago locker room when she was “recruited” at the club by Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell, according to Giuffre’s attorney, David Boies.

He said Maxwell asked Giuffre whether she would like to earn money and learn how to give massages, which led to Epstein sexually abusing her at his homes in Palm Beach
One of Epstein’s alleged victims, Virginia Giuffre, was a towel girl in the Mar-a-Lago locker room when she was “recruited” at the club by Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell, according to Giuffre’s attorney, David Boies.

He said Maxwell asked Giuffre whether she would like to earn money and learn how to give massages, which led to Epstein sexually abusing her at his homes in Palm Beach

Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago for trying to abuse a minor
The clintons flew to this piece of shits private island over a hundred times
The potential witnesses or perps

“You would much rather be visiting the Department of Justice and engaging a conversation about what you saw rather than making the DoJ find you,” said Jacob Frenkel, a former federal prosecutor now at Dickinson-Wright. “There’s a much greater potential for influencing the parameters of an interview and the scope of cooperation by going in voluntarily than becoming a compulsory guest” of the government, he said.
The clintons flew to this piece of shits private island over a hundred times
Were you on the plane? How would you know that?

At this point in time, there is not enough evidence at all to exonerate the Clintons on this.

If you paid attention to the precedent set by the Mueller Report, you would know its really up to the accused to prove their innocence.
What's that you say? It's wrong to pin guilt on someone based on nothing more than association? I'm sure Obama will be relieved to hear that.

You mean when obama was best friends with domestic terrorist bill ayers, a man who actually detonated bombs in this country? Or when obama sat in the church of jeremiah wright, had his wedding there, and had his daughters baptized by an openly, proudly racist pastor.....and obama stayed in that church 20 mean like that? Or obama's good friendship with the racist louis farakhan.....who had to have his photos taken with farakhan hidden by the journalist who took them so people wouldn't realize what close friends they were?

You mean like that?
Now that it seems like I can post again...

Democrats protected epstein with the deal and it fell in Acostas' lap after it was done....

Acosta had merely had the whole mess thrown into his hands and tried to get something out of it for Epstein anyway after all this obfuscation. She wrote:

Epstein had given more than $145,000 to Democratic candidates and causes, including Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer. He was a big Israel backer. Bill Clinton and Democratic activist Ron Burkle were frequent guests on Epstein's private plane, dubbed the "Lolita Express." And Krischer was a hero for his dogged pursuit of Rush Limbaugh! Why bring up all this unpleasantness?

Thanks to Chief Reiter, President Bush's U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alex Acosta, did take the case, despite the fact that only Epstein's child rapes on his plane, on his private island, or with girls brought across state lines would make it a federal case.

As a result of the (Republican-led) federal investigation, Epstein was finally required to plead guilty to two state felony charges, accept a sentence of two years in prison, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to his victims.

Still no coverage by MSNBC or CNN.

Inasmuch as Epstein was pleading guilty to a state charge, the matter of his confinement was out of the U.S. attorney's hands. It was Democratic county prison officials — not the feds — who placed Epstein in a private wing of the county jail and allowed him to spend 12 hours a day, six days a week at his Palm Beach mansion throughout his 13-month "imprisonment."

In 2014, the brilliant conservative lawyer Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards brought suit against the federal prosecutors for violating the Crime Victims' Rights Act in the Epstein case.

As bad as the U.S. attorney's office was, at least it did something. Democrat Krischer gave Epstein a walk. But no matter how appalling Krischer's behavior was, the Crime Victims' Rights Act only applies to federal prosecutions.

This rather doesn't suggest that Acosta was the problem here. The protection racket extended deep into blue-city politics, run exclusively by Democrats. The Times writers and the other reporters don't bring that up.

The Washington Post, meanwhile, focuses on Trump's supposed connection to Epstein, painting them as buddies, with Trump supposedly denying it now:

Back in 2002, when Jeffrey Epstein was known only as a mysterious financial whiz with a private island and a roster of A-list friends, being friendly with him was something to boast about. And Donald Trump did.

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined "Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery." "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

This one's even more transparently dishonest as reporting than the Acosta gambit.

Let's look at the timeline.

When did Trump make that statement? 2002.

What happened around 2007? Trump booted Epstein from ever setting foot on the premises of his Mar-a-Lago clubhouse for assaulting an underage female guest. Trump protected the girl from this beast, and got no credit for it.

That's five years later and that doesn't sound like Trump thinks Epstein is a great guy anymore.

Yet the press chooses to wheel out that 2002 statement as proof that Trump and Epstein are still the best of friends and omits the news of the obvious fallout

What's more, it wasn't a club membership expulsion, it was an order that the guy never be allowed back at all. Epstein was never connected enough to be a member, so even that detail supports the idea that they weren't buddies.

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