CDZ The two biggest mistakes of George W. Bush

They were behind 9-11

No, they told Osama Bin Laden to go away long before 9/11 happened, from Wikipedia:

"He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. He helped to fund the Mujahideen by funneling arms, money and fighters from the Arab world into Afghanistan, and gained popularity among many Arabs.[12] In 1988, he formed al-Qaeda.[13] He was banished from Saudi Arabia in 1992, and shifted his base to Sudan, until U.S. pressure forced him to leave Sudan in 1996. After establishing a new base in Afghanistan, he declared a war against the United States, initiating a series of bombings and related attacks.[14] Bin Laden was on the American Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) lists of Ten Most Wanted Fugitives and Most Wanted Terrorists for his involvement in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings."

bolding mine

All this BEFORE Bush II came to office.
They supported and encouraged Wahhabism the radical Islamic theology that encouraged terrorism

American Liberals do more for terrorism than any group or nation ever has.

The Trouble With How Liberals Talk About Terrorism - The Atlantic

Obama’s stance on terrorism contained a contradiction. He argued that the terrorist threat was much less severe than other challenges such as climate change and gun violence. But he didn’t scale back his counterterrorism policies to reflect that assessment. After criticizing the excesses of George W. Bush’s war on terror, Obama launched a massive drone war against suspected terrorists in several countries.

It has been reported he loved to watch the videos...much like a child with a video game.

Obama's Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy -

Drone strikes were an effective tool in fighting terrorism

Better option than invading Iraq

Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.
No, they told Osama Bin Laden to go away long before 9/11 happened, from Wikipedia:

"He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. He helped to fund the Mujahideen by funneling arms, money and fighters from the Arab world into Afghanistan, and gained popularity among many Arabs.[12] In 1988, he formed al-Qaeda.[13] He was banished from Saudi Arabia in 1992, and shifted his base to Sudan, until U.S. pressure forced him to leave Sudan in 1996. After establishing a new base in Afghanistan, he declared a war against the United States, initiating a series of bombings and related attacks.[14] Bin Laden was on the American Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) lists of Ten Most Wanted Fugitives and Most Wanted Terrorists for his involvement in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings."

bolding mine

All this BEFORE Bush II came to office.
They supported and encouraged Wahhabism the radical Islamic theology that encouraged terrorism

American Liberals do more for terrorism than any group or nation ever has.

The Trouble With How Liberals Talk About Terrorism - The Atlantic

Obama’s stance on terrorism contained a contradiction. He argued that the terrorist threat was much less severe than other challenges such as climate change and gun violence. But he didn’t scale back his counterterrorism policies to reflect that assessment. After criticizing the excesses of George W. Bush’s war on terror, Obama launched a massive drone war against suspected terrorists in several countries.

It has been reported he loved to watch the videos...much like a child with a video game.

Obama's Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy -

Drone strikes were an effective tool in fighting terrorism

Better option than invading Iraq

Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

BTW John Wayne was a complete Hollywood Phoney....but he is your hero? That speaks volumes about any knowledge you might have of military matters.

Was John Wayne a draft doger? Was John Wayne a draft dodger?
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I always considered engaging in torture to be one of Bush’s biggest mistakes

We used to be the good guys
They supported and encouraged Wahhabism the radical Islamic theology that encouraged terrorism

American Liberals do more for terrorism than any group or nation ever has.

The Trouble With How Liberals Talk About Terrorism - The Atlantic

Obama’s stance on terrorism contained a contradiction. He argued that the terrorist threat was much less severe than other challenges such as climate change and gun violence. But he didn’t scale back his counterterrorism policies to reflect that assessment. After criticizing the excesses of George W. Bush’s war on terror, Obama launched a massive drone war against suspected terrorists in several countries.

It has been reported he loved to watch the videos...much like a child with a video game.

Obama's Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy -

Drone strikes were an effective tool in fighting terrorism

Better option than invading Iraq

Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

I served 12 years active and another 11 years reserve in the United States Navy. Currently a contractor for the United States Army. I have 11 years experience training special operations troops on Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), you know the kind of operations where they took out Osama and would have had to take out Saddam. I have trained every Army Special Forces Group, including Deltas, Rangers, and every SEAL Team, plus SO troops of the USAF. I could tell you more but then I would have to kill you. :D

What you got, Buckwheat? You probably never even participated in any types of these operations, much less had anything to do with the planning.
Well, we were talking about W Bush but I agree with you about GHerbert Bush for the most part...he stopped short in the kuwait thing...should have gone on up the Hwy....and took out Saddam right then and there whilst we had all those boots on the ground over there....and his excuse 'but oh the coalition would have fallen apart' dumb to say the least....we did not need anyone else to help us.

I also agree with you about Reagan....I never liked Reagan...he was little more than a hollywood fraud...even claimed at one point that he fought in the war...all he did was make B movies. Then he went senile at some point.....and the media covered for him pretty much until Nancy got caught whispering to him what to say one time when he got all flustered........yet he still got a pass. I kinda think he had cognitive problems early on even in his first administration...perhaps not all that bad but it gradually got worse and worse.

But the most unforgivable thing Reagan did was when the Marine Barracks in Lebanon was blown up and said well....I wish there was something we could do about that...and of course he did nothing as far as is known.

However, not too long after that if I remember correctly a big bomb went off in an Iranian government assembly of the top guys and killed a lot of Iranian officials....that might have been Bill Casey though....he was a good one...very smart.

Hafte Tir bombing - Wikipedia

The UN mandate in the Gulf War was to remove Iraq from Kuwait. The coalition would fallen apart faster than pulling the bottom piece out of a Jenga game. Just how do you support troops invading Iraq with every other country around them pulling their support?
Well, we were talking about W Bush but I agree with you about GHerbert Bush for the most part...he stopped short in the kuwait thing...should have gone on up the Hwy....and took out Saddam right then and there whilst we had all those boots on the ground over there....and his excuse 'but oh the coalition would have fallen apart' dumb to say the least....we did not need anyone else to help us.

I also agree with you about Reagan....I never liked Reagan...he was little more than a hollywood fraud...even claimed at one point that he fought in the war...all he did was make B movies. Then he went senile at some point.....and the media covered for him pretty much until Nancy got caught whispering to him what to say one time when he got all flustered........yet he still got a pass. I kinda think he had cognitive problems early on even in his first administration...perhaps not all that bad but it gradually got worse and worse.

But the most unforgivable thing Reagan did was when the Marine Barracks in Lebanon was blown up and said well....I wish there was something we could do about that...and of course he did nothing as far as is known.

However, not too long after that if I remember correctly a big bomb went off in an Iranian government assembly of the top guys and killed a lot of Iranian officials....that might have been Bill Casey though....he was a good one...very smart.

Hafte Tir bombing - Wikipedia

The UN mandate in the Gulf War was to remove Iraq from Kuwait. The coalition would fallen apart faster than pulling the bottom piece out of a Jenga game. Just how do you support troops invading Iraq with every other country around them pulling their support?

The coalition of the willing was just a propagandistic window dressing ploy to make it appear we had widespread support for getting Iraq out of Kuiwait....we did not need them and they did very little to help us.

George Herberts obsession with the coalition was just a mind set formed by WWII ...the need for allies.

Which was true in WWII but really of no importance in getting rid of Saddam...we did not need them and it would have been easy to do...we should have just got rid of Saddam and got out...not wasted a lot of money trying to build Iraq into a his son did to the tune of 2 million dollars and a major factor in our economic problems.

Beyond all that insignificant baloney of the necessity of the coalition....none of them would have tried to intervene if Bush had marched on up the Hwy and got rid of Saddam whilst we had so many boots on the ground would have avoided the invasion by his son and gotten rid of saddam without bankrupting America....W bush spent approx. 2 million dollars in his invasion of Iraq...for what purpose? We got nothing out it....a tremendous waste and one he has not been held accountable he has revealed his true colors by becoming friends of hillary, obama and other liberals.....he was not only one of the dumbest characters we ever had in the White House...but was a fake conservative and pc idiot now working with those forces who want to open our borders to all aka....the globalists.
Report: George H.W. Bush to Vote for Hillary


If you did not bother reading my post, why did you respond?

I was talking about the Gulf War in 1992. Apparently you are so obsessed you skipped over that detail.

The reason the Arabs wanted Saddam to still remain in power was the large country opposite them in the Gulf, that being the Persinas (non-Arabs) and Shia in Iran. They knew then, and has been proven sense, Iran liked nothing better than "helping" their Shia brothers in Iraq to subjugate the Sunnis.

Your analysis is missing a few key details that one could find in any narrative written during that period.[/QU

I was also talking about the same war...the gulf war in 1992 --something has coinfused you???

Well of course. You posted a picture of George W. Bush and ran off at the mouth about something that was blatantly not true.
American Liberals do more for terrorism than any group or nation ever has.

The Trouble With How Liberals Talk About Terrorism - The Atlantic

Obama’s stance on terrorism contained a contradiction. He argued that the terrorist threat was much less severe than other challenges such as climate change and gun violence. But he didn’t scale back his counterterrorism policies to reflect that assessment. After criticizing the excesses of George W. Bush’s war on terror, Obama launched a massive drone war against suspected terrorists in several countries.

It has been reported he loved to watch the videos...much like a child with a video game.

Obama's Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy -

Drone strikes were an effective tool in fighting terrorism

Better option than invading Iraq

Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

I served 12 years active and another 11 years reserve in the United States Navy. Currently a contractor for the United States Army. I have 11 years experience training special operations troops on Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), you know the kind of operations where they took out Osama and would have had to take out Saddam. I have trained every Army Special Forces Group, including Deltas, Rangers, B

On urban terrain?................bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa might sound impressive to a snowflake. hehheh

American Liberals do more for terrorism than any group or nation ever has.

The Trouble With How Liberals Talk About Terrorism - The Atlantic

Obama’s stance on terrorism contained a contradiction. He argued that the terrorist threat was much less severe than other challenges such as climate change and gun violence. But he didn’t scale back his counterterrorism policies to reflect that assessment. After criticizing the excesses of George W. Bush’s war on terror, Obama launched a massive drone war against suspected terrorists in several countries.

It has been reported he loved to watch the videos...much like a child with a video game.

Obama's Embrace of Drone Strikes Will Be a Lasting Legacy -

Drone strikes were an effective tool in fighting terrorism

Better option than invading Iraq

Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

I served 12 years active and another 11 years reserve in the United States Navy. Currently a contractor for the United States Army. I have 11 years experience training special operations troops on Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), you know the kind of operations where they took out Osama and would have had to take out Saddam. I have trained every Army Special Forces Group, including Deltas, Rangers, and every SEAL Team, plus SO troops of the USAF. I could tell you more but then I would have to kill you. :D

What you got, Buckwheat? You probably never even participated in any types of these operations, much less had anything to do with the planning.

What exactly did you train them to do and where? What kind of Naval unit were in?....where were you stationed?

What were your qualifilcations that entitled you to train special ops troops?
The UN mandate in the Gulf War was to remove Iraq from Kuwait. The coalition would fallen apart faster than pulling the bottom piece out of a Jenga game. Just how do you support troops invading Iraq with every other country around them pulling their support?
The UN mandate in the Gulf War was to remove Iraq from Kuwait. The coalition would fallen apart faster than pulling the bottom piece out of a Jenga game. Just how do you support troops invading Iraq with every other country around them pulling their support?

The coalition of the willing was just a propagandistic window dressing ploy to make it appear we had widespread support for getting Iraq out of Kuiwait....we did not need them and they did very little to help us.

George Herberts obsession with the coalition was just a mind set formed by WWII ...the need for allies.

Which was true in WWII but really of no importance in getting rid of Saddam...we did not need them and it would have been easy to do...we should have just got rid of Saddam and got out...not wasted a lot of money trying to build Iraq into a his son did to the tune of 2 million dollars and a major factor in our economic problems.

Beyond all that insignificant baloney of the necessity of the coalition....none of them would have tried to intervene if Bush had marched on up the Hwy and got rid of Saddam whilst we had so many boots on the ground would have avoided the invasion by his son and gotten rid of saddam without bankrupting America....W bush spent approx. 2 million dollars in his invasion of Iraq...for what purpose? We got nothing out it....a tremendous waste and one he has not been held accountable he has revealed his true colors by becoming friends of hillary, obama and other liberals.....he was not only one of the dumbest characters we ever had in the White House...but was a fake conservative and pc idiot now working with those forces who want to open our borders to all aka....the globalists.
Report: George H.W. Bush to Vote for Hillary


If you did not bother reading my post, why did you respond?

I was talking about the Gulf War in 1992. Apparently you are so obsessed you skipped over that detail.

The reason the Arabs wanted Saddam to still remain in power was the large country opposite them in the Gulf, that being the Persinas (non-Arabs) and Shia in Iran. They knew then, and has been proven sense, Iran liked nothing better than "helping" their Shia brothers in Iraq to subjugate the Sunnis.

Your analysis is missing a few key details that one could find in any narrative written during that period.[/QU

I was also talking about the same war...the gulf war in 1992 --something has coinfused you???

Well of course. You posted a picture of George W. Bush and ran off at the mouth about something that was blatantly not true.
Drone strikes were an effective tool in fighting terrorism

Better option than invading Iraq

Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

I served 12 years active and another 11 years reserve in the United States Navy. Currently a contractor for the United States Army. I have 11 years experience training special operations troops on Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), you know the kind of operations where they took out Osama and would have had to take out Saddam. I have trained every Army Special Forces Group, including Deltas, Rangers, B

On urban terrain?................bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa might sound impressive to a snowflake. hehheh

Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

I served 12 years active and another 11 years reserve in the United States Navy. Currently a contractor for the United States Army. I have 11 years experience training special operations troops on Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), you know the kind of operations where they took out Osama and would have had to take out Saddam. I have trained every Army Special Forces Group, including Deltas, Rangers, and every SEAL Team, plus SO troops of the USAF. I could tell you more but then I would have to kill you. :D

What you got, Buckwheat? You probably never even participated in any types of these operations, much less had anything to do with the planning.

What exactly did you train them to do and where?

I am sorry, but that is classified information.
The coalition of the willing was just a propagandistic window dressing ploy to make it appear we had widespread support for getting Iraq out of Kuiwait....we did not need them and they did very little to help us.

George Herberts obsession with the coalition was just a mind set formed by WWII ...the need for allies.

Which was true in WWII but really of no importance in getting rid of Saddam...we did not need them and it would have been easy to do...we should have just got rid of Saddam and got out...not wasted a lot of money trying to build Iraq into a his son did to the tune of 2 million dollars and a major factor in our economic problems.

Beyond all that insignificant baloney of the necessity of the coalition....none of them would have tried to intervene if Bush had marched on up the Hwy and got rid of Saddam whilst we had so many boots on the ground would have avoided the invasion by his son and gotten rid of saddam without bankrupting America....W bush spent approx. 2 million dollars in his invasion of Iraq...for what purpose? We got nothing out it....a tremendous waste and one he has not been held accountable he has revealed his true colors by becoming friends of hillary, obama and other liberals.....he was not only one of the dumbest characters we ever had in the White House...but was a fake conservative and pc idiot now working with those forces who want to open our borders to all aka....the globalists.
Report: George H.W. Bush to Vote for Hillary


If you did not bother reading my post, why did you respond?

I was talking about the Gulf War in 1992. Apparently you are so obsessed you skipped over that detail.

The reason the Arabs wanted Saddam to still remain in power was the large country opposite them in the Gulf, that being the Persinas (non-Arabs) and Shia in Iran. They knew then, and has been proven sense, Iran liked nothing better than "helping" their Shia brothers in Iraq to subjugate the Sunnis.

Your analysis is missing a few key details that one could find in any narrative written during that period.[/QU

I was also talking about the same war...the gulf war in 1992 --something has coinfused you???

Well of course. You posted a picture of George W. Bush and ran off at the mouth about something that was blatantly not true.
Invading Iraq was a huge,huge mistake ....yet media now loves the Bush responsible for it.....aka the great decider.

2 Trillion dollars to take out a despot when a handfull of special ops could have done the job .........................does anyone realize how much 2 trillion dollars amounts to? i.e. enough money to buy everyone in America a new home.

When did the media decide g.w. was so great? Bout the same time he cozied up to michelle and hillary...ridiculous moron.
George HW Bush thought the world belonged to his family. How wrong he was | Ariel Dorfman

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

I served 12 years active and another 11 years reserve in the United States Navy. Currently a contractor for the United States Army. I have 11 years experience training special operations troops on Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), you know the kind of operations where they took out Osama and would have had to take out Saddam. I have trained every Army Special Forces Group, including Deltas, Rangers, B

On urban terrain?................bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa might sound impressive to a snowflake. hehheh

No. A handful of Special Ops could not have done the job or that would have been done. You know nothing about that which you speak.

I am sure I know a lot more about it than you...and with good intelligence aka location of the could have been done.

At one time Israel had an excellent plant to kill saddam with a few special ops.
And even if it had failed....we would have saved 2 trillion you have any idea how much money 2 trillion dollars is?

$1.2 trillion will buy eight million $150,000 houses.

Care to regal us with your military experience?

I served 12 years active and another 11 years reserve in the United States Navy. Currently a contractor for the United States Army. I have 11 years experience training special operations troops on Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), you know the kind of operations where they took out Osama and would have had to take out Saddam. I have trained every Army Special Forces Group, including Deltas, Rangers, and every SEAL Team, plus SO troops of the USAF. I could tell you more but then I would have to kill you. :D

What you got, Buckwheat? You probably never even participated in any types of these operations, much less had anything to do with the planning.

What exactly did you train them to do and where?

I am sorry, but that is classified information.
Yeh right....I think you are as big a phoney as John Wayne.

No member of an elite unit would ever put a poster of John object of ridicule. i.e. When one screws up he is accused of trying to be John Wayne etc.

I can tell you one thing for certain...If it were not possible to have gotten rid of Sadam with some special ops....Israel would not have had a plan to do so and would not have engaged in training to do exactly that.
Have you had any parachute training, scuba training....what are your specific qualilfications? and do not try and claim that is classified.
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1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.

Bush's mistake was to invade any country other than Afghanistan- the invasion of Iraq diverted American resources to completing the mission in Afghanistan.

And Bush's post 911 support for peaceful American muslims was one of his shining moments- a fitting rebuke for bigots like yourself.

Not all Americans are murderers but how do you tell a good American from a bad one?

This doesn't deserve to be in the Clean Debate Zone
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.

Bush's mistake was to invade any country other than Afghanistan- the invasion of Iraq diverted American resources to completing the mission in Afghanistan.

And Bush's post 911 support for peaceful American muslims was one of his shining moments- a fitting rebuke for bigots like yourself.

Not all Americans are murderers but how do you tell a good American from a bad one?

This doesn't deserve to be in the Clean Debate Zone

Bush had a shining moment? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he could not walk and chew gum at the same time.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

1. Ignoring the CRA housing bubble.

2. Trying to turn Iraq into a Western style democracy.

Bush made many huge,huge mistakes, but now the media touts the bush's as just being so fantastic....ridiculous.
I don’t see many in the media claiming Bush 43s Presidency as being fantastic

George W. Bush, Hero -- Liberals Now Admire Him, Comparing Him Favorably to Trump | National Review

Compared to Trump, Bush is both a genius and successful President. Doesn't mean that we liberals consider him to be a fantastic President.

From what I have read Bush is genuinely a nice guy- but his invasion of Iraq was just stupid. But I give him credit for his overall post 911 response.

Like most President's Bush had good moments and bad- still trying to figure out a good moment for Trump though- I will find one eventually.
They were behind 9-11

Not the Rulers......just some radicals from there......they are working hard to get rid of the radicals.

he attempted assassination of Saudi Arabia’s counter terrorism chief, Prince Muhammad Bin Nayif, Thursday in Jidda raises disturbing questions about whether al Qaeda’s Saudi branch is recovering from the fierce crackdown Nayif oversaw in the last five years

Al-Qaeda’s New Murder Plot

Just like they were not behind the murder of Khosheggi

They were complicit in the rise of radical Islam as long as they stayed in power

Journalists come and go...not of overall importance...he was not an American Citizen, he was not killed in America.....let Turkey and Saudia Arabia deal with it.

Khashoggi was Not a Friend of America
Time Person of the Year

May bring down the Saudi Regime

just liberal pc bullshilte....The American media are an enemy of the American People....doing everything in their power to turn us into a 3rd world hellhole.
Part of the fascist agenda is to convince a population that the media is the enemy. - because the media provides facts which inconveniently refute the lies put out by governments.

No, they told Osama Bin Laden to go away long before 9/11 happened, from Wikipedia:

"He was born in Saudi Arabia and studied at university in the country until 1979, when he joined Mujahideen forces in Pakistan fighting against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. He helped to fund the Mujahideen by funneling arms, money and fighters from the Arab world into Afghanistan, and gained popularity among many Arabs.[12] In 1988, he formed al-Qaeda.[13] He was banished from Saudi Arabia in 1992, and shifted his base to Sudan, until U.S. pressure forced him to leave Sudan in 1996. After establishing a new base in Afghanistan, he declared a war against the United States, initiating a series of bombings and related attacks.[14] Bin Laden was on the American Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) lists of Ten Most Wanted Fugitives and Most Wanted Terrorists for his involvement in the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings."

bolding mine

All this BEFORE Bush II came to office.
They supported and encouraged Wahhabism the radical Islamic theology that encouraged terrorism

American Liberals do more for terrorism than any group or nation ever has.

That is what the fascists keep telling Americans.

Because fascists are opponents of the truth.
Not the Rulers......just some radicals from there......they are working hard to get rid of the radicals.

he attempted assassination of Saudi Arabia’s counter terrorism chief, Prince Muhammad Bin Nayif, Thursday in Jidda raises disturbing questions about whether al Qaeda’s Saudi branch is recovering from the fierce crackdown Nayif oversaw in the last five years

Al-Qaeda’s New Murder Plot

Just like they were not behind the murder of Khosheggi

They were complicit in the rise of radical Islam as long as they stayed in power

Journalists come and go...not of overall importance...he was not an American Citizen, he was not killed in America.....let Turkey and Saudia Arabia deal with it.

Khashoggi was Not a Friend of America
Time Person of the Year

May bring down the Saudi Regime

just liberal pc bullshilte....The American media are an enemy of the American People....doing everything in their power to turn us into a 3rd world hellhole.
Part of the fascist agenda is to convince a population that the media is the enemy. - because the media provides facts which inconveniently refute the lies put out by governments. have drank the Kool-Aid

LIST: 24 Pieces of MSM Fake News in 5 Days
Just like they were not behind the murder of Khosheggi

They were complicit in the rise of radical Islam as long as they stayed in power

Journalists come and go...not of overall importance...he was not an American Citizen, he was not killed in America.....let Turkey and Saudia Arabia deal with it.

Khashoggi was Not a Friend of America
Time Person of the Year

May bring down the Saudi Regime

just liberal pc bullshilte....The American media are an enemy of the American People....doing everything in their power to turn us into a 3rd world hellhole.
Part of the fascist agenda is to convince a population that the media is the enemy. - because the media provides facts which inconveniently refute the lies put out by governments. have drank the Kool-Aid

LIST: 24 Pieces of MSM Fake News in 5 Days have drank Trump's kool-aid.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.

Bush's mistake was to invade any country other than Afghanistan- the invasion of Iraq diverted American resources to completing the mission in Afghanistan.

And Bush's post 911 support for peaceful American muslims was one of his shining moments- a fitting rebuke for bigots like yourself.

Not all Americans are murderers but how do you tell a good American from a bad one?

This doesn't deserve to be in the Clean Debate Zone

Bush had a shining moment? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he could not walk and chew gum at the same time.
Bush’s shining moments

His post 9-11 leadership for a nation in shock
Humanitarian aid to Africa

The rest was pretty much a disaster
hat's the problem, presidents get bad advice from greedy people with an agenda, then congress in fear of losing there pay check back the bad decision

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