The two sides of the DACA coin....


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
IMHO there is little to be gained by deporting young people who are here and are already gainfully employed or completing college degrees. The other side of the DACA coin is bad news however. As long as it stands, it serves as a carrot that dangles in front of desperate dirt poor parents living in Mexico and Central America. It gives them the incentive to put their kids one way ticket to who knows what fate. It is as much about controlling our border as it is a safety issue for the illegal kids.

Shutting down the incentive has to happen but we don't need to deport productive young people. We need to deport illegal criminals. I see Donald Trump as a pragmatist and I believe that will be his decision. No new admittance under the DACA but if you can prove you are employed and/or finishing college you can stay.

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