The U.S. being bombed. The military fails to protect us.

Like it or not, times change. We don't need ANY immigration any more. Especially from third world lowlifes. The Statue of Liberty needs to be torn down. When it was built in 1886, the world population was around 1 billion 400 million. Today it is closing in on 7 billion 800 million. So if you are for invasion (immigration) of any kind, you may as well be saying you are for stupidity. And that you are for a Solyent Green scenario.
Actually your social security benefits are based on an ever increasing tax base...
And since most procreation by American couples only produces ⅓ of one taxpayer...we need immigrants. Most of the current procreation is by bipolar people during periods of hypersexuality who do not hold jobs that produce more tax dollars than they consume.

And the Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French's inscription has never been followed...we usually take the best and brightest minds. However the brain and talent drain is a major reason why other countries have animosity towards us.
The U.S. Military cannot act independently (thank God) outside of civilian control.
Actually your social security benefits are based on an ever increasing tax base...
And since most procreation by American couples only produces ⅓ of one taxpayer...we need immigrants. Most of the current procreation is by bipolar people during periods of hypersexuality who do not hold jobs that produce more tax dollars than they consume.

And the Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French's inscription has never been followed...we usually take the best and brightest minds. However the brain and talent drain is a major reason why other countries have animosity towards us.

Our economy is a slavery based economy. Just think what the tax base would be here if so many of the good paying jobs weren't shipped off to wage slave countries. And we didn't have so many people paying taxes from their McJobs employment. Also, the last time I checked, our yearly trade deficit with China alone was anywhere from around 300 billion to over 700 billion. That is money coming out of our pockets. Also, taxes aren't really taxes anyway. They are more like short term loans to the government.

As for the Statue of Liberty, it was just garbage we got because the Egyptian government didn't want that crap around. As for the inscription you speak of, here is part of it. "Give us your tired, your poor." Translation? Send us slaves!
The U.S. Military cannot act independently (thank God) outside of civilian control.

You mean politician control. After all, the elected president is commander and chief of the armed forces.
The U.S. is being bombed every day. By a kind of bomb that I heard about a long time ago. The Population Bomb. It is accomplishing the same exact feat that any armed invasion would. Putting the population of one country under the control of those from another country. Anybody supporting this kind of bombing needs to be lined up against a wall and shot for being the traitors that they are. Where is the military. If any country ever needed a military coup, this one does.

The term Population Bomb was coined to describe the situation where the people consumed more resources than could be sustained. Such as more food than could be produced. Or oxygen than could be replenished.

I love you RW types. You grab a term or phrase and run with it like you are educated and thinking. But for anyone who has anything other than basic knowledge you sound as dumb as this guy.

And here is an explanation about the Population Bomb.

There are literally millions of square miles of farmable land currently not being farmed. Not for a lack of water but because food is still too cheap and current farming methods are too efficient to make it profitable.

Small scale farming has become popular for those who create unique branding and have upscale quality for their products.
Where did you ever get the idea that elections are free in this country. People vote the way they're told to vote. No matter which side wins, we lose. And if it looks like a vote may not go the way the masters want, they always have gerrymandering to fix it. And if that doesn't work, they have the electoral college to fall back on. If they went by popular votes, Hillary would have beat Trump.

Maybe you're just loser??
The term Population Bomb was coined to describe the situation where the people consumed more resources than could be sustained. Such as more food than could be produced. Or oxygen than could be replenished.

I love you RW types. You grab a term or phrase and run with it like you are educated and thinking. But for anyone who has anything other than basic knowledge you sound as dumb as this guy.

And here is an explanation about the Population Bomb.

A leftwing propaganda effort to justify mass murder in the long run. The carrying capacity of the Earth, right now is 12 to 15 billion. That's with current tech.
A leftwing propaganda effort to justify mass murder in the long run. The carrying capacity of the Earth, right now is 12 to 15 billion. That's with current tech.

I did not claim the assertions were accurate. I just said that the OP was using a term incorrectly. Much like the idiots who ran around screaming that good fences make good neighbors.
I did not claim the assertions were accurate. I just said that the OP was using a term incorrectly. Much like the idiots who ran around screaming that good fences make good neighbors.

In some cases fences DO make good neighbors. Northern Ireland built Peace Walls, and the violence plummeted, Wherever we have walls along the southern border, the American Citizens who live there can sleep peacefully, not where there aren't walls however.

See how that works.
The term Population Bomb was coined to describe the situation where the people consumed more resources than could be sustained. Such as more food than could be produced. Or oxygen than could be replenished.

I love you RW types. You grab a term or phrase and run with it like you are educated and thinking. But for anyone who has anything other than basic knowledge you sound as dumb as this guy.

And here is an explanation about the Population Bomb.

It doesn't matter what anybody says a population bomb is. It is increasing population levels. And the U.S. is being bombed by it.

Human population growth graph.jpg
There are literally millions of square miles of farmable land currently not being farmed. Not for a lack of water but because food is still too cheap and current farming methods are too efficient to make it profitable.

Small scale farming has become popular for those who create unique branding and have upscale quality for their products.

You're kidding, right? What's next. You going to tell me that racism is bad and that all "races" of human are the same species? That we should let all the overpopulating lowlifes from third world countries invade here? Let me set you straight. The oceans are dying. There is desertification going on. There are food wars that have happened. Lack of food is probably the main factor in any "migration" of humans. Since 1950, 1/3 of all the arable land has been lost. Each year the U.S. loses around 1.7 billion tons of topsoil. At least 10 times faster than its natural replenishment rate. And each year the U.S. economy loses about 37 billion in productivity from soil loss.
You're kidding, right? What's next. You going to tell me that racism is bad and that all "races" of human are the same species? That we should let all the overpopulating lowlifes from third world countries invade here? Let me set you straight. The oceans are dying. There is desertification going on. There are food wars that have happened. Lack of food is probably the main factor in any "migration" of humans. Since 1950, 1/3 of all the arable land has been lost. Each year the U.S. loses around 1.7 billion tons of topsoil. At least 10 times faster than its natural replenishment rate. And each year the U.S. economy loses about 37 billion in productivity from soil loss.
No I'm not kidding...
I've seen thousands of hectares of farmland and farms sitting unproductive. Just sitting there not growing anything because there were no crops they could grow affordably.
Although several farms actually started up again here in north America because Brazil has has such lousy weather this past winter. Africa can grow crops but usually they are not as productive as Brazil or north America...they do do well with some high dollar crops. (Cocoa, coffee, oranges and etc)
No I'm not kidding...
I've seen thousands of hectares of farmland and farms sitting unproductive. Just sitting there not growing anything because there were no crops they could grow affordably.
Although several farms actually started up again here in north America because Brazil has has such lousy weather this past winter. Africa can grow crops but usually they are not as productive as Brazil or north America...they do do well with some high dollar crops. (Cocoa, coffee, oranges and etc)

Yup. The sad fact is almost half of all the food produced in the world is allowed to rot.

Food production isn't the problem.

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