The U.S. being bombed. The military fails to protect us.

An analogy for you. A criminal breaks into your house. You say, "make yourself at home." Somebody else tries to break into the house. How do you think the first criminal would react to it. Most likely, negatively. Also, those "people" are INFERIOR! Need proof? How many White Americans are trying to sneak into countries south of the border. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle east.
Legal immigration is something I, and those I'm talking about are all for.

Illegal Immigration is the needs to be stopped and discouraged. This latest Hatian issue is because of Biden and something he said and did. Those who properly immigrated to America are getting all pissed off because of it.
Where did you ever get the idea that elections are free in this country. People vote the way they're told to vote. No matter which side wins, we lose. And if it looks like a vote may not go the way the masters want, they always have gerrymandering to fix it. And if that doesn't work, they have the electoral college to fall back on. If they went by popular votes, Hillary would have beat Trump.

Trump won, and everything was great, and now Biden won and now the nation has unfair and rigged elections. Yes, there is fraud on a major level but get this through your thick geriatric fucking skull:


The nation is young, filled with young minds. I can't tell you how scary it is to be my age of 19 right now, looking around at kids my age getting excited over Tik Tok, the grammys, Billie Eilish and what Twitter has to say.

Yes, the election had fraud in it, but it didn't need to take a lot. Did you know that in a poll, it was found that kids in my generation got capitalism and socialism TIED in favorability? 50% of kids like socialism! And those are just the socialist kids, not the democrat kids. Millions of young adults are very active in politics because they were brought up in it whether at at, or at school. They lean heavily left and not right.

So no amount of blacks or hispanics will ever be a problem for us as long as our nations youth are still hyped on on the drug called socialism.
Better "fascist" than open borders.

No, it isn't. Open borders carrys all sorts of problems but fascists murder their own people and build walls to keep them IN.

No fucking clue what is your definition of elite simple fucking question.

I may have directed you to the wrong post. No need to get all bent out of shape about it. But if you want to talk about the elite, let's put the matter more simply. Those who are SUPERIOR. They are White people. Need proof? In a world with an ever increasing population, which isn't good for the planet, the population levels of the superior White people aren't rising. In some places, they may even be going down a little. Need more proof? How many White Americans are trying to sneak into countries south of the border. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East.
Discuss what? A "bomb" of people.

Maybe we can also discuss a cake of cats while we're at it.

Yes. Exactly. A bomb of people. Such as the population bomb I spoke of. Though you can also have a swarm of locusts. Damaging as they are, you can't really call it a population bomb. They are just vermin that need to be exterminated in any way possible. The same can be said if a house becomes infested with cockroaches, mice or rats. The answer isn't for them to go infest the next house over. That may suit them. But for the people that live in that other house, it would be a big problem. Requiring an exterminator.
Legal immigration is something I, and those I'm talking about are all for.

Illegal Immigration is the needs to be stopped and discouraged. This latest Hatian issue is because of Biden and something he said and did. Those who properly immigrated to America are getting all pissed off because of it.

Like it or not, times change. We don't need ANY immigration any more. Especially from third world lowlifes. The Statue of Liberty needs to be torn down. When it was built in 1886, the world population was around 1 billion 400 million. Today it is closing in on 7 billion 800 million. So if you are for invasion (immigration) of any kind, you may as well be saying you are for stupidity. And that you are for a Solyent Green scenario.
Trump won, and everything was great, and now Biden won and now the nation has unfair and rigged elections. Yes, there is fraud on a major level but get this through your thick geriatric fucking skull:


The nation is young, filled with young minds. I can't tell you how scary it is to be my age of 19 right now, looking around at kids my age getting excited over Tik Tok, the grammys, Billie Eilish and what Twitter has to say.

Yes, the election had fraud in it, but it didn't need to take a lot. Did you know that in a poll, it was found that kids in my generation got capitalism and socialism TIED in favorability? 50% of kids like socialism! And those are just the socialist kids, not the democrat kids. Millions of young adults are very active in politics because they were brought up in it whether at at, or at school. They lean heavily left and not right.

So no amount of blacks or hispanics will ever be a problem for us as long as our nations youth are still hyped on on the drug called socialism.

Get this through your whatever fucking skull. Stick to the topic of my thread.
The U.S. is being bombed every day. By a kind of bomb that I heard about a long time ago. The Population Bomb. It is accomplishing the same exact feat that any armed invasion would. Putting the population of one country under the control of those from another country. Anybody supporting this kind of bombing needs to be lined up against a wall and shot for being the traitors that they are. Where is the military. If any country ever needed a military coup, this one does.
Military coup? The military already runs the country. Why would they need a coup?
Get this through your whatever fucking skull. Stick to the topic of my thread.
Nope. You old fucks need to see whats going on! The kids are wrecking the gosh damned country and you blame it all on rigged this that and the other. Yes, there was fraud, but there were also millions of pansies scared of mean Trump tweets. young adults are really stupid.
No, it isn't. Open borders carrys all sorts of problems but fascists murder their own people and build walls to keep them IN.


If only you knew what you were talking about. Hitler didn't murder his own people or build walls to keep people in. And he was a fascist. But Stalin did both. And he was a commie. In total, Russian communists are said to have been responsible for the untimely deaths of 80 to 100 million people!
Military coup? The military already runs the country. Why would they need a coup?

No. Big business runs this country. Though the military gets a lot of funding through the government-big business.
The U.S. is being bombed every day. By a kind of bomb that I heard about a long time ago. The Population Bomb. It is accomplishing the same exact feat that any armed invasion would. Putting the population of one country under the control of those from another country. Anybody supporting this kind of bombing needs to be lined up against a wall and shot for being the traitors that they are. Where is the military. If any country ever needed a military coup, this one does.

I know....but there is only one problem

There is no military under this Cretin Biden.

Unless you call this Woke Military bunch of imbeciles, Military.

And I don't.
Nope. You old fucks need to see whats going on! The kids are wrecking the gosh damned country and you blame it all on rigged this that and the other. Yes, there was fraud, but there were also millions of pansies scared of mean Trump tweets. young adults are really stupid.

The point of this thread is the U.S. getting bombed by the population bomb. Not so much how kids are these days. The younger generation just has had the shit brainwashed out of them. Even worse than their parents had.
I know....but there is only one problem

There is no military under this Cretin Biden.

Unless you call this Woke Military bunch of imbeciles, Military.

And I don't.

Oh, there's a military all right. Just let the muslims pull another 9-11. Then you can again see how inept the military is. And how many more hundreds of billions we can spend to ultimately have tens of thousands of them being let into the U.S.
Oh, there's a military all right. Just let the muslims pull another 9-11. Then you can again see how inept the military is. And how many more hundreds of billions we can spend to ultimately have tens of thousands of them being let into the U.S.

I don't know....because until today.....crickets from this Woke Military.

Zilch, Zero, Nada.
Yes. Exactly. A bomb of people. Such as the population bomb I spoke of. Though you can also have a swarm of locusts. Damaging as they are, you can't really call it a population bomb. They are just vermin that need to be exterminated in any way possible. The same can be said if a house becomes infested with cockroaches, mice or rats. The answer isn't for them to go infest the next house over. That may suit them. But for the people that live in that other house, it would be a big problem. Requiring an exterminator.

Yeah, well..... doesn't seem worth discussing.

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