The u.s. Border will never be secured.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

We allow 11 million people to enter the country and over stay their visa and we blame it on a “broken” immigration system? I call it a broken government and broken enforcement system. Replace those in government and enforce our immigration laws that have been on the board and secure the border and track visa over-stayers and we fix our “broken” immigration system. Not by anther amnesty that does nothing. Along with this we must fix automatic birthright citizenship so it will not allow children born in this country to illegal aliens to be instant U.S. citizens and become anchors for their families.
After the 1986 amnesty the door was left open. By a careless and incompetent government. And the gang of 8 idiots don’t know it cause the broken immigration system. Our legal immigration system works. Not by letting in 11 million dish washers, lawn mowers and baby sitters. American students need those dish washing, lawn mowing and baby sitting jobs.
Give out eviction notices to all here illegally and put locks on the door.
But if we don't make them citizens, how are the Democrats gonna win elections in the future?
Dat's why Granny tells Uncle Ferd to always wear a condom around Hispexican womens...
Jeb Bush: ‘Immigrants Are More Fertile … Are the Engine of Economic Prosperity’
June 14, 2013 – Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a Republican, said that immigrants to America “are more fertile,” have “more intact families,” and "are the engine of economic prosperity” that could improve the U.S. economy and help the government to cover the rising cost of entitlements.
“We’re going to have fewer workers taking care of a larger number of people that the country has a social contract with to be able to allow them to retire with dignity and purpose,” Bush said during a speech at the “Road to Majority” conference in Washington, D.C. on Friday, sponsored by the Faith & Freedom Coalition. “We cannot do that with the fertility rates that we have in our country. We are below break-even today.” "Now, part of that is the pessimism in our country but part of it is the changing social mores that exist," he said. Further into his talk, Bush said. “Immigrants create far more businesses than native-born Americans over the last 20 years. Immigrants are more fertile and they love families and they have more intact families, and they bring a younger population -- immigrants create an engine of economic prosperity.”

Concerning the ongoing debate in Congress over immigration reform, Bush said, “The one way we can rebuild the demographic pyramid is to fix a broken immigration system to allow for people to come, to learning English, to play by our rules, to embrace our values and to pursue their dreams in our country with a vengeance to create more opportunities for all of us.” “This is a conservative idea and, if we do this, we will rebuild our country in a way that will allow us to grow,” he said. “If we don’t do it, if we don't do it, we will be in decline.” Bush, the brother of President George W. Bush and son of President George H.W. Bush, , is widely viewed as a potential GOP presidential candidate for 2016. Bush received a standing, though somewhat tepid, ovation from the crowd at Friday’s conference.

The Republican Party is divided over the immigration issue. Bush has been a longtime proponent of giving legal status to illegal aliens. In addition to his comments about fertility and family among immigrants, Bush said the country needs to protect the borders, which he believed the Gang of Eight immigration legislation in the Senate would accomplish. “We need to move to an economically driven system,” Bush said. “Right now, family unification is the means by which immigrants come -- 75 percent of all immigrants come petitioned by a family member. Wouldn’t it be better if we narrowed that definition down to what every other country has, spouse and minor children? And then expand the number of immigrants that come to work hard in our fields, to work in stem-related areas, to work across the spectrum in our economy.”

He cited Canada as an example for the United States to follow on immigration and economic growth. “Canada is a place we might want to look to,” Bush said. “They have more economic immigrants and they have seen sustained economic growth because of it. We should expand H1 Visas. We should create a guest worker program. We should deal with the millions of people that are here illegally, to give them a path to legal status.” “But they should pay a fine,” he said. “They should learn English. They should not receive any federal welfare payments. And they should not violate laws during an extended period of time. In doing so, if we have the right enforcement, we will create sustained economic growth.”

- See more at: Jeb Bush: ?Immigrants Are More Fertile ? Are the Engine of Economic Prosperity? | CNS News

See also:

Undocumented immigrants may apply to Loyola med school
June 14, 2013 > Undocumented immigrants are now welcome to apply at Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine in an unprecedented move school officials hope might spread to the rest of the medical community.
“We’re happy to be the first, but we hope we’re not the last,” Linda Brubaker, the school’s dean said on Thursday. Loyola is waiving legal residency as a requirement and is working to help students receive loans for tuition and fees from the Illinois Finance Authority, since they cannot receive federal aid. The inclusion of undocumented applicants came in response to President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which began in June 2012 and created the opportunity for young adults brought to the U.S. as children to land two-year renewable work permits. “They are just like everyone else. They can apply for a residency training in pediatrics or internal medicine, and they complete their training, and they can do that in Illinois or in other states,” Brubaker said.

Mark Kuczewski, director of Loyola’s Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics & Health Policy said the step will benefit the patient population by diversifying its physicians. “In many cases, they’ve done everything right. They have been living in the U.S. bi-culturally, and for the most part are really well equipped to be serving our multicultural population,” Kuczewksi said. “It’s just an injustice to turn them away, when they really are Americans in every way except on paper.” Applications are being accepted until Oct. 15 for students who will begin medical school in July 2014.

Brubaker said she expects hundreds to apply, with 10 to 12 getting offers of admission. “Some of these students — we haven’t seen all of the applications — but the ones we’ve seen, I’m not sure I could have competed with them to get into medical school,” she said. “Very stellar academics, very rich cultural backgrounds.” The school says admissions slots are not being adjusted to make room for the undocumented. And the only threat to the program is the stability of the deferred action program, which can change in a new presidential administration.

Latino community leaders are commending the school for its decision. “Our short-sighted immigration policies have kept talented students — would-be doctors — in the shadows for too long, conspiring with the forces that are causing our country to fall behind emerging nations like China and India,” Maria Esther Lopez, director of El Valor said in an email. “I commend Loyola University Chicago for this bold and visionary move. The world is changing and those that do not see that will be left behind.”

Undocumented immigrants may apply to Loyola med school - Chicago Sun-Times

If illegal aliens was an asset to the economy and social security why is it that with 11 million illegal aliens in this country our economy is so screwed up? 22 million Americans are unemployed or under employed and 10 million American youths are unemployed and social security is going broke and our leaders want bring more immigrants into the country by family re-unification to compete for jobs with Americans and their children is a no brainer.
Illegal immigration cannot be compared to running a stop sign or a speeding ticket you pay. Illegal immigration is compared to a felon and felons lose their right to vote forever.
Until our unemployment rate is under 5% there should be nothing on the table but enforcement with deportation and border security to release and save those jobs for unemployed and underplayed Americans.
The Gang of Eight should be tried, convicted and jailed for treason. Their Comp. Immig. Reform plan is about nothing more the votes. The don’t give a damn about illegal aliens or Americans. There is not enough American dream to go around as it is without Americans having to compete for jobs illegal aliens. The majority of illegal aliens are Mexican and Mexico is more than economically capable of providing for it’s own. The don’t come for a better life but for a “mo better” life at the expense of hard working Americans. The U.S. government “freebies.” Even crime is a more lucrative here than in Mexico. How many criminal illegal aliens are in U.S. prison are deported each year? There are too many unanswered questions involving legalization and too many questions that cannot be answered.
The Gang of Eight jobs are not threaten by illegal aliens. Their neighborhoods or not gang infected with gang related crimes. Until you have walked in my shoes you do not have the right to tell me how to walk. It is hard to have compassion for someone who move into your home and take over

If illegal aliens was an asset to the economy and social security why is it that with 11 million illegal aliens in this country our economy is so screwed up? 22 million Americans are unemployed or under employed and 10 million American youths are unemployed and social security is going broke and our leaders want bring more immigrants into the country by family re-unification to compete for jobs with Americans and their children is a no brainer.
Illegal immigration cannot be compared to running a stop sign or a speeding ticket you pay. Illegal immigration is compared to a felon and felons lose their right to vote forever.
Until our unemployment rate is under 5% there should be nothing on the table but enforcement with deportation and border security to release and save those jobs for unemployed and underplayed Americans.
The Gang of Eight should be tried, convicted and jailed for treason. Their Comp. Immig. Reform plan is about nothing more the votes. The don’t give a damn about illegal aliens or Americans. There is not enough American dream to go around as it is without Americans having to compete for jobs illegal aliens. The majority of illegal aliens are Mexican and Mexico is more than economically capable of providing for it’s own. The don’t come for a better life but for a “mo better” life at the expense of hard working Americans. The U.S. government “freebies.” Even crime is a more lucrative here than in Mexico. How many criminal illegal aliens are in U.S. prison are deported each year? There are too many unanswered questions involving legalization and too many questions that cannot be answered.
The Gang of Eight jobs are not threaten by illegal aliens. Their neighborhoods or not gang infected with gang related crimes. Until you have walked in my shoes you do not have the right to tell me how to walk. It is hard to have compassion for someone who move into your home and take over

We wouldn't be having this fight if it were not for identity politics voters like you. This bill would not be being debated under a Romney presidency. Obama SAID during the election that he was for amnesty and you cheer lead for him. This is YOUR fault. :evil:

If illegal aliens was an asset to the economy and social security why is it that with 11 million illegal aliens in this country our economy is so screwed up? 22 million Americans are unemployed or under employed and 10 million American youths are unemployed and social security is going broke and our leaders want bring more immigrants into the country by family re-unification to compete for jobs with Americans and their children is a no brainer.
Illegal immigration cannot be compared to running a stop sign or a speeding ticket you pay. Illegal immigration is compared to a felon and felons lose their right to vote forever.
Until our unemployment rate is under 5% there should be nothing on the table but enforcement with deportation and border security to release and save those jobs for unemployed and underplayed Americans.
The Gang of Eight should be tried, convicted and jailed for treason. Their Comp. Immig. Reform plan is about nothing more the votes. The don’t give a damn about illegal aliens or Americans. There is not enough American dream to go around as it is without Americans having to compete for jobs illegal aliens. The majority of illegal aliens are Mexican and Mexico is more than economically capable of providing for it’s own. The don’t come for a better life but for a “mo better” life at the expense of hard working Americans. The U.S. government “freebies.” Even crime is a more lucrative here than in Mexico. How many criminal illegal aliens are in U.S. prison are deported each year? There are too many unanswered questions involving legalization and too many questions that cannot be answered.
The Gang of Eight jobs are not threaten by illegal aliens. Their neighborhoods or not gang infected with gang related crimes. Until you have walked in my shoes you do not have the right to tell me how to walk. It is hard to have compassion for someone who move into your home and take over

We wouldn't be having this fight if it were not for identity politics voters like you. This bill would not be being debated under a Romney presidency. Obama SAID during the election that he was for amnesty and you cheer lead for him. This is YOUR fault. :evil:

If you believe that, you did not listen to Romney. Had he been elected we would be doing the very same thing because Romney would be looking forward to 2016.
[ame=]Mitt Romney: Supports Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants - YouTube[/ame]
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50,OOO border patrol agents, 20ft high electrical wall will not keep illegal aliens from coming to this country illegally. They will go around border patrol agents and they will get here IF there are jobs for them. We cannot control illegal immigration without work place enforcement. The border will never be secured. Why has it taken more than 25 years to secure the border after the 1986 promise? What is different about this promise? Our immigration system is not broken our border is broken and amnesty will not fix it.

If illegal aliens was an asset to the economy and social security why is it that with 11 million illegal aliens in this country our economy is so screwed up? 22 million Americans are unemployed or under employed and 10 million American youths are unemployed and social security is going broke and our leaders want bring more immigrants into the country by family re-unification to compete for jobs with Americans and their children is a no brainer.
Illegal immigration cannot be compared to running a stop sign or a speeding ticket you pay. Illegal immigration is compared to a felon and felons lose their right to vote forever.
Until our unemployment rate is under 5% there should be nothing on the table but enforcement with deportation and border security to release and save those jobs for unemployed and underplayed Americans.
The Gang of Eight should be tried, convicted and jailed for treason. Their Comp. Immig. Reform plan is about nothing more the votes. The don’t give a damn about illegal aliens or Americans. There is not enough American dream to go around as it is without Americans having to compete for jobs illegal aliens. The majority of illegal aliens are Mexican and Mexico is more than economically capable of providing for it’s own. The don’t come for a better life but for a “mo better” life at the expense of hard working Americans. The U.S. government “freebies.” Even crime is a more lucrative here than in Mexico. How many criminal illegal aliens are in U.S. prison are deported each year? There are too many unanswered questions involving legalization and too many questions that cannot be answered.
The Gang of Eight jobs are not threaten by illegal aliens. Their neighborhoods or not gang infected with gang related crimes. Until you have walked in my shoes you do not have the right to tell me how to walk. It is hard to have compassion for someone who move into your home and take over

We wouldn't be having this fight if it were not for identity politics voters like you. This bill would not be being debated under a Romney presidency. Obama SAID during the election that he was for amnesty and you cheer lead for him. This is YOUR fault. :evil:

If you believe that, you did not listen to Romney. Had he been elected we would be doing the very same thing because Romney would be looking forward to 2016.
[ame=]Mitt Romney: Supports Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants - YouTube[/ame]

No, Romney would be trying to set policies that would lead to jobs being created for the 23 million Americans that are no longer working since Obama became president. He would not be spending his time trying to push a policy that could legalize the next terrorists to attack the U.S. homeland. You know that very well. If it makes you feel better to pretend that it wouldn't have been different, then go ahead, but it won't make you right and it won't stop the disaster that your vote for identity politics created.
Aren't you glad to know that Obama would rather give jobs to "hard working immigrants" and keep young black teenagers in the ghettos and on the Democrat plantation?

Many years ago after leaving work I crossed the street illegally outside a cross walk because I did not want to miss my bus. As punishment a police officer made me go back across the street and cross legally in the designated cross walk. I missed my bus and had to wait an hour for another one. I never jay-walked again. A few days ago I saw an elderly lady jay-walking across a busy street with two small children and was almost hit by a car because she did not want to take the time to cross legally. It reminded me of illegal aliens crossing the border outside designated crossings and some lose their lives in the desert for many reasons outside designated crossings because they do not want to wait. And they are no more than jay-walkers and the punishment should be that they should be made to go back across the border and cross legally. A fine, learn English and wait to become a citizen is not punishment when they are given green cards and allow to stay. That is like telling a burglar that he can keep what he has stole if he pay a fine. If you are given a ticket (ranging from $95 to $595 and do not pay it, you are subject to 6 months in jail and/or up to a $1000 fine. Many will never pay a fine for entering the country because they will plead hardship and the fine will be waived.
We wouldn't be having this fight if it were not for identity politics voters like you. This bill would not be being debated under a Romney presidency. Obama SAID during the election that he was for amnesty and you cheer lead for him. This is YOUR fault. :evil:

If you believe that, you did not listen to Romney. Had he been elected we would be doing the very same thing because Romney would be looking forward to 2016.
[ame=]Mitt Romney: Supports Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants - YouTube[/ame]

No, Romney would be trying to set policies that would lead to jobs being created for the 23 million Americans that are no longer working since Obama became president. He would not be spending his time trying to push a policy that could legalize the next terrorists to attack the U.S. homeland. You know that very well. If it makes you feel better to pretend that it wouldn't have been different, then go ahead, but it won't make you right and it won't stop the disaster that your vote for identity politics created.
Aren't you glad to know that Obama would rather give jobs to "hard working immigrants" and keep young black teenagers in the ghettos and on the Democrat plantation?

Are you deaf, dumb and blind?:confused:
If you believe that, you did not listen to Romney. Had he been elected we would be doing the very same thing because Romney would be looking forward to 2016.
Mitt Romney: Supports Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants - YouTube

No, Romney would be trying to set policies that would lead to jobs being created for the 23 million Americans that are no longer working since Obama became president. He would not be spending his time trying to push a policy that could legalize the next terrorists to attack the U.S. homeland. You know that very well. If it makes you feel better to pretend that it wouldn't have been different, then go ahead, but it won't make you right and it won't stop the disaster that your vote for identity politics created.
Aren't you glad to know that Obama would rather give jobs to "hard working immigrants" and keep young black teenagers in the ghettos and on the Democrat plantation?

Are you deaf, dumb and blind?:confused:

Well I didn't vote for Barack Obama. That would be you that voted for the guy pushing amnesty. And you should really listen to the whole interview that you posted.
No, Romney would be trying to set policies that would lead to jobs being created for the 23 million Americans that are no longer working since Obama became president.

Policies like what? The Republican cure all for the economy is tax cuts for the rich. George W. Bush already cut taxes for the rich. Where are the jobs?

Mitt Romney's father George Romney was born in humble circumstances. As the chairman of American Motors he built his fortune creating jobs and cars.

George Romney was born rich. As CEO of Bain Capital he made a bigger fortune taking over companies, cannibalizing them, and firing people. He saved some jobs, but he created very few of them. He made his fortune making investors richer.


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There is no act more racist against black people than amnesty. Democrats make sure black kids are stuck in failing schools then take even the failure away to be replaced with a spanish speaking catastrophe. Do you not get it? Really? In cities that are in transition, like Compton, blacks who already live with violence and murder, how have hispanic generated genocide.

Is it because hispanics are somehow less black?

If illegal aliens was an asset to the economy and social security why is it that with 11 million illegal aliens in this country our economy is so screwed up? 22 million Americans are unemployed or under employed and 10 million American youths are unemployed and social security is going broke and our leaders want bring more immigrants into the country by family re-unification to compete for jobs with Americans and their children is a no brainer.
Illegal immigration cannot be compared to running a stop sign or a speeding ticket you pay. Illegal immigration is compared to a felon and felons lose their right to vote forever.
Until our unemployment rate is under 5% there should be nothing on the table but enforcement with deportation and border security to release and save those jobs for unemployed and underplayed Americans.
The Gang of Eight should be tried, convicted and jailed for treason. Their Comp. Immig. Reform plan is about nothing more the votes. The don’t give a damn about illegal aliens or Americans. There is not enough American dream to go around as it is without Americans having to compete for jobs illegal aliens. The majority of illegal aliens are Mexican and Mexico is more than economically capable of providing for it’s own. The don’t come for a better life but for a “mo better” life at the expense of hard working Americans. The U.S. government “freebies.” Even crime is a more lucrative here than in Mexico. How many criminal illegal aliens are in U.S. prison are deported each year? There are too many unanswered questions involving legalization and too many questions that cannot be answered.
The Gang of Eight jobs are not threaten by illegal aliens. Their neighborhoods or not gang infected with gang related crimes. Until you have walked in my shoes you do not have the right to tell me how to walk. It is hard to have compassion for someone who move into your home and take over

The only thing oilyollady and I agree on is immigration.
You are an enigma....and also batshit crazy on all other issue's.
An internet site recently ran a poll implying that our system was "broken", and asking, "Who has the best solution to the illegal-alien problem?" The choice of answers they offered was (a) Arizona with its new law, (b) Obama with his "comprehensive immigration reform" mantra, or (c) Not Sure.

But they left out the CORRECT answer. Actually, the people who wrote our existing Federal laws on immigration, had the best solution.

1.) No one gets in without a visa.
2.) We do whatever it takes to keep out people without visas (which includes building a fence/wall where needed and hiring enough Border Patrol to patrol it adequately).
3.) Aliens found here without a visa, through unrelated contact with law enforcement, get deported.
4.) Employers who knowingly employ illegal aliens go to jail, up to and including the CEOs if they knew or suspected it too.
5.) People who apply for visas for various reasons (marriage, relatives, political asylum, needed skills, routine-I-want-to-live-there, etc.) get screened for criminal backgrounds and/or diseases, then get visas according to set quotas. Those quotas get expanded as population or capacity to absorb immigrants expands.

Why is this so difficult?

The system isn't "broken". A perfectly good system has been in place for decades. We're just not using it! And haven't been, for many administrations now.

We don't need to change the laws (so-called "comprehensive immigration reform")

And we certainly don't need to grant amnesty to people who already broke our laws and came here illegally (so-called "path to citizenship").

We need to change the people whose job it was to enforce existing laws, who haven't been doing it... starting at the top. And replace them with people who WILL do the job they're assigned by the voters.

Why wasn't this offered in your poll of "Who has the best solution?" Because it IS the best solution. And has been for a long time.

The only thing that's been missing, is the will to actually carry out this "tough love" program for our country.

BTW, if the administration(s) haven't wanted to obey the existing immigration laws, what makes you think they will obey a new set of laws?

The problem isn't with the existing laws. It's with the people we elected to carry them out.
Here is some immigration reform for you.

we need to change the constitution to reflect that only children of citizens are citizens....and end the anchor baby problem.
At present they have no way of tracking people with visas. They know when they come in but have no idea if they return to their country of origin when the visa expires. 40% of the current illegals came in on visas and didn't go home when they were supposed to. Personally I think they should be required to buy a return surety bond and if they overstay, we send bounty hunters to track them down and pay the bounty hunters from the bonds. Creates American jobs and solves the problem.
The correct reform would be to enforce the laws on the books, and amend the 14th Amendment to bar aliens and their children from becoming citizens.
Too many stupid people getting here. Too many illegals. Too many Muslims. Too many poor...we have enough already...I'm getting tired of paying for them.

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