The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

Wow, are you ill again, T?

Go take a nap or something, and get to feeling better.

You're QUICK to see ONE side of the equation bub...I see BOTH sides. Your posts show just what your intent is Jake, and *I* don't need a nap sport.

You ARE a partisan HACK. It's that simple. When you grow some GONADS, and start thinking for yourself, and start showing some propensity for defending YOUR LIBERTY, instead of blindly giving it away to a DemocRAT (Whom really isn't a Democrat, but a Marxist)...and Hell BENT on Stealing you Liberty?

Will *I* have any respect for you Jake. It's really that simple. Wake the FUCK up sport. These people in DC are NOT your friends,m NOR do they care about YOU.

Wish I could rep you on this one, T. Good post.

Sometimes you have to draw a line.
But none of that excuses the Bush administration. The last had the government, could have changed things that according to you needed to be changed, but did not. In other words, you are in a very small minority that really has no significant input into the American culture. I am not being mean here, simply telling the truth.
Any president attempting to dismantle Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, or any other bureaucracy will find they face the mythical Hydra. For every head they chop off two more will spring up in its place.
I put your statement in bold because it is so grammatically inconsistent as to not make much sense. In other words you are part of a large majority that are so inarticulate that you really have no comprehensible input to American culture. I am not being mean here, simply telling the truth.
But none of that excuses the Bush administration. The last had the government, could have changed things that according to you needed to be changed, but did not. In other words, you are in a very small minority that really has no significant input into the American culture. I am not being mean here, simply telling the truth.
Any president attempting to dismantle Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, or any other bureaucracy will find they face the mythical Hydra. For every head they chop off two more will spring up in its place.
I put your statement in bold because it is so grammatically inconsistent as to not make much sense. In other words you are part of a large majority that are so inarticulate that you really have no comprehensible input to American culture. I am not being mean here, simply telling the truth.

I Emboldened the rest of that fallacy...;)
Charles Stucker and T simply comprehend the truth when it is put clearly in front of them.
You still don't read, because the facts don't correspond with your story. Your just a partisan that pretty damn stupid, Rinata. It's OK though, you have the right to be stupid.


Where in here have you provided a cogent response?

You need to read the entire thread yourself, Righwinger. They're posted, I know you won't agree with what I'm saying because I'm not a liberal, but they are stated. Why don't you ask Rinata the same question you asked me? All I see is It's Bush's fault, Bush caused this whole mess, What I was stating is that it started long before, Booooosh . Nothing but partisan drivel, your close but not as bad. She/he stated something that wasn't true, and I called he/she on it.

Meister, an analogy would be a leaky roof. You can argue that the origins of a leak originated a long time ago. But as the leak becomes more severe, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to conduct repairs before the roof collapses.
In this case Bush was the homeowner for seven years before the roof collapsed. It was his responsibility to assess the condition of the roof and make urgent fixes. There is nothing the Bush administration did to prevent economic collapse. They just shook their head and blamed others
Here is something I always thought was rather interesting, while many here will agree that President Bush when it came to speaking skills was limited in his ability, to make the leap that ability to speak in public translates into being a moron seemed to me somewhat of a stretch. While not wanting to revisit this issue, I always got a mild "chuckle" from it and here is why. One of the prime champions of this calling Bush a moron was a man by the name of Keith Olbermann, so here is a little interesting tidbit. We all know that Bush has a MBA from Harvard, regardless how if got it, he has one, so one would assume he attended Harvard, because the last time I checked you needed to be there in order to get one. That being said, Keith Olbermann who spent hours upon hours calling Bush a moron was rejected from the very same school. Something else to consider here, regardless of what happened in the Texas Air National Guard. In order to earn your wings and actually get to the point where you can fly an F-102 does not take the skills of a moron. So perhaps when we refer to the former President this way maybe it's more to do with his speaking skills? Just a thought.
Here is something I always thought was rather interesting, while many here will agree that President Bush when it came to speaking skills was limited in his ability, to make the leap that ability to speak in public translates into being a moron seemed to me somewhat of a stretch. While not wanting to revisit this issue, I always got a mild "chuckle" from it and here is why. One of the prime champions of this calling Bush a moron was a man by the name of Keith Olbermann, so here is a little interesting tidbit. We all know that Bush has a MBA from Harvard, regardless how if got it, he has one, so one would assume he attended Harvard, because the last time I checked you needed to be there in order to get one. That being said, Keith Olbermann who spent hours upon hours calling Bush a moron was rejected from the very same school. Something else to consider here, regardless of what happened in the Texas Air National Guard. In order to earn your wings and actually get to the point where you can fly an F-102 does not take the skills of a moron. So perhaps when we refer to the former President this way maybe it's more to do with his speaking skills? Just a thought.

I agree that you don't get to be a fighter pilot or graduate Harvard without a certain level of intellect. Bush was no moron and he was no scholar either. I think he got by on his connections and his people skills.
Bush was similar to Ron Reagan who was also called a moron. They both seemed to be passionate about certain issues and incurious about the rest. It was when they were pushed beyond their comfort zone that they got into trouble.

Where in here have you provided a cogent response?

You need to read the entire thread yourself, Righwinger. They're posted, I know you won't agree with what I'm saying because I'm not a liberal, but they are stated. Why don't you ask Rinata the same question you asked me? All I see is It's Bush's fault, Bush caused this whole mess, What I was stating is that it started long before, Booooosh . Nothing but partisan drivel, your close but not as bad. She/he stated something that wasn't true, and I called he/she on it.

Meister, an analogy would be a leaky roof. You can argue that the origins of a leak originated a long time ago. But as the leak becomes more severe, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to conduct repairs before the roof collapses.
In this case Bush was the homeowner for seven years before the roof collapsed. It was his responsibility to assess the condition of the roof and make urgent fixes. There is nothing the Bush administration did to prevent economic collapse. They just shook their head and blamed others
But, I don't have a leaky roof.
Although, it is obvious you were missing my points, Rightwnger. By the way, Rinata was not talking domestically, rather globally. Please if your going to try and slam me, stay on the topic. OK?
Bush did warn about Freddie, and Fannie.
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it is kind of amazing that there are those that still defend him but what are you going to do when you were one of those who actually voted for him twice?
Bunch of loonies. They all might as well join the Republic of Texas movement. According to that group of mindtoids, Rick Perry is thinking of coming over to them.
The fact that Bush's administration dominated from 2001 to 2006 and did nothing to correct the errors of the past. It merely and nearly broke the economic system.

Yes, 200 years from now, that is how history will be read and understood.

And our current president fought every improvement he tried to make. He voted for the things Bush used to try to 'comprimise': perscription drugs, education stuff, and then refused 'to get out his mop' for social security, fanny & freddie, and other programs that Bush was trying to clean up. Our current president, when in congress, did not put forward even one of the things he is trying to do now.

That said, if we continue to focus on the past, the libs will take us down the road of Cuba, Venuzuela & Zimbawe: the rights are taken off the people in exchange for 'security' and the gov runs the country into the ground. Cuba and Venuzuela are currently doing 'forced blackouts', their gov-run energy system is failing (like most other gov-run programs). Turn a blind eye to the libs, and this country too, will lose its infrastructure and defense to buy votes for politicians that once in, will screw the voter.
9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?

I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.

Do you remember why the nation 'rallied around him'?
It was because he reminded us that this was a great country and worth defending. He did not blame the previous administration, he did not excuse the actions of the terrorists because they had a rough life (who hasn't?), he said we were going after the ones that did this. He did all that after being accused of stealing the election (and ACORN wasn't 'aquiring' votes for him, and there were no thugs marching in military style gear trying to intimidate voters). He went to congress for a vote to take military action (a congress that had the information to make an educated decision, but like other bills put in front of congress, most probably did not read it), AND CONGRESS VOTED FOR THE USA TO TAKE MILITARY ACTION (IRAQ WAR). It was legal.

Once the bills (payment due) started coming in, many in congress with no fortitude, claimed the war was unecessary, illegal, falsely represented, otherwise in CYA mode to convince voters to turn on the president and not them. Bush was the stand up MAN, and took the critics and their comments in stride. He did not whine, and blame Clinton, and apologize for the existance of the USA. He was not the best president for domestic policies, his willingness to 'reach across the aisle', gave us some bad, unconservative programs. He was however, A LEADER, and as such stands in stark contrast to the indecisive (except when it is taking citizen rights), weak person, that has the other nations are laughing, and our enemies bullying.
9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?

I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.

That is absolutely true. Libs were behind him and he maybe could have kept a lot of us. Who knows???? But he just had to friggin' go to Iraq. And people in his inner circle swear he had that planned before he even took office.

That is something the tea bagging loonies will never accept. And they accuse libs of being blinded by Obama and calling him our God??? Just look at them jumping to defend Bush in this thread. Has there been one post that has been negative about anything Bush did?? I haven't seen it.

You are accusing repubs of doing the same thing you are doing: giving blind support to the president. I understand you think repubs were wrong. Many of us had issues with a lot of the things done under Bush. Now there is a new admin and it is making even worse mistakes than the previous admin. Will you stand in blind support and be a hypocrit? Will you be bigger than the repubs and call your guy to task? Obama shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?
Meh.........what a bogus thread. Nobody cares about George Bush anymore except the k00k internet lefties and MSNBC.

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