The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

Meister's flaw is that he ignores that from 2001 to 2006 the GOP could do pretty much what it wanted. And, Meister, it did not fix the system, it broke it.

You have every right to say, even if the wing nuts and reactionaries broke the system before 2008, BHO and Gang are on the hot seat to fix it because of the Dem majorities.

You can't have it only your way, sonny.

Jake, I was complaining about Bush, I complained that he invaded Iraq, I complained that he spent too much money, I complained that he didn't use his veto when he was president.
Bush was no conservative, but like I always will say...I'm not a republican, and the democrats put up Gore, and Kerry. Not like we had a selection to choose from.
Having said that...everyone was complaining about Bush not being fiscally responsible, and yet we have Obama doing the same thing but worse, and no one on the left is complaining.

Absolutely. They were pissed because it wasn't their 'BRAND' doing the spending...this is a simple case of Duplicity on Jake's part, and many of his Liberal/Statist brothers/sisters.
OK, I can see what you guys are saying, but then who are you libertarians going to vote for?
And how long will we be paying for the stupidity of you and your Obama?

Buzz off shitforbrains.
course it does You are VP of the Hate America club.. so no surprises there.. thanks for posting.

He's also a blame Bush moron, it's 50 years from now, we are all in the twilight of our years and something that happened the day before will be blamed on Bush. It snowed today, it must be Bush's fault.:lol:
The fact that Bush's administration dominated from 2001 to 2006 and did nothing to correct the errors of the past. It merely and nearly broke the economic system.

Yes, 200 years from now, that is how history will be read and understood.
The fact that Bush's administration dominated from 2001 to 2006 and did nothing to correct the errors of the past. It merely and nearly broke the economic system.

Yes, 200 years from now, that is how history will be read and understood.

Jake is not just a leftist dipshit- he's a leftist dipshit with a crystal ball.
What did Bush's administration do to fix the system, T?

Nada, merely the same old same old.

You have to take it, if you are going to dish it, bud.
The fact that Bush's administration dominated from 2001 to 2006 and did nothing to correct the errors of the past. It merely and nearly broke the economic system.
True, Bush did fail to dismantle the socialist programs of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, but why does that make him the culprit? Why not FDR or LBJ or the other Democrats who instigated the Ponzi schemes in the first place?

Now we have Obama who wants to go for more socialism. No wonder he doesn't think the US is anything special, we're just another democracy sunk into socialism and national debt.
Yes there has ya dumb fuck. try reading sometime...if you can.

Another intelligent, informative response from meister!!!! Geez, you are so predictable. If you couldn't cuss at people you wouldn't have anything at all to say.

You still don't read, because the facts don't correspond with your story. Your just a partisan that pretty damn stupid, Rinata. It's OK though, you have the right to be stupid.

You've just been placed on ignore. You never have anything of value to say. Get help.
Another intelligent, informative response from meister!!!! Geez, you are so predictable. If you couldn't cuss at people you wouldn't have anything at all to say.

You still don't read, because the facts don't correspond with your story. Your just a partisan that pretty damn stupid, Rinata. It's OK though, you have the right to be stupid.

You've just been placed on ignore. You never have anything of value to say. Get help.

Aww man, I'm going to lose sleep over this. :lol::lol::lol: :woohoo:
Rinata should have never called me a liar.
But none of that excuses the Bush administration. The last had the government, could have changed things that according to you needed to be changed, but did not. In other words, you are in a very small minority that really has no significant input into the American culture. I am not being mean here, simply telling the truth.
But none of that excuses the Bush administration. The last had the government, could have changed things that according to you needed to be changed, but did not. In other words, you are in a very small minority that really has no significant input into the American culture. I am not being mean here, simply telling the truth.

Your telling us how you see it, Jake. Others may have a different opinion. Let's wait until the election next year. You may be right, or you may be wrong.
What did Bush's administration do to fix the system, T?

Nada, merely the same old same old.

You have to take it, if you are going to dish it, bud.

Really? I've bashed BUSH plenty. HE was part of the problem...But YOU are *ONBOARD* for WORSE than the same, aren't you Jake?

You LOVE the fact that Obama is doing *WORSE* than BUSH in STEALING your liberties. Your POSTS reflect that, now don't they you fuckin' PARTISAN HACK?
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Wow, are you ill again, T?

Go take a nap or something, and get to feeling better.
I feel sorry for small government conservatives. George Bush and his merry band of Neoconservative statists have changed the face of the GOP. Here's a guy who massively increased the size and scope of gubment while his base cheered him on.

Obama is taking Bush's lead and expanding government X4 over Bush. And, not one word from the libs about that. This is exactly what I'm talking about with the libs, Tony. The liberal base is cheering Obama on.
Thanks for making my case on the subject. :clap2:
Wow, are you ill again, T?

Go take a nap or something, and get to feeling better.

You're QUICK to see ONE side of the equation bub...I see BOTH sides. Your posts show just what your intent is Jake, and *I* don't need a nap sport.

You ARE a partisan HACK. It's that simple. When you grow some GONADS, and start thinking for yourself, and start showing some propensity for defending YOUR LIBERTY, instead of blindly giving it away to a DemocRAT (Whom really isn't a Democrat, but a Marxist)...and Hell BENT on Stealing you Liberty?

Will *I* have any respect for you Jake. It's really that simple. Wake the FUCK up sport. These people in DC are NOT your friends, NOR do they care about YOU. THUS my admonition of *YOU*
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Wow, are you ill again, T?

Go take a nap or something, and get to feeling better.

You're QUICK to see ONE side of the equation bub...I see BOTH sides. Your posts show just what your intent is Jake, and *I* don't need a nap sport.

You ARE a partisan HACK. It's that simple. When you grow some GONADS, and start thinking for yourself, and start showing some propensity for defending YOUR LIBERTY, instead of blindly giving it away to a DemocRAT (Whom really isn't a Democrat, but a Marxist)...and Hell BENT on Stealing you Liberty?

Will *I* have any respect for you Jake. It's really that simple. Wake the FUCK up sport. These people in DC are NOT your friends,m NOR do they care about YOU.

Wish I could rep you on this one, T. Good post.

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