The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

Rinata, your an idiot. You have to go beyond the Bush years, and you would still find that we were hated intensely. But, being the ignorant fuck that you are, you won't do that, because, then you couldn't do the blame game with Bush.
Pull your head out of obama's ass for a history lesson you dumb fuck. :cuckoo:

Let me tell you something, little boy. If you really knew what you were talking about you would not get so angry and feel the need to curse at me. If you think it bothers me, it doesn't. But it's so boring!!!

ink you're angry because you know what I said is true.

:lol::lol: Holy Crap this is getting hillarious with these thumb suckers.

HOLY SHIT --we're HATED by the whole ENTIRE FREAKING WORLD---:lol::lol: This while you're Messiah just got his ass kicked over the Chicago olympics--(first round--he's out)--:lol::lol:

Well little thumb--sucker when the whole freaking entire world that hates the USA can provide security to this country & can put bread & butter on my table--then maybe I'll worry about what they think of us--Da Duh, Da Duh, Da Duh!

How much love do you think the Messiah got from Mexico & Canada for threatening to break "EXISTING" agreements with the USA during the campaign season--LOL.

How's all that Hopey & Changey workin for ya?

It's hopeless to try to talk to you and several others on this thread. You are all completely irrational. Cussing at people is not a discussion, is it? And let me tell you something else. You can hate Obama all you want, but the majority of the country voted for him and that's why he's in the WH. Get over it and move on.

We libs were pissed when Bush was "elected". But we were way different than you people. Most of us at least gave him a chance.

And when 9/11 happened, he had the support of the entire country. He started off doing the right thing by attacking our enemies. Then what does he do?? Decides to invade Iraq. He turned into the idiot that we always knew he was. His entire presidency was Iraq, Iraq, Iraq. Domestic issues were hardly mentioned. Because Bush had a personal agenda that was more important than this country. He left the country a mess and you know it.

But despite that, what support have you given Obama, you bunch of crazed tea baggers??? You haven't and you never will. The conservative tea bagging nuts are nothing more than spoiled brats that didn't get their way. So now you are all surly and pouting and angry. Grow up!! Obama is doing the best he can with what he was given.
the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

That's so stupid. You sound just like George Bush. And remember something. It was dumb George that caused the rest of the world to dislike us intensely. It is Obama that is turning that around.

Honest question, how much did you travel/live outside the US prior to '01?

Oh please. What's with the civility? You have only sent me nasty posts as long as I've been here. Now you ask me an innocent question, right? Why would I answer any question that you have asked me? So that you can turn and give me a smartass answer? :rolleyes:
Americans are generally liked by the rest of the world.

It was the George Bush administrations that were generally despised.

It's funny when the wing nuts try to conflate how Americans are viewed with how Bushism was hated.
Maybe so but the U.S. is going to pay much more and for much longer for what these corrupt & incompetent Socialists are doing right now. P.S. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSHHH!!!

putting the last 8 years behind you is going to take awhile.
If you think the U.S. is paying now just wait and see what's coming. These corrupt & inept Socialists have destroyed our nation for several generations to come. It's actually criminal what they have done to our future generations. They should all be arrested for Crimes against Humanity in my opinion. But hey if "EEEEEEEETZ DA BOOOOOOOSSHH AN FOX NOOOOOOOOZ" makes you happy? Then enjoy i guess. Yikes!
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That's so stupid. You sound just like George Bush. And remember something. It was dumb George that caused the rest of the world to dislike us intensely. It is Obama that is turning that around.

Rinata, your an idiot. You have to go beyond the Bush years, and you would still find that we were hated intensely. But, being the ignorant fuck that you are, you won't do that, because, then you couldn't do the blame game with Bush.
Pull your head out of obama's ass for a history lesson you dumb fuck. :cuckoo:

Let me tell you something, little boy. If you really knew what you were talking about you would not get so angry and feel the need to curse at me. If you think it bothers me, it doesn't. But it's so boring!!!

And I think you're angry because you know what I said is true.

Rinata, little boys grow up, being a dumb fuck is forever.
Rinata, Meister has grown up and is simply projecting what he is -- a bit slow, very confused, and needing the meds.
If you think the U.S. is paying now just wait and see what's coming. These corrupt & inept Socialists have destroyed our nation for several generations to come. It's actually criminal what they have done to our future generations. They should all be arrested for Crimes against Humanity in my opinion. But hey if "EEEEEEEETZ DA BOOOOOOOSSHH AN FOX NOOOOOOOOZ" makes you happy? Then enjoy i guess. Yikes!

Ahhh..nice...a bit of common sense....
The Obama Admin. will bend over backwards to pay off any and all Muslims that can being suit against the US government for anything that resembles a civil rights offense against them....I wouldn't be surprised if his admin. aides the muslims in this venue with our tax dollars, including those held in Gitmo....
If you think the U.S. is paying now just wait and see what's coming. These corrupt & inept Socialists have destroyed our nation for several generations to come. It's actually criminal what they have done to our future generations. They should all be arrested for Crimes against Humanity in my opinion. But hey if "EEEEEEEETZ DA BOOOOOOOSSHH AN FOX NOOOOOOOOZ" makes you happy? Then enjoy i guess. Yikes!

Ahhh..nice...a bit of common sense....
The Obama Admin. will bend over backwards to pay off any and all Muslims that can being suit against the US government for anything that resembles a civil rights offense against them....I wouldn't be surprised if his admin. aides the muslims in this venue with our tax dollars, including those held in Gitmo....

Both of your lack of understanding coupled to your misdirected visciousness will keep you folks in the minority forever. Either grow up, act like the adults, or you will stay in the corner, where you were put in November 2008.
[SIZE=+1]Jobless Recovery[/SIZE]
After contracting for a year and a half, the economy grew in the quarter that ended in September, driven largely by federal stimulus. But government spending, as large and as necessary as it has been, has not been enough to revive hiring. Unemployment surged from 9.8 percent in September to 10.2 percent last month, its highest level since 1983.
And who was president the last time the economy crashed? - Reagan.
It's always the Republican who crashes the economy.

At the same time, the economy lost 190,000 more jobs. That means employers have eliminated 7.3 million positions since the recession began in December 2007. Taken together, the numbers paint this stark picture: At no time in post-World War II America has it been more difficult to find a job, to plan for the future, or - for tens of millions of Americans - to merely get by. Obama says "bold, innovative action," would be needed - from the administration, Congress and the private sector - to undo the devastation in the labor market. Americans are waiting for Mr. Obama to lead the way.
[SIZE=+1]Jobless Recovery[/SIZE]
After contracting for a year and a half, the economy grew in the quarter that ended in September, driven largely by federal stimulus. But government spending, as large and as necessary as it has been, has not been enough to revive hiring. Unemployment surged from 9.8 percent in September to 10.2 percent last month, its highest level since 1983.
And who was president the last time the economy crashed? - Reagan.
It's always the Republican who crashes the economy.

At the same time, the economy lost 190,000 more jobs. That means employers have eliminated 7.3 million positions since the recession began in December 2007. Taken together, the numbers paint this stark picture: At no time in post-World War II America has it been more difficult to find a job, to plan for the future, or - for tens of millions of Americans - to merely get by. Obama says "bold, innovative action," would be needed - from the administration, Congress and the private sector - to undo the devastation in the labor market. Americans are waiting for Mr. Obama to lead the way.
Jay, check out how life was for us under Carter. You might be enlightened, not sure, but you might be.
Was Carter POTUS the last 8 years in wingnut world?
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"With over $400 billion in deficit this year and for years to come, how do they pay for that deficit? First, by taking the Social Security surplus that comes in every month and endorsing the checks of working people over to me to pay for the tax cuts. But it’s not enough. So they have to go borrow money. Most of it they borrow from the Chinese and Japanese governments. Sure, these countries are competing with us for good jobs, but how can we enforce our trade laws against our bankers? I mean, come on! "

"[We put] the nation’s economic house in order by focusing on cutting the deficit in half, bringing interest rates down, and spurring private investment to fire up the nation’s stagnant economy. When I ran for president, job growth had been at the lowest level since the Great Depression, unemployment was at 8%, and the deficit was soaring out of control. After I was elected, we waged a brutal fight in Congress to pass a new economic plan.
Well, three and a half years later, we cut the deficit by more than half. In fact, we would have a budget surplus today but for the interest we pay on the debt run up in the twelve years before I took office.

Cutting the deficit further until we balance the budget is vital to our future. The burden of this deficit drags us down today and jeopardizes our children’s future tomorrow. Lowering it brings interest rates down so more Americans can buy homes and cars, start businesses, go to college, and build a better future for themselves and their families."

Name that President, it should be obvious...

The point here is this, many of you seem to think the exact opposite of what worked once by a member of your very own party. Now that many in the Republican party are saying the same thing and many grassroots , average Americans are sayng it, they are laughed at or even worse given a bias label for actually advocating that which your party once stood for. So we now have this retro-active look back that many cannot seem to get over the last President and excuse the current one's mistakes for the sins of the last one. Perhaps its time we did look back a moment and see that one President was correct that spending out of control will lead to disaster. So maybe it's time we held the current President to the same standard that many held the last one too for 8 years or is that not politically correct?
You disgust us. and You hate America. You voiced absolutely no understanding whatsoever about why these extreme measure might have been taken be they right or be they wrong. You only voiced disgust in your country. you should be ashamed of yourself.

I neither hate America and I have no problem with gaining your disgust. I understand why we supposedly this and I am still disgusted. These are innocent people, but you don't mind because you see it as a few bad eggs. We are America, we do not torture. We set the standard for the rest of the world. Arrogant folk like you and T like to think we should tell the rest of the world how to do things. Yet, how can we tell them not to torture anyone if we're doing it? You're a hypocrite to the highest degree.

My disgust for the true terrorists is obvious, and for you to try and say otherwise is wrong. You should be ashamed of yourself for even supporting someone like Dubya.

Well Doggie, tell us all what you would do to the muslim terrorist that just killed 13 U.S soldiers on American soil and wounded dozens of others?? I would like to water board him.:lol::lol:
Well Doggie, tell us all what you would do to the muslim terrorist that just killed 13 U.S soldiers on American soil and wounded dozens of others?? I would like to water board him.:lol::lol:

Considering he is already talking, he doesn't need to be water boarded.
Well Doggie, tell us all what you would do to the muslim terrorist that just killed 13 U.S soldiers on American soil and wounded dozens of others?? I would like to water board him.:lol::lol:

Considering he is already talking, he doesn't need to be water boarded.

Torturing him is the best way to ensure he will get off in a trial. Just like the Gitmo detainees, no court would be able to try him

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