The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

[ame=]YouTube - Lewis Black on Broadway talking about how America ISN'T #1[/ame]
So as a piece of crap voter (typical as you are) you get your news & opinon from A COMEDIAN?

That figures as to why Barack Obama is the POTUS today & the only thing I can say after that is God help this country.

I posted it to lighten the mood, looks like it didn't work. Get a grip.

By the way, you spelled opinion wrong. But you're still entitled to yours. Unlike some people who in this thread who want to see me killed or jailed for my views that we should not torture.

God help this country if people like you jump to conclusions that quick.
I'm always tempted, when we start discussing who did what during the 'Saddam' era. Liberals always focus on the US having supplied weapons, yadda, yadda, yadda. Not once have I ever heard a liberal balance that fact with the other countries who were equally responsible.


For a start. Why is it that we have to blame ourselves? Why is the US solely responsible?

Anyone would think we're the only fucking country with dirty hands.
So as a piece of crap voter (typical as you are) you get your news & opinon from A COMEDIAN?

That figures as to why Barack Obama is the POTUS today & the only thing I can say after that is God help this country.

I posted it to lighten the mood, looks like it didn't work. Get a grip.

By the way, you spelled opinion wrong. But you're still entitled to yours. Unlike some people who in this thread who want to see me killed or jailed for my views that we should not torture.

God help this country if people like you jump to conclusions that quick.

You didn't lighten my mood. There is nothing that irritates me more than someone that is on these political boards using SNL, or other comics to attribute their attitudes. Because, no matter what I believe, most Americans that vote today are influenced by comic programs--which of course--are written by ONE person who has ONE political ideology.

In my day, it was written history & what we wanted that counted.--not comedy or ONE persons liberal or conservative ideology that they could PLASTER all over national T.V. that made a difference.

"perfectly pronouced speeches read from a teleprompter, greek columns & staged lighting didn't mean a dam." Because this country has achieved more than any other country on earth. It irritates the hell out of me, people like you who do not recognize that this country liberated all of Europe in WW2, is responsible of re-uniting families between east & west Germany--& are the freedom fighters of this world. Not only that, but you can ask anyone in this entire world where they would want to live & they would overwhelmingly say the USA--yet you trash it out of total IGNORANCE--& I have traveled the world. Americans like you make me sick to my stomach.
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I'm always tempted, when we start discussing who did what during the 'Saddam' era. Liberals always focus on the US having supplied weapons, yadda, yadda, yadda. Not once have I ever heard a liberal balance that fact with the other countries who were equally responsible.


For a start. Why is it that we have to blame ourselves? Why is the US solely responsible?

Anyone would think we're the only fucking country with dirty hands.

First off, because according to Republicans we're suppose to be better than all those countries combined. Yet, with such mistakes, we don't seem to be.

Also, considering things like Iran/Contra, other countries were not "equally responsible". The only one who could be close to such a thing is Britain who follow our lead anyway.

I don't think anyone here is denying the fact other countries were involved, it's just the roles of those countries compared to ours.
You didn't lighten my mood. There is nothing that irritates me more than someone that is on these political boards using SNL, or other comics to attribute their attitudes. Because, no matter what I believe, most Americans that vote today are influenced by comic programs--which of course--are written by ONE person who has ONE political ideology.

In my day, it was written history & what we wanted that counted.--not comedy or ONE persons liberal or conservative ideology that they could PLASTER all over national T.V. that made a difference.

"perfectly pronouced speeches read from a teleprompter, greek columns & staged lighting didn't mean a dam."

Oh will you stop bitching. Does being a Republican have a requirement of no sense of humor? Seriously, Lighten up, Francis.
"perfectly pronouced speeches read from a teleprompter, greek columns & staged lighting didn't mean a dam." Because this country has achieved more than any other country on earth. It irritates the hell out of me, people like you who do not recognize that this country liberated all of Europe in WW2, is responsible of re-uniting families between east & west Germany--& are the freedom fighters of this world. Not only that, but you can ask anyone in this entire world where they would want to live & they would overwhelmingly say the USA--yet you trash it out of total IGNORANCE--& I have traveled the world. Americans like you make me sick to my stomach.

I see you added this to your quote, so I'll address it.

I recognize this country liberated all of Europe, but we didn't do it alone.

Quick question, if Firefighters fight fire, and crimefighters fight crime, then what do freedom fighters fight? :eusa_whistle:

I'm not trashing the USA either. There's a difference between acting ignorant and trashing your country. I love my country, and the reason I point these things out is because I hope they never happen again.

Again, get a grip on reality. You and the rest of your merry gang don't have a copyright on loving this country and Patriotism as much as you wish so.

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it." - Edward R. Murrow.

"Patriotism is proud of a country's virtues and eager to correct its deficiencies; it also acknowledges the legitimate patriotism of other countries, with their own specific virtues. The pride of nationalism, however, trumpets its country's virtues and denies its deficiencies, while it is contemptuous toward the virtues of other countries. It wants to be, and proclaims itself to be, "the greatest," but greatness is not required of a country; only goodness is." - Sydney J. Harris.
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So as a piece of crap voter (typical as you are) you get your news & opinon from A COMEDIAN?

That figures as to why Barack Obama is the POTUS today & the only thing I can say after that is God help this country.

I posted it to lighten the mood, looks like it didn't work. Get a grip.

By the way, you spelled opinion wrong. But you're still entitled to yours. Unlike some people who in this thread who want to see me killed or jailed for my views that we should not torture.

God help this country if people like you jump to conclusions that quick.

You didn't lighten my mood. There is nothing that irritates me more than someone that is on these political boards using SNL, or other comics to attribute their attitudes. Because, no matter what I believe, most Americans that vote today are influenced by comic programs--which of course--are written by ONE person who has ONE political ideology.

In my day, it was written history & what we wanted that counted.--not comedy or ONE persons liberal or conservative ideology that they could PLASTER all over national T.V. that made a difference.

"perfectly pronouced speeches read from a teleprompter, greek columns & staged lighting didn't mean a dam." Because this country has achieved more than any other country on earth. It irritates the hell out of me, people like you who do not recognize that this country liberated all of Europe in WW2, is responsible of re-uniting families between east & west Germany--& are the freedom fighters of this world. Not only that, but you can ask anyone in this entire world where they would want to live & they would overwhelmingly say the USA--yet you trash it out of total IGNORANCE--& I have traveled the world. Americans like you make me sick to my stomach.

You forgot to tell him to get off your lawn ...
I'm always tempted, when we start discussing who did what during the 'Saddam' era. Liberals always focus on the US having supplied weapons, yadda, yadda, yadda. Not once have I ever heard a liberal balance that fact with the other countries who were equally responsible.


For a start. Why is it that we have to blame ourselves? Why is the US solely responsible?

Anyone would think we're the only fucking country with dirty hands.

It's because the "debate" is the same thing every time and neither side talks about any other country's role.

It goes like this:

ZOMG it's BOOOOOSH's fault for teh 9/11 AAAaaaarrgh NEOCON TROTSKYIST!!!

NOES its was CLINTOOOOON's fault for not KEEELING OBL in teh 90's!!!

ZARRRRRRGH NO it's RAY GUN and teh other BOOOOOOSH for Iran's Contra's and stuff!!!!

NUH UH it was the PEANUT FARMER who pussed OUT with teh hostages, YOU AMERICA HATER!!!


Yaaaaargh BARBARY WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And at no point from either side do you hear about any other country's involvement or role in the matter with the exception of the overthrowing of The Shah where the Brit's role does get brought up on occasion.
Art, I'd rep you again if I could. I'll have to make a note to myself. And that is dead on, especially with my mention of Britain earlier concerning the Shah. :lol:
I'm always tempted, when we start discussing who did what during the 'Saddam' era. Liberals always focus on the US having supplied weapons, yadda, yadda, yadda. Not once have I ever heard a liberal balance that fact with the other countries who were equally responsible.


For a start. Why is it that we have to blame ourselves? Why is the US solely responsible?

Anyone would think we're the only fucking country with dirty hands.

It's because the "debate" is the same thing every time and neither side talks about any other country's role.

It goes like this:

ZOMG it's BOOOOOSH's fault for teh 9/11 AAAaaaarrgh NEOCON TROTSKYIST!!!

NOES its was CLINTOOOOON's fault for not KEEELING OBL in teh 90's!!!

ZARRRRRRGH NO it's RAY GUN and teh other BOOOOOOSH for Iran's Contra's and stuff!!!!

NUH UH it was the PEANUT FARMER who pussed OUT with teh hostages, YOU AMERICA HATER!!!


Yaaaaargh BARBARY WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And at no point from either side do you hear about any other country's involvement or role in the matter with the exception of the overthrowing of The Shah where the Brit's role does get brought up on occasion.

Yes, that sums it up rather well.
So as a piece of crap voter (typical as you are) you get your news & opinon from A COMEDIAN?

That figures as to why Barack Obama is the POTUS today & the only thing I can say after that is God help this country.

I posted it to lighten the mood, looks like it didn't work. Get a grip.

By the way, you spelled opinion wrong. But you're still entitled to yours. Unlike some people who in this thread who want to see me killed or jailed for my views that we should not torture.

God help this country if people like you jump to conclusions that quick.

:eek:Oh heavens to one is now allowed to make a typo without dogbert getting on their case about it.:eek:

You're shouldn't be killed or jailed for having an opinion matter how fucked up it is. This is America, not one of your socialist utopias. People like you should be allowed to openly express yourself as loudly and as often as possible. EVERYONE in the U.S.A. needs to be made aware of people like you to ensure you NEVER hold elected office or are put in a position of power within the government.
Pretty funny that one side constantly accuses people who disagree with them on political issues of wanting to "destroy" America, or hating our country, or trying to cast them as followers of some failed ideology that virtually nobody in America actually believes in or follows.

Are some people so absolutely sure of the divinity of their own point of view, that they think they need to demonize the half of the country that doesn't agree with them?

I've yet to claim anybody that I disagree with here "hates America", or accuse them of secretly being fascists, marxists, nazis, followers of Mussolini or Mao, or anything else. A bunch of people here seem to have no idea what actual communism is (hint: it's a failed ideology, and isn't in practice in any country in the world today).

Maybe it's frustration at mounting losses over two congressional election cycles, mixed with wrath that their political views are no longer held by the people elected to positions of power, i don't know. But to claim that people hate our own country? Really? Just because we didn't vote for the same politician you did?

Politicians are politicians, and they do a fair chunk of what they do in order to perpetuate their own power and ensure their own re-election, whether it's Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama that you're talking about. Some of them support positions that some of us agree with more - so we vote for them, in the hopes that fear of losing power will force them to do some of what they promised.

How is that hating America? I love my country - I served in the 101st Airborne Division, and it wasn't for the fantastic pay (I'm pretty sure any fellow veterans here can testify that enlisted soldiers are not exactly raking it in).

Resorting to just hurling insults is sort of indicative that you've lost whatever point you were hoping to make.
Maybe it's frustration at mounting losses over two congressional election cycles, mixed with wrath that their political views are no longer held by the people elected to positions of power, i don't know. But to claim that people hate our own country? Really? Just because we didn't vote for the same politician you did?

Please show us who said "people hate America" because they didn't vote for a Republican.
Pretty funny that one side constantly accuses people who disagree with them on political issues of wanting to "destroy" America, or hating our country, or trying to cast them as followers of some failed ideology that virtually nobody in America actually believes in or follows.

Both sides do it. If you could stop being such a fucking partisan hack, you would see that.

Are some people so absolutely sure of the divinity of their own point of view, that they think they need to demonize the half of the country that doesn't agree with them?

Insert my above comment here.

I've yet to claim anybody that I disagree with here "hates America", or accuse them of secretly being fascists, marxists, nazis, followers of Mussolini or Mao, or anything else. A bunch of people here seem to have no idea what actual communism is (hint: it's a failed ideology, and isn't in practice in any country in the world today).

You've only been here a few days. Give it time. LOL. I've been here a month - as a clearly right leaning poster - I have yet to call anyone a Nazi. Simply because I believe it cheapens the deaths of millions and none of us are Nazis, left or right. I despise anyone who uses the term - no matter what side of the fence. You are the one, however, who made the blanket statement that the right wing call the left Nazis. So I dismiss you because you are either stupid or a liar. I suspect it is the former.

Maybe it's frustration at mounting losses over two congressional election cycles, mixed with wrath that their political views are no longer held by the people elected to positions of power, i don't know. But to claim that people hate our own country? Really? Just because we didn't vote for the same politician you did?

Politicians are politicians, and they do a fair chunk of what they do in order to perpetuate their own power and ensure their own re-election, whether it's Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama that you're talking about. Some of them support positions that some of us agree with more - so we vote for them, in the hopes that fear of losing power will force them to do some of what they promised.

How is that hating America? I love my country - I served in the 101st Airborne Division, and it wasn't for the fantastic pay (I'm pretty sure any fellow veterans here can testify that enlisted soldiers are not exactly raking it in).

Resorting to just hurling insults is sort of indicative that you've lost whatever point you were hoping to make.

Seriously, the 'why do you hate America' line on this forum is a joke. No one really thinks someone else 'hates' America. Well, except for Douger and he's a serious ass.

*Off topic: Thank you for your service.
Please show us who said "people hate America" because they didn't vote for a Republican.

Indeed, I love America and I know longer live there or vote there.

Nationalism is like porn, you keep clicking to your fetish regardless of yourself.
Pretty funny that one side constantly accuses people who disagree with them on political issues of wanting to "destroy" America, or hating our country, or trying to cast them as followers of some failed ideology that virtually nobody in America actually believes in or follows.

Both sides do it. If you could stop being such a fucking partisan hack, you would see that.

I've never said that ONLY one side does it - I specifically wrote in another thread that BOTH sides do it. I think any objective person reading through the threads on the first 5 pages would find most of the use of "Nazi/Hitler" comparisons are coming from the right.

If you could stop being such a fucking partisan hack, you would admit that.

Are some people so absolutely sure of the divinity of their own point of view, that they think they need to demonize the half of the country that doesn't agree with them?

Insert my above comment here.

Insert my response to your comment here.

I've yet to claim anybody that I disagree with here "hates America", or accuse them of secretly being fascists, marxists, nazis, followers of Mussolini or Mao, or anything else. A bunch of people here seem to have no idea what actual communism is (hint: it's a failed ideology, and isn't in practice in any country in the world today).

You've only been here a few days. Give it time. LOL. I've been here a month - as a clearly right leaning poster - I have yet to call anyone a Nazi.

I didn't say that you, specifically, did. I said that a minority of the right-wing posters, and I went out of my way in one thread to specifically say, at the top of the post, that I know that most Republicans and most conservatives DON'T use engage in the name calling, but there's a minority of them who do.

If you can find links to where left-leaning posters have repeatedly called people, "fascist" or whatever, please post them. You know damn well that there's probably 5 times more of those types of posts coming from the lunatic-fringe of the right.

You are the one, however, who made the blanket statement that the right wing call the left Nazis. So I dismiss you because you are either stupid or a liar. I suspect it is the former.

Post a link to any post where I made a blanket statement that it's only the right wing calling the left Nazis, or admit that you are a total fucking liar. I don't think you're stupid - you're a clever liar, which is worse than stupidity.

Maybe it's frustration at mounting losses over two congressional election cycles, mixed with wrath that their political views are no longer held by the people elected to positions of power, i don't know. But to claim that people hate our own country? Really? Just because we didn't vote for the same politician you did?

Politicians are politicians, and they do a fair chunk of what they do in order to perpetuate their own power and ensure their own re-election, whether it's Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama that you're talking about. Some of them support positions that some of us agree with more - so we vote for them, in the hopes that fear of losing power will force them to do some of what they promised.

How is that hating America? I love my country - I served in the 101st Airborne Division, and it wasn't for the fantastic pay (I'm pretty sure any fellow veterans here can testify that enlisted soldiers are not exactly raking it in).

Resorting to just hurling insults is sort of indicative that you've lost whatever point you were hoping to make.

Seriously, the 'why do you hate America' line on this forum is a joke. No one really thinks someone else 'hates' America. Well, except for Douger and he's a serious ass.

*Off topic: Thank you for your service.

First - I didn't enlist in order to get "thank yous" from people who, in the same breath, call me a "fucking partisan hack" and "stupid", I did it because I believe that all able-bodied men who enjoy the benefits of freedom have some obligation to help preserve it.

And secondly - I disagree with your assertion that "No one really thinks someone else 'hates' America" - there are a couple of posters on here who give every appearance of thinking that about other posters. Not the ones who say the words, "hating America", but accusations of orchestrating the "destruction" of America, or its ideals, etc., is pretty much the same thing, imho.
Wingnut reactionaries' drivel last nut was funny to read.

Sorry sack of scumbags.

America is so much better off with them irrelevant on the sidelines.

Let's move on.

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