The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

You hit it on the nail. Since directly after WW2 the middle east has been a huge thorn in our sides. Not of our fault--BTW.

You liberals need to go back into HISTORY--& especially read Muslim History to kind of understand what has happened--THAT AGAIN--We had nothing to do with--but yet have taken the brunt of & you morons continually blame us for.

To give you a clue--it started decades before you freakin morons were BORN.

Shit, not our fault at all. We only cut up the Middle East like a pie, overthrew a democratically elected leader with a brutal dictator puppet, gave them weapons to kill one another, took natural resources, and funded "freedom fighters" to fight the Soviet Union (what would become the Taliban), but no, not at fault at all. Silly me for thinking so.
WTF are you talking about? :cuckoo:
You sound more and more like Rinata, Dogbert :eusa_whistle:

I was making a joke about the fact that Reagan's relations that he built with Iraq and Iran by giving them weapons to kill one another was destroyed by Bush. It went over your head, no worries.
Don't need the history lesson, and I asked no questions. I didn't say who was the blame, but your not comprehending what I'm say apparently. Go back and read what i stated,,,,the entire post, not just a sentence.
Ya know for you being the so called non partisan, that's all you are is partisan. I have to laugh at you trying to be a fence sitter(I didn't vote for obama crap)

However, you BLAMED Carter for the hostages.

You blaming Carter for the taking of the hostages is like blaming victims of drunk drivers.

I didn't vote for Obama, but that again shows how much you don't know. And I'm not partisan. I laugh at people on both sides of the spectrum. Not my fault that this site has a majority of Republicans.

Show me where I said such a thing. You need to go back to basic reading skills. I said it happened under the Carter Administration. Don't start trying to read my mind because you can't even read print, Dogbert.
For the rest of your drivel...well that's all it is...drivel.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need to read Basic Reading Skills For Dummies.
WTF are you talking about? :cuckoo:
You sound more and more like Rinata, Dogbert :eusa_whistle:

I was making a joke about the fact that Reagan's relations that he built with Iraq and Iran by giving them weapons to kill one another was destroyed by Bush. It went over your head, no worries.

Right...a joke from you with no fucking punch line...keep your day job. :cuckoo:
Show me where I said such a thing. You need to go back to basic reading skills. I said it happened under the Carter Administration. Don't start trying to read my mind because you can't even read print, Dogbert.
For the rest of your drivel...well that's all it is...drivel.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need to read Basic Reading Skills For Dummies.

It sounded like to me you were blaming Carter for it. Especially since you were talking about "blame for Bush." I blame Bush for his actions after 9/11. For starters, not giving our troops the necessary troop levels or equipment to go after Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Never mind the Iraq War for a moment.
These type of libs do understand what your saying, but they can't acknowledge it, because they are trying to revise history within their own minds. They have to leave out certain facts to attain their desired history.
You can't bring up that 53 Americans were held for 444 days as hostages in Iran under the Carter administration, because it just wouldn't fit in to the scheme of their fairy tale. In their bent world, it all happened under Bush. That is the end result that they want...that Bush was the problem.

Such a sad creature. And do you mind telling us WHY they took the hostages? (Ignoring the fact that your hero Reagan made a deal with the terrorists.)

Survey Says: The CIA overthrowing their Democratically elected leader Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup in 1953. All because he threatened to nationalize British oil. Then replacing him with a dictator, the Shah of Iran, whose secret police, SAVAK, is as brutal as the Gestapo.

And who was the President? Eisenhower! (R)

"Bu-Bu-But Dogbert! How does this apply to 1979?"

Well, I'm glad you asked:

The Shah of Iran fell in 1979 who also happened to be a CIA Puppet. And in revenge for the CIA backing of the Shah and SAVAK, guess what they did? Took hostages!

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Don't need the history lesson, and I asked no questions. I didn't say who was the blame, but your not comprehending what I'm say apparently. Go back and read what i stated,,,,the entire post, not just a sentence.
Ya know for you being the so called non partisan, that's all you are is partisan. I have to laugh at you trying to be a fence sitter(I didn't vote for obama crap)

It's you that needs a history lesson. First of all you're the one who BLAMES Booosh for everything without the slightest clue of what has happened since WW2.

Not only that but you all should read a book that was one of ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S favorite books--"Skeletons of the Zarahara"--& still thought to be one the primary reasons why he abolished slavery in this country. The way humanity was treated by Muslims--when they captured Americans on a ship. There is no humanity in this culture.

And I still believe that if we would have walled up the entire middle east instead of invading them, they would have most certainly committed genocide on one another. They have continually done that through-out history. We are not going to change them. U.S. Presidents for decades have tried without any success.
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Show me where I said such a thing. You need to go back to basic reading skills. I said it happened under the Carter Administration. Don't start trying to read my mind because you can't even read print, Dogbert.
For the rest of your drivel...well that's all it is...drivel.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you need to read Basic Reading Skills For Dummies.

It sounded like to me you were blaming Carter for it. Especially since you were talking about "blame for Bush." I blame Bush for his actions after 9/11. For starters, not giving our troops the necessary troop levels or equipment to go after Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan. Never mind the Iraq War for a moment.

What I sounded like? How the hell do you know what I sounded like? Read what I say...not what you think I sound like. I was making issue with the fact that it wasn't Booooosh, that it went further back into the Carter years with this kind of terrorist crap.
I agree with you on how we handled the war in Afganistan, and I never would have pulled the trigger in Iraq. I'm saying and I think Oreo was saying that it didn't start there.
What I sounded like? How the hell do you know what I sounded like? Read what I say...not what you think I sound like. I was making issue with the fact that it wasn't Booooosh, that it went further back into the Carter years with this kind of terrorist crap.
I agree with you on how we handled the war in Afganistan, and I never would have pulled the trigger in Iraq. I'm saying and I think Oreo was saying that it didn't start there.

Well of course it didn't start there. Our intervention in the Middle East for over the past 60 years has gotten us to where we are today with the Middle East.

However, this went back even further before the Carter years.
The U.S. had a footprint in the Middle East long before the Carter Administration.

You hit it on the nail. Since directly after WW2 the middle east has been a huge thorn in our sides. Not of our fault--BTW.

You liberals need to go back into HISTORY--& especially read Muslim History to kind of understand what has happened--THAT AGAIN--We had nothing to do with--but yet have taken the brunt of & you liberal morons continually blame us for.

To give you a clue--it started decades before you freakin liberal morons were even BORN.

To give you a clue--it was NOT the United States that let in the Jewish into Isreal. In fact, it was the British that consumed themselves with keeping them out & didn't live up to their expectations. Ever since--the USA has tried to "police" the area, while the British bugged out.

When I was born, Carter was POTUS. In my post I stated that the US has had a footprint in the ME long before the Carter adminstration so I don't know who you seem to be informing with your little "history lesson."

So you can just fuck off.
What I sounded like? How the hell do you know what I sounded like? Read what I say...not what you think I sound like. I was making issue with the fact that it wasn't Booooosh, that it went further back into the Carter years with this kind of terrorist crap.
I agree with you on how we handled the war in Afganistan, and I never would have pulled the trigger in Iraq. I'm saying and I think Oreo was saying that it didn't start there.

Well of course it didn't start there. Our intervention in the Middle East for over the past 60 years has gotten us to where we are today with the Middle East.

However, this went back even further before the Carter years.

That is exactly what I just stated. Of course, it goes back much farther--but the start of the war against the United States started with the taking of 50 American hostages & keeping them under the threat of death for over 1-1/2 years. "That's where the WAR started."---& THAT lead up to the attack of 9/11.

The extremist radical Muslim were emboldened by the fact that they could hold the most superior power in the world at bay. "We were just "paper tigers" as Osama Bin Laden" told his comrades in terror. He used Viet Nam--& told stories of our retreat. The United States was not to be taken seriously--& they attacked us on 4 different occasions on Clintons watch with no response & then on 9/11--(expecting no response again.) They had 3 other countries they were planning to attack--they picked the USA because we already had a history of not responding to their attacks.

"A terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance."
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What I sounded like? How the hell do you know what I sounded like? Read what I say...not what you think I sound like. I was making issue with the fact that it wasn't Booooosh, that it went further back into the Carter years with this kind of terrorist crap.
I agree with you on how we handled the war in Afganistan, and I never would have pulled the trigger in Iraq. I'm saying and I think Oreo was saying that it didn't start there.

Well of course it didn't start there. Our intervention in the Middle East for over the past 60 years has gotten us to where we are today with the Middle East.

However, this went back even further before the Carter years.

Excuse me while I pull my .357 out, I'm just going to end it for myself. Dogbert, your driving me crazy with your .....thought process? For the love of God, maybe you should have read more than my posts...maybe rinata's also, I think it would have come together for you. I don't know, though...I can't imagine what goes through your brain. But, after this stupid conversation I'm thinking suicide will help ease my pain.
What I sounded like? How the hell do you know what I sounded like? Read what I say...not what you think I sound like. I was making issue with the fact that it wasn't Booooosh, that it went further back into the Carter years with this kind of terrorist crap.
I agree with you on how we handled the war in Afganistan, and I never would have pulled the trigger in Iraq. I'm saying and I think Oreo was saying that it didn't start there.

Well of course it didn't start there. Our intervention in the Middle East for over the past 60 years has gotten us to where we are today with the Middle East.

However, this went back even further before the Carter years.

Excuse me while I pull my .357 out, I'm just going to end it for myself. Dogbert, your driving me crazy with your .....thought process? For the love of God, maybe you should have read more than my posts...maybe rinata's also, I think it would have come together for you. I don't know, though...I can't imagine what goes through your brain. But, after this stupid conversation I'm thinking suicide will help ease my pain.

Hey put your .357 back--this little thumbsucker is cutting & pasting my replies & editing them--:lol::lol:

This kid is nothing but a thumb-sucker & his mommy hasn't put him to bed yet--:lol::lol:.
What I sounded like? How the hell do you know what I sounded like? Read what I say...not what you think I sound like. I was making issue with the fact that it wasn't Booooosh, that it went further back into the Carter years with this kind of terrorist crap.
I agree with you on how we handled the war in Afganistan, and I never would have pulled the trigger in Iraq. I'm saying and I think Oreo was saying that it didn't start there.

Well of course it didn't start there. Our intervention in the Middle East for over the past 60 years has gotten us to where we are today with the Middle East.

However, this went back even further before the Carter years.

Excuse me while I pull my .357 out, I'm just going to end it for myself. Dogbert, your driving me crazy with your .....thought process? For the love of God, maybe you should have read more than my posts...maybe rinata's also, I think it would have come together for you. I don't know, though...I can't imagine what goes through your brain. But, after this stupid conversation I'm thinking suicide will help ease my pain.

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Meister again."
dogbert is a fucking dope!!!
You hit it on the nail. Since directly after WW2 the middle east has been a huge thorn in our sides. Not of our fault--BTW.

You liberals need to go back into HISTORY--& especially read Muslim History to kind of understand what has happened--THAT AGAIN--We had nothing to do with--but yet have taken the brunt of & you morons continually blame us for.

To give you a clue--it started decades before you freakin morons were BORN.

Shit, not our fault at all. We only cut up the Middle East like a pie, overthrew a democratically elected leader with a brutal dictator puppet, gave them weapons to kill one another, took natural resources, and funded "freedom fighters" to fight the Soviet Union (what would become the Taliban), but no, not at fault at all. Silly me for thinking so.

I just laugh at your stupidity and ignorance. You should really try to get facts before making a complete ass out of yourself time and time again. Your whole reply to oreo is all lies. You are just too damn stupid to keep up here...why do you even bother?
How do y'all feel about that shipment of arms headed for Lebanon from Iran that the Israelis intercepted last week?
the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

That's so stupid. You sound just like George Bush. And remember something. It was dumb George that caused the rest of the world to dislike us intensely. It is Obama that is turning that around.

Rinata, your an idiot. You have to go beyond the Bush years, and you would still find that we were hated intensely. But, being the ignorant fuck that you are, you won't do that, because, then you couldn't do the blame game with Bush.
Pull your head out of obama's ass for a history lesson you dumb fuck. :cuckoo:

Let me tell you something, little boy. If you really knew what you were talking about you would not get so angry and feel the need to curse at me. If you think it bothers me, it doesn't. But it's so boring!!!

And I think you're angry because you know what I said is true.
That's so stupid. You sound just like George Bush. And remember something. It was dumb George that caused the rest of the world to dislike us intensely. It is Obama that is turning that around.

Rinata, your an idiot. You have to go beyond the Bush years, and you would still find that we were hated intensely. But, being the ignorant fuck that you are, you won't do that, because, then you couldn't do the blame game with Bush.
Pull your head out of obama's ass for a history lesson you dumb fuck. :cuckoo:

Let me tell you something, little boy. If you really knew what you were talking about you would not get so angry and feel the need to curse at me. If you think it bothers me, it doesn't. But it's so boring!!!

ink you're angry because you know what I said is true.

:lol::lol: Holy Crap this is getting hillarious with these thumb suckers.

HOLY SHIT --we're HATED by the whole ENTIRE FREAKING WORLD---:lol::lol: This while you're Messiah just got his ass kicked over the Chicago olympics--(first round--he's out)--:lol::lol:

Well little thumb--sucker when the whole freaking entire world that hates the USA can provide security to this country & can put bread & butter on my table--then maybe I'll worry about what they think of us--Da Duh, Da Duh, Da Duh!

How much love do you think the Messiah got from Mexico & Canada for threatening to break "EXISTING" agreements with the USA during the campaign season--LOL.

How's all that Hopey & Changey workin for ya?
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Not at all, sorry if you don't like the truth.

the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

That's so stupid. You sound just like George Bush. And remember something. It was dumb George that caused the rest of the world to dislike us intensely. It is Obama that is turning that around.

Honest question, how much did you travel/live outside the US prior to '01?

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