The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

:rolleyes: please refer to post #92 :rolleyes:
Compared to obama, ol' kerry doesn't seem so bad, now does he...:eusa_hand:
Who are you again?

Haven't had the "honor" of meeting Otter? Otter originally felt that "idiots" such as myself should be cured from America once and for all. When pressed about what he/she meant, changed it to imprisonment. All while saying I'm against our freedoms and that he/she is protecting them. :rofl:
Shit ... 10 months after Obama took office and my prediction is still holding true:

Anything bad, in spite of Obama's ability to stop it, will be blamed on Bush.

Anything good, even if it's because of Bush's policies, will be credited to Obama.

This is why I hate Obamaborg.

A "list" of the Bush "successes" would help.

Still waiting for that list.
Good to see the rabid right is back to accusing people of hating America for daring to talk about their glaring mistakes.

The Stink of Bush will linger over right wing Conservatives for a generation
the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

I don't hate America at all. I love my country very dearly. And I hated to see it be perverted by the Bush Administration and individuals such as yourself for the last eight years.

Notice how the WORD---C.L.I.N.T.O.O.O.N---never came from this persons mouth. Of course Clintoooon was attacked on 4 different occasions from Al Quedaaaaaa--& never responded-----& even had Osama Bin Ladennnnnn in his sights on 3 different occasionoons & for one reason or another decided not to take that shotttt but they continually blame G.W. Boooosh-for it today-:lol::lol:

Then it was C.L.I.N.T.O.O.N that thought it would be O.K. for Sadam Hu...siennnnn to break a UN agreement that was done during Gulf War 1 & kick out all WMD inspectors without making a STANNND & then told G. W. Boooosh--that Sadam Husiennnnn was acquiring WMDdddddddd--LOL
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U.S. settles suit with Muslims in post-9/11 abuse | Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government will pay $1.26 million to five Muslim men detained for months without charges after the September 11 attacks who sued for unlawful imprisonment and abuse, their lawyers said on Tuesday.

The men claimed they suffered inhumane and degrading treatment in a Brooklyn detention center, including solitary confinement, severe beatings, incessant verbal abuse and a blackout on communications with their families and attorneys.

The Justice Department agreed to settle the suit, which was filed in 2002 after hundreds of immigrants were rounded up and held for months following the attacks, according to the CCR.

A spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department was not immediately available to comment on the settlement, in which the U.S. government admits no liability or fault. The five men were all eventually released after being cleared of any connection to terrorism but then deported.

The two were arrested on Sept 30, 2001, and held for eight months even after an FBI memo from December 7 stated they were cleared of links to terrorist groups, the lawsuit said.

A 2003 report by Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General found that some prison officers slammed detainees against walls, twisted their arms and hands in painful ways, stepped on their leg restraint chains and punished them by keeping them restrained for long periods.

The report said videotapes showed some detention center staff "misused strip searches and restraints to punish detainees and that officers improperly and illegally recorded detainees' meetings with their attorneys."

The lawsuit said some of the plaintiffs, upon entering the jail, had their faces smashed into a wall where a blood-smeared American flag T-shirt was taped and told "welcome to America," according to the lawsuit.

I should say this surprises me but it doesn't. Instead, it just disgusts me.

Hey...shit they know NOT to fuck with us!!!
the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

I don't hate America at all. I love my country very dearly. And I hated to see it be perverted by the Bush Administration and individuals such as yourself for the last eight years.

Notice how the WORD---C.L.I.N.T.O.O.O.N---never came from this persons mouth. Of course Clintoooon was attacked on 4 different occasions from Al Quedaaaaaa--& never responded-----& even had Osama Bin Ladennnnnn in his sights on 3 different occasionoons & for one reason or another decided not to take that shotttt but they continually blame G.W. Boooosh-for it today-:lol::lol:

The US economy boomed under Clinton, too bad Bush had to come in and destroy the Democratic prosperity.

But good news is we have President Obama to fix the damage done by the Bush/Cheney regime
I don't hate America at all. I love my country very dearly. And I hated to see it be perverted by the Bush Administration and individuals such as yourself for the last eight years.

Notice how the WORD---C.L.I.N.T.O.O.O.N---never came from this persons mouth. Of course Clintoooon was attacked on 4 different occasions from Al Quedaaaaaa--& never responded-----& even had Osama Bin Ladennnnnn in his sights on 3 different occasionoons & for one reason or another decided not to take that shotttt but they continually blame G.W. Boooosh-for it today-:lol::lol:

The US economy boomed under Clinton, too bad Bush had to come in and destroy the Democratic prosperity.

But good news is we have President Obama to fix the damage done by the Bush/Cheney regime

HEY--if you really want to give THANKS to a great economy during the 90's? Write Bill Gates & John Chambers a THANK YOU note--because Bill Clinton really was not signing 200K new paychecks a month---:lol::lol:

Bill Clinton turned out to be the LUCKIEST President in the history of the United States. The only problems he ever had were the ones he brought upon himself---:lol::lol:

To add--the mess we are in today is because of all the deregulation that happened under Bill Clinton's nose. AIG--Fannie/Freddie--etc.

GROW UP!:clap2::clap2:
I don't hate America at all. I love my country very dearly. And I hated to see it be perverted by the Bush Administration and individuals such as yourself for the last eight years.

Notice how the WORD---C.L.I.N.T.O.O.O.N---never came from this persons mouth. Of course Clintoooon was attacked on 4 different occasions from Al Quedaaaaaa--& never responded-----& even had Osama Bin Ladennnnnn in his sights on 3 different occasionoons & for one reason or another decided not to take that shotttt but they continually blame G.W. Boooosh-for it today-:lol::lol:

The US economy boomed under Clinton, too bad Bush had to come in and destroy the Democratic prosperity.

But good news is we have President Obama to fix the damage done by the Bush/Cheney regime

Wrong again asshole.....the Clinton economy was a bubble and it blew up in 1999/2000. Rubin, Summers and Greenspan allowed the derivitives problem to destroy America.
Shit ... 10 months after Obama took office and my prediction is still holding true:

Anything bad, in spite of Obama's ability to stop it, will be blamed on Bush.

Anything good, even if it's because of Bush's policies, will be credited to Obama.

This is why I hate Obamaborg.

A "list" of the Bush "successes" would help.

Still waiting for that list.

We didn't get completely ruined when the recession (which is in no way connected to Bush) hit us ... so far ... Obama is just on par but going down fast.

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