The U.S. Continues to pay for the Mistakes of The Bush Administration

U.S. settles suit with Muslims in post-9/11 abuse | Reuters

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government will pay $1.26 million to five Muslim men detained for months without charges after the September 11 attacks who sued for unlawful imprisonment and abuse, their lawyers said on Tuesday.

The men claimed they suffered inhumane and degrading treatment in a Brooklyn detention center, including solitary confinement, severe beatings, incessant verbal abuse and a blackout on communications with their families and attorneys.

The Justice Department agreed to settle the suit, which was filed in 2002 after hundreds of immigrants were rounded up and held for months following the attacks, according to the CCR.

A spokesman for the U.S. Justice Department was not immediately available to comment on the settlement, in which the U.S. government admits no liability or fault. The five men were all eventually released after being cleared of any connection to terrorism but then deported.

The two were arrested on Sept 30, 2001, and held for eight months even after an FBI memo from December 7 stated they were cleared of links to terrorist groups, the lawsuit said.

A 2003 report by Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General found that some prison officers slammed detainees against walls, twisted their arms and hands in painful ways, stepped on their leg restraint chains and punished them by keeping them restrained for long periods.

The report said videotapes showed some detention center staff "misused strip searches and restraints to punish detainees and that officers improperly and illegally recorded detainees' meetings with their attorneys."

The lawsuit said some of the plaintiffs, upon entering the jail, had their faces smashed into a wall where a blood-smeared American flag T-shirt was taped and told "welcome to America," according to the lawsuit.

I should say this surprises me but it doesn't. Instead, it just disgusts me.

9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?
Rinata, your an idiot. You have to go beyond the Bush years, and you would still find that we were hated intensely. But, being the ignorant fuck that you are, you won't do that, because, then you couldn't do the blame game with Bush.
Pull your head out of obama's ass for a history lesson you dumb fuck. :cuckoo:

Let me tell you something, little boy. If you really knew what you were talking about you would not get so angry and feel the need to curse at me. If you think it bothers me, it doesn't. But it's so boring!!!

And I think you're angry because you know what I said is true.

Rinata, little boys grow up, being a dumb fuck is forever.

Yes, I see that.
9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?

I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.
9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?

I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.

That is absolutely true. Libs were behind him and he maybe could have kept a lot of us. Who knows???? But he just had to friggin' go to Iraq. And people in his inner circle swear he had that planned before he even took office.

That is something the tea bagging loonies will never accept. And they accuse libs of being blinded by Obama and calling him our God??? Just look at them jumping to defend Bush in this thread. Has there been one post that has been negative about anything Bush did?? I haven't seen it.
9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?

I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.

That is absolutely true. Libs were behind him and he maybe could have kept a lot of us. Who knows???? But he just had to friggin' go to Iraq. And people in his inner circle swear he had that planned before he even took office.

That is something the tea bagging loonies will never accept. And they accuse libs of being blinded by Obama and calling him our God??? Just look at them jumping to defend Bush in this thread. Has there been one post that has been negative about anything Bush did?? I haven't seen it.

Yes there has ya dumb fuck. try reading sometime...if you can.
Well Doggie, tell us all what you would do to the muslim terrorist that just killed 13 U.S soldiers on American soil and wounded dozens of others?? I would like to water board him.:lol::lol:

Considering he is already talking, he doesn't need to be water boarded.

Torturing him is the best way to ensure he will get off in a trial. Just like the Gitmo detainees, no court would be able to try him that logic all of the detainees in Gitmo were never tortured...otherwise they would be running the streets right now.
9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?

I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.

After 9-11, I did not see anyone blame Bush. I saw unprecidented support both at home and abroad. Unfortunately, Bush saw this support as a mandate to do as he pleased. His subsequent decisions ruined what may have turned into a great presidency
9/11 happened less than 9 months into the Bush presidency; at that time, the left went wild, blaming Bush for 'allowing' the attacks to take place and implying he would be held 'totally' responsible for any future attacks. Now, 11 months into the new administration, and all this guy can do IS blame Bush & try to take 'citizens' rights and freedoms while apologizing for the United States. He shows NO pride in this county' people or this nation's accomplishment. When will YOU, hold him, accountable?

I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.

After 9-11, I did not see anyone blame Bush. I saw unprecidented support both at home and abroad. Unfortunately, Bush saw this support as a mandate to do as he pleased. His subsequent decisions ruined what may have turned into a great presidency

I agree with you on this one Rightwinger.....Bush should have never went into Iraq. It was a slow death after that.
And, here it is again:

WillowTree said:
the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

Yet another wing-nut accusing someone for "hating America" just because they hold a different political view, or voted for somebody else.

Someone - I think it was CaliforniaGirl - said that none of the conservatives here ever actually say that (aside from "dougie" or something, I forget). And yet here is a conservative doing exactly that.

Another conservative told me that nobody here ever says that, and challenged me to post a link to anyone saying it. If i cared enough about what that poster said, I guess I could link to WillowTree's post above.

Rinata is right about several things, not least of which is the irrationality and "sore loser" mentality that is rampant among some of the wing-nuts here.

The other interesting question - which I note CaliforniaGirl declined to answer - was about traveling abroad. I mentioned the same thing in an earlier post, since people who are well traveled are almost always less nationalistic and extremist in their political views than those who've barely left their home state.

Not everybody can afford to travel overseas, I know (on the other hand, when you're young, it's cheap to go backpacking). But the more countries I've lived in, worked in and traveled through, the more I realize that a lot of countries can claim to be "great" in some way.

In any case - Obama has another three years and two months, at a minimum, in office, and possibly another seven years and two months. So all the ranting from the people who both claim to be non-partisan, but indulge themselves in partisan pseudo-arguments all day, might as well settle in for an extended hate-fest, lol :lol:
Please show us who said "people hate America" because they didn't vote for a Republican.

Another conservative told me that nobody here ever says that, and challenged me to post a link to anyone saying it. If i cared enough about what that poster said, I guess I could link to WillowTree's post above.

As usual you lie through your fucking teeth to make an invalid point....your opinion is completely without credibility and quite worthless.
Please show us who said "people hate America" because they didn't vote for a Republican.

Another conservative told me that nobody here ever says that, and challenged me to post a link to anyone saying it. If i cared enough about what that poster said, I guess I could link to WillowTree's post above.

As usual you lie through your fucking teeth to make an invalid point....your opinion is completely without credibility and quite worthless.

Blah blah blah, said the troll!! *LMAO*
You've got to be almost tied for the most incessant troll on here. Now, where's that ignore function? hmmmm
I wasn't involved in politics at the time but I recall the nation rallying around the President and his approval rating kissing 90% in the aftermath of 9/11.

That is absolutely true. Libs were behind him and he maybe could have kept a lot of us. Who knows???? But he just had to friggin' go to Iraq. And people in his inner circle swear he had that planned before he even took office.

That is something the tea bagging loonies will never accept. And they accuse libs of being blinded by Obama and calling him our God??? Just look at them jumping to defend Bush in this thread. Has there been one post that has been negative about anything Bush did?? I haven't seen it.

Yes there has ya dumb fuck. try reading sometime...if you can.

Another intelligent, informative response from meister!!!! Geez, you are so predictable. If you couldn't cuss at people you wouldn't have anything at all to say.
That is absolutely true. Libs were behind him and he maybe could have kept a lot of us. Who knows???? But he just had to friggin' go to Iraq. And people in his inner circle swear he had that planned before he even took office.

That is something the tea bagging loonies will never accept. And they accuse libs of being blinded by Obama and calling him our God??? Just look at them jumping to defend Bush in this thread. Has there been one post that has been negative about anything Bush did?? I haven't seen it.

Yes there has ya dumb fuck. try reading sometime...if you can.

Another intelligent, informative response from meister!!!! Geez, you are so predictable. If you couldn't cuss at people you wouldn't have anything at all to say.

You still don't read, because the facts don't correspond with your story. Your just a partisan that pretty damn stupid, Rinata. It's OK though, you have the right to be stupid.
Yes there has ya dumb fuck. try reading sometime...if you can.

Another intelligent, informative response from meister!!!! Geez, you are so predictable. If you couldn't cuss at people you wouldn't have anything at all to say.

You still don't read, because the facts don't correspond with your story. Your just a partisan that pretty damn stupid, Rinata. It's OK though, you have the right to be stupid.


Where in here have you provided a cogent response?
Another intelligent, informative response from meister!!!! Geez, you are so predictable. If you couldn't cuss at people you wouldn't have anything at all to say.

You still don't read, because the facts don't correspond with your story. Your just a partisan that pretty damn stupid, Rinata. It's OK though, you have the right to be stupid.


Where in here have you provided a cogent response?

You need to read the entire thread yourself, Righwinger. They're posted, I know you won't agree with what I'm saying because I'm not a liberal, but they are stated. Why don't you ask Rinata the same question you asked me? All I see is It's Bush's fault, Bush caused this whole mess, What I was stating is that it started long before, Booooosh . Nothing but partisan drivel, your close but not as bad. She/he stated something that wasn't true, and I called he/she on it.
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Meister's flaw is that he ignores that from 2001 to 2006 the GOP could do pretty much what it wanted. And, Meister, it did not fix the system, it broke it.

You have every right to say, even if the wing nuts and reactionaries broke the system before 2008, BHO and Gang are on the hot seat to fix it because of the Dem majorities.

You can't have it only your way, sonny.
I feel sorry for small government conservatives. George Bush and his merry band of Neoconservative statists have changed the face of the GOP. Here's a guy who massively increased the size and scope of gubment while his base cheered him on.

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the truth is you hate America.. Doesn't matter if I like it or not. That's the way it is..

I don't hate America at all. I love my country very dearly. And I hated to see it be perverted by the Bush Administration and individuals such as yourself for the last eight years.

She's much more interesting in transforming the America of old into a new nirvana where government takes care of all of your wants, allevaiting the need for personal achievement.
Meister's flaw is that he ignores that from 2001 to 2006 the GOP could do pretty much what it wanted. And, Meister, it did not fix the system, it broke it.

You have every right to say, even if the wing nuts and reactionaries broke the system before 2008, BHO and Gang are on the hot seat to fix it because of the Dem majorities.

You can't have it only your way, sonny.

Jake, I was complaining about Bush, I complained that he invaded Iraq, I complained that he spent too much money, I complained that he didn't use his veto when he was president.
Bush was no conservative, but like I always will say...I'm not a republican, and the democrats put up Gore, and Kerry. Not like we had a selection to choose from.
Having said that...everyone was complaining about Bush not being fiscally responsible, and yet we have Obama doing the same thing but worse, and no one on the left is complaining.

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