The U.s. National Debt Has Grown By More Than A Trillion Dollars In The Last 12 Months

We're losing the topic here, boys. Draw a breath and let it go.
We're losing the topic here, boys. Draw a breath and let it go.

Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal, Democrats killed every effort. Newts BBA passed House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed our debt would be $0 today.
We're losing the topic here, boys. Draw a breath and let it go.

Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal, Democrats killed every effort. Newts BBA passed House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed our debt would be $0 today.
Hey, thanks for providing yet another example of how Republicans don't give a shit about the U.S. Constitution and how Democrats came to its defense.

Much obliged.
Only ONE trillion growth?

Damn! Obama's goal was TWO (2, libs) trillion.

Another failure.
We're losing the topic here, boys. Draw a breath and let it go.

Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal, Democrats killed every effort. Newts BBA passed House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed our debt would be $0 today.
Hey, thanks for providing yet another example of how Republicans don't give a shit about the U.S. Constitution and how Democrats came to its defense.

Much obliged.

dear, as a liberal you clean forgot to say why Republicans don't care about Constitution?? Slow?
We're losing the topic here, boys. Draw a breath and let it go.

Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal, Democrats killed every effort. Newts BBA passed House and fell one vote short in Senate. If it had passed our debt would be $0 today.
Hey, thanks for providing yet another example of how Republicans don't give a shit about the U.S. Constitution and how Democrats came to its defense.

Much obliged.

dear, as a liberal you clean forgot to say why Republicans don't care about Constitution?? Slow?
Speaking of slow, you need a Liberal to educate you on why those efforts by Republicans violate the Constitution? I'll be more than happy to explain it if you need the help.
you need a Liberal to educate you on why those efforts by Republicans violate the Constitution? I'll be more than happy to explain it if you need the help.

yes please do present your best example of Republicans violating the Constitution or admit to being a liberal who cant defend what you assert.
you need a Liberal to educate you on why those efforts by Republicans violate the Constitution? I'll be more than happy to explain it if you need the help.

yes please do present your best example of Republicans violating the Constitution or admit to being a liberal who cant defend what you assert.
As I said, I'd be happy to educate you. But before I do, I will first point out that you didn't know and you needed a Liberal to teach you.

... that out of the way ... Article I, Section 8 ...

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

Do you get it? The Congress is granted the power to borrow money. That means passing legislation making debt illegal would effectively nullify Congress' Constitutional power to borrow money and violate the section highlighted above. To make debt illegal would first require a Constitutional amendment to revoke the power Congress has to borrow money.

Not to mention, it's a brain-dead ideal -- which explains why Conservatives/Republicans are for it.

There, I hope you learned. :cool:
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. That means passing legislation making it illegal for Congress to borrow money would violate the section highlighted above.

dear, a liberal should not be assertive-right? lest a liberal will make a fool of himself. I'll pay you $10,000 if I said Republicans want to pass legislation making it illegal for Congress to borrow money. Bet or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.

Do you see why we are positive a liberal will be slow?
. That means passing legislation making it illegal for Congress to borrow money would violate the section highlighted above.

dear, a liberal should not be assertive-right? lest a liberal will make a fool of himself. I'll pay you $10,000 if I said Republicans want to pass legislation making it illegal for Congress to borrow money. Bet or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.

Do you see why we are positive a liberal will be slow?
Who's "we," kemosabe? You and your boyfriend? (not that there's anything wrong with that)

Your proclivities aside, save your money ...

"Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal..." - an uneducated rightie I'm trying to teach

Since "borrowing" money can lead to "debt," and you can't outlaw borrowing, you can't outlaw debt.

Besides, I know a loser like you would never pay up anyway. :eusa_snooty:

EB: "Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal..."

dear, you are a liberal- right? You clean forgot to tell us what your point is?? Slow? Liberal?
Nah, slow is not being able to comprehend what I said and hoping to cover up such ignorance by pretending I didn't make a point. Seems my point sailed clear over your pointy head. :dunno:

EB: "Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal..."

dear, you are a liberal- right? You clean forgot to tell us what your point is?? Slow? Liberal?
Nah, slow is not being able to comprehend what I said and hoping to cover up such ignorance by pretending I didn't make a point. Seems my point sailed clear over your pointy head. :dunno:

so you've thought about it and decided you were just being stupid again. This is exactly what we expect of a typical liberal!

EB: "Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal..."

dear, you are a liberal- right? You clean forgot to tell us what your point is?? Slow? Liberal?
Nah, slow is not being able to comprehend what I said and hoping to cover up such ignorance by pretending I didn't make a point. Seems my point sailed clear over your pointy head. :dunno:

so you've thought about it and decided you were just being stupid again. This is exactly what we expect of a typical liberal!
Moans the rightard who's a couple of million brain cells too shy to understand the U.S. Constitution. Too bad you're inducible, eh, rightie? Here, let's try again... on top of Article I, Section 8, we also have ....


The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.​

Get it now? The Congress has the power to borrow on the credit of the U.S., i.e. debt, and only a new amendment to the Constitution can revoke that power.

And for good reason. Imagine there's a national emergency which requires additional funding but idiots like you and your fellow dumbass Republicans would tie Congress' hands from borrowing money because it would add to the debt which you crazy people would have outlawed. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fortunately, our founding father had far more sense and insight than you modern day Conservitards and recognized the importance of providing the Congress with the unwavering power of borrowing and accumulating debt as they seem fit.
Moans the rightard who's a couple of million brain cells too shy to understand the U.S. Constitution.

dear, please say exactly why you think I don't understand the constitution or admit to being a typical liberal who cant support what he says.
Get it now? The Congress has the power to borrow on the credit of the U.S., i.e. debt, and only a new amendment to the Constitution can revoke that power.

If i disagreed I'll pay you $10,000. Bet or run away once againi with your liberal strawman tail between your legs once again. See why we say slow?
Moans the rightard who's a couple of million brain cells too shy to understand the U.S. Constitution.

dear, please say exactly why you think I don't understand the constitution or admit to being a typical liberal who cant support what he says.
I've shown you where the Constitution grants Congress the power to borrow on the credit of the U.S.; and where it reads they have the power to pay the debts; and where the validity of the debt is unquestionable. That's Constitutional and the Congress cannot change that without amending the Constitution, which is what they would be doing by passing legislation in making debt illegal.

It couldn't be clearer AND it supports my position, but yet, you don't understand it. That is "exactly why I think you don't understand the Constitution."

EB: "Republicans have tried 30 times in American History to make debt illegal..."

dear, you are a liberal- right? You clean forgot to tell us what your point is?? Slow? Liberal?
Nah, slow is not being able to comprehend what I said and hoping to cover up such ignorance by pretending I didn't make a point. Seems my point sailed clear over your pointy head. :dunno:

so you've thought about it and decided you were just being stupid again. This is exactly what we expect of a typical liberal!
Moans the rightard who's a couple of million brain cells too shy to understand the U.S. Constitution. Too bad you're inducible, eh, rightie? Here, let's try again... on top of Article I, Section 8, we also have ....


The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.​

Get it now? The Congress has the power to borrow on the credit of the U.S., i.e. debt, and only a new amendment to the Constitution can revoke that power.

And for good reason. Imagine there's a national emergency which requires additional funding but idiots like you and your fellow dumbass Republicans would tie Congress' hands from borrowing money because it would add to the debt which you crazy people would have outlawed. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fortunately, our founding father had far more sense and insight than you modern day Conservitards and recognized the importance of providing the Congress with the unwavering power of borrowing and accumulating debt as they seem fit.
There has been an insurrection going on since 1868? Who knew...

BTW...the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868. There were no founding fathers responsible for that Amendment.

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