The U.S. Needs To Act Against Russian Threat To Ukraine!

$7.2 millon

We purchased Alaska because of its massive natural resources.

Now the wild environmentalists believe we must leave it all there until we destroy ourselves in a nuclear war or a meteor smashes into the earth.
We purchased Alaska because of its massive natural resources.

Not really. At that time, about all that was known was trees, seals, and fish. Nothing else of value was known there.

And it was sold mostly because like France earlier in the century they needed the money. They had just finished the Crimean War, where they realized there was nothing they could do if the British had decided to seize it. So the decision was made to sell it, and as a thumb in the eye to the British it was offered to the US. For several reasons, including there had long been cooperation between both nations, and to thwart UK expansion to the west. And many were thinking it could be used to force an annexation of the western part of British Columbia.

It was another 29 years until gold was discovered there. And 90 years until oil was discovered.
It has been reported in the Washington Post (on Dec. 3 of this year) that American intelligence is assessing the ultimate size of the Russian military force amassing on the Ukrainian border at one-hundred and seventy-five thousand troops the number is already over 100K, many people think this is an omen that the country of Russia will invade Ukraine and annex it. The world has already seen how Russian President Putin stole Ukrainian territory in Russia's military conquest of Crimea in the last ten years; the media has well reported that Vladimir Putin doesn't think of Ukraine as a sovereign country but rather as part of Mother Russia. Wisdom calls for acting like Russia's invasion of Ukraine is imminent. Now America has this segment of Americans that says we shouldn't funnel huge amounts of military equipment to the country of Ukraine to defend itself against Russian aggression because doing so will provoke Russian Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine because he will argue that America massively arming the Ukrainian army poses a security threat to Russia because Ukraine is on Russia's border so Russia has to invade and conquer Ukraine to eliminate this military threat. The proper thinking on this issue is we're past the stage of worrying about provoking Putin his amassing 175K troops on Ukrainian border should be interpreted that he is intending to invade and conquer Ukraine.

I am not a military expert and have no background in the military but I believe that America should be outstandingly generous in giving military equipment to Ukraine in order to help that country defend itself, be outstandingly accommodating to the Ukraine military leadership's request for assistance in this area. My reasoning is that the Ukrainian people are a good people over the last ten years with this ongoing Russian conflict America has had many contacts with the Ukrainian people and learned they are a good people that deserve their sovereign rights that being the right to their own country. Further, with the world struggling to come out of the Covid 19 pandemic with European countries trying to rebuild their economies which took a terrible hit from this disease the last thing in the world Europe needs is Russia conducting military expansionism and taking over the huge European country of Ukraine. Plus, the world doesn't need to go backwards to Cold War times with a Russian Empire in Eastern Europe America needs to make an outstanding effort to not go back to this security nightmare!

In regards to the issue of whether or not U.S. military personnel should be utilized to defend the country of Ukraine from a military attack from Russia. Ordinarily, I would say no the country of Ukraine is the Ukrainian citizens country it is not the American citizens country American men and women should not give their life defending Ukraine sovereignty it is the Ukrainian citizens duty to make this sacrifice. If America had a Treaty or Treaty like obligation to Ukraine that would be a different story, obviously Ukraine isn't in the Nato alliance so there is no Nato Treaty obligation; there is a matter of an agreement between America in conjunction with a whole bunch of other countries and the country of Ukraine to get Ukraine to disarm all nuclear weapons after the Cold War ended, I don't know the details of that agreement so I have no comment on that issue. But I do think that at the present time the times are extraordinary which does warrant America getting involved in a military conflict related to Russia invading Ukraine albeit in a limited manner. The reasoning goes like this if Russia invades and conquers Ukraine that is going to create a gigantic tidal wave of refugees flooding into Europe, the refugee numbers will range in the hundreds of thousands if not millions not only will this cause grave economic hardship on European countries but this will cause division between these countries (because some countries will not take these refugees or as many that need to be taken) likely so severe that it could threaten the NATO military alliance this cannot be allowed to happen America needs NATO to exist and be a strong and reliable alliance, no other option can be tolerated, so America must act on this Russia invasion matter to protect and preserve the NATO alliance. Specifically what is meant here is not deploying U.S. ground troops on Ukrainian soil what is meant here is if the Russian military invades Ukraine, U.S. air power will be used to slow, weaken and hopefully stop the invasion. U.S. air planes should be used to bomb the advancing Russian tank and troop columns; the Ukrainian military is at least a respectable modern military (they've comported themselves well in the fighting on the Eastern Ukraine border against the Russian proxies over the last eight years) with U.S. air power assistance they should be able to at least stop any Russian military invasion if not repel it out of the country of Ukraine!
Russia took Crimea from Turkey at the same time that the US took 13 colonies from Britain.
Should Russia announce to US sanctions for this? The same as the United States declares for the fact that Crimea joined Russia in 2014?

How about we impose sanctions against Russia until the Romanov Dynasty is restored to power?


Makes about as much sense as what you just said.
" American intelligence is assessing the ultimate size of the Russian military force amassing on the Ukrainian border" what is this american intelligence crap, we don't have intelligence on a bunch of sandaled wearing baby raping, bearded pediphiles with attack helicopters and you are talking about Joe's real good buddies there that fired a prosecutor to keep Joe from getting bent and other family members from getting reemed no matter how much they would have enjoyed it. The criminal lying Adam Shift is calling for American Troops to be sent to the Ukraine "It's better to fight them over there than here" When did this fuck become so patriotic? I say we send this Adam Shit over there and have him already to blow when we hand him to the Russians in good faith they will rid us of this bag of shit. Another of the zoo keepers was sounding off on all our military equipment in the Ukraine Sounds a little threating to me. Look don't make me give up my Second Amendment to move to Russia. Russia to allow Ukraine to to be taken over by NATO and american criminals would be Russia's worst military blunder in over a thousand years. That would include the use of nukes AND THE WAY THESE KEEPERS OF JOE HAVE BEEN FLEXING THEIR MOUTHS THEY SHOULD HAVE THEM CRAMED PACKED FULL OF SOMETHING LONG AND STINKY. Fuck Joe and all his Socialist treasonous criminal shits. Nuke em and save the world!
Please don’t get the vaccine. Don’t ware a mask. Don’t socially distance. The last thing I want you to think about when you’re gasping for air is Joe Biden, one of my heroes.
Coward. Plain and simple, you chose the coward's approach.
Comrad Torry, is not brave. He's an admiral safely away from the fray.
And, Cowardice is believing the high priests of war that have been running America for at least 121 years.
It was USA that helped the Communist butchers take over Russia in the first place. It was USA that saved Stalin and his murdering-torturing Communist gangs by sending Stalin over 9 billion $ of aid, and spending more firebombing almost all German cities to stop Germany from saving Russia from murderers like Stalin and his gangs.
And it was stupid murderous Americans who flew those planes to carry out a Holocaust (burnt offering) of America's German relatives.
America is a nation of cowards, who love to murder the families and friends of the armies it is up against.
it seems that China ,Russia , N Korea , and Iran are saber rattling and forming stronger alliances ! China and Russia have been holding large scale joint military drills in the past few months .. i wouldnt be surprised if both nations make a move together China on Taiwan while Russia moves against Ukraine with Iran and N Korea causing trouble in the regions they occupy at the same time ! we could be staring into the face of WW lll !
If America, a major Syro-Aryan Christian Israel nation, had honored it's Biblical Heritage, it would have Blessed the Families of the Earth, instead Americans chose to curse the world with over 100 years of torturous deadly destructive wars continuing to the present moment.

With what America spent on wars, it could have rebuilt the world 3 times, maybe more, and all nations would be our friends, except the Edomites who we foolishly worship.

If President Trump had fed North Korea when they were having starvation, He would have made America a hero, and greatly soothed North Korea's view of America. If President Trump had not bombed, slandered and looted the Mother of America, things would be much better for Europe, Russia, America, and even China.
And, by bombing Syria, looting it, etc., President Trump delivered America to the Curses of the Law, including the one that says he who dis-honors his mother and father should be slain.
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So the Russian troops on the border are our imagination?
HATO (nato) is the aggessor constanly moving attack forces ever closer to Russia. It is HATO & USA that have destroyed Yugoslavia, Serbia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and other countries.
And remember, it was USA that staged a takeover of Ukraine and installed a pack of terrorists to go murder the People of East Ukraine.
And it was Ukraine that was to become a spear of aggression into Russia to break it up and loot it.
Which would ultimately be pointless.

They have known the solution for decades now, and that has been to join NATO. But they still sit on the fence, wanting to get the benefits but without ever actually joining and accepting the responsibilities.

So until they wake up and join some kind of defensive treaty, they are just going to remain on their own.
When we say "they" we must be careful to note if we are talking about the Ukranian people (with a 99.4% literacy, yet one of the worlds worst poverty), or the Ukranian corrupt politicians, who are mostly responsible for that awful condition.

Off hand, without looking too deep, it appears the Ukranian people might benefit greatly by a Russian takeover. For anyone to suggest that the current situation is a good one, and should be maintained, is absurd.
Off hand, without looking too deep, it appears the Ukranian people might benefit greatly by a Russian takeover. For anyone to suggest that the current situation is a good one, and should be maintained, is absurd.

I say neither one. But it is the Government which needs to say if they want help.
I say neither one. But it is the Government which needs to say if they want help.
And the Catch here is that any significant military help (like nuclear sharing) will undoubtedly cause immediate Russian attack. So, they are just balancing in the complex, but quite desperate situation, lining their own pockets and hedging their personal risks (because they have nothing else to do).
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And the Catch here is that any significant military help (like nuclear sharing) will undoubtedly cause immediate Russian attack.

Not likely. Because Russia knows the results if the Ukraine was to enter into such an agreement, then they attack. That has triggered two World Wars, and they are in no condition to go into another one of those.

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