The U.S. Needs To Act Against Russian Threat To Ukraine!

Yes. And 96 or 98% of population of Crimea voted for this in referendum and the russian army in Crimea made it impossible for the ukrainian nazis to influence these elections, only an illiterate person can doubt this.
Although I understand that it is difficult for the аmerican voter to imagine that elections can take place without fraud..
By the way, how many people of Kosovo voted for secession from Serbia ?
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It was USA that saved Stalin and his murdering-torturing Communist gangs by sending Stalin over 9 billion $ of aid
Really? Saved? Write a new textbook on the history of the Second World War:
"...While the United States heroically produced weapons and ammunition at home, the Soviet Union cowardly fought with the whole of Europe, under the leadership of nazi Germany..."
Although, such textbooks have already been written and are actively used, judging by your statements...
How about we impose sanctions against Russia until the Romanov Dynasty is restored to power?
Makes about as much sense as what you just said.
US tried to do something to influence in the usual way - to use military force. American troops were sent to the territory of Russia. And until 1933, the United States did not diplomatically recognize the USSR.
You aren't going to save Ukraine from Russian occupation by dumping a load of American weapons. All you are going to do is lose a load of American weapons.
But this is good! Arms manufacturers will receive new billions from the state for the production of such necessary new weapons. And everyone will be happy.
It is only necessary to mention from time to time a terrible enemy, that threatens Freedom and Democracy.
From 1945 to 2001, 201 out of 248 armed conflicts in 153 regions of the world were initiated by the United States. In the name of strengthening peace, protecting human rights and democracy.
Let's impose sanctions against aggressive Russia.
Do you know that Russia was truing to be NATO member? Guess who was against it.

As far as I understand, these conclusions are made on the basis of Putin's half-joking phrase at some meeting in 2000. Was this an official statement or just chatter? We remember how Putin assured that there would be no pension reform, for example. But he just said it, he does not solve such issues, and he has nothing to do with it. What does the "position of Russia" have to do with it?
From 1945 to 2001, 201 out of 248 armed conflicts in 153 regions of the world were initiated by the United States


Care to list them? Because that claim is pure garbage.

What were the choices on the referendum?

Can you post them here in English?


A, Join Russia
B. Eat a Makarov Sandwich

In other words, pretty much the choice those in Syria had in their say of their "rightfully elected government".

And next, we will be discussing how legitimate the elections in North Korea area. As soon as King Kim III, third of the Kim Dynasty is granted his godhood.
Because that claim is pure garbage.
More garbage:
"The United States has a long history of attempts to influence presidential elections in other countries – from 1946 to 2000, this was done 81 times, according to a database compiled by Carnegie Mellon University. In 59% of cases, the US-backed side came to power"

"These data do not take into account numerous attempts of military coups and direct military conflicts involving the United States"
More garbage:
"The United States has a long history of attempts to influence presidential elections in other countries – from 1946 to 2000, this was done 81 times, according to a database compiled by Carnegie Mellon University. In 59% of cases, the US-backed side came to power"

"These data do not take into account numerous attempts of military coups and direct military conflicts involving the United States"

Influence elections ≠ armed conflicts
More garbage:

Once again, you spout drivel and can not give any evidence that what you say is true. When asked for evidence, you simply make more claims.

Not surprised, is all you ever do. Which is why nobody takes you seriously.

Also, what kind of moron makes direct quotes, and does not provide the reference? Almost as if you either fabricated it, or know it would get laughed at if you gave it.
And that isn't even a complete list!


But that is not what you said. Here, let me remind you:

From 1945 to 2001, 201 out of 248 armed conflicts in 153 regions of the world were initiated by the United States. In the name of strengthening peace, protecting human rights and democracy.
Let's impose sanctions against aggressive Russia.

And looking at quite a few of those, they were actually UN Peacekeeping missions. And come on now, Korea? Lebanon? Vietnam? Kuwait?

But I get it, apparently you adore those who invade and take over other countries (or try to), commit genocide (or try to), and start wars. Yet somehow, you think that laughable image proves your point.

But please tell us, how the US initiated Somalia, Libya, Kuwait, Haiti, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, and Korea. This should be hilarious.
Yesterday marks the 40th anniversary of the El Mozote massacre in El Salvador, one of the worst massacres in modern Latin American history. U.S.-trained right-wing death squads massacred over 1,000 people accused of aiding leftist guerillas in El Salvador’s bloody civil war.
Yesterday marks the 40th anniversary of the El Mozote massacre in El Salvador, one of the worst massacres in modern Latin American history. U.S.-trained right-wing death squads massacred over 1,000 people accused of aiding leftist guerillas in El Salvador’s bloody civil war.

Oh no, the government killed some commies.
Oh no, the government killed some commies.
You are a true murderous blood thirsty imperialist. A typical dumb American. Proud his country raped and murdered women and children.

Early the next morning, the soldiers reassembled the entire village in the square. They separated the men from the women and children, divided them into separate groups and locked them in the church, the convent, and various houses.[10]

During the morning, they proceeded to interrogate, torture, and execute the men in several locations.[11] Around noon, they began taking the women and older girls in groups, separating them from their children and murdering them with machine guns after raping them.[12] Girls as young as 10 were raped, and soldiers were reportedly heard bragging about how they especially liked the 12-year-old girls.[13] Finally, they killed the children, at first by slitting their throats, and later by hanging them from trees; one child killed in this manner was reportedly two years old.[14] After killing the entire population, the soldiers set fire to the buildings.

The soldiers remained in El Mozote that night but, the next day, went to the village of Los Toriles and carried out a further massacre. Men, women, and children were taken from their homes, lined up, robbed, and shot, and their homes then set ablaze
El Mozote massacre - Wikipedia

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