Zone1 The Uber files show capitalism at its worse

Note you don't actually name any country that follows your socialist utopian philosophy. Go ahead, name them

It's not "Utopian", it's just necessary and better. Nations that identify their economies as Marxist are sanctioned, embargoed, bombed, and invaded. Are you going to deny that every single country that has ever identified itself as Marxist, has suffered at the hands of the United States and its allies? Every single nation on Earth that has the "cojones", to say " We're Marxist - Leninists " has had to deal with American-trained and armed rebels, with the assassination of their leaders, coup attempts, sanctions,, embargoes, getting bombed, and invaded. So you capitalists or capitalist fans (ironically you're most likely not even a capitalist yourself, you're a working-class person brainwashed by capitalists), don't have the luxury of claiming socialism "doesn't work". How the hell would you know it doesn't work when it's constantly being assaulted? Capitalists can't allow socialism to fail on its own, they're constantly trying to tear it down. Socialist countries are in a perpetual state of war against the US government. That results in a concentration of power and less democracy.

Let me ask you a question, did capitalism replace slavery and feudalism overnight? Did it happen in less than a century? No, it didn't. Why do people like you insist that if socialism is better than capitalism, it must replace it in a day? Socialism is supposedly ineffective because it didn't take over capitalism in one quick swoop? That's not how capitalism replaced earlier modes of production, it took centuries, yet you capitalist defenders insist that if socialism is a better system of production than capitalism, it must then replace it immediately, like right now! No, it doesn't, that's never how a new and better mode of production replaced a previous one in the past. Historically, it takes a long time of struggle, several revolutions, a long process of trial and error, victories, and defeats. That's how the locomotive of human production advances and evolves.

The nations today that have the courage to identify themselves as Marxists, are the ones most sanctioned, threatened, and attacked by Western capitalists. The American ruling class, the neo-liberal politicians of the United States along with their Western European allies and vassals, do everything they can to sabotage, undermine, and just outright annihilate any nation that identifies itself as Marxist or Socialist. Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Vietnam, Laos, the DPRK (a.k.a. "North Korea"):

These nations specifically identify themselves as Marxist and suffer greatly for it. China is the rare exception, by becoming the manufacturing base of the United States after America abandoned its many factories and gutted its working-class, with supply-side economics/Reaganomics in the 1980s. American capitalists wanted a source of cheap labor and goods, and the Chinese government was unfortunately more than willing to fill that role. That's the only reason China hasn't been bombed to the stone age.

That said, many nations apply socialist principles and policies to their economies and do very well. Socialism saved Russia in the late 1990s, after a period of capitalist looting. Putin nationalized several of its heavy industries. That's Socialism 101. You nationalize all of the major centers of economic power, the so called "commanding heights of the economy" as Marx and Engels termed it, allowing all of that wealth to be used for the public good. Capitalists and their brainwashed fans have a very simplistic, skewed view of socialism. They don't really know what it is. How can they, when most of them don't even know what capitalism is?

Capitalism is a mode of production that is based on wage labor and the pursuit of private capital (money, profits). It's not defined by markets, because markets existed before capitalism. Capitalism didn't create markets. Capitalism is essentially a mode of production entirely dependent upon wage-labor. The slaves and serfs become employees and the slave masters and feudal lords become capitalists/industrialists. Employees aren't property of their employers as slaves were to their masters but they're nonetheless exploited just the same if not worse. An employee sells their labor power (rents their life-presence, time, effort, health) to a capitalist employer for eight hours, maybe sixteen hours a day (two fulltime shifts), becoming part of the means (machinery, facilities) of production. The human element animates the machinery and facilities of production, allowing it to produce goods for the marketplace. The wage-labor is also the paying consumer. So the wage-labor buys the products it produces. Of course, the wage-labor produces much more than it is paid.

Right from the start there's a conflict of interest between the employer and the employee, the capitalists and their labor force. The employer wants to cut the cost of doing business (i.e. the overhead) and human wage labor is a significant part of that expense. Human beings are expensive to employ. They require a wage, and certain conditions in the workplace have to be present, among other things, in order for them to produce and deliver the goods and services their employers are selling. The capitalists want to make a profit, yet they have these expenses cutting into their profits and on top of that, they have to compete with other capitalists in a cutthroat market. So capitalists are always looking for ways to cut the cost of doing business, and how do they achieve that? Well, there's something called "TECHNOLOGY". They will invest in the research and development of technologies that allow them to make production more efficient and if possible eliminate as many of the expensive human elements of production as possible.

There's an internal contradiction here. Have you picked it up yet? The capitalists want to eliminate as much of their human labor as possible in order to cut the cost of production, but they need human labor in order to make a profit.


Modern capitalists are today aware of this "contradiction" more than ever, due to the advent of advanced technology.

Some of them have even become "compassionate capitalists" :


Socialists, communists, we don't want or need their UBI. They can keep the "free money", we don't need it, much less want it. UBI is a ploy devised by capitalists to put capitalism on life support for a few more decades.



The capitalists, the ruling class, want to maintain their power and social status, hence they're willing to use the state, to hand everyone a monthly check, in order to create paying consumers (magically generate, conjure up like a magician, paying consumers). Everyone needs to consume and will always be a consumer, but what they won't be is paying consumers. In order for you and I to be "paying consumers" we need an income. There has to be someone making a wage, getting paid by a capitalist, for there to be paying consumers. If technology replaces too much of the wage labor (it doesn't have to be all of it), then there's a devastating economic crisis, due to high unemployment. When people start going hungry and see themselves homeless, that's the catalyst for the pitchforks to come out and the billionaires are smart enough to see that. So they've now become, by necessity, "compassionate capitalists" :

The answer to the issue of technology replacing wage labor is easy and known by all economists and well-educated capitalists and that's socialist central planning. A centrally, rationally planned economy, with a mode of production that is for the sake of meeting human needs rather than human greed. Producing everything that people consume, not for the marketplace or for profits, but simply to meet our needs. In the past, it was more difficult to do that, due to the lack of technology but today in the early 21st century, we've reached a level of computing power, robotics, automation, and engineering, that allows us to very easily socialize and democratize production. We don't need to be an "employee" for an employer, working in an absolute dictatorship, earning a wage in order to buy products..etc. All of that is the past, and we can evolve into the future, and that's called "socialism". Each member of a socialist society could work 20 hours weekly in the field of their choosing, simply to maintain the system of production that provides them with a very high standard of living.

Socialism is not a utopia, it's not perfect, but it is nonetheless the next stage in the evolution of human production. It's the in-between stage between capitalism and high communism (Hightech Communism). A well-planned and organized socialist system of production designed to meet all of our needs is the solution to the problem of unemployment due to technological progress. Socialism is a social process, that leads to high communism, through the democratization and eventual personalization of production and property ownership. Communism is defined by Marx as:

A Stateless society (a society without a state), that has no socioeconomic classes or need for money.

Socialism is the process that leads to high communism.


Private property is that which someone can use to exploit others. In a socialist society, people can own a home, apartment/condo, and even a plot of land provided it is not used to exploit others for personal gain and the community allows it (I don't see why a socialist or communist community can't allow its members to own a plot of land. I'm personally all for it and defend the idea). Your home, your vehicle, your toothbrush, your personal computer, your shoes..etc, = personal property. In a socialist society, housing is considered a human right, unlike in a capitalist-run society. If someone is homeless in a socialist country, it's due to mental health issues. The person is running out of their house and choosing to sleep out in the street (that actually use to happen in the USSR and it occurs today in China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea. Crazy people sleeping outside, even when they have a home). A communist society might institutionalize that type of person to protect them and effectively treat them. Your personal property is actually more secure in a socialist country than in a capitalist one where your livelihood depends upon a capitalist to hire you for a wage. If you fail to pay your rent or mortgage or your property taxes to the capitalist state, you end up homeless. That would never occur in a socialist society. Never.

Communism is the complete personalization of production. What the hell does that mean? It implies that the consumer has complete control over the means of production. Atomic precision manufacturing machines will allow consumers to manufacture practically anything in the comfort of their homes.

The consumer will eventually, in the future, have the machinery of production at home. If they want to manufacture a large product that doesn't fit in their home, they could go to a community production center and get the space to build their fishing yacht or whatever large product they want to create. You will have full creative and productive "sovereignty". Technology will allow you to produce everything on your own without anyone else's input. That's the end of the socialist state apparatus and the beginning of a high-tech communist society where everyone lives together by choice, in extreme abundance. Everyone is wealthy.

Capitalists and their employees are in a way, afraid of advanced technology (especially production-oriented technology). The more technological progress we have, the more jobs are lost. The more the market shrinks. The less-paying consumers there are buying products. Smart capitalists and their employees realize this and sometimes opt to undermine technological progress. For example, the billionaires in the fossil fuel industry, keep us all hooked on fossil fuels when we could very easily rely on clean, safe nuclear energy (i.e. MSRs- Molten Salt Reactors).

We don't need to rely on fossil fuels, so why are we still hooked on dinosaur oil and fart gas? Money. The wealthy ruling class wants to continue making a profit selling oil, coal, and gas at the great expense of society. That's capitalism. It can often undermine technological innovation and progress, due to capitalists investing a large sum of money into a certain technology and market, only to have that technology and market completely disrupted and rendered obsolete by new and better technology. As communists, we love technology. We welcome it, because the more advanced our technology is, the higher our standard of living. The more control we have over our environment (the material world), the more resources we'll have available for everyone. We eliminate scarcity through advanced technology, so we welcome it. We don't care about profits, all we care about is the public good. Unlike capitalists, we don't buy the patents and throw that disruptive, new technology in a basement somewhere for 100 years, to keep it off the market. That's what capitalists do to protect their profits and power. We use all of the latest, most advanced technology because we don't care about profits.



So how would socialism resolve the issue of technology replacing wage labor?

We establish a socialist society, that produces everything that people consume without the profit motive but rather for the purpose of meeting our needs. We organize human labor in order to supervise the system.


Let's say, you and I work, if we can, 20 hours weekly, five days a week, in the field that we choose. There might be a requirement for human work and participation in jobs that are labor intensive and unsavory. For example, supervising mining robots 300 feet under a mountain. A socialist pr communist society would have a vanguard of members of the communist party, that will volunteer two or three days a month, to do the dirty, hard work.

R (1).jpg

Maybe they'll volunteer to do that work even more often than a few days a month and those are the people society honors, just like we honor our veterans. We award them because they're willing to sacrifice their comfort and even their health and lives for that others don't have to. They place themselves at risk and experience pain for everyone else. As technology advances those dirty, difficult jobs will be completely eliminated, with robots, nanobots, self-driving vehicles..etc. So eventually, we won't have to work the mines, because the robots will take care of all of the mining, and the transporting of raw materials to a processing plant.etc, without much human supervision or input.

Capitalism needs wage labor, we don't. All we need is technology and we will together, organize labor to produce everything we need and want. The more advanced the technology the less we have to work to produce what we consume. We can dedicate most of our time to our hobbies, to art, exploring the ocean, traveling to other planets, riding our motorcycles, inventing new technology, the research and development of new treatments and cures for disease..etc.

So what type of world can socialism and communism create? This:

R (3).jpg

OIP (2).jpg



..or how about this:


This is what a modern communist society looks like. We started with primitive communism tens of thousands of years ago:


We end with modern, high-tech communism (i.e. communism):



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I think that there is a lot more to come out of this and many of our leading politicians will be implicated.

But I dont suppose tht Uber is an outlier. There are other corporations who trample over local laws and use corrupt politicians in order to make more money.

Should corporations be limited in size ao that they are not a threat to the general welfare ?

Uber beat back the Taxi Cab monopolies and reduced the price of transportation.

That's just a fact.

But its also true that Uber has huge amounts of competition in the transportation industry. Not just Lyft, but thousands of other car services are out there.
Tommy, why do I always get the feeling you are just hanging out hoping of all hopes for the USA to really FAIL-- bad? You seem to take genuine joy in our every travail.
You have lost me there. I am stating that we need regulation to protect us from the excess of capitalism.
Thats not an American issue its universal. You are too sensitive.
It's not "Utopian", it's just necessary and better. Nations that identify their economies as Marxist are sanctioned, embargoed, bombed, and invaded. Are you going to deny that every single country that has ever identified itself as Marxist, has suffered at the hands of the United States and its allies? Every single nation on Earth that has the "cojones", to say " We're Marxist - Leninists " has had to deal with American-trained and armed rebels, with the assassination of their leaders, coup attempts, sanctions,, embargoes, getting bombed, and invaded. So you capitalists or capitalist fans (ironically you're most likely not even a capitalist yourself, you're a working-class person brainwashed by capitalists), don't have the luxury of claiming socialism "doesn't work". How the hell would you know it doesn't work when it's constantly being assaulted? Capitalists can't allow socialism to fail on its own, they're constantly trying to tear it down. Socialist countries are in a perpetual state of war against the US government. That results in a concentration of power and less democracy.

Let me ask you a question, did capitalism replace slavery and feudalism overnight? Did it happen in less than a century? No, it didn't. Why do people like you insist that if socialism is better than capitalism, it must replace it in a day? Socialism is supposedly ineffective because it didn't take over capitalism in one quick swoop? That's not how capitalism replaced earlier modes of production, it took centuries, yet you capitalist defenders insist that if socialism is a better system of production than capitalism, it must then replace it immediately, like right now! No, it doesn't, that's never how a new and better mode of production replaced a previous one in the past. Historically, it takes a long time of struggle, several revolutions, a long process of trial and error, victories, and defeats. That's how the locomotive of human production advances and evolves.

The nations today that have the courage to identify themselves as Marxists, are the ones most sanctioned, threatened, and attacked by Western capitalists. The American ruling class, the neo-liberal politicians of the United States along with their Western European allies and vassals, do everything they can to sabotage, undermine, and just outright annihilate any nation that identifies itself as Marxist or Socialist. Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Vietnam, Laos, the DPRK (a.k.a. "North Korea"):

These nations specifically identify themselves as Marxist and suffer greatly for it. China is the rare exception, by becoming the manufacturing base of the United States after America abandoned its many factories and gutted its working-class, with supply-side economics/Reaganomics in the 1980s. American capitalists wanted a source of cheap labor and goods, and the Chinese government was unfortunately more than willing to fill that role. That's the only reason China hasn't been bombed to the stone age.

That said, many nations apply socialist principles and policies to their economies and do very well. Socialism saved Russia in the late 1990s, after a period of capitalist looting. Putin nationalized several of its heavy industries. That's Socialism 101. You nationalize all of the major centers of economic power, the so called "commanding heights of the economy" as Marx and Engels termed it, allowing all of that wealth to be used for the public good. Capitalists and their brainwashed fans have a very simplistic, skewed view of socialism. They don't really know what it is. How can they, when most of them don't even know what capitalism is?

Capitalism is a mode of production that is based on wage labor and the pursuit of private capital (money, profits). It's not defined by markets, because markets existed before capitalism. Capitalism didn't create markets. Capitalism is essentially a mode of production entirely dependent upon wage-labor. The slaves and serfs become employees and the slave masters and feudal lords become capitalists/industrialists. Employees aren't property of their employers as slaves were to their masters but they're nonetheless exploited just the same if not worse. An employee sells their labor power (rents their life-presence, time, effort, health) to a capitalist employer for eight hours, maybe sixteen hours a day (two fulltime shifts), becoming part of the means (machinery, facilities) of production. The human element animates the machinery and facilities of production, allowing it to produce goods for the marketplace. The wage-labor is also the paying consumer. So the wage-labor buys the products it produces. Of course, the wage-labor produces much more than it is paid.

Right from the start there's a conflict of interest between the employer and the employee, the capitalists and their labor force. The employer wants to cut the cost of doing business (i.e. the overhead) and human wage labor is a significant part of that expense. Human beings are expensive to employ. They require a wage, and certain conditions in the workplace have to be present, among other things, in order for them to produce and deliver the goods and services their employers are selling. The capitalists want to make a profit, yet they have these expenses cutting into their profits and on top of that, they have to compete with other capitalists in a cutthroat market. So capitalists are always looking for ways to cut the cost of doing business, and how do they achieve that? Well, there's something called "TECHNOLOGY". They will invest in the research and development of technologies that allow them to make production more efficient and if possible eliminate as many of the expensive human elements of production as possible.

There's an internal contradiction here. Have you picked it up yet? The capitalists want to eliminate as much of their human labor as possible in order to cut the cost of production, but they need human labor in order to make a profit.


Modern capitalists are today aware of this "contradiction" more than ever, due to the advent of advanced technology.

Some of them have even become "compassionate capitalists" :


Socialists, communists, we don't want or need their UBI. They can keep the "free money", we don't need it, much less want it. UBI is a ploy devised by capitalists to put capitalism on life support for a few more decades.

View attachment 670673


The capitalists, the ruling class, want to maintain their power and social status, hence they're willing to use the state, to hand everyone a monthly check, in order to create paying consumers (magically generate, conjure up like a magician, paying consumers). Everyone needs to consume and will always be a consumer, but what they won't be is paying consumers. In order for you and I to be "paying consumers" we need an income. There has to be someone making a wage, getting paid by a capitalist, for there to be paying consumers. If technology replaces too much of the wage labor (it doesn't have to be all of it), then there's a devastating economic crisis, due to high unemployment. When people start going hungry and see themselves homeless, that's the catalyst for the pitchforks to come out and the billionaires are smart enough to see that. So they've now become, by necessity, "compassionate capitalists" :

The answer to the issue of technology replacing wage labor is easy and known by all economists and well-educated capitalists and that's socialist central planning. A centrally, rationally planned economy, with a mode of production that is for the sake of meeting human needs rather than human greed. Producing everything that people consume, not for the marketplace or for profits, but simply to meet our needs. In the past, it was more difficult to do that, due to the lack of technology but today in the early 21st century, we've reached a level of computing power, robotics, automation, and engineering, that allows us to very easily socialize and democratize production. We don't need to be an "employee" for an employer, working in an absolute dictatorship, earning a wage in order to buy products..etc. All of that is the past, and we can evolve into the future, and that's called "socialism". Each member of a socialist society could work 20 hours weekly in the field of their choosing, simply to maintain the system of production that provides them with a very high standard of living.

Socialism is not a utopia, it's not perfect, but it is nonetheless the next stage in the evolution of human production. It's the in-between stage between capitalism and high communism (Hightech Communism). A well-planned and organized socialist system of production designed to meet all of our needs is the solution to the problem of unemployment due to technological progress. Socialism is a social process, that leads to high communism, through the democratization and eventual personalization of production and property ownership. Communism is defined by Marx as:

A Stateless society (a society without a state), that has no socioeconomic classes or need for money.

Socialism is the process that leads to high communism.


Private property is that which someone can use to exploit others. In a socialist society, people can own a home, apartment/condo, and even a plot of land provided it is not used to exploit others for personal gain and the community allows it (I don't see why a socialist or communist community can't allow its members to own a plot of land. I'm personally all for it and defend the idea). Your home, your vehicle, your toothbrush, your personal computer, your shoes..etc, = personal property. In a socialist society, housing is considered a human right, unlike in a capitalist-run society. If someone is homeless in a socialist country, it's due to mental health issues. The person is running out of their house and choosing to sleep out in the street (that actually use to happen in the USSR and it occurs today in China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea. Crazy people sleeping outside, even when they have a home). A communist society might institutionalize that type of person to protect them and effectively treat them. Your personal property is actually more secure in a socialist country than in a capitalist one where your livelihood depends upon a capitalist to hire you for a wage. If you fail to pay your rent or mortgage or your property taxes to the capitalist state, you end up homeless. That would never occur in a socialist society. Never.

Communism is the complete personalization of production. What the hell does that mean? It implies that the consumer has complete control over the means of production. Atomic precision manufacturing machines will allow consumers to manufacture practically anything in the comfort of their homes.

The consumer will eventually, in the future, have the machinery of production at home. If they want to manufacture a large product that doesn't fit in their home, they could go to a community production center and get the space to build their fishing yacht or whatever large product they want to create. You will have full creative and productive "sovereignty". Technology will allow you to produce everything on your own without anyone else's input. That's the end of the socialist state apparatus and the beginning of a high-tech communist society where everyone lives together by choice, in extreme abundance. Everyone is wealthy.

Capitalists and their employees are in a way, afraid of advanced technology (especially production-oriented technology). The more technological progress we have, the more jobs are lost. The more the market shrinks. The less-paying consumers there are buying products. Smart capitalists and their employees realize this and sometimes opt to undermine technological progress. For example, the billionaires in the fossil fuel industry, keep us all hooked on fossil fuels when we could very easily rely on clean, safe nuclear energy (i.e. MSRs- Molten Salt Reactors).

We don't need to rely on fossil fuels, so why are we still hooked on dinosaur oil and fart gas? Money. The wealthy ruling class wants to continue making a profit selling oil, coal, and gas at the great expense of society. That's capitalism. It can often undermine technological innovation and progress, due to capitalists investing a large sum of money into a certain technology and market, only to have that technology and market completely disrupted and rendered obsolete by new and better technology. As communists, we love technology. We welcome it, because the more advanced our technology is, the higher our standard of living. The more control we have over our environment (the material world), the more resources we'll have available for everyone. We eliminate scarcity through advanced technology, so we welcome it. We don't care about profits, all we care about is the public good. Unlike capitalists, we don't buy the patents and throw that disruptive, new technology in a basement somewhere for 100 years, to keep it off the market. That's what capitalists do to protect their profits and power. We use all of the latest, most advanced technology because we don't care about profits.

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So how would socialism resolve the issue of technology replacing wage labor?

We establish a socialist society, that produces everything that people consume without the profit motive but rather for the purpose of meeting our needs. We organize human labor in order to supervise the system.

Let's say, you and I work, if we can, 20 hours weekly, five days a week, in the field that we choose. There might be a requirement for human work and participation in jobs that are labor intensive and unsavory. For example, supervising mining robots 300 feet under a mountain. A socialist pr communist society would have a vanguard of members of the communist party, that will volunteer two or three days a month, to do the dirty, hard work.

Maybe they'll volunteer to do that work even more often than a few days a month and those are the people society honors, just like we honor our veterans. We award them because they're willing to sacrifice their comfort and even their health and lives for that others don't have to. They place themselves at risk and experience pain for everyone else. As technology advances those dirty, difficult jobs will be completely eliminated, with robots, nanobots, self-driving vehicles..etc. So eventually, we won't have to work the mines, because the robots will take care of all of the mining, and the transporting of raw materials to a processing plant.etc, without much human supervision or input.

Capitalism needs wage labor, we don't. All we need is technology and we will together, organize labor to produce everything we need and want. The more advanced the technology the less we have to work to produce what we consume. We can dedicate most of our time to our hobbies, to art, exploring the ocean, traveling to other planets, riding our motorcycles, inventing new technology, the research and development of new treatments and cures for disease..etc.

So what type of world can socialism and communism create? This:

..or how about this:

View attachment 670747

This is what a modern communist society looks like. We started with primitive communism tens of thousands of years ago:

View attachment 670748

We end with modern, high-tech communism (i.e. communism):

View attachment 670749

View attachment 670750

That's the longest and most useless post I've seen on a forum. Socialism is Utopian because it's the best system to have on paper, but useless in practice. With the means of production, there's no incentive to work, to invent. You just all share the misery.

Socialism doesn't work because people are not honest. The government is going to give owners of purple wellington boots $200 a month. All of a sudden, the sales of purple paint goes through the ceiling, the majority suddenly have purple wellies.

You reap what you sow with capitalism. You find out what people want, and you supply it. You invent system to supply in better (Amazon) and you design products that people want (iPhones).

This is why the young believe Socialism is great, but as they get older and wiser, they start to understand the error of their ways.
You have lost me there. I am stating that we need regulation to protect us from the excess of capitalism.
Thats not an American issue its universal. You are too sensitive.

That's the longest and most useless post I've seen on a forum. Socialism is Utopian because it's the best system to have on paper, but useless in practice. With the means of production, there's no incentive to work, to invent. You just all share the misery.

Socialism doesn't work because people are not honest. The government is going to give owners of purple wellington boots $200 a month. All of a sudden, the sales of purple paint goes through the ceiling, the majority suddenly have purple wellies.

You reap what you sow with capitalism. You find out what people want, and you supply it. You invent system to supply in better (Amazon) and you design products that people want (iPhones).

This is why the young believe Socialism is great, but as they get older and wiser, they start to understand the error of their ways.

Most of the technology we use today wasn't invented by people pursuing monetary gain. Much of it was funded and researched by governments, both in ancient times and in the present. So your assumption that the pursuit of private capital sparks innovation is quite shallow. It's more often the case that capitalism undermines technological progress because it disrupts the market and demands new investments, something capitalists want to avoid.

Socialism has always worked, that's why it's constantly attacked and sanctioned by capitalist powers like the United States. Without the US government creating the internet for its scientists to communicate with one another, there would be no Amazon. Amazon relies heavily on technology, funded, researched and developed by Uncle Sam. More, Amazon is pushing U.S. Postal Service workers to the breaking point as it takes an increasing share of retail sales. By negotiating cheap delivery rates, it’s helping starve the Postal Service of the money it needs to hire more employees while flooding the agency’s already-stressed system with packages. Without the US Postal Service there would be no Amazon.

Meanwhile, Amazon paid zero federal income taxes on $5.6 billion in U.S. profits last year. Who paves the roads and inspects and maintains them, including our bridges? Bezos? The capitalists? It's the " evil government" (a government for the people, by the people). Amazon refuses to pay taxes, at every level. Local, State and Federal, whenever it can. It bribes politicians to give them tax waivers.

Emergency responders attend to injured workers at Amazon warehouses throughout the country almost on a daily basis. They have fulfilment centers with 8000 employees and at least one of those employees on any given day is going to need an ambulance. Not to speak of other services provided to Amazon by local governments and yet they often don't pay property taxes. 12% of Amazon employees are on foodstamps and public assistance. Amazon is a private for profit enterprise, but there is no reason why the same infrastructure being used by Amazon to warehouse and catalog products, run inventory..etc, can't be used in a socialist society. As mentioned earlier, much of its delivery infrastructure in the United States, depends heavily upon the US Post Office (Uncle Sam).

As technology advances and eliminates wage-labor, it eventually creates a necessity for socialist production. You might as well come to terms with that fact now. Make it easier on yourself.
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Most of the technology we use today wasn't invented by people pursuing monetary gain. Much of it was funded and researched by governments, both in ancient times and in the present. So your assumption that the pursuit of private capital sparks innovation is quite shallow. It's more often the case that capitalism undermines technological progress because it disrupts the market and demands new investments, something capitalists want to avoid.

Socialism has always worked, that's why it's constantly attacked and sanctioned by capitalist powers like the United States. Without the US government creating the internet for its scientists to communicate with one another, there would be no Amazon. Amazon relies heavily on technology, funded, researched and developed by Uncle Sam. More, Amazon is pushing U.S. Postal Service workers to the breaking point as it takes an increasing share of retail sales. By negotiating cheap delivery rates, it’s helping starve the Postal Service of the money it needs to hire more employees while flooding the agency’s already-stressed system with packages. Without the US Postal Service there would be no Amazon.

Meanwhile, Amazon paid zero federal income taxes on $5.6 billion in U.S. profits last year. Who paves the roads and inspects and maintains them, including our bridges? Bezos? The capitalists? It's the " evil government" (a government for the people, by the people). Amazon refuses to pay taxes, at every level. Local, State and Federal, whenever it can. It bribes politicians to give them tax waivers.

Emergency responders attend to injured workers at Amazon warehouses throughout the country almost on a daily basis. They have fulfilment centers with 8000 employees and at least one of those employees on any given day is going to need an ambulance. Not to speak of other services provided to Amazon by local governments and yet they often don't pay property taxes. 12% of Amazon employees are on foodstamps and public assistance. Amazon is a private for profit enterprise, but there is no reason why the same infrastructure being used by Amazon to warehouse and catalog products, run inventory..etc, can't be used in a socialist society. As mentioned earlier, much of its delivery infrastructure in the United States, depends heavily upon the US Post Office (Uncle Sam).

As technology advances and eliminates wage-labor, it eventually creates a necessity for socialist production. You might as well come to terms with that fact now. Make it easier on yourself.
Socialism has never worked.

The bits of socialism countries have, the people are still paying for it, it's called National Debt

So the only one that needs to come to terms with something, is yourself and what socialism is and isn't.
Socialism has never worked.

The bits of socialism countries have, the people are still paying for it, it's called National Debt

So the only one that needs to come to terms with something, is yourself and what socialism is and isn't.

Believe whatever makes you feel better. National debt is BS:

It's simply a record of how much is invested in treasury bonds and how much money is available in the economy. You're an ignorant caveman.
Socialism has never worked.

The bits of socialism countries have, the people are still paying for it, it's called National Debt

So the only one that needs to come to terms with something, is yourself and what socialism is and isn't.
Much of the UKs national debt was caused by the collapse of the capitalist banking system in 2009.
Also the furlough scheme which led to widespread corruption.
Where was capitalism when folk were going to starve. ?
Much of the UKs national debt was caused by the collapse of the capitalist banking system in 2009.
Also the furlough scheme which led to widespread corruption.
Where was capitalism when folk were going to starve. ?
Yes, bailing banks out and nationalising some is socialism. Furlough is socialism too. And that's why we have high national debt.
Believe whatever makes you feel better. National debt is BS:

It's simply a record of how much is invested in treasury bonds and how much money is available in the economy. You're an ignorant caveman.

When government money is spent for providing people's needs, it's debt. If you can't afford the gas and electric crisis, and the government gives you £400 towards the cost, how does the government get the money back off you? It can't, it provided for your needs and it's now national debt. To clear the debt, taxes rise, all suffer the misery of the socialism, the national debt.

Student loans. UK government had to change it's national debt calculation. Student loans weren't part of the national debt figures, but now they are. That's why everyone with a student loan was asked if they would be pay it off in the future.

Read the Psychology Today link, it explains why socialism has always failed, and it will continue to do so.
Yes, bailing banks out and nationalising some is socialism. Furlough is socialism too. And that's why we have high national debt.

The so-called "national debt", in the US is just a record of how much is invested in treasury bonds. A nation with a sovereign currency never goes insolvent, especially if it has a GDP like ours. You're a pretentious caveman, who takes pride in his ignorance.
When government money is spent for providing people's needs, it's debt. If you can't afford the gas and electric crisis, and the government gives you £400 towards the cost, how does the government get the money back off you? It can't, it provided for your needs and it's now national debt. To clear the debt, taxes rise, all suffer the misery of the socialism, the national debt.

Student loans. UK government had to change it's national debt calculation. Student loans weren't part of the national debt figures, but now they are. That's why everyone with a student loan was asked if they would be pay it off in the future.

Read the Psychology Today link, it explains why socialism has always failed, and it will continue to do so.

Just be quiet. Stop embarrassing yourself.
The so-called "national debt", in the US is just a record of how much is invested in treasury bonds. A nation with a sovereign currency never goes insolvent, especially if it has a GDP like ours. You're a pretentious caveman, who takes pride in his ignorance.
What about TIPS, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bills?

There are four kinds of debt in my ignorance, one in yours
Yes, bailing banks out and nationalising some is socialism. Furlough is socialism too. And that's why we have high national debt.
You can call it socialism but it is the failure of capitalism.
Governments had to do it in order to maintain a civil society. People are not going to starve and they wont see their children starve.

And why should they ? There is plenty of money out there. Its just in the wrong places.
You can call it socialism but it is the failure of capitalism.
Governments had to do it in order to maintain a civil society. People are not going to starve and they wont see their children starve.

And why should they ? There is plenty of money out there. Its just in the wrong places.
Both systems have flaws, but overall, Socialism has never worked. The money is in the right places, people just need to do the right things to acquire money. You could work in a job, you could go self employed, you could have an eBay/Amazon/Etsy account; you could do one of those or many of those. You reap what you sow.
It's not "Utopian", it's just necessary and better. Nations that identify their economies as Marxist are sanctioned, embargoed, bombed, and invaded. Are you going to deny that every single country that has ever identified itself as Marxist, has suffered at the hands of the United States and its allies? Every single nation on Earth that has the "cojones", to say " We're Marxist - Leninists " has had to deal with American-trained and armed rebels, with the assassination of their leaders, coup attempts, sanctions,, embargoes, getting bombed, and invaded. So you capitalists or capitalist fans (ironically you're most likely not even a capitalist yourself, you're a working-class person brainwashed by capitalists), don't have the luxury of claiming socialism "doesn't work". How the hell would you know it doesn't work when it's constantly being assaulted? Capitalists can't allow socialism to fail on its own, they're constantly trying to tear it down. Socialist countries are in a perpetual state of war against the US government. That results in a concentration of power and less democracy.

Let me ask you a question, did capitalism replace slavery and feudalism overnight? Did it happen in less than a century? No, it didn't. Why do people like you insist that if socialism is better than capitalism, it must replace it in a day? Socialism is supposedly ineffective because it didn't take over capitalism in one quick swoop? That's not how capitalism replaced earlier modes of production, it took centuries, yet you capitalist defenders insist that if socialism is a better system of production than capitalism, it must then replace it immediately, like right now! No, it doesn't, that's never how a new and better mode of production replaced a previous one in the past. Historically, it takes a long time of struggle, several revolutions, a long process of trial and error, victories, and defeats. That's how the locomotive of human production advances and evolves.

The nations today that have the courage to identify themselves as Marxists, are the ones most sanctioned, threatened, and attacked by Western capitalists. The American ruling class, the neo-liberal politicians of the United States along with their Western European allies and vassals, do everything they can to sabotage, undermine, and just outright annihilate any nation that identifies itself as Marxist or Socialist. Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Vietnam, Laos, the DPRK (a.k.a. "North Korea"):

These nations specifically identify themselves as Marxist and suffer greatly for it. China is the rare exception, by becoming the manufacturing base of the United States after America abandoned its many factories and gutted its working-class, with supply-side economics/Reaganomics in the 1980s. American capitalists wanted a source of cheap labor and goods, and the Chinese government was unfortunately more than willing to fill that role. That's the only reason China hasn't been bombed to the stone age.

That said, many nations apply socialist principles and policies to their economies and do very well. Socialism saved Russia in the late 1990s, after a period of capitalist looting. Putin nationalized several of its heavy industries. That's Socialism 101. You nationalize all of the major centers of economic power, the so called "commanding heights of the economy" as Marx and Engels termed it, allowing all of that wealth to be used for the public good. Capitalists and their brainwashed fans have a very simplistic, skewed view of socialism. They don't really know what it is. How can they, when most of them don't even know what capitalism is?

Capitalism is a mode of production that is based on wage labor and the pursuit of private capital (money, profits). It's not defined by markets, because markets existed before capitalism. Capitalism didn't create markets. Capitalism is essentially a mode of production entirely dependent upon wage-labor. The slaves and serfs become employees and the slave masters and feudal lords become capitalists/industrialists. Employees aren't property of their employers as slaves were to their masters but they're nonetheless exploited just the same if not worse. An employee sells their labor power (rents their life-presence, time, effort, health) to a capitalist employer for eight hours, maybe sixteen hours a day (two fulltime shifts), becoming part of the means (machinery, facilities) of production. The human element animates the machinery and facilities of production, allowing it to produce goods for the marketplace. The wage-labor is also the paying consumer. So the wage-labor buys the products it produces. Of course, the wage-labor produces much more than it is paid.

Right from the start there's a conflict of interest between the employer and the employee, the capitalists and their labor force. The employer wants to cut the cost of doing business (i.e. the overhead) and human wage labor is a significant part of that expense. Human beings are expensive to employ. They require a wage, and certain conditions in the workplace have to be present, among other things, in order for them to produce and deliver the goods and services their employers are selling. The capitalists want to make a profit, yet they have these expenses cutting into their profits and on top of that, they have to compete with other capitalists in a cutthroat market. So capitalists are always looking for ways to cut the cost of doing business, and how do they achieve that? Well, there's something called "TECHNOLOGY". They will invest in the research and development of technologies that allow them to make production more efficient and if possible eliminate as many of the expensive human elements of production as possible.

There's an internal contradiction here. Have you picked it up yet? The capitalists want to eliminate as much of their human labor as possible in order to cut the cost of production, but they need human labor in order to make a profit.


Modern capitalists are today aware of this "contradiction" more than ever, due to the advent of advanced technology.

Some of them have even become "compassionate capitalists" :


Socialists, communists, we don't want or need their UBI. They can keep the "free money", we don't need it, much less want it. UBI is a ploy devised by capitalists to put capitalism on life support for a few more decades.

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The capitalists, the ruling class, want to maintain their power and social status, hence they're willing to use the state, to hand everyone a monthly check, in order to create paying consumers (magically generate, conjure up like a magician, paying consumers). Everyone needs to consume and will always be a consumer, but what they won't be is paying consumers. In order for you and I to be "paying consumers" we need an income. There has to be someone making a wage, getting paid by a capitalist, for there to be paying consumers. If technology replaces too much of the wage labor (it doesn't have to be all of it), then there's a devastating economic crisis, due to high unemployment. When people start going hungry and see themselves homeless, that's the catalyst for the pitchforks to come out and the billionaires are smart enough to see that. So they've now become, by necessity, "compassionate capitalists" :

The answer to the issue of technology replacing wage labor is easy and known by all economists and well-educated capitalists and that's socialist central planning. A centrally, rationally planned economy, with a mode of production that is for the sake of meeting human needs rather than human greed. Producing everything that people consume, not for the marketplace or for profits, but simply to meet our needs. In the past, it was more difficult to do that, due to the lack of technology but today in the early 21st century, we've reached a level of computing power, robotics, automation, and engineering, that allows us to very easily socialize and democratize production. We don't need to be an "employee" for an employer, working in an absolute dictatorship, earning a wage in order to buy products..etc. All of that is the past, and we can evolve into the future, and that's called "socialism". Each member of a socialist society could work 20 hours weekly in the field of their choosing, simply to maintain the system of production that provides them with a very high standard of living.

Socialism is not a utopia, it's not perfect, but it is nonetheless the next stage in the evolution of human production. It's the in-between stage between capitalism and high communism (Hightech Communism). A well-planned and organized socialist system of production designed to meet all of our needs is the solution to the problem of unemployment due to technological progress. Socialism is a social process, that leads to high communism, through the democratization and eventual personalization of production and property ownership. Communism is defined by Marx as:

A Stateless society (a society without a state), that has no socioeconomic classes or need for money.

Socialism is the process that leads to high communism.


Private property is that which someone can use to exploit others. In a socialist society, people can own a home, apartment/condo, and even a plot of land provided it is not used to exploit others for personal gain and the community allows it (I don't see why a socialist or communist community can't allow its members to own a plot of land. I'm personally all for it and defend the idea). Your home, your vehicle, your toothbrush, your personal computer, your shoes..etc, = personal property. In a socialist society, housing is considered a human right, unlike in a capitalist-run society. If someone is homeless in a socialist country, it's due to mental health issues. The person is running out of their house and choosing to sleep out in the street (that actually use to happen in the USSR and it occurs today in China, Vietnam, Cuba, and North Korea. Crazy people sleeping outside, even when they have a home). A communist society might institutionalize that type of person to protect them and effectively treat them. Your personal property is actually more secure in a socialist country than in a capitalist one where your livelihood depends upon a capitalist to hire you for a wage. If you fail to pay your rent or mortgage or your property taxes to the capitalist state, you end up homeless. That would never occur in a socialist society. Never.

Communism is the complete personalization of production. What the hell does that mean? It implies that the consumer has complete control over the means of production. Atomic precision manufacturing machines will allow consumers to manufacture practically anything in the comfort of their homes.

The consumer will eventually, in the future, have the machinery of production at home. If they want to manufacture a large product that doesn't fit in their home, they could go to a community production center and get the space to build their fishing yacht or whatever large product they want to create. You will have full creative and productive "sovereignty". Technology will allow you to produce everything on your own without anyone else's input. That's the end of the socialist state apparatus and the beginning of a high-tech communist society where everyone lives together by choice, in extreme abundance. Everyone is wealthy.

Capitalists and their employees are in a way, afraid of advanced technology (especially production-oriented technology). The more technological progress we have, the more jobs are lost. The more the market shrinks. The less-paying consumers there are buying products. Smart capitalists and their employees realize this and sometimes opt to undermine technological progress. For example, the billionaires in the fossil fuel industry, keep us all hooked on fossil fuels when we could very easily rely on clean, safe nuclear energy (i.e. MSRs- Molten Salt Reactors).

We don't need to rely on fossil fuels, so why are we still hooked on dinosaur oil and fart gas? Money. The wealthy ruling class wants to continue making a profit selling oil, coal, and gas at the great expense of society. That's capitalism. It can often undermine technological innovation and progress, due to capitalists investing a large sum of money into a certain technology and market, only to have that technology and market completely disrupted and rendered obsolete by new and better technology. As communists, we love technology. We welcome it, because the more advanced our technology is, the higher our standard of living. The more control we have over our environment (the material world), the more resources we'll have available for everyone. We eliminate scarcity through advanced technology, so we welcome it. We don't care about profits, all we care about is the public good. Unlike capitalists, we don't buy the patents and throw that disruptive, new technology in a basement somewhere for 100 years, to keep it off the market. That's what capitalists do to protect their profits and power. We use all of the latest, most advanced technology because we don't care about profits.

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So how would socialism resolve the issue of technology replacing wage labor?

We establish a socialist society, that produces everything that people consume without the profit motive but rather for the purpose of meeting our needs. We organize human labor in order to supervise the system.

Let's say, you and I work, if we can, 20 hours weekly, five days a week, in the field that we choose. There might be a requirement for human work and participation in jobs that are labor intensive and unsavory. For example, supervising mining robots 300 feet under a mountain. A socialist pr communist society would have a vanguard of members of the communist party, that will volunteer two or three days a month, to do the dirty, hard work.

Maybe they'll volunteer to do that work even more often than a few days a month and those are the people society honors, just like we honor our veterans. We award them because they're willing to sacrifice their comfort and even their health and lives for that others don't have to. They place themselves at risk and experience pain for everyone else. As technology advances those dirty, difficult jobs will be completely eliminated, with robots, nanobots, self-driving vehicles..etc. So eventually, we won't have to work the mines, because the robots will take care of all of the mining, and the transporting of raw materials to a processing plant.etc, without much human supervision or input.

Capitalism needs wage labor, we don't. All we need is technology and we will together, organize labor to produce everything we need and want. The more advanced the technology the less we have to work to produce what we consume. We can dedicate most of our time to our hobbies, to art, exploring the ocean, traveling to other planets, riding our motorcycles, inventing new technology, the research and development of new treatments and cures for disease..etc.

So what type of world can socialism and communism create? This:

..or how about this:

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This is what a modern communist society looks like. We started with primitive communism tens of thousands of years ago:

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We end with modern, high-tech communism (i.e. communism):

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So in your Marxist utopian world, can I hire people to work for me to produce my products for market if that is their own free choice?

You also ignored my question. I said I'm not interested in your utopian ideal, I said who did it. You answered the question I told you not to. That was also the answer I already knew. I know Marxist theory, I just don't care since no ubiquitous government EVER eliminates itself. They continue to consolidate power
So in your Marxist utopian world, can I hire people to work for me to produce my products for market if that is their own free choice?

You also ignored my question. I said I'm not interested in your utopian ideal, I said who did it. You answered the question I told you not to. That was also the answer I already knew. I know Marxist theory, I just don't care since no ubiquitous government EVER eliminates itself. They continue to consolidate power

Kaz writes:
So in your Marxist utopian world...


It's not "utopian", it's just better and necessary. You can continue pretending that communists are proponents of creating a "utopia", if it serves your narrative about who we are and what we believe, but we're not proposing that?

Kaz writes:

can I hire people to work for me to produce my products for market if that is their own free choice?


Do you actually believe that workers sell their labor (their lives) to capitalists out of "free choice"? It's not a free choice for 99.9% of working-class people. They rent out their lives to a capitalist because if they don't they're homeless, eating at a soup kitchen. That's your idea of "free choice"? If I give you the "option" to be a cashier at my store or go homeless, is that really a "free choice"? No, it's not. If I place a gun to your head and tell you "give me your wallet or I'll kill you", if you give me your wallet was it a "free choice"? No. We live in an economic system that requires the vast majority of people to sell their labor power, which amounts to renting your life to another human being, perhaps sixteen hours daily (tens of millions of Americans work two fulltime jobs). Forcing yourself to be exploited by a capitalist.

What workers produce, is given to someone else. That worker might produce $1000 worth of product or profits, and only gets paid $50 daily, maybe $100 if they're lucky.

In slavery, the master keeps what is produced by a slave. In feudalism, the fief-lord keeps most of what is produced by a serf. In capitalism, the capitalist-employer keeps most of what is produced by the employee.

Capitalism is a system of human exploitation. A small minority and class of human beings exploiting others for their own personal gain, at the expense of the exploited. Is there democracy in the workplace? Generally, no. Most private for business enterprises, if not all of them, are run as little dictatorships. The boss is a dictator, sometimes a tyranical one. The defenders of capitalism often claim to be champions of liberty and freedom, yet they completely ignore the fact that in capitalism, there's no liberty or freedom in the workplace.

If it wasn't for American socialists and communists in the 1930s, during the great depression, we now wouldn't have social security benefits. The 40-hour work week was established thanks to leftist political activism. Unemployment benefits, worker insurance - compensation, pensions, paid vacations, the minimum wage, safety standards in the workplace, all of that is thanks to socialists and communists. The right to unionize, and form organizations that serve workers, it was all started by leftists. The true left, not the fake American liberals of today that can't even define what a woman is. That's not leftism, that's just a mental illness.

Socialism, in the beginning, allows for markets, and privately owned industry within the consumer goods sector of the economy, until all of the production of consumer goods, is in the hands of worker-run cooperatives. Socialism is the process that leads to communism, but that process can take decades, even centuries. So in the beginning private companies, run like dictatorships, can exist, but workers would have rights. Their rights would be protected. There would be a strong social and political movement towards unionizing labor and workers forming their own democratically run cooperatives. So essentially what socialism does is democratize production, it renders it a public activity and service, rather than a private and exploitative enterprise. Production is for the sake of meeting our needs, rather than for the monetary gain of a small group of people. The business is run to meet the community's needs with a bottom line that emphasizes the public good rather than private profits.

So yes, to a certain extent, privately owned businesses are permitted in the earliest stages of socialism only in the consumer goods market. Heavy industries are nationalized.

Kaz writes:
You also ignored my question. I said I'm not interested in your utopian ideal, I said who did it. You answered the question I told you not to.


I'm not responding to your rhetoric to convince you of anything. I write for the sake of others who are genuinely interested in learning more about socialism, not people with your attitude. I could care less if you feel I haven't answered your questions.

giphy (1).gif

Kaz writes:

That was also the answer I already knew. I know Marxist theory,


You don't know shit. You're deluded and ignorant.

Kaz writes:

I just don't care since no ubiquitous government EVER eliminates itself. They continue to consolidate power


Not all governments have to be the same or pursue the same objectives (government isn't inherently good or inherently evil, it's whatever we want it to be). Government is a social apparatus organized by the people, to manage their large-scale socioeconomic civil affairs and projects. The dictatorship of the proletariat or the rule of the people is a democracy. A socialist government is a revolutionary government, hence all of its primary activities are focused on eliminating the exploitation of workers (the elimination of socioeconomic classes) and advancing the democratization and eventual final personalization of production (the consumers having complete control over the means of production = high-communism).

In the later stages of socialism and high-communism, workers keep and determine what is done with what they produce, not a capitalist or an elected government official or beurocrat. A democratic government is formed by the people to organize production (via rational central planning) and distribute what is produced to each according to their needs. That's the future due to technology replacing wage labor. In an earlier post, I showed how technology will create the necessity for socialism and eventually communism will be the final stage of human production, when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production, meeting all of his or her own needs without the need for anyone else. We are the ones who champion liberty and freedom, personal sovereignty and independence, not capitalists. In capitalism, only a few are genuinely free. We will create a world where people are truly free without exploiting others or being exploited.

Capitalists want to keep everyone enslaved and working for their own personal enrichment and power. We set everyone free from that exploitation by establishing a democratic government and system of production. The revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. The rule of the people rather than the rule of a few rich people at everyone else's expense. We want democracy, not a plutocracy. Capitalism always leads to plutocracy, the dictatorship of the wealthy at the expense of the working class (the vast majority of people). In the heights of capitalism, profits are always private and losses are made public. It's socialism for the rich and pick yourself up by your bootstraps capitalism for the rest of us. The working-class are forced to pay and bail out the capitalists, time and time again. That's capitalism. We've had enough, no more.
Last edited:
Kaz writes:
So in your Marxist utopian world...


It's not "utopian", it's just better and necessary. You can continue pretending that communists are proponents of creating a "utopia", if it serves your narrative about who we are and what we believe, but we're not proposing that?

Kaz writes:

can I hire people to work for me to produce my products for market if that is their own free choice?


Do you actually believe that workers sell their labor (their lives) to capitalists out of "free choice"? It's not a free choice for 99.9% of working-class people. They rent out their lives to a capitalist because if they don't they're homeless, eating at a soup kitchen. That's your idea of "free choice"? If I give you the "option" to be a cashier at my store or go homeless, is that really a "free choice"? No, it's not. If I place a gun to your head and tell you "give me your wallet or I'll kill you", if you give me your wallet was it a "free choice"? No. We live in an economic system that requires the vast majority of people to sell their labor power, which amounts to renting your life to another human being, perhaps sixteen hours daily (tens of millions of Americans work two fulltime jobs). Forcing yourself to be exploited by a capitalist.

What workers produce, is given to someone else. That worker might produce $1000 worth of product or profits, and only gets paid $50 daily, maybe $100 if they're lucky.

In slavery, the master keeps what is produced by a slave. In feudalism, the fief-lord keeps most of what is produced by a serf. In capitalism, the capitalist-employer keeps most of what is produced by the employee.

Capitalism is a system of human exploitation. A small minority and class of human beings exploiting others for their own personal gain, at the expense of the exploited. Is there democracy in the workplace? Generally, no. Most private for business enterprises, if not all of them, are run as little dictatorships. The boss is a dictator, sometimes a tyranical one. The defenders of capitalism often claim to be champions of liberty and freedom, yet they completely ignore the fact that in capitalism, there's no liberty or freedom in the workplace.

If it wasn't for American socialists and communists in the 1930s, during the great depression, we now wouldn't have social security benefits. The 40-hour work week was established thanks to leftist political activism. Unemployment benefits, worker insurance - compensation, pensions, paid vacations, the minimum wage, safety standards in the workplace, all of that is thanks to socialists and communists. The right to unionize, and form organizations that serve workers, it was all started by leftists. The true left, not the fake American liberals of today that can't even define what a woman is. That's not leftism, that's just a mental illness.

Socialism, in the beginning, allows for markets, and privately owned industry within the consumer goods sector of the economy, until all of the production of consumer goods, is in the hands of worker-run cooperatives. Socialism is the process that leads to communism, but that process can take decades, even centuries. So in the beginning private companies, run like dictatorships, can exist, but workers would have rights. Their rights would be protected. There would be a strong social and political movement towards unionizing labor and workers forming their own democratically run cooperatives. So essentially what socialism does is democratize production, it renders it a public activity and service, rather than a private and exploitative enterprise. Production is for the sake of meeting our needs, rather than for the monetary gain of a small group of people. The business is run to meet the community's needs with a bottom line that emphasizes the public good rather than private profits.

So yes, to a certain extent, privately owned businesses are permitted in the earliest stages of socialism only in the consumer goods market. Heavy industries are nationalized.

Kaz writes:
You also ignored my question. I said I'm not interested in your utopian ideal, I said who did it. You answered the question I told you not to.


I'm not responding to your rhetoric to convince you of anything. I write for the sake of others who are genuinely interested in learning more about socialism, not people with your attitude. I could care less if you feel I haven't answered your questions.

Kaz writes:

That was also the answer I already knew. I know Marxist theory,


You don't know shit. You're deluded and ignorant.

Kaz writes:

I just don't care since no ubiquitous government EVER eliminates itself. They continue to consolidate power


Not all governments have to be the same or pursue the same objectives (government isn't inherently good or inherently evil, it's whatever we want it to be). Government is a social apparatus organized by the people, to manage their large-scale socioeconomic civil affairs and projects. The dictatorship of the proletariat or the rule of the people is a democracy. A socialist government is a revolutionary government, hence all of its primary activities are focused on eliminating the exploitation of workers (the elimination of socioeconomic classes) and advancing the democratization and eventual final personalization of production (the consumers having complete control over the means of production = high-communism).

In the later stages of socialism and high-communism, workers keep and determine what is done with what they produce, not a capitalist or an elected government official or beurocrat. A democratic government is formed by the people to organize production (via rational central planning) and distribute what is produced to each according to their needs. That's the future due to technology replacing wage labor. In an earlier post, I showed how technology will create the necessity for socialism and eventually communism will be the final stage of human production, when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production, meeting all of his or her own needs without the need for anyone else. We are the ones who champion liberty and freedom, personal sovereignty and independence, not capitalists. In capitalism, only a few are genuinely free. We will create a world where people are truly free without exploiting others or being exploited.

Capitalists want to keep everyone enslaved and working for their own personal enrichment and power. We set everyone free from that exploitation by establishing a democratic government and system of production. The revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat. The rule of the people rather than the rule of a few rich people at everyone else's expense. We want democracy, not a plutocracy. Capitalism always leads to plutocracy, the dictatorship of the wealthy at the expense of the working class (the vast majority of people). In the heights of capitalism, profits are always private and losses are made public. It's socialism for the rich and pick yourself up by your bootstraps capitalism for the rest of us. The working-class are forced to pay and bail out the capitalists, time and time again. That's capitalism. We've had enough, no more.

Again, no Marxist government is going to build a Marxist utopia, then dissolve itself. It's never happened and never will. Imagine Nancy Pelosi telling the country they are ready and so she's going to give up her power. Or Angryman Biden or Screwloose Chuck. No one does that. You are just evading by claiming you don't own the communist reality and you're going to bicker over the ultimate theoretical end of communism where the government dissolves itself and just blicker that isn't a "utopia." You're full of it

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