"The ugliest election I've seen!" TRANSLATION: "My gawd, Republicans are finally fighting back!"

The shut down was Obama not congress.... Gees dont you guys ever stop lying?

Nope, sorry...not gonna work.

A certain Senator from Texas and a bunch of House stooges did it. Not the Prez's fault they were being a bunch of assholes in trying to destroy his signature legislation.

Didn't work, either.

The Obama refusing to sign a bill because it didn't have his monstrosity in it is not him shutting down the government???? You are full of shit.

Lawfully passed legislation that was one of the main issues in the election that the main guy who sponsored it won. The assholes were the ones trying to defund it, so YOU are full of shit.
The assholes that were trying to defund it were the majority in Congress, elected by a majority of the people. Therefore, they were doing that the majority wanted them to do and the minority in congress did not think that was fair.
The assholes were the ones forcing something through that obviously the majority of voters did not want, as would be evident by the number of newly elected congressmen that promised to shut down the ACA.

Not at that time.

The Republicans only had a majority in the House and it was already established that nationwide more people had actually voted for Dems in House races in the 2012 election. The only reason they kept their majority was through gerrymandering. So yeah, they had control, but "elected by a majority of the people"? Not so much.
I live in Maryland, dont even try to cry about the bullshit gerrymandering. The dems here made sure to fuck up the Real Americans votes and leave the power to the inferior beings.
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
I am a Republican and I agree with all of that.

The problem is that Democrats don't actually care about the environment or human rights.

Democrats are nothing but lying scum using the real concerns of the left wing to betray the nation, and Republicans are the only ones who are in any position to stop them from doing that.
I would ne'er how you came up with that. The propaganda you are inhaling has really done a number on your powers of reasoning
What propaganda?
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.
Well, if white people are so oppressed, why do white people hold so much wealth, so much power and so much influence? If Christians are so oppressed, why are there so many churches enjoying such large congregations? If there is so much sexism imposed on men, why do they earn more than women while doing the same work? Why have men been the sole residents of the White House while serving as President?

To some folks who have obviously enjoyed privledge, equality can feel like repression. Spreading that privledge around means sharing and sharing requires respect.
Nope, sorry...not gonna work.

A certain Senator from Texas and a bunch of House stooges did it. Not the Prez's fault they were being a bunch of assholes in trying to destroy his signature legislation.

Didn't work, either.

His signature legislation was supposed to save money and be self supporting, how could they be trying to kill something that supported itself by refusing to allocate funding to it. He lied right from the start.

The subsidies would be "self-funding"??
That was how it was sold.
It was going to save the taxpayers money, save the government money. How does something that saves money require funding?
and yes, obama did shut down the government, the bill that was put on his desk had everything in it to keep government funded, except for the ACA funding. It wasnt the republicans that shut it down, they did their job. IT was the democrats crying because their redistribution plan wasnt funded.

When did he ever say, "self-funding"?
“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits—either now or in the future.

that promise right there means that it would not cost the taxpayers more.
you have to consider the fact that the U.S has no money and every dollar it spends right now is added to the deficit.

Deficits have gone down since then, so again...

where did he make the claim that this law would "self-funding"? I'm pretty sure no one ever realistically thought that would be the case when newly-insured people on the program would need subsidies.
Nope, sorry...not gonna work.

A certain Senator from Texas and a bunch of House stooges did it. Not the Prez's fault they were being a bunch of assholes in trying to destroy his signature legislation.

Didn't work, either.

The Obama refusing to sign a bill because it didn't have his monstrosity in it is not him shutting down the government???? You are full of shit.

Lawfully passed legislation that was one of the main issues in the election that the main guy who sponsored it won. The assholes were the ones trying to defund it, so YOU are full of shit.
The assholes that were trying to defund it were the majority in Congress, elected by a majority of the people. Therefore, they were doing that the majority wanted them to do and the minority in congress did not think that was fair.
The assholes were the ones forcing something through that obviously the majority of voters did not want, as would be evident by the number of newly elected congressmen that promised to shut down the ACA.

Not at that time.

The Republicans only had a majority in the House and it was already established that nationwide more people had actually voted for Dems in House races in the 2012 election. The only reason they kept their majority was through gerrymandering. So yeah, they had control, but "elected by a majority of the people"? Not so much.
I live in Maryland, dont even try to cry about the bullshit gerrymandering. The dems here made sure to fuck up the Real Americans votes and leave the power to the inferior beings.
Simple fact of the matter is, after the 2012 election, wingnuts like you were clearly NOT a majority. And it's not long after that that your wingnut heroes in the Congress pulled that stunt that only ended up making them look bad without accomplishing the goal that Sen. Cruz likely knew couldn't be accomplished anyway.
I am a Republican and I agree with all of that.

The problem is that Democrats don't actually care about the environment or human rights.

Democrats are nothing but lying scum using the real concerns of the left wing to betray the nation, and Republicans are the only ones who are in any position to stop them from doing that.
I would ne'er how you came up with that. The propaganda you are inhaling has really done a number on your powers of reasoning
What propaganda?
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.
Well, if white people are so oppressed, why do white people hold so much wealth, so much power and so much influence? If Christians are so oppressed, why are there so many churches enjoying such large congregations? If there is so much sexism imposed on men, why do they earn more than women while doing the same work? Why have men been the sole residents of the White House while serving as President?

To some folks who have obviously enjoyed privledge, equality can feel like repression. Spreading that privledge around means sharing and sharing requires respect.
There were multiple posters(all Democrats)on this site alone defending an idiot high school teacher that said "all white people are racist", that is not "spreading the privilege around".

Stop with the strawman idiocy and just admit you and your disgusting party are not progressive in the least.

A real progressive who honestly believed in "white privilege" and the like would establish a mean by which all groups could safely achieve a relatively equal standing in society. Letting the chips fall where they may only after massive demographic shifts have radically transformed the entirety of the western world is not "spreading the privilege around", it is consciously leaving white people to be oppressed in ways that were previously unimaginable.
Democrats are reeling in shock and horror, and ratcheting up their rhetoric to hysterical levels.

Actually, I believe most if not all Democrats are reeling with hysterical laughter as the republican party and the nutters self destruct.
As a Democrat I can only speak for myself, but I don't want the Republican Party to self destruct. Our democracy requires vigorous and honest debate. Without an honest opponent, we may fall into the worst situation possible, namely one party rule.
Then why are you a Democrat?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
what rights aren't equal?
Fighting back from what?
Republicans have controlled the House for 16 of the last 20 years, had control of the Senate about as much Dems and 8 years of the presidency. It's not like they were sitting on the sidelines.
Democrats are reeling in shock and horror, and ratcheting up their rhetoric to hysterical levels.

Actually, I believe most if not all Democrats are reeling with hysterical laughter as the republican party and the nutters self destruct.
As a Democrat I can only speak for myself, but I don't want the Republican Party to self destruct. Our democracy requires vigorous and honest debate. Without an honest opponent, we may fall into the worst situation possible, namely one party rule.
Then why are you a Democrat?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
what rights aren't equal?
employment, school admission, protection under the law to name a few
The ugliest election I've seen!" TRANSLATION: when demrats are losing.;):)
His signature legislation was supposed to save money and be self supporting, how could they be trying to kill something that supported itself by refusing to allocate funding to it. He lied right from the start.

The subsidies would be "self-funding"??
That was how it was sold.
It was going to save the taxpayers money, save the government money. How does something that saves money require funding?
and yes, obama did shut down the government, the bill that was put on his desk had everything in it to keep government funded, except for the ACA funding. It wasnt the republicans that shut it down, they did their job. IT was the democrats crying because their redistribution plan wasnt funded.

When did he ever say, "self-funding"?
“I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits—either now or in the future.

that promise right there means that it would not cost the taxpayers more.
you have to consider the fact that the U.S has no money and every dollar it spends right now is added to the deficit.

Deficits have gone down since then, so again...

where did he make the claim that this law would "self-funding"? I'm pretty sure no one ever realistically thought that would be the case when newly-insured people on the program would need subsidies.
those subsidies were supposed to come from the people that paid full price, problem is that those people in the income range to pay full price did not sign up through the ACA, thus, it left a void that had to be filled by government.
Why do you think they are pushing so hard for single payer?
Actually, I believe most if not all Democrats are reeling with hysterical laughter as the republican party and the nutters self destruct.
As a Democrat I can only speak for myself, but I don't want the Republican Party to self destruct. Our democracy requires vigorous and honest debate. Without an honest opponent, we may fall into the worst situation possible, namely one party rule.
Then why are you a Democrat?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
what rights aren't equal?
employment, school admission, protection under the law to name a few
how do you figure that?
As a Democrat I can only speak for myself, but I don't want the Republican Party to self destruct. Our democracy requires vigorous and honest debate. Without an honest opponent, we may fall into the worst situation possible, namely one party rule.
Then why are you a Democrat?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
what rights aren't equal?
employment, school admission, protection under the law to name a few
how do you figure that?
You havent lived in this country for too long have you, or maybe you have but just have not graduated high school yet.
But the authors of the Affordable Care Act didn't want the subsidies to become a drain on the Treasury and add to the deficits. So they included provisions designed to offset the cost of the subsidies.

MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who helped develop the law, says about half the costs are offset by projected savings in Medicare payments to insurers and hospitals. Another quarter is offset by added taxes on medical-device makers and drug companies.

"The other source of revenue is a tax increase on the wealthiest Americans," he says. "Those families with incomes above $250,000 a year will now have to pay more in Medicare payroll taxes."

Those provisions actually make the bill a net positive for the federal budget, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. By the CBO's accounting, Obamacare will produce a surplus. Gruber says the law will "actually lower the deficit by about $100 billion over the next decade and by $1 trillion in the decade after."

How The Affordable Care Act Pays For Insurance Subsidies

Don't see anything suggesting that public financing isn't involved.
Then why are you a Democrat?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
what rights aren't equal?
employment, school admission, protection under the law to name a few
how do you figure that?
You havent lived in this country for too long have you, or maybe you have but just have not graduated high school yet.
so you're saying we're in the 1960s? So all the civil rights changes didn't happen?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
what rights aren't equal?
employment, school admission, protection under the law to name a few
how do you figure that?
You havent lived in this country for too long have you, or maybe you have but just have not graduated high school yet.
so you're saying we're in the 1960s? So all the civil rights changes didn't happen?
I dont recall mentioning the 60s. please point out where you came up with that?
Im living in the real world, today. Join me and the others that are already here. You will find it most interesting.
what rights aren't equal?
employment, school admission, protection under the law to name a few
how do you figure that?
You havent lived in this country for too long have you, or maybe you have but just have not graduated high school yet.
so you're saying we're in the 1960s? So all the civil rights changes didn't happen?
I dont recall mentioning the 60s. please point out where you came up with that?
Im living in the real world, today. Join me and the others that are already here. You will find it most interesting.
where is employment unfair today? name some company. School admission for whom? Inner cities have schools, paid for by working tax payers. protection under the law, what the hell does that even mean?
Actually, I believe most if not all Democrats are reeling with hysterical laughter as the republican party and the nutters self destruct.
As a Democrat I can only speak for myself, but I don't want the Republican Party to self destruct. Our democracy requires vigorous and honest debate. Without an honest opponent, we may fall into the worst situation possible, namely one party rule.
Then why are you a Democrat?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
what rights aren't equal?
employment, school admission, protection under the law to name a few
Back to the subject:
It's a real hoot to see Democrats and their tame media whining about what an "ugly" election cycle this is.

The only difference between this one and previous national elections, is that when Democrats hand out their usual lies, diversions, and deceit... this time the Republicans are fighting back and refuting them! Using tactics similar to those Democrats have used for years. Even the top guy on the ticket is doing it for a change.

Democrats are reeling in shock and horror, and ratcheting up their rhetoric to hysterical levels.

This is an unprecedented event in living memory. Republicans have always been the "nice guys" in every election, hoping people will see their comparative civility as reason to elect them. When Democrats make up videos showing Paul Ryan pushing Granny over a cliff in a wheelchair, Republicans simply call it "nonsense" and let it go. When Democrats accuse Republicans of poisoning the water and air, dispossessing Senior citizens, and stealing food from children, Republicans ignore it with the contempt it deserves.

But now Republicans are digging into Democrats' past, showing how Democrat policies have failed time and again, refuting Democrat lies, and demonstrating the Dems' unfitness for elected office.

No wonder the campaign looks ugly. For the first time in a national election, the Republicans are fighting as fiercely as the Democrats. And using some of the same tactics.

The media is right. For a change. You can't get much uglier than that.
It's a real hoot to see Democrats and their tame media whining about what an "ugly" election cycle this is.

The only difference between this one and previous national elections, is that when Democrats hand out their usual lies, diversions, and deceit... this time the Republicans are fighting back and refuting them! Using tactics similar to those Democrats have used for years. Even the top guy on the ticket is doing it for a change.

Democrats are reeling in shock and horror, and ratcheting up their rhetoric to hysterical levels.

This is an unprecedented event in living memory. Republicans have always been the "nice guys" in every election, hoping people will see their comparative civility as reason to elect them. When Democrats make up videos showing Paul Ryan pushing Granny over a cliff in a wheelchair, Republicans simply call it "nonsense" and let it go. When Democrats accuse Republicans of poisoning the water and air, dispossessing Senior citizens, and stealing food from children, Republicans ignore it with the contempt it deserves.

But now Republicans are digging into Democrats' past, showing how Democrat policies have failed time and again, refuting Democrat lies, and demonstrating the Dems' unfitness for elected office.

No wonder the campaign looks ugly. For the first time in a national election, the Republicans are fighting as fiercely as the Democrats. And using some of the same tactics.

The media is right. For a change. You can't get much uglier than that.

Great post. Thanks.

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