"The ugliest election I've seen!" TRANSLATION: "My gawd, Republicans are finally fighting back!"

Arrogance. That's all the right has now. That and Fuckface von Clownstick as their party leader.
Lies, insults, curses, and namecalling. That's all the left has now. That and an arrogant leftist fanatic as their party leader.
I am a recent convert to Republicanism. Hillary and her Liberal cadre disgusts me. They are sell outs to popular ideals and are just Machiavellian schemers. Liberals have just sold their collective souls to pseudo intellectual causes. And that is soo much better than being conservative?
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I am a Republican and I agree with all of that.

The problem is that Democrats don't actually care about the environment or human rights.

Democrats are nothing but lying scum using the real concerns of the left wing to betray the nation, and Republicans are the only ones who are in any position to stop them from doing that.
I would ne'er how you came up with that. The propaganda you are inhaling has really done a number on your powers of reasoning
What propaganda?
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...
The republicans aren't fighting, They are pitching a tantrum. Made up crap and lies don't stand much chance in a real fight.
Whenever you post, all you do is prove what a bunch of douche bags Democrats are.
Back to the subject:
It's a real hoot to see Democrats and their tame media whining about what an "ugly" election cycle this is.

The only difference between this one and previous national elections, is that when Democrats hand out their usual lies, diversions, and deceit... this time the Republicans are fighting back and refuting them! Using tactics similar to those Democrats have used for years. Even the top guy on the ticket is doing it for a change.

Democrats are reeling in shock and horror, and ratcheting up their rhetoric to hysterical levels.

This is an unprecedented event in living memory. Republicans have always been the "nice guys" in every election, hoping people will see their comparative civility as reason to elect them. When Democrats make up videos showing Paul Ryan pushing Granny over a cliff in a wheelchair, Republicans simply call it "nonsense" and let it go. When Democrats accuse Republicans of poisoning the water and air, dispossessing Senior citizens, and stealing food from children, Republicans ignore it with the contempt it deserves.

But now Republicans are digging into Democrats' past, showing how Democrat policies have failed time and again, refuting Democrat lies, and demonstrating the Dems' unfitness for elected office.

No wonder the campaign looks ugly. For the first time in a national election, the Republicans are fighting as fiercely as the Democrats. And using some of the same tactics.

The media is right. For a change. You can't get much uglier than that.

You know when you have to repeat yourself a third time nobody gives a flying fuck about what you have to say, right?
I would ne'er how you came up with that. The propaganda you are inhaling has really done a number on your powers of reasoning
What propaganda?
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?
Back to the subject:
It's a real hoot to see Democrats and their tame media whining about what an "ugly" election cycle this is.

The only difference between this one and previous national elections, is that when Democrats hand out their usual lies, diversions, and deceit... this time the Republicans are fighting back and refuting them! Using tactics similar to those Democrats have used for years. Even the top guy on the ticket is doing it for a change.

Democrats are reeling in shock and horror, and ratcheting up their rhetoric to hysterical levels.

This is an unprecedented event in living memory. Republicans have always been the "nice guys" in every election, hoping people will see their comparative civility as reason to elect them. When Democrats make up videos showing Paul Ryan pushing Granny over a cliff in a wheelchair, Republicans simply call it "nonsense" and let it go. When Democrats accuse Republicans of poisoning the water and air, dispossessing Senior citizens, and stealing food from children, Republicans ignore it with the contempt it deserves.

But now Republicans are digging into Democrats' past, showing how Democrat policies have failed time and again, refuting Democrat lies, and demonstrating the Dems' unfitness for elected office.

No wonder the campaign looks ugly. For the first time in a national election, the Republicans are fighting as fiercely as the Democrats. And using some of the same tactics.

The media is right. For a change. You can't get much uglier than that.

You know when you have to repeat yourself a third time nobody gives a flying fuck about what you have to say, right?

Funny. I thought you were talking to yourself ...
What propaganda?
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?

Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren isn't winning shit
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?

Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren isn't winning shit

That's Senator Warren to you
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?

Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren isn't winning shit

That's Senator Warren to you

Warren your welcome?
What propaganda?
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?

We have to start preparing. They are going to run Ted Nugent, next!
Then why are you a Democrat?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
Odium. What is so "funny" about my post?
Your bed wetting is what's funny. How is the economy after 8 yeas of Obama? Not any better,How are "equal rights" 8 years after Obama? ONLY thing that changed was because of Supreme Court NOT Obama. How has environment done under Obama? Keystone,Oil spills,spills into rivers in Colorado etc etc. War on Coal has DESTROYED people's livelihoods. NOTHING you have said you wanted happened under Obama and sure the fuck won't under Clinton who is smarter but more vile and cold blooded than Obama and more power hungry.
When President Obama was elected in 2008, the nation was losing 500,000 jobs a month, the financial system was collapsing, unemployment topped out at 9%, the American automobile industry had one foot in the grave, the other on a banana peel. His policies have brought this nation back. Compare our current economy to other industrialized nations and you will see we are the envy of the world.

You might recall that President Obama opposed the Keystone pipeline, right wingers gave him nothing but grief for that. The "War on Coal" began with the George Bush 41 administration and has only gotten worse due to fracking and the cheap natural gas right here under the Marcellus and Utica shale formations.

Under President Obama the unemployment rate plunged to 4.9% and wages have increased by 2.9% just last quarter.

Whenever there is more equality, we are better. Even if you want to credit the Supreme Court for marriage equality, you still have to give them credit.

Under Trump, the rich will get tax breaks and the middle class will once again get screwed. A terrible price to pay just to feel all warm and Ramboie.
I never said that. But if the massive economic fail fits...
Whatever propaganda you were fed to develop such a warped and in precise world view.
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?

We have to start preparing. They are going to run Ted Nugent, next!
You really hate successful white men don't you?
Because I don't believe in trickle down economics, I believe that all Americans deserve equal rights, I believe that the environment needs protection from polluters, I believe workers deserve fair treatment from employers. I could go on, but you seem trigger happy with the 'funny' rating.
Odium. What is so "funny" about my post?
Your bed wetting is what's funny. How is the economy after 8 yeas of Obama? Not any better,How are "equal rights" 8 years after Obama? ONLY thing that changed was because of Supreme Court NOT Obama. How has environment done under Obama? Keystone,Oil spills,spills into rivers in Colorado etc etc. War on Coal has DESTROYED people's livelihoods. NOTHING you have said you wanted happened under Obama and sure the fuck won't under Clinton who is smarter but more vile and cold blooded than Obama and more power hungry.
When President Obama was elected in 2008, the nation was losing 500,000 jobs a month, the financial system was collapsing, unemployment topped out at 9%, the American automobile industry had one foot in the grave, the other on a banana peel. His policies have brought this nation back. Compare our current economy to other industrialized nations and you will see we are the envy of the world.

You might recall that President Obama opposed the Keystone pipeline, right wingers gave him nothing but grief for that. The "War on Coal" began with the George Bush 41 administration and has only gotten worse due to fracking and the cheap natural gas right here under the Marcellus and Utica shale formations.

Under President Obama the unemployment rate plunged to 4.9% and wages have increased by 2.9% just last quarter.

Whenever there is more equality, we are better. Even if you want to credit the Supreme Court for marriage equality, you still have to give them credit.

Under Trump, the rich will get tax breaks and the middle class will once again get screwed. A terrible price to pay just to feel all warm and Ramboie.
I never said that. But if the massive economic fail fits...
Thats odd coming from you a person who cant admit Obama has fucked our economy in ways that will take years to fix. You do know it is socialists like you that gave us Donald Trump right?
It is called rationalization.

You can't have huge swaths of so called "humanitarians", "egalitarians" and "progressives" literally defending racism against white people, sexism against men and religious bigotry against Christians just because they feel those groups are "privileged". Democrats and their asshole counterparts in the EU have literally racialized the global perception of political spectrum, that is not "liberal" or "progressive" at all.

I am a humanist.
The only people I don't defend are those who don't defend themselves.

You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?

We have to start preparing. They are going to run Ted Nugent, next!
You really hate successful white men don't you?

It's the first duty of every leftist to victimize themselves. He's a white male, so he trots out to say it's all our fault. It doesn't matter what the definition of it is
You have no idea what you are talking about. None.

From the chick who thinks her candidate is Pocahontas ...

Is it 2020 yet?

We have to start preparing. They are going to run Ted Nugent, next!
You really hate successful white men don't you?

It's the first duty of every leftist to victimize themselves. He's a white male, so he trots out to say it's all our fault. It doesn't matter what the definition of it is
It is why taking back our schools is the most important thing because they make idiots like him.

It is surreal Trump actually won. God I hope it wasnt a mistake.
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