The UK is falling apart

Today I went to a local supermarket called Sainsburys.
Whilst there I had reason to visit the toilets to relieve myself.
Sainsburys fit a sort of screen in the urinals that make it impossible to see what you neighbour is packing.
Obviously such leftist sophistry plays into the hands of the leftist degenerate homo community OMG.
I did what I had to do and left without knowing if there had been a tranny perve next to me whilst I undertook an intimate act.
I feel violated.
Well, that's Sainsburys for you. Next time, try Tesco. Or if you can stand the stench of class distinction (.. I'm betting you can't ..), try Waitrose ...
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

I love how you and yours address our social and serious problems of today.

Either pretend they do not exist or ignore them.

Or you can provide an anecdote (real or not it does not matter) and think you have proved a point, that the world is fine and calm as ever.
And if you dare defend yourself or you loved ones, you are called a criminal.

Even Her majesty,God bless her, has been told by Commissar Khan to cover up. She has to do it because he now holds the keys to the Tower of London s part of the Mayoral portfolio.

Even Her majesty,God bless her, has been told by Commissar Khan to cover up. She has to do it because he now holds the keys to the Tower of London s part of the Mayoral portfolio.

Yet she can still have him arrested and thrown in the dungeons, so she does not have to do anything. Expect the Labour party members to start on him very soon
Today I went to a local supermarket called Sainsburys.
Whilst there I had reason to visit the toilets to relieve myself.
Sainsburys fit a sort of screen in the urinals that make it impossible to see what you neighbour is packing.
Obviously such leftist sophistry plays into the hands of the leftist degenerate homo community OMG.
I did what I had to do and left without knowing if there had been a tranny perve next to me whilst I undertook an intimate act.
I feel violated.

You should have been, then you might feel what the rest of humanity feels
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

Good story gramps. Being a gramp myself I also have enlightening stories to tell youngsters how to render a dangerous situation, benign.
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!
Hilarious! You are the undeniable UK version of Archie Bunker! I think you're playing it up a bit for humor sake, but even if you meant every word I can't deny I enjoy your honest expression of political views.
No Kidding, London just got their first Islamic Mayor.
You are already in the toilet.
Good idea since in England you are not allowed to protect yourself with a gun.

"The bearing of arms is a sign of citizenship, which is to say, of being a full participant in government who acts through it, as opposed to subjectship, the state of being a passive being who does not act through government but who is acted upon."

Democrats Abandon Due Process
The fightback starts.

Norfolk is being transformed into a "holding centre" where darkies will be confined until we can work out where to ship them to.

The work has been outsourced to respected organisations like Serco and Capita who are being incentivised on the throughput of non Aryan type minorities.

They will get extra for every dirty muslim savage they can ship out.

God save the Queen !!

Next target is that fucking Paki Mayor who chose to spend the day sucking up to degenerate sodomites at the so called "Pride" thing in London .

We never had that sort of thing in the 50s and the sooner we are back there the better.
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

Sounds like Tommy-girl is jealous he doesn't get the same attention from Muslim rape gangs as teenage girls in Sweeden and Germany do.

But since you're so keen on wanting to prove how great Muslims are, why not visit your local mosque. Make friends with them, and while you're at it, ask them their opinion of Jews, and homosexuals too.

Don't worry Tommy, you have nothing to worry about!
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

Sounds like Tommy-girl is jealous he doesn't get the same attention from Muslim rape gangs as teenage girls in Sweeden and Germany do.

But since you're so keen on wanting to prove how great Muslims are, why not visit your local mosque. Make friends with them, and while you're at it, ask them their opinion of Jews, and homosexuals too.

Don't worry Tommy, you have nothing to worry about!
Actually the local mosque holds an annual open day where the public is invited in and treated to marvellous hospitality.


Obviously the devious bastards dont show you where they make the bombs.

LOL, Wishful thinking by the idiots.

The leader of the main populist anti-EU M5 party in Italy backtracks. Anti-EU proponents are beginning to be viewed as traitors and pariahs. This Brexit is great for the EU.

"Di Maio (M5s): "Mai messo in discussione la nostra permanenza nella Ue"

"I have never questioned our membership in the EU"

Di Maio (M5s): "Mai messo in discussione la nostra permanenza nella Ue"
Yes, I have hardly been out of the house this year thanks to my unfortunate fall before Christmas.

Stories about the rape of Europe are rife and so you will excuse my nervousness on venturing out to the shop this morning.This is what happened to me.

Its about half a mile from my front door so I took the precaution of carrying a damned big stick in order to beat off any crazed Muslim Savage Rape Gangs I might bump into.

It must have been my lucky day as I was able to get to the shop without incident. Whilst shopping I bumped into the Vicar who told me that he was en route to the local primary school to give the lesson that morning.

I asked him what the subject was and he replied “The importance of honesty in all our dealings”.

Hmmph. I told him that the savage Sharias would cut your tongue out for lying and asked him what consequences of lying he was preaching to our kids.

Oh dear.I wish I hadnt asked.

I think you will agree with me that “Feeling you have let yourself down “ doesnt really compare with getting your tongue filleted.

I lost patience with him and told him that he was responsible for a Britainstan where our sacred Queen now wears a hijab/burka when driving round London in order to deter the Cologne style rape gangs swarming round our blessed white women.

“Well Tommy, I know you have been laid up for a while but its not quite as bad as you are making out. You know that nobody has been convicted of rape in that Cologne thing dont you ? “

Commie, Marxist, Wanker.

On the way home some Paki kid started running after me. I tensed up, gripped my tool and prepared to sell myself dearly.

“Mr Tainant sir” he smirked “You dropped your wallet outside the shop, here you are”.

He reached out and handed me my wallet.


“How do you know my name ?

“I was in school with your son and my Dad is your GP. I washed your car for the scouts as well.”

Cocky little bastard. I took my wallet,counted my money and told him to get back to his bomb building.

Raping savage bastards are everywhere but I managed to get home in one piece. Just !!

Sounds like Tommy-girl is jealous he doesn't get the same attention from Muslim rape gangs as teenage girls in Sweeden and Germany do.

But since you're so keen on wanting to prove how great Muslims are, why not visit your local mosque. Make friends with them, and while you're at it, ask them their opinion of Jews, and homosexuals too.

Don't worry Tommy, you have nothing to worry about!
Actually the local mosque holds an annual open day where the public is invited in and treated to marvellous hospitality.


Obviously the devious bastards dont show you where they make the bombs.

LOL, one PR day and Tommy-girl is a believer.

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