The Ultimate Tool for Redemption

Is it a second language for you?
No worries.
You said if we reject god while here on earth then we don't get him in the afterlife. Did I read that correctly?
If that was the end of the story, that would seem fair.
But the story continues.
Not only do we not get god in the afterlife, we get brutally tortured forever.
I like your version better.
Was this clearer?
It seems identical to me.

Do you ever have a point? Other than to try and bait Christians?

The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.
Do you ever have a point? Other than to try and bait Christians?

The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.
Of course, had you been born and raised in the far east, you would be threatening folks with different gods in different "holy" texts.
The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.
Of course, had you been born and raised in the far east, you would be threatening folks with different gods in different "holy" texts.

Not true. I viewed everyone differently before I decided to believe in Jesus.
an example of the inequities pervasive in scriptural "Christianity" whereby "while living" they rely on a "Savior" as "we could all simply murder, rape, pillage, steal, lie, and cheat and be rewarded for it" to save themselves - and without retribution even to the victim.

the same as above - "and be rewarded for it when we get around to repenting".


Would you rather have an eye for an eye? A world where there is no forgiveness?

What can you give for an eye?

Restitution is still a Biblical concept.

Luke 19:8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."

What system works where a person is trash and can't redeem himself especially in a world that is out of control?

And retribution is a concept because Christ paid for every sin. Ask Him what it costs him for your sins.

nothing -

that might have worked had JC returned within a few days, however the magnitude of sinefullness since year 0 would preclude in practicality anything accomplished at that time - which means the Christian religion's beliefs are inaccurate and the proper interpretation is the Heavens are rightfully waiting for humanity to - Redeem Themselves.


No. You're incorrect if you believe what the Bible says. If you don't believe the Bible then you're still incorrect.

Hebrews 10:10, "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." KJV

Hebrews 10:10, "By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

Christ's one-time sacrifice is sufficient for all mankind throughout all the ages. If His sacrifice isn't sufficient to cleanse His entire creation of sin then it's an imperfect sacrifice.

However, the Bible says that Christ was the "Lamb of God" without spot or blemish. He was perfect and, therefore, a perfect sacrifice:

1 Peter 1:19, "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:"
What? Speak English.

Is it a second language for you?
No worries.
You said if we reject god while here on earth then we don't get him in the afterlife. Did I read that correctly?
If that was the end of the story, that would seem fair.
But the story continues.
Not only do we not get god in the afterlife, we get brutally tortured forever.I like your version better.
Was this clearer?
It seems identical to me.

You're very blatantly displaying your lack of understanding of Christian doctrine, pastor. :eusa_naughty:

Some people get in without going to seminary because they know how to talk their way in to gullible people.
You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.
Of course, had you been born and raised in the far east, you would be threatening folks with different gods in different "holy" texts.

Not true. I viewed everyone differently before I decided to believe in Jesus.

It's precisely true. Educate yourself. Do a search for predominant religious faith and geographic location.
Do you ever have a point? Other than to try and bait Christians?

The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.

That is certainly one interpretation.
The irony is that the more liberal mainstream denominations have interpreted scripture exactly that way, while the fundamentalists are still preaching the lake of fire.
I think they are both nonsense, personally.
It is not that kind of equation.

You are basically getting what you want. You don't want God here, you don't get God there.

Now that would be fair.
Why isn't that the deal being discussed here.
Instead you don't get god AND you get unmercifully tortured for eternity.
Different proposition.
Let's agree on your reading.

In your supposed years at seminary and as an acting pastor, you never understood the concept that the definition of 'unmercifully tortured' is an eternal existence without God? It's not an 'and' proposition, it is causal. You get unmercifully tortured for eternity because you are without God. Your lie shows with every post you make. :eusa_whistle:

Again, you can interpret it that way if you like. The liberal mainstream Christians do. If you want to call your more conservative believers on here who are your allies liars, that is your choice. Many are fully invested in the "lake of fire" imagery. The bombs you throw don't care who they maim.
If you do, it doesn't change that you are eternally tortured, however you define the method of torture. That was the part missing from the post I responded to.
Perhaps you could expend a little energy explaining to that poster that eternal torture, however defined, is part of the deal.
That was my point, and you seem to agree.
Now that would be fair.
Why isn't that the deal being discussed here.
Instead you don't get god AND you get unmercifully tortured for eternity.
Different proposition.
Let's agree on your reading.

In your supposed years at seminary and as an acting pastor, you never understood the concept that the definition of 'unmercifully tortured' is an eternal existence without God? It's not an 'and' proposition, it is causal. You get unmercifully tortured for eternity because you are without God. Your lie shows with every post you make. :eusa_whistle:

Again, you can interpret it that way if you like. The liberal mainstream Christians do. If you want to call your more conservative believers on here who are your allies liars, that is your choice. Many are fully invested in the "lake of fire" imagery. The bombs you throw don't care who they maim.
If you do, it doesn't change that you are eternally tortured, however you define the method of torture. That was the part missing from the post I responded to.
Perhaps you could expend a little energy explaining to that poster that eternal torture, however defined, is part of the deal.
That was my point, and you seem to agree.

No one believes what the liberal mainstream churches use to preach anymore. They say, "That's nonsense". They are off to new lies as a result.
In your supposed years at seminary and as an acting pastor, you never understood the concept that the definition of 'unmercifully tortured' is an eternal existence without God? It's not an 'and' proposition, it is causal. You get unmercifully tortured for eternity because you are without God. Your lie shows with every post you make. :eusa_whistle:

Again, you can interpret it that way if you like. The liberal mainstream Christians do. If you want to call your more conservative believers on here who are your allies liars, that is your choice. Many are fully invested in the "lake of fire" imagery. The bombs you throw don't care who they maim.
If you do, it doesn't change that you are eternally tortured, however you define the method of torture. That was the part missing from the post I responded to.
Perhaps you could expend a little energy explaining to that poster that eternal torture, however defined, is part of the deal.
That was my point, and you seem to agree.

No one believes what the liberal mainstream churches use to preach anymore. They say, "That's nonsense". They are off to new lies as a result.
Tell Newby.
Again, you can interpret it that way if you like. The liberal mainstream Christians do. If you want to call your more conservative believers on here who are your allies liars, that is your choice. Many are fully invested in the "lake of fire" imagery. The bombs you throw don't care who they maim.
If you do, it doesn't change that you are eternally tortured, however you define the method of torture. That was the part missing from the post I responded to.
Perhaps you could expend a little energy explaining to that poster that eternal torture, however defined, is part of the deal.
That was my point, and you seem to agree.

No one believes what the liberal mainstream churches use to preach anymore. They say, "That's nonsense". They are off to new lies as a result.
Tell Newby.

Fight your own fight.
Do you ever have a point? Other than to try and bait Christians?

The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.

the Almighty is the overseer of the Everlasting - there is no necessity to be as God or be in the Deity's presence, the sole Commandment is simply for those interested to accomplish Admission and by Prophecy, one must be sinless when registering the application ... otherwise perish after a life as a mortal whatever one makes of it.

Would you rather have an eye for an eye? A world where there is no forgiveness?

What can you give for an eye?

Restitution is still a Biblical concept.

Luke 19:8 But Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, "Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount."

What system works where a person is trash and can't redeem himself especially in a world that is out of control?

And retribution is a concept because Christ paid for every sin. Ask Him what it costs him for your sins.

nothing -

that might have worked had JC returned within a few days, however the magnitude of sinefullness since year 0 would preclude in practicality anything accomplished at that time - which means the Christian religion's beliefs are inaccurate and the proper interpretation is the Heavens are rightfully waiting for humanity to - Redeem Themselves.


No. You're incorrect if you believe what the Bible says. If you don't believe the Bible then you're still incorrect.

Hebrews 10:10, "By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." KJV

Hebrews 10:10, "By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

Christ's one-time sacrifice is sufficient for all mankind throughout all the ages. If His sacrifice isn't sufficient to cleanse His entire creation of sin then it's an imperfect sacrifice.

However, the Bible says that Christ was the "Lamb of God" without spot or blemish. He was perfect and, therefore, a perfect sacrifice:

1 Peter 1:19, "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:"

... a perfect sacrifice:

no doubt JC was sinless, and is the example for humanity to exemplify to accomplish Remission. -

the Crucifixion was an example of what not to do.

The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.

That is certainly one interpretation.
The irony is that the more liberal mainstream denominations have interpreted scripture exactly that way, while the fundamentalists are still preaching the lake of fire.
I think they are both nonsense, personally.

Well, it is what the Biblical texts relate.
You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.

That is certainly one interpretation.
The irony is that the more liberal mainstream denominations have interpreted scripture exactly that way, while the fundamentalists are still preaching the lake of fire.
I think they are both nonsense, personally.

Well, it is what the Biblical texts relate.
That's why I wondered why you left it out.
The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.
Of course, had you been born and raised in the far east, you would be threatening folks with different gods in different "holy" texts.

What makes you say that? There aren't Christians in Asia?
The point is obvious. If the afterlife for the Godless was simply a neutral situation absent of God, that would be a fair "reward" for being Godless in life.

If the reward isn't simply the absence of God, but also ETERNAL TORTURE, how is that fair?

If God is just -and- he loves each of us, how is -ETERNAL- torture a just punishment for -anything-?

You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.

That is certainly one interpretation.
The irony is that the more liberal mainstream denominations have interpreted scripture exactly that way, while the fundamentalists are still preaching the lake of fire.
I think they are both nonsense, personally.

They are not necessarily mutually exclusive, 'lake of fire' could be a description of what the absence of God will be like that we as human beings can relate too.

When did you determine it was nonsense, how many years did you believe it to be true and teach it to congregations as such?
You and your buddy Bruce, just don't get it, do you?? The very absence of God for the human soul is the cause of the eternal torture. You are separated from God for eternity, and that IS your torture. Read the Bible and educate yourself.
Of course, had you been born and raised in the far east, you would be threatening folks with different gods in different "holy" texts.

What makes you say that? There aren't Christians in Asia?

You do understand that religious belief and the gods that predominate those religious beliefs are largely a matter of geography, right?

Here's a pop quiz. There are Asians in America (and the North American continent, Europe...)

What's the predominant religion there, say, as opposed to to the Indian Subcontinent?
Now that would be fair.
Why isn't that the deal being discussed here.
Instead you don't get god AND you get unmercifully tortured for eternity.
Different proposition.
Let's agree on your reading.

In your supposed years at seminary and as an acting pastor, you never understood the concept that the definition of 'unmercifully tortured' is an eternal existence without God? It's not an 'and' proposition, it is causal. You get unmercifully tortured for eternity because you are without God. Your lie shows with every post you make. :eusa_whistle:

Again, you can interpret it that way if you like. The liberal mainstream Christians do. If you want to call your more conservative believers on here who are your allies liars, that is your choice. Many are fully invested in the "lake of fire" imagery. The bombs you throw don't care who they maim.
If you do, it doesn't change that you are eternally tortured, however you define the method of torture. That was the part missing from the post I responded to.
Perhaps you could expend a little energy explaining to that poster that eternal torture, however defined, is part of the deal.
That was my point, and you seem to agree.

No, you're not accurate at all, it is taught that way in conservative christian churches as well, it's how I've always understood it, and I don't attend a liberal church. You are confused and you really don't understand what I'm saying, which again reinforces that you were never a christian pastor of any kind. ;)

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