The UN has not confirmed Ukrainian allegations about “hundreds of victims of Bucha” so far.


VIP Member
Jan 21, 2020

At the beginning of April 2022 Ukrainian authorities invited Western journalists to the Ukrainian city of Bucha and showed them dead bodies of civilians who had allegedly been murdered there by the Russian Army.
And on May 10, 2022, the Secretary of the Bucha City Council declared that more than 390 of 416 “civilian victims of Bucha” had already been identified, please see here.

At the beginning of December 2022 - i.e. eight months after the initial Ukrainian allegations - the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk visited Ukraine including Bucha and on December 15, 2022 submitted his report about the situation there; please see the official website of the UN.
The UN High Commissioner declared in this report that his Office had documented the killings of 73 civilians in Bucha; please see the citation below

Bucha was the town … where we documented the killings of 73 civilians (54 men, 16 women, 2 boys and 1 girl) between 4 and 30 March.

And the main question is, of course, the question - Why couldn’t the UN employees document in December 2022 the killings of other appr. 320 civilians?
After all, the Ukrainian authorities declared in May 2022 that they had already identified more than 390 of 416 “civilian victims of Bucha”.

Were these other appr. 320 civilians alive?
Or weren’t they civilians?
And the UN has not declared so far that it had documented any additional “victims of Bucha”.

Secondly, the UN High Commissioner did not say that 73 civilians, whose deaths had been documented, were killed by the Russian Army or had been shot dead from a close range etc.

Therefore, I conclude that these 73 killed civilians include persons who were killed by shells and it was impossible to determine whose shells they were.

When an international organization does not confirm allegations of Ukrainian authorities, they always say that employees of this organization have been bribed by Russia.
But in this case, the Ukrainian authorities should admit that Russia would have to bribe Ukrainian officials too. Since these Ukrainian officials haven’t published any “lists of victims of Bucha” so far. Whereas names of victims in other cities – even names with pictures – have been published in Ukraine both by authorities and volunteers; please see here and here.

Therefore, I conclude that there weren’t “hundreds of civilian victims in Bucha” at all.

I think that Ukrainians repeated the same trick which they had played during Euromaidan in February 2014, when they brought dozens dead persons, who had died of natural causes, had been killed in traffic accidents etc. and presented these dead persons as “victims of Euromaidan”. And these lies about “victims of Euromaidan” were later refuted by the Ukrainian Ex-Minister of Justice; please see here.

P. S.
And I should also mention statements of Ukrainian citizens who tell Western journalists about some events in Ukraine.
Ukraine is a country with a large number of unresolved political murders; please see here.
If a Ukrainian citizen says something which will not be liked by the Ukrainian authorities, this citizen can easily become the next victim of a murderers and the Ukrainian authorities will have been “investigating” his death for dozens years; and they will not find any culprits in the end.

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America got burnt on it's claims of ethnic Albanians in mass graves in Kosovo in 99. There won't be a big rush to get burnt again!
"We documented the killings of 441 civilians: 341 men, 72 women, 20 boys, and 8 girls.
Bucha was the town worst hit, where we documented the killings of 73 civilians (54 men, 16 women, 2 boys and 1 girl) between 4 and 30 March. Over a 150-meter stretch of Yablunska Street, 14 civilians (10 men, 3 women and 1 girl) were shot dead and left where they fell. My Office is in the process of corroborating 105 additional alleged killings of civilians in Bucha."

Russia is the bloody perp in the middle of the room. Surrounded by bodies, waving the knife around and screeching "Look what you made me do!"
"We documented the killings of 441 civilians: 341 men, 72 women, 20 boys, and 8 girls.
Bucha was the town worst hit, where we documented the killings of 73 civilians (54 men, 16 women, 2 boys and 1 girl) between 4 and 30 March. Over a 150-meter stretch of Yablunska Street, 14 civilians (10 men, 3 women and 1 girl) were shot dead and left where they fell. My Office is in the process of corroborating 105 additional alleged killings of civilians in Bucha."

Russia is the bloody perp in the middle of the room. Surrounded by bodies, waving the knife around and screeching "Look what you made me do!"
When Americans from the president on down start to be hauled off to the Hague for their crimes against humanity, it will be time to look at Russia too.

But in the real world the victor is always innocent and the vanquished bears the guilt.

No searches on her name in English or Russian, on OSCE's site or Google or Yandex yield anything but this one outlandish claim, and there is nothing on any Russian news outlets.

The mysterious "Vera Vayiman" does not seem to exist other than this one example...

No searches on her name in English or Russian,
The mysterious "Vera Vayiman" does not seem to exist other than this one example...
I found Вера Вайман easy. But better, tell us more about russian atrocities in Bucha.
The West tried once again to steal from Russia by detaining 280,000 tons of russian fertilizers in european ports. When it became clear that the fertilizers would not be returned, Russia donated them to Africa.
In Nigeria, Sergey Lavrov announced that Moscow donated to the country a batch of fertilizers illegally detained in european ports.
The EU found itself in a quandary. If they do not agree to give these fertilizers to Africa, they will offend the countries of the "black continent", with which they are striving to strengthen relations in order to weaken Russia's influence.

So, the ships have sailed to their destination!

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