marijuana legalization

It is for alcohol but for some reason people walking about and you can smell the stench of weed on them at 10m is acceptable.

Because one can smell like weed and not be intoxicated.
It's a shame because there are some that use it responsibly, only on occasion and only at home but the majority are irresponsible with it.

Such bullshit. It is the vast majority that use it responsibly and the few that abuse it
Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases.[1,2,3,4,5] Cannabis is a known risk factor for schizophrenia

Interesting fact here. So America can expect an explosion in cases of psychosis as grass is legalized, just like we did with cirrhosis after 1933.

Might be a good idea to invest in companies that manufacture Haldol to cash in on this phenomenon.
Yes I do.

Thanks....a different view of the data...

Dr. Snell of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, reported in 1931 that “we know now that cirrhosis occurs in only 4 per cent of alcoholic individuals.“ Even in the worst pre‐Prohibition year, recorded deaths due to alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver amounted to less than 1.5 percent of total deaths.

An examination of death rates does reveal a dramatic drop in deaths due to alcoholism and cirrhosis, but the drop occurred during World War I, before enforcement of Prohibition. The death rate from alcoholism bottomed out just before the enforcement of Prohibition and then returned to pre‐World War I levels. That was probably the result of increased consumption during Prohibition and the consumption of more potent and poisonous alcoholic beverages. The death rate from alcoholism and cirrhosis also declined rather dramatically in Denmark, Ireland, and Great Britain during World War I, but rates in those countries continued to fall during the 1920s (in the absence of prohibition) when rates in the United States were either rising or stable.
Interesting fact here. So America can expect an explosion in cases of psychosis as grass is legalized, just like we did with cirrhosis after 1933.

Might be a good idea to invest in companies that manufacture Haldol to cash in on this phenomenon.

From the study linked...

We have examined the neurobiological changes due to cannabis to see if these changes are similar to those seen in schizophrenic patients the findings show strange similarities; however, none of these studies have been able to establish a possible long-term longitudinal course for these changes. These mere similarities cannot establish a ‘cause-effect’ relationship, since a number of people with similar changes do not develop schizophrenia. Therefore, the ‘transition-to-psychosis’ due to cannabis, despite it being a strong risk factor, remains uncertain based upon neurobiological changes. It appears that multiple other factors might be involved in these processes which are beyond neurobiological factors.
Of course not, so you punish those that do it....not everyone else. Why is this concept so very hard for you folks?
We cant punish people for harming themselves with drugs

Or at least not after the drugs are legalized or decfiminalized

Btw: After further consideration I agree with you that I would take away your freedom to smoke pot if I could

Because if legalization were in the ballot in my state I would vote no

But sooner or later as more carpetbaggers from the blue states move here I will probably lose that question

So I concede your point
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We cant punish people for harming themselves with drugs

we do. now

Or at least not after the drugs are legalized or decfiminalized

Correct, just like we cannot punish people for harming themselves with fatty foods and booze and smoking and too much sugar and too much caffeine....etc.
Legalization didn't work in California or Oregon.
While I'm against throwing the book at small time recreational users, jailing others for marijuana use kept crime down. It was a very effective tool at locking up those who committed other crimes. Then we started letting everyone go who had marijuana convictions and crime soared. And, more and more info is coming out that use of the drug does have health consequences and isn't as benign as many tried claiming. And, the black market continues, which people claimed would dry up if legalized.
In my opinion pot can be habit forming but its not physically addictive like tobacco or hard drugs such as heroin

So in theory users can kick pot if they want to

But millions of Americans dont want to kick the habit

They depend on pot to free them from their dreary personal existance
It is addictive. Again, per CDC, 3 in 10 pot users have a pot usage disorder which runs from addiction through psychosis, psychotic episodes, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, derealization disorder and clinical depression.
Pot advocates are clearly ignorant as the pot lobby controls their messaging.
Police response down almost 40% to bar incidents. More attacks now on a bag of potato chips though
It is addictive. Again, per CDC, 3 in 10 pot users have a pot usage disorder which runs from addiction through psychosis, psychotic episodes, schizophrenia, anxiety disorder, derealization disorder and clinical depression.
Pot advocates are clearly ignorant as the pot lobby controls their messaging.
For heavy users I think pot can and usually does warp the mind and alter personality

And among children it lowers IQ
For heavy users I think pot can and usually does warp the mind and alter personality

And among children it lowers IQ
Depersonalization-derealization disorder can happen to first-time users as well as regular users. I know people who had issues from the jump. Mine started five years into pot smoking. I’ve had to live with it for fifty years. It’s crippling.
Cannabis is a dangerous drug and the pot lobby is creepy to say the least.
There is a wonderful and modern plus informative movie that is compatible with most comments here-Reefer Madness
Idiots legalized marijuana. It will hurt many people in the long run. Its probably the reason why so many are getting mental. Its gotten to strong.
But on the other hand. If Washington DC wasn't filled with idiots, the us govt would grow the marijuana, let states tax it and then the govt could put all the money on the national debt. What do you think?
I think you are the idiot. Government should have nothing to do with marijuana, especially growing it in "certified" dispensaries where they add all sorts of unnatural chemical ingredients to induce growth, including pesticides, which do harm people, so they can demonize a harmless medicinal product and persecute people who benefit from it, because it opens their minds to see the corruption everywhere in government, and helps gives them the will do something about it.

Maybe you should take a toke and calm down. The sky isn't falling. Ask Jesus.
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Booze causes a lot of medical and social problems too

But its entrenched in our culture far more than pot

I just dont subscribe to the lib notion that if one social problem is bad two are even better
One can argue pot is very much entrenched in our culture. Presidents have used it, I mean if the leader of the free world has smoked pot it’s a cultural staple. It’s used by doctors lawyers police clergy the wealthy the poor old young men women across all racial groups . Smoking a joint is as much a rite of passage of a teenager as drinking your first beer.
If it were not pot it would be booze or gambling.

The problem is not the "thing" it is the people
You cannot live in denial with regards to what the point is. Some pots smokers make marijuana their entire lifestyle. Their life revolves around weed. You have to accept this. Every supporter of marijuana must accept this just like every supporter of the legalization of alcohol has to accept that some people drink way too much And effectively the alcohol controls their lives.

That is a problem with some of the pro marijuana people in this thread and other threads. Constantly bringing up pro pot lobby talking points with little substance or no substance to back it up. Along with blatantly ignoring the pot smokers who never work a job, live in their parents basement and smoke weed every day almost every waking hour of the day that is.
You cannot live in denial with regards to what the point is. Some pots smokers make marijuana their entire lifestyle. Their life revolves around weed. You have to accept this.

I would rather have a world filled with pot smokers doing no one any harm than one filled with "believers" in the ridiculous who do fuck up things to innocent people when they are straight.

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