marijuana legalization

Idiots legalized marijuana. It will hurt many people in the long run. Its probably the reason why so many are getting mental. Its gotten to strong.
But on the other hand. If Washington DC wasn't filled with idiots, the us govt would grow the marijuana, let states tax it and then the govt could put all the money on the national debt. What do you think?
I think its too late to turn back now

I am anti pot, but that battle is lost

And yes it will harm millions of Americans while collectively lowering the IQ of the nation

God help us all
I think its too late to turn back now

I am anti pot, but that battle is lost

And yes it will harm millions of Americans while collectively lowering the IQ of the nation

God help us all
It’s not too late. That’s what pot advocates try to push. That the cat’s out of the bag. It ain’t.
When I consider the cloud of tobacco smoke that hovered around the light bank at the top of Cole Field House during Maryland basketball games in the 1970’s and then consider how people now have to hide far away from others just to smoke a cigarette outdoors, it shows that this alleged inevitability can be reversed. It’s about exposing the pot machine that’s been allowed to gain too much momentum.
It’s not too late. That’s what pot advocates try to push. That the cat’s out of the bag. It ain’t.
When I consider the cloud of tobacco smoke that hovered around the light bank at the top of Cole Field House during Maryland basketball games in the 1970’s and then consider how people now have to hide far away from others just to smoke a cigarette outdoors, it shows that this alleged inevitability can be reversed. It’s about exposing the pot machine that’s been allowed to gain too much momentum.
Tobacco is merely addictive

But pot gives you a buzz

And modern lib culture cant stand reality
I noticed that there are folks who try and provide a civilized and informative response to support marijuana legalization.

But also other people who are very childish and incapable of arguing with sincerity… those are the ones saying, “just relax man take a bong hit weed should be legal”
It’s been proven that weed feminizes a lot of men. It dulls the senses. Increases laziness. A number of the mass shooters in the country have been pot smokers as well. Many of them also using anti-depressants.

We can also see that a number of the pro marijuana folks use typical headline arguments with no substance. They were repeat whatever they’re told. “Marijuana cures cancer. Marijuana is a drug from God. Alcohol is worse”. Typical stuff with no substance to it.

I think that marijuana use goes against the traditional image of the masculine man in America. Well, the image of our grandparents or great grandparents. I’m thinking none of those folks smoked weed.

But I will remind folks that there are some conservatives on the US messageboard who might smoke marijuana and they seem to be productive citizens. So we can have our opinions on this matter civilly.
I went back to smoking and quit drinking. Not that they are the same.

But I order my weed through the mail. Decent stuff, and I can get gummies or oils too.
For a number of marijuana users it is true That marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs. It is an also true that there are folks who smoke weed all the time play video games, live in their parents basement and they’re gonna do that for decades on end. Now, on the other hand there are also people who drink alcohol and lead similar poor lifestyles.

here’s the thing the marijuana lobby will not acknowledge that there is a negative effect of marijuana use. It makes them very childish, and also a danger to society. they can argue that alcohol can be dangerous but not marijuana. And they will be called out by more sincere arguments.
For a number of marijuana users it is true That marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs. It is an also true that there are folks who smoke weed all the time play video games, live in their parents basement and they’re gonna do that for decades on end. Now, on the other hand there are also people who drink alcohol and lead similar poor lifestyles.

here’s the thing the marijuana lobby will not acknowledge that there is a negative effect of marijuana use. It makes them very childish, and also a danger to society. they can argue that alcohol can be dangerous but not marijuana. And they will be called out by more sincere arguments.
Pot is three times riskier than alcohol or asbestos. CDC stats.
The point is that both are intrusive and dangerous. Pot more-so because it’s addictive and causes mental illness.
If tobacco can go from ubiquitous to practically nonexistent, so can pot.
In my opinion pot can be habit forming but its not physically addictive like tobacco or hard drugs such as heroin

So in theory users can kick pot if they want to

But millions of Americans dont want to kick the habit

They depend on pot to free them from their dreary personal existance
In my opinion pot can be habit forming but its not physically addictive like tobacco or hard drugs such as heroin

So in theory users can kick pot if they want to

But millions of Americans dont want to kick the habit

They depend on pot to free them from their dreary personal existance
Waking up day after day to work work work is no existence either. To cope with all work and no time for a break, people break down. They need some relief. The nation says work, be productive, work, tada and on and on. The nation broke them.

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