marijuana legalization

Work, work, work only breaks the weak people

Over 80% dont smoke pot
If over 80 percent don't use it then there simply isn't a problem. Work is a means to a paycheck, nothing more. It should not in any way be seen as anything more than that.
I would call 20% a problem

My guess is that legalization of grass nationwide will cause a doubling of the usage rate, if lifting the Prohibition of alcohol is any indication.

In the post Prohibition world, cirrhosis rates doubled, and booze is the cause of that ailment. Institutions like AA were established in the post-repeal world. Would not be surprised to see a smart businessman invent GA- Grassheads Anonymous to cure people from the toking habit.
dont hold your breath.....the only thing i have seen is some say it doesnt hurt you if used in most things........but i have never seen someone seriously say that its good for you....

well, if people could not post strawmen, they would not ever make a post
In my opinion pot can be habit forming but its not physically addictive like tobacco or hard drugs such as heroin

So in theory users can kick pot if they want to

But millions of Americans dont want to kick the habit

They depend on pot to free them from their dreary personal existance

Or they depend on it to ease pain from a multitude of condition.

Or they depend on it to help them sleep at night.

Or they just like to use it no different than me drinking a mojito or Piña colada.
The best things about these threads is you get to see who the big Govt, nanny state supporters are.

None of you people believe in freedom and liberty
I have already conceded earlier in this thread that the actual number of users could be higher

and yet you would take their freedom away all based on your own personal prejudices.

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