marijuana legalization

I would rather have a world filled with pot smokers doing no one any harm than one filled with "believers" in the ridiculous who do fuck up things to innocent people when they are straight.
To that point, some of the mass school shooters have been pot smokers. Also a lot of the gang bangers in Chicago, LA, Baltimore etc are heavy pot smokers they will smoke blunts and go on to a shooting.

Point is there are killers and violent people out there who smoke marijuana. Marijuana does cause psychosis in some of its users so there may be a connection here.
To that point, some of the mass school shooters have been pot smokers. Also a lot of the gang bangers in Chicago, LA, Baltimore etc are heavy pot smokers they will smoke blunts and go on to a shooting.

Don't waste your time. I'm not buying the bullshit you are peddling.

Your brain has been defiled and contaminated by mind numbing propaganda. Far worse than pot

Look what it did to gullible people on January 6th....and there was no pot smoking anywhere.

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One can argue pot is very much entrenched in our culture. Presidents have used it, I mean if the leader of the free world has smoked pot it’s a cultural staple. It’s used by doctors lawyers police clergy the wealthy the poor old young men women across all racial groups . Smoking a joint is as much a rite of passage of a teenager as drinking your first beer.
Outside of cannibals in the tropics pot is a relatively new experience in our culture

Booze has always been the thing for thousands of years
Outside of cannibals in the tropics pot is a relatively new experience in our culture

Booze has always been the thing for thousands of years
Bullshit, Queen Victoria used pot edibles. It was reported used as far back as the Mongol Dynasty. Our founding fathers grew pot and hemp including the first president. “Old Iron Sides” had tones of rope and the sailors wore clothing derived from pot and hemp. The prohibition and shunning of pot and pot users is a recent phenomenon based on racial intolerance

Pot is as American as apple pie
Bullshit, Queen Victoria used pot edibles. It was reported used as far back as the Mongol Dynasty. Our founding fathers grew pot and hemp including the first president. “Old Iron Sides” had tones of rope and the sailors wore clothing derived from pot and hemp. The prohibition and shunning of pot and pot users is a recent phenomenon based on racial intolerance

Pot is as American as apple pie
Hemp is not the same as pot
Hemp is not the same as pot
That used to be the case but not so much anymore. For instance you can legally sell hemp that contains THCA. THCA converts the THC when decarbonized (heating it up). So you can legally walk in a gas station buy a couple grams of THCA hemp go home smoke it and get just as stoned as you would off some cheap pot. Even if your state doesn’t have recreational legal pot.
Idiots legalized marijuana. It will hurt many people in the long run. Its probably the reason why so many are getting mental. Its gotten to strong.
But on the other hand. If Washington DC wasn't filled with idiots, the us govt would grow the marijuana, let states tax it and then the govt could put all the money on the national debt. What do you think?
It will hurt FAR less people than alcohol, but let me guess, you arent consistent with your positions and you want alcohol to be legal, right? :dunno:
Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases.[1,2,3,4,5] Cannabis is a known risk factor for schizophrenia

Other than that there is a definite problem, especially when it comes to young people and blacks. Weed culture is a problem because there are an entire group of people who's only purpose in life is to be high and their lives revolve around it and let it rob them of their ambition. They celebrate smoking weed and wear it like a badge of honor. It's a shame because there are some that use it responsibly, only on occasion and only at home but the majority are irresponsible with it.

I've tried it multiple times but I do not like how it made me feel, taste was gross and the smell is disgusting.

Honestly it should be illegal. I can see it being prescribable for like terminal cancer patients just to help dull their pain and be able to suffer through it.

It is for alcohol but for some reason people walking about and you can smell the stench of weed on them at 10m is acceptable.
Being a member of USMB will also do all those things to you.
To that point, some of the mass school shooters have been pot smokers. Also a lot of the gang bangers in Chicago, LA, Baltimore etc are heavy pot smokers they will smoke blunts and go on to a shooting.

Point is there are killers and violent people out there who smoke marijuana. Marijuana does cause psychosis in some of its users so there may be a connection here.
So I guess you prove all this?
To that point, some of the mass school shooters have been pot smokers. Also a lot of the gang bangers in Chicago, LA, Baltimore etc are heavy pot smokers they will smoke blunts and go on to a shooting.

Point is there are killers and violent people out there who smoke marijuana. Marijuana does cause psychosis in some of its users so there may be a connection here.
More killers and people who suffer from psychosis's have drank milk than smoked pot: So by your logic how much stronger is the milk connection?
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A lot of them seem to wear shoes. There could be a connection there too. :dunno:
I suspect it’s also a lot of selective editing of information. The guy who drinks a gallon of boxed wine everyday for 20 years takes a hit from a joint then bam the pot is to blame not the years of alcohol abuse.
To that point, some of the mass school shooters have been pot smokers. Also a lot of the gang bangers in Chicago, LA, Baltimore etc are heavy pot smokers they will smoke blunts and go on to a shooting.

Point is there are killers and violent people out there who smoke marijuana. Marijuana does cause psychosis in some of its users so there may be a connection here.
all those who shot people up....what other drug were they doing?...
Don't waste your time. I'm not buying the bullshit you are peddling.

Your brain has been defiled and contaminated by mind numbing propaganda. Far worse than pot

Look what it did to gullible people on January 6th....and there was no pot smoking anywhere.

Trolling/no substance ^
why have you not started any threads about them being legal?

I think you are the idiot. Government should have nothing to do with marijuana, especially growing it in "certified" dispensaries where they add all sorts of unnatural chemical ingredients to induce growth, including pesticides, which do harm people, so they can demonize a harmless medicinal product and persecute people who benefit from it, because it opens their minds to see the corruption everywhere in government, and helps gives them the will do something about it.

Maybe you should take a toke and calm down. The sky isn't falling. Ask Jesus.
Those growing it now and selling in stores use pesticides. I said it was idiotic to legalize it to start with. But it would be a good way to pay some of the national debt--Did you know that every single month, billions of dollars just in interest is being paid. No money off the debt, just interest. Its insane-- The liars teach in school--no taxation without representation, but usa citizens who aren't even born yet are incurring taxes (unrepresented) by these idiots.
all those who shot people up....what other drug were they doing?...
This society, like hollywood shoving, violence, immoral sex, homosexuality down peoples throats from youth on up= antichrist society--people get immune inside to those things when its apart of everyday life. Violent video games doesn't help either. Satan rules this system, 99% are blind.
This society, like hollywood shoving, violence, immoral sex, homosexuality down peoples throats from youth on up= antichrist society--people get immune inside to those things when its apart of everyday life. Violent video games doesn't help either. Satan rules this system, 99% are blind.
wow that really answered my question....

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